Chapter 38 When did I become a witch!

【After the characters twisted and disappeared, the screen began】

【As if reincarnation had begun again, Homura Akemi woke up from her room.】

【What puzzles the audience is that this time, Homura Akemi is just as innocent and shy as she was in her first reincarnation.

Barry Allen:”The timeline has been completely reset?!”

Ultraman King Pete:”It’s better to say that the effect of reshaping the universe has reset everyone’s memory.”

Illya:”It must be the effect of Madoka becoming a god! After all, all the magical girls in the multiverse have been saved! Homura Akemi is also a magical girl, so she is no exception!”

【Although the story is warm, it brings a strange sense of disharmony.】

【Apparently, Akemi Homura also noticed this sense of disobedience.】

【She asked Sakura Kyoko, who was not a local, to confirm a conjecture with her.】

【The two slowly came to the station and got on the bus to Kazami Noshi.】

【As the car slowly drove to the outskirts of Mitakihara, everything around became unreal and terrifying, like the colors of a witch’s barrier!】

【When the car drove completely outside Mitakihara, a bright moon rose on the horizon. A group of people stood on the ground and swayed strangely, but their heads were all Homura Akemi and Kyoko Sakura! 】

Fujiwara Chika:”Hiss~ It’s a bit scary! Why does this have the taste of a rule-based weird talk!”

Yotsuya Miko:”Thanks for the invitation, I’m already hiding in the bed and scared.”

Kosmo:”On the contrary, this kind of horror that is not revealed directly is the most terrifying.”

Asakura Riku:”This is… a witch’s barrier?! Didn’t all the witches disappear!”

Bunsai:”So scary! This is scarier than accidentally entering a ghost cave!”

【Homura noticed something, her tone became more and more indifferent, and then she slowly took off her glasses.】

【Her memory is restored!】

【Everything in this Mitakihara is fake! No one remembers the battle with Kaname Madoka, no one remembers the Witch Night, and no one even remembers the witch!】

【Tomoe Mami, Miki Sayaka, and Sakura Kyoko are all still alive, but Mitakihara seems to be a fog that has trapped everyone, changing everyone’s memory and common sense. 】

Uchiha Obito:”As I expected, for her, a world without Kaname Madoka is fake.”

Jibril:”Playing tricks, fucking blasting the city with one shot!”

Lao Da:”Red-haired, blue-haired, and yellow-haired won the resurrection match, deduct 1 and bring back Madoka.”

Akemi Homura:”111, can you change it to a steamed bun card?”

Fulu Xiaojin Gang:”Byd, I’m so angry!”

【Pretending nothing happened, Akemi Homura went to Mami’s house. She remembered the snack witch who killed Mami and is now Mami’s fighting partner. Maybe she knows something.】

【Because they wanted to force some things out of the Snack Witch, Mami Tomoe and Homura Akemi had a big fight!】

【However, the Phantom of the Civil War is the Phantom of the Civil War. Whether in terms of hard power, skills, or strategies, Akemi Homura is completely defeated by Tomoe Mami and is trapped by Tomoe Mami.】

【At the critical moment, Sayaka Miki came to the rescue and used a fire extinguisher as a smoke bomb to save Homura Akemi. 】

Harry Potter:”The more I watch, the more I doubt magic. Is the legendary American magic so powerful?!”

Black Rock Shooter:”Firepower is truth.”

Black Rhino:”Humph! Her performance is all about beating teammates. As a big sister, she is not very competent!”

Edo Itachi:”Mami Tomoe’s game is really full.”

Aqua:”There are still masters? This sharp sword… is stupid Sayaka!”

【In the alley, Sayaka Miki said a word that shocked Homura Akemi: witch!】

【Miki Sayaka at this moment is very different from all the Miki Sayakas in the more than 200 reincarnations in Akemi Homura’s memory.】

【She was extremely free and easy at this moment. Even though she died before that battle, she still knew about Kaname Madoka’s becoming a god!】

【At the same time, Homura Akemi learned from Sayaka Miki that the entire Mitakihara was wrapped in a witch’s barrier.】

【But the master of the barrier doesn’t seem to intend to hurt or destroy anything, he just wants to maintain the status quo. 】

Yakumo Yukari:”It’s really surprising~ Anyone who sees a fool with more than 200 world lines suddenly become a master will be surprised!”

