Chapter 407: Four-dimensional Space Gravitation Ignites Sparks! Dark Forest Attack Begins!

【The scene changed, and Cheng Xin became the sword holder without any suspense, and came to the secret room deep underground.】

【Luo Ji stood up expressionlessly, handed the deterrent device to Cheng Xin without saying a word, and then left.】.

【Cheng Xin looked at Luo Ji, who was intimidating without saying anything, