Chapter 362: I will never let go next time. The death of Hubie. Rick the Will

【The scene changed, and a huge fortress against the unknown was floating in the sky. Even Jibril looked tiny in front of it!】

【The barrage of light rain covered the earth, the mountains were razed to the ground, and the rivers were evaporated!】

【Jibril drove at great speed and circled around Chobi, continuously shooting purple-black light spears, but they were all blocked by the traffic control that quickly calculated the flight path.】

【All the weapons on the battle fortress opened fire to suppress Jibril, but Jibril was still too agile, and her strength was enough to destroy the battle fortress.】

【On the battlefield, Shubi is overwhelming, but in fact he is slowly losing ground, and the damage to the battle fortress is getting worse. 】

Hakurei Reimu:”What a complex barrage! Can anyone really avoid this kind of firepower?”

Kirisame Marisa:”Jibril must be a master of barrage games, right? She must be, right?”

Tony Stark:”If I had this level of weapons back then, I could have defeated the Chirita army alone.”

Victor:”This is the Ex-Machina… Only one Shubi is like this, and all Ex-Machina can deploy this kind of armed fortress.……”

Loki:”The Ex-Machina won’t be dispatched in full force, but if the heart is successfully uploaded, that may not be the case. All the Ex-Machina will become Riku’s greatest helper!”

Margaret Rinkou:”But the problem now is that Jibril is too agile, and Hubie has become a sitting duck. Even if Hubie has more firepower now, the Ex-Machina are no match for the Flügel alone.”

Misaka Mikoto:”Yeah… What’s more, Jibril is the final God-killing individual of the Flügel. Hubie has only narrowed the gap, not gained the upper hand.”

【”This time… I must do it… I must not fail……”】

【The heart synchronization progress reached 60%, and the connection began to become unstable due to Shubi’s condition.】

【The battle fortress began to fill up with spirit power, and Shubi’s armed machine began to be severely damaged.】

【”Don’t die… Don’t die! I can’t die yet!!!”】

【Ten elven cannons opened fire! Wide-area armed firepower completely covered the area, madly chasing Jibril and bombing her!】

【Suddenly, the sky was filled with blue lines, and the earth turned into a sea of ​​explosions and fire. Everything else was destroyed! 】

Pluto Rayleigh:”Ancient weapons are no match for the firepower of little girl Hughie.……”

Kengo Manaka:”You must live, Shubi! You must smile in the New World with Riku!”

Rocket Raccoon:”She really tried her best! Don’t let Riku be alone in the New World!” Kyushu Houraiji:

“Reunion… Sigh… I’m afraid it’s not a reunion in the New World, but a reunion in the underworld.” Sougo Tokiwa

:”Jibril is unstoppable, Shubi is firing on all cylinders! With such an attack range and destructive power, no one with super speed can escape!”

Frieza:”However, Jibril is the chasm that Shubi cannot overcome. No matter how hard she tries, the disparity in absolute strength can only make her delay time.”

Roman:”The original result of victory is to upload the heart… As long as the heart can be uploaded, Shubi will succeed.”

【At this moment, a black and purple light shot out from the sea of ​​fire and hit Hubie directly. Unexpectedly, it happened to be the ring on Hubie’s finger!】

【Hubie’s pupils shrank as he shouted in panic:”Traffic control!”】

【A mini traffic control successfully protected the ring, but the deflected attack went straight through Hubie!】

【Then countless rays of light were emitted from the ground, destroying Hubie’s weapons, and the battle fortress had already fallen!】

【With the destruction of the battle fortress, the broken Hubie fell to the ground and could no longer move.】

【”You made a typical mistake, but it took me a lot of effort~” Jibril fell to the ground and taunted.】

Senju Tobirama:”As expected of a naturally evil imp of the Flügel species! He caught Hubie’s weakness so quickly!”

Vader:”Emotions are a double-edged sword. Having emotions will certainly make her stronger, but it will also be full of flaws.”