Miki Sayaka:”Hey, hey! Too disrespectful! I’m also a staff member after all! You don’t even want to call me Shuang brother.”

Xier·Fleia:”No~ Sister Sayaka is really handsome!”

Tushan Rongrong:”It’s rare to see a witch who doesn’t actively hurt people… The purpose of maintaining the status quo is also suspicious.”

Conan:”Watch it, the truth is very close.”

【Homura Akemi looked at Sayaka solemnly,”There are three people who are least likely to appear in Mitakihara, the witch who casts the barrier, the snack witch Beibei, and you who know everything!”】

【”Who are you?!”】

【Miki Sayaka turned around gracefully, splashing water, and the shadow of the mermaid witch appeared in her reflection】

【Homura Akemi is shocked! She can exercise the power of a magical girl and a witch and still maintain her will! 】

Tregear:”Darkness and light coexist… Ridiculous!”

Tokisaki Kurumi:”She can use her normal power and her reversed power together! Impossible! Is this the power of a civil servant?……”

Cirno:”So handsome! Can an idiot evolve into something so handsome?”

【The scene changes, and Homura Akemi is already talking with Madoka Kaname】

【After a heartwarming conversation and opening her heart to Madoka Kaname, Homura Akemi loses her guard in front of Madoka Kaname.】

【She already knew that in this fake Mitakihara, Kaname Madoka was still the very real Kaname Madoka!】

【At this time, Homura Akemi already knew the identity of the witch, and she just needed to verify it. 】

Otto Apocalis:”What will you do for the only real Madoka Kaname? Get ready to welcome the changes in the world.”

Viego:”No one in the world can stop her! What belongs to her will definitely belong to her!”

Feiyangyang:”The love you once lost is right in front of you, you must seize the opportunity, Homura Akemi!” Dazai

Osamu:”Why does Homura Akemi have to verify the identity of the witch? I have a bad feeling”

【With a little fear and hope, Homura Akemi came to the station, placed the Soul Gem on the platform, and got on the train.】

【The Soul Gem cannot be within 100 meters of the magical girl, and the truth is about to be revealed!】

【Homura Akemi was sitting in the car. As the Soul Gem moved away, her body gradually lost control, but she was not completely affected by the Soul Gem!】

【Colorful spots appeared in her hands, the moon in the sky was crying, Homura Akemi was surrounded by owls, and the whole bus was on fire! 】

Ruler of the Ruler:”Hehe… Homura Akemi, you are the witch!”

Danrito:”What a familiar scene… Hahaha! Homura Akemi, you are the witch who shrouded Mitakihara!”

Matou Sakura:”How cruel… So pitiful… God saved everyone, but not the one who has been saving her all along.”

Enoshima Junko:”This despair… I’m so excited!”

【Over a dozen meteors like seeds of sorrow fell from Mitakihara into the city, and the eerie and terrifying whispers of a large group of children echoed throughout Mitakihara!】

【Homura Akemi knelt on the ground in despair. On the Soul Gem in front of her, black handprints gradually stained the Soul Gem.】

【”So… I’m no longer even a magical girl………?”】

Jewel:”How sad… No one can save the lovely magical girl, and I can’t go there either. It’s so painful!” Daiko

:”Kyubi… Damn it! Is there no one who can save Homura Akemi? She’s just a child!”

Abigail Williams:”She is only one step away from falling into the abyss. The will of 200 reincarnations is enough to overwhelm the will of a witch.”

Takamachi Nanoha:”Why do you still care about this! It’s come to this, whoever wants to be a magical girl can be one!”

Captain Olga:”Maybe the people above misunderstood… She was just lamenting that she couldn’t save Kaname Madoka, and that she would eventually fall into the trap of being a witch. Everything she did was in vain.……”

【Bang bang bang!】

【The Soul Gem was shattered by Akemi Homura’s gun. Her tears slowly flowed down. Countless strange children stood behind her. The red spider lilies covered the ground.】

【”Why… why did I become like this… when did I……”】

【”Became a witch…!!!”】

Isaac:”Despair, fall, I really want to see what power a time magician will have when he falls.”

Bai Ji Nan:”The guy upstairs is just a donkey! A beast! I will kill you!”

Kinomoto Sakura:”Compared to her, I am living in a fairy tale.��…Is this the reality of being a magical girl… so cruel.

Emiya Kiritsugu:”Miracles come at a price, and that price often fools you.……”

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