Chapter 394: Tartarus’s Fear – The Power of the Four Legendary Odes

【The scene changes, and Tartarus takes over the power of the King of Absolut, and takes full authority to reorganize the kingdom and begins a serious military preparation.】

【He also began to accumulate power around the Kingdom of Light, plotting conspiracies and trying to win over all enemies who stood on the opposite side of the Kingdom of Light.】

【Absolut Tartarus has the ability of a hell space called Nalak, which can be used to open the door to countless parallel universes.】

【The ability derived from Nalak also includes time travel, which allows Tartarus to travel freely in the timeline of parallel universes】

【The first step that Tartarus has to do is to travel to other parallel universes and other timelines to rescue the enemies who are about to be killed by the Ultra Warriors. 】

Sacred Kesha:”Alas… Based on the strength of the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom, a nebula-level war is inevitable.”

El-Melloi II:”And now the Kingdom of Light can be said to be completely unprepared. This is no longer the enemy in the dark and we in the light, but the Kingdom of Light has no idea that the Kingdom is plotting against their home planet.”

Tracy:”A wise strategy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Artemis:”Tartarus is the god of hell in the Greek pantheon, and Narak is the hell of our pantheon. His origin is worth studying.……”

Observer:”Time and space abilities, the Kingdom of Light is in trouble now. I wonder how interesting the subsequent development of the story will be.”

Homura Akemi:”So Tartarus will not initiate a conflict with the Kingdom of Light first. His battlefield is not here now.” Aozaki Aoko

:”A terrible talent, worthy of being the backbone of a cosmic civilization. The ability to awaken innately is comparable to magic.”

【The power of the kingdom is actually higher than that of the Kingdom of Light, but the current situation of the kingdom makes Tartarus feel uncomfortable.】

【The kingdom is in a state of transition, with the strongest being asleep. The only pillars of the kingdom are Tartarus, Diablo, and Titan.】

【However, Diablo has no brains, gets anxious when provoked, and does not perceive conspiracies and intrigues. He is just a reckless man.】

【Titan only knows how to follow orders and fight, has no opinions of his own, and usually keeps silent.】

【The burden of saving the kingdom basically rests entirely on Tartarus】

【The scene changes, Tartarus has to travel across the universe to observe the actions of the Kingdom of Light, to deploy troops and make plans everywhere, to give orders to Diablo and Titan, and to travel through time to rescue people. 】

Ningguang:”The lack of successors is indeed a fundamental problem for a civilization. A civilization has no talents to succeed it, and it can’t always rely on the old generation to support it, right?”

Liang Bing:”That’s true… Tartarus is also in a difficult situation. There are only four civilizations that can compete with the Kingdom of Light, and the strongest one is still asleep.”

Diablo:”That Diablo’s pig brain is worthy of being called Diablo, which is really an insult to me.”

Tartaglia:”I think Diablo is a very strong opponent, a pure warrior, without any bad intentions, and he shouldn’t be the kind of person who is stupid enough to step on a trap, right?”

Regulus:”You’re talking nonsense! If Diablo doesn’t have bad intentions, who else does? This beast who betrays his teacher and ancestors!”

Shengzhangren:”Is Diablo smart? This guy has to walk over and get hit before he realizes it’s a trap.”

Benboba:”Why do I have an inexplicable sense of closeness when I see Titan? It’s as if… we have the same fate.'”

Jun Moxiao:”Tartarus is in a miserable state. One can only farm, one is brainless, and one is AFK. The kingdom depends on Tartarus to fly!”

Shiguangji:”The kingdom can be saved. When the King of Absolut wakes up, won’t he kowtow to Tartarus?”

【The scene changes, and the reason why Tartarus is so troubled to plan to seize the Kingdom of Light also appears.】

【That is, the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Light can go to war directly, but they can’t win at all.】

【Light is an unstable factor and has miraculous power. Compared with the Kingdom, the Kingdom of Light has a lot of new generations.】

【What Tartarus fears most is the legendary power of the Kingdom of Light.】

【There are four legendary powers in the known universe, all of which are legendary warriors who are essentially giants of light.】

【One of the legendary powers is Ultra King, the spiritual leader of the Kingdom of Light. He is a legendary warrior who absolutely stands on the side of the Kingdom of Light.】

【In Tartarus’s mind, King Ultra’s power is comparable to King Tartarus’s, but their king fell into a deep sleep while King Ultra did not. March

7:”Tartarus and the others are all strong warriors of the older generation, right? No matter how many new generations there are in the Kingdom of Light, they should not be able to match the strong warriors of the older generation.”

Gaigula:”The Kingdom of Light is strong because many light giants from different universes will come to help the Kingdom of Light, plus the Ultimate Zero Guard, Zeta and Taiga in the past thousand years… each of them is a heavyweight.”

Balt:”I can prove it! Those of the older generation are easy to deal with, but those of the new generation always shout about friendship and bond and rush up to become legendary warriors!”

Whale Shark King:”Legendary power? Interesting, is the only reason why the Kingdom of Light is feared by Tartarus the legendary power?”

White-haired man:”I guess the legendary power is the top four original warriors in this universe, the top power above civilization, and the Kingdom of Light happens to be protected by a legendary warrior.”

Dukao:”Top combat power is the key to determining the outcome of a war. Now that the strongest combat power of the kingdom is dormant, it is indeed impossible to go to war with the Kingdom of Light.”

