Chapter 356: Hubie’s gradually warming feelings, the Void Zero Protection Technique!

【The scene changed, and Rick returned to the gathering place. At this time, Ivan’s daughter ran out happily and wanted to give her father a hug, but she didn’t see her father.】

【”Where is dad?”】

【”Ivan is dead. Rick said calmly, suppressing his emotions.】

【Ivan’s daughter was stunned, then she suddenly realized something and started crying and shouting,”Why wasn’t Rick the one who died?”】

【Ignoring him, Rick walked into his room, unable to suppress his emotions any longer, and pounded the table and cried wildly!】

【Every time someone sacrifices, and every time it is to keep him, the leader, alive!】

【He was going to collapse. He couldn’t stand sacrificing 999 people to save 1001 people! This really didn’t make any sense! 】

El-Melloi II:”Although it’s understandable, my blood pressure is still up. If I go to bed with Rick, I’ll have a stomachache all night.”

Whitebeard:”Children’s words are innocent, and he’s a child who lost his father. Please understand.……”

Munakata Sota:”Life is like a mayfly, and death is like a shadow, not to mention in this hellish world.”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”Sacrificing a few to save the majority is not the way to go! In this desperate world, if there is no miracle, no Holy Grail, there will be no absolute justice!”

Asakura Riku:”Riku-san is really under a lot of pressure… Anyone born in this precarious world must be under a lot of pressure, right?”

Emperor:”When he leads a tribe to survive for more than ten years, his leadership ability is already outstanding.”

【After venting his emotions, Riku left the gathering place alone and came to a secret elf ruins.】

【He followed the vines to a sea of ​​flowers, hoping to find some useful information. Suddenly, Rick felt the air freeze and there was something around him!】

【Rick turned and ran, but before he had run far he was knocked to the ground by something!】

【He opened his eyes, and in front of him was a naked, childish-looking Ex-Machina! And he looked familiar! 】

Paimon:”In the world of Disbot, I’m afraid only the elves have a trump card with a sea of ​​flowers or something like that.……”

Professor McGonagall:”The sea of ​​flowers is probably the product of magic. This world has been destroyed beyond recognition.”

Otto:”Why is AD going? Isn’t it just a single person being captured? It’s a pig nose!”

Ge Xiaolun:”It’s an Ex-Machina! And isn’t this the Ex-Machina that Rick saw when he was a child!”

Conan:”There’s a problem… Ex-Machinas always move in groups, but there’s only one Ex-Machina here… There’s a conspiracy, a big conspiracy!”

Xing:”Although it’s an Ex-Machina, I still want to say, she’s really pretty.”

Kuzuryuu Yaichi:”She’s really pretty.”

Hoshino Miyako:”She’s really pretty! She looks cuter than Xiaohua! Oh my~!”

【Riku’s body was tense and he dared not move. He almost stopped breathing. At this moment, the Ex-Machina girl pulled down Riku’s mask and said::】

【”Brother, I can’t stand it anymore, please let me become a real woman”】


【The Ex-Machina girl kissed Riku as she said that. Riku was stunned for a moment, but then he quickly broke free and crawled back!】

【Although the Ex-Machina girl in front of him is very cute, he is very clear about his position and the characteristics of the Ex-Machina. He is not a pervert who gets excited when being looked at by all the Ex-Machinas! 】

Miyamoto Musashi:”What what what… what’s the situation? Are you so hungry?! Why can’t I meet such a beautiful girl or beautiful girl?!”

UMP45:”This… this is not right? Aren’t Ex-Machinas emotionless? And they don’t have that kind of organs!!!”

Ito Makoto:”Stand up.”

Zhang Chulan:”Is the upstairs the Neon God of War, Hikari Okasaka?! Do you have the diamond? You want to take on this porcelain job.”

Enmusubi:”Wait! Ex-Machina! She can’t be Hubie? This this this (cibh)……It’s so weird that humans and machines fall in love!”

Tushan Susu:”Yeah… they can’t even renew their relationship in another life, right?”

Kal’tsit:”The Mechas have a cluster network. Falling in love with one Mecha is equivalent to falling in love with the entire Mecha community.”

Slaanesh:”Silverpa is great!”

【After hearing Riku’s words, the Ex-Machina girl said that she had cut off the connection with the Ex-Machina host.】

【Her purpose is to investigate the language that is unique to humans, something called the heart】

【She wanted to prove whether the Ex-Machina had such a thing as a heart, but due to theoretical contradictions and loopholes, she was judged to be harmful and the connection was cut off.】

【The Ex-Machina girl then climbed onto Riku and asked for reproduction, but Riku held a knife to his own neck.】

【The Ex-Machina girl retreated, and then the database seemed to have thought of something and materialized a chess board, saying that if Riku lost, he would take her away.】

【Seeing this, Rick relaxed his body and smiled confidently. This was the area he was best at!】

【The scene changes, and Rick returns to the gathering place with the Ex-Machina girl. 】

Violet Evergarden:”Searching for a heart is also a process of searching for love. He won’t have a smooth journey.”

Optimus Prime:”Ex-Machina are also living beings. They already have hearts, but perhaps they just don’t realize it. Reason always dominates them.”

Wanda:”Machines get hearts… just like Vision… I wish she can get a heart and protect the people she wants to protect.……”

Amiya:”Because the heart is a foreign object, if there is a logical error, then the Mechas are too stubborn to kick Hubie out of the tribe!”

Litang King:”A conservative thing that doesn’t understand innovation!”