Lei Yingying:”Is it going to fail? She cares too much about that ring.”

Haidong Dashu:”How can she not care? This ring carries all of Rick’s love for her and her heart. It is her most precious treasure.” Artoria

:”A single move affects the entire body. The main body was pierced, and Hubie was naturally defeated. I hope the heart can be uploaded successfully in time.”

Swain:”If the heart is really uploaded, the success rate of the plan there can basically be said to have increased a lot, and Jibril can be said to have completely opened this war.”

Ultraman Ace:”Jibril! You loser!”

【”Mistake?”Hubby opened his eyes, looked at the well-preserved ring, smiled and murmured:”What are you talking about……”】

【At this point, the synchronization progress of the heart has reached 95%.】

【Jibril flew in the air with her arms spread out. The purple magic circle emitted black spirit power, and the sky strike began to accumulate power.】

【”I knew it, and I apologize for calling you scrap metal before. I have to admit that you are a threat that must be eliminated and it is worth my best efforts!”】

【In Jibril’s eyes, a single Ex-Machina is just an ant, but Shubi, who has emotions, is more difficult to fight than an entire Ex-Machina group!

Diablo:”As long as it reaches 100%… As long as it reaches 100%!”

Izayoi Sakamaki:”Now Jibril has become a Class A war criminal. If the Artosh camp loses, it will mostly be because Jibril killed Shubi.”

Vergil:”This battle also made Jibril see how powerful the emotional Flügel are, and she regarded Shubi as a real opponent.”

Bai Ningbing:”This battle made Jibril guard against arrogance and impatience, and made the strongest Flügel Jibril no longer dare to look down on others and underestimate the enemy because of the superior race.”

Otakemaru:”I think it wasn’t that difficult for Jibril to fight the Dragon Spirit at the beginning? He just caught an Ex-Machina who thought he could easily deal with it, but he almost overturned it.”

Daiko:”Because Shubi has a heart, he can also understand the power of miracles, courage, and persistence! This belief will make Shubi even stronger!”

Young man:”Isn’t this idealism!”

【Hubie didn’t care about Jibril’s words, because the progress bar had been completed, and the heart had been inherited and passed on.】

【Sync complete!】

【Looking at the token of love between her and Rick, Hubie murmured:”This game, Hubie won.……”】

【”Open, no entry……”】

【The traffic control, which was condensed into the size of a palm, covered the ring, and Hubie closed his eyes and quietly waited for death to come.】

【”Rick… Rick… Hubie finally understood,”Hubby is so lucky to meet Rick.……】

【”Next time, I will never let go, I really… love you deeply……”】

【The scene moves to a dark space, and the connected machine that is connected to Hubie sheds its first tear. 】

Deadpool:”Thump! Thump! Boom!”

Optimus Prime:”The entire Ex-Machina race has completely sublimated from machines to life! This transition is enough to make the Ex-Machina race a superior race on par with the Flügel race.”

Hosho Eimu:”Hubby really won this game, we can take a break now……”(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tushan Yaya:”In the end, what can be protected is only the token of love… What is love in this world? It makes people pledge to each other for life and death.……”

Li Chungang:”She has lived a worthy life in this world, having gained all of this and witnessed the beauty and emotions of the world.” Dongfang Yuechu

:”If there is a chance, I hope you can see each other again in the next life… When the time comes, Hubie must hold on to Rick!”

Scarlet Witch:”She loves him more than anything else in this world, but… Rick can no longer feel Hubie.”

Amiya:”All of her heart is synchronized with the Ex-Machina! Even Einzig shed tears for it.……”

Jing Yuan:”With feelings, they also understand revenge. The fire started by the Flügel should be extinguished in them, and the revenge of the Ex-Machina will come as expected.”