【The scene changes, and the description of the legendary power of the universe appears on the gold list.】

【Noah, the giant of light who has been protecting the universe since the ancient times when the universe was born】

���An ancient warrior with silver-white wings and a red V crystal on his chest appeared in the picture.】

【Noah’s traces are all over the universe. Every universe has been protected by Noah. Some universes even call Noah the savior of light.】

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

【Noah’s power can transcend space and time, and he can be said to be the most powerful giant of light.】

【Noah has now disappeared, but he is still observing the universe silently. 】

Dark Zagi:”Quack! It’s Noah! Get back!”

Visitor:”This is God! Our God! Noah, the savior of light!”

Toppa:”Amber King… This is the first time I’ve seen a guardian of the universe older than the Amber King in the inventory.”

Luo Ji:”The Giant of Light is worthy of being called Light… Many universes have been saved and illuminated by Noah. No wonder Tartarus is afraid of the power of legend. This kind of power is simply not something the kingdom can handle.”

Ikki Komon:”Noah! The savior of light… I knew that the bond passed to me must have a meaning, that is, to fulfill the duties of the savior.”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Wow! I am also the savior of light! What Noah can do, I, Lord Jiuxiao, can definitely do too!”

Black Supreme Qiyi:”Since the savior of light is still observing the universe, he will definitely intervene in the conflict between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom.”

【The scene changes to the second legendary power, the Great Cosmic Will Reijido】

【When two powerful forces in the universe converge, the legendary God of the Universe, Reijido, the will of the universe, will appear.】

【A giant with a silver-purple body and ancient words engraved on his abdomen appeared in the picture.】

【Legend is the will of the universe, and it protects the peace and balance of the universe based on cosmic justice.】

【He looks upon all life in the universe equally, exists to protect them, and is an existence beyond good and evil.】

【Even Drasion, the god of creation who created the universe, respects Reijudo and is in awe of his power.】

【Reijido’s special move can mobilize all the energy of the universe and release it all at once! 】

Cosmic Astarte:”The will of the universe? Is he also the original god? My spiritual base is only the Milky Way, and he seems to be bigger than me.……”

Holy Kesha:”A god who maintains balance and seeks peace based on justice. I am becoming more and more interested in the power of legend.” Shen

Gongbao:”The will of the universe… doesn’t that mean that Reijudo is the way of heaven in this universe?!”

Rimuru:”It’s different, isn’t it? This universe has a creator god! Although Reijudo’s character will be respected, why would Drasion fear Reijudo in terms of strength?”

Pluto:”.You have to know that it is not that Legend is strong because he is the will of the universe, but that he is strong enough to become the will of the universe.”

Ancient One:”The power of legend is not limited to one universe, but the creator god Dracon is. Legend can be said to be the will of this universe, or the will of other universes.”

Walter Yang:”The power of the entire universe is condensed and exploded… Legend’s power is too strong! It is so strong that there is no clue!”

Ruan Mei:”From this point of view, the power of legend is also like the star god. It is not an absolutely rational existence constrained by the concept of good and evil. At least Noah and Legend are, but… why would the King of Ultra stand in the camp of the Kingdom of Light?”

【The scene changes to the third legendary power, Saga】

【A colorful, wild and gorgeous warrior appeared on the screen】

【Saiga is the legendary power that was born from the miracle of humanity and will after the extension and differentiation of Noah’s power.】

【As a legendary force in the universe, Seiya can be considered a member of the new generation, and is not even older than some warriors of the Kingdom of Light.】

【The advent of Seiya means the birth of miracles, such as reversing life and death, and so on. He is also called a miracle warrior.】

【Tiga does not have the fair consideration of the universe and absolute rational thinking of other legendary powers, but is dominated by emotions. 】


Nayuki Ang:”Wow! This giant is so handsome! I really think Tiga’s appearance is the most handsome among the legendary powers!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ultraman Blaze:”Tiga’s power is wild, with a wild beauty. Wu~”

Rocket Raccoon:”Oh~ Noah’s gold content has increased again, and the differentiated power can grow into a legendary power!”

Ultra Apo (damn it) Calis:”Although I want to believe that this is a scientific universe, the legendary power is really unscientific. Is the miracle of resurrection just the birth of Tiga?……”

Kamishiro Ken:”He is like a warrior who creates the impossible. It feels like whatever Seiga can do is possible. This is a miracle!” Gokawa Shidao

:”Just after we talked about absolute rationality, how come Seiga is not absolutely rational? Instead, he is driven by emotions?”

Zero:”Humph! Of course it’s because Seiga is led by me! Don’t underestimate my will to stir up a black hole storm!”

【The scene changes to the fourth legendary power, the King of Light, Ultra King Peter】

【A giant of light wearing a cloak and looking like an old man appeared on the screen.】

【He is the king of the Light Country, an ancient being, loved by all Ultraman of the Light Country, and his strength is superior to that of the Light Country.】

【The King of Ultra witnessed the history of the Kingdom of Light and became a legendary warrior over time.】

【His enormous power can repair the destruction of the universe and merge with the universe itself. 】

Ueshirazawa Huiyin:”It turns out that the King of Ultra is integrated with the history of the Land of Light. No wonder he is biased towards the Land of Light.”

Ancient One:”The power of legend should have rules that stick to the rules. The King of Ultra is only towards the Land of Light. He will not take action unless it is an important event on the verge of extinction.”

Black Supreme Qiyi:”Repair the universe… Can it repair the universe that collapses at an absolute time point?”

Zoffy:”I get angry when I see this old man! Why do you want this Ultra Key? Cang!”[]

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