Red Queen:”In terms of the calculation results, the heart, which is full of variables and uncertainties, is a loophole and an incomprehensible thing that is judged as a virus.”

Mo Lin:”That shows that you still don’t understand the heart. The heart is not a material, but something that is difficult to describe.”

Old Taoist:”Rick is quite confident. Playing chess with the Mechas, I remember what this was called in this era… Alpha Dog!”

Snow Mastiff Xizhao:”Playing chess with Alpha Dog, Rick is too brave.”

Aha:”Happy! It’s fleeting!”

【The Ex-Machina intends to stay with Riku until he can figure out what the heart is.】

【In order to hide the Ex-Machina girl in the human settlement, Riku gave her a name, Hubie.】

【At first, Riku was wary and hostile to Hubie, and only approached him for the knowledge of the Ex-Machinas.】

【Hubie wanted to exchange information with Rick through playing chess, such as the reason why the war started.】

【But Rick had no idea about this matter. All he could think about was leading everyone to survive.】

【As for why humans are still alive, I completely don’t understand, and I am even more curious about the heart. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Human civilization is underdeveloped and cannot use spirit power, but they can still survive under such living conditions. In Hubie’s opinion, there must be some survival factor, and this factor is the heart. 】

Kamiyama Touma:”Okay, the heroine is confirmed, she is indeed Hubie!”

Fujiwara Chika:”The relationship between Rick and Hubie is so stiff… They are forced together for their own purposes.”

Rimuru:”Given the current situation and experience of Disbo and humans, you can’t force Rick to accept Hubie so quickly, right?”

Albus Dumbledore:”Love requires a process. In this process, they will understand each other’s shining points and open their hearts.”

Aizen:”I am very curious about the reason why this war started. Disbo is too big. There is no conflict of interest between gods, and there is no reason to fight.” Dazai

Osamu:”It can’t be that there can only be one such reason for gods, haha……”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Humans are creatures that can survive in desperate situations! Although I say that… but if I, Rick, heard Hubie say that, I would definitely be defeated.”

Nagasaki Motoyo:”Hubby’s mouth is really as talkative as Xiaomu’s.”

【After hearing what Hubie said, Rick gritted his teeth, pushed Hubie to the ground, stabbed her in the side of the head with a knife, and shed tears while tremblingly saying the names of a group of people!】

【He remembers all the people in his life whom he ordered to die, and it is unforgettable like a nightmare!】

【”Hubie must have said something horrible, right?”】

【Hubie felt the tears dripping on his body and unconsciously stroked Rick’s face. A very strange feeling appeared in the system.】

【Gradually, as they spent more time together, lonely Rick found someone he could confide in. He completely let go of his vigilance and hostility towards Hubie, and instead developed a strange feeling for him, with more smiles on his face.】

【And for some reason, Hubie no longer wants to hurt Riku. This is an emotion that does not exist in the completely rational system of the Ex-Machina.】

【As the system became disordered, Hubie gradually understood the feeling of the heart.

Tony Stark:”Did he… remember everything… That child kept me awake all night. Was he awakened? With so many people… Can Rick still sleep?”

Uzumaki Naruto:”Rick has too much on his shoulders… The fate of the tribe and the lives that he ordered to die, these are all the sins that Rick thinks of.”

Alina:”He is the leader. He can only hold back such feelings. Now it’s good to have someone to talk to.”

Kakyoin Noriaki:”Hubby himself is also very… considerate? Anyway, I feel that Rick will be much better with Hubie by his side.……”

Kadoya:”She felt the heart, and emotions can be transmitted, and the heart was born.” Yakumo

Yukari:”Ah la la ~ Hubie’s heart was born, how can a machine analyze something that the Wheel King can’t understand after countless reincarnations? Where you don’t understand is where the heart is.” Deadpool:

“Two people have gone by, and the Wheel King is still being whipped.”

【The next day, Riku brought Hubie to the ruins of the Elf where they first met.】

【Inside the ruins, there is a giant tree and several pillars engraved with red magic patterns. The ground is full of spells. This is the weapons testing base of the forest elves.】

【Shubi analyzed the spell, but could only find that it was the guardian spell of the god of forest, and the rest was unknown.】

【Rick squatted on the ground and looked at the words of the elves in doubt and said:”The zeroth protection of the void, the theoretical verification test furnace……?”】

【”Rick, can you read the words of the elves?” Hubie looked at Rick in confusion.】

【”The information we have worked so hard to obtain is meaningless if we cannot understand it.” Rick said calmly:”We have passed down the nature, language, and habits of other races from generation to generation through written, oral, and other means!”】

【”We humans are not just objects that can just muddle through and be destroyed!”】[]

Ainz Ooal Gown:”It has a strong dungeon feel, and this magic circle is a masterpiece of God?”

Nashida:”Did the Forest God himself participate in the war… It turns out that not every god in every world loves all living beings.……”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Le! God loves all living things, but I can’t be there? Tsugikoku Yoriichi is not my opponent, what’s the use of God?”

He Xi:”The Void Zero Protection Jutsu? It should be a defensive technique? I get PTSD when I hear about the void.”

Fulilian:”Protection jutsu is not necessarily a defensive technique, it can also be an offensive technique. In short, the magic attainments of the elves who created the Void Zero Protection Jutsu are beyond my reach.”

Roman:”The inheritance of knowledge… This is the style of the leader of all spirits! Dis’s victory over humans should only be in the initial stage. I believe that the latest mythical humans six thousand years later will definitely stand at the top of the world!”

Boruto Otsutsuki:”Yes, humans are not just as simple as objects to be destroyed!”


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