【The scene changes to show Rick sitting in a cave, the world before his eyes is a dark chessboard.】

【He already knew that Hubie was dead, and Hubie’s beautiful vision for the future, his desire for victory, all the support and pillars that had always supported him collapsed at this moment!】

【”I thought I would win this time, together with Hubie and everyone……”】

【Rick growled with a trembling voice and tears in his eyes:”I don’t know which god created humans! But please, can’t you let us win this time!”】

【Behind the wall, the transparent figure made no sound.】

【”If that’s the case…why did you give me your heart!!!”】

【”Hubie……”Rick lowered his head and cried, his awakened heart was completely dead.】

【”Now that Hubie is dead… I’ll go with you……”Rick gradually closed his eyes.】[]

Raven:”Mental collapse is human nature. No one can bear the moment when faith collapses, not to mention that Rick’s spirit is already tense.”

Walter Yang:”In Disboard, who created humans? This is a question.”

Gilgamesh:”Do humans need gods to create? Only humans can create gods and achieve gods!”

Wendy:”Rick… a very tragic life… but what can the narrator behind him do? Without a body, he can’t do anything.”

Garp:”Giving humans a heart but no power will only make people feel pain and despair in this cruel and desperate world.”

Senju Tobirama:”Alas, his mentality was broken by Hubie’s death, and now he has made up his mind to die.……”

Kuriyama Mirai:”Perhaps in Rick’s mind, a future without Hubie is not the future he wants.”

【”Will, Rick”】

【A steady voice woke Rick up, and a man in black slowly approached.】

【”Who are you?”】

【The man in black slowly approached Rick and said,”Although I don’t have a name, everyone calls me Einzishi.”】

【”I am here to fulfill the legacy of Taishubi”】

【Then the machine under Einzig’s Adam’s apple lit up, and Hubie’s recording sounded.】

【”Rick, the second rule does not allow anyone to die, but the sacrifice of tools is not included. Check it out, Rick.”】

【After the recording ended, Einzig handed Rick’s ring.

Abe Haruaki:”A new name, Legacy Body… Did the Ex-Machina also choose to swear an oath to the Legacy?”

Sanguinius:”It turns out that this man is Einzig who is connected to Hubie. Now the Ex-Machina has completely become Rick’s helper and assistant!”

Tony Stark:”In order to make the victory natural and not destroy the covenant, Hubie chose to make the Ex-Machina a tool, but the Ex-Machina already had the intention!”

Conan:”In fact, Rick and Einzig knew it, but they both agreed not to break it.”

Fujiwara Chika:”Wuwuwu wow wow wow! I really can’t help it! The token of love that Rick gave to Hubie has become Hubie’s relic wow wow!”

【Then Einzig talked about the battle plan】

【There are only 24 available traffic controls, so it is impossible to gather enough forces, but the forces can be directed to the southwest.】

【The Ex-Machinas can analyze and construct the enemy’s attack capabilities. If Riku holds a weapon recreated by the Ex-Machinas, he can penetrate the planet in one fell swoop!】

【Einzi took off the hood of his cloak and said,”We are Ex-Machinas, tools without hearts, just tools, so… Will-user Riku, please give the order.”】

【Rick thought of Hubie’s words, clenched the ring, bowed his head and burst into tears,”Hubie…if this is what you expect…Hubie, Hubie……”】

【Looking at the sad Riku in front of him, Einzig reluctantly looked away.

Fu Xuan:”The energy is directed to the southwest… that is… the Ex-Machina will form a human wall to analyze and reproduce the power of the war?!”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Are the Ex-Machina crazy? They have powerful power and eternal life, but they want to die for a group of bugs!”

Holy Kaisha:”Maybe this is love. Now the entire Ex-Machina is in sync with Shubi’s heart, and naturally they love Riku too.”

Lelouch:”For the future and the end of the war, even if I know what Shubi is thinking, even if I know that doing this will let him down, Riku still has to go on.……”


Happy New Year, there are two chapters left, I will have a snack and continue coding!.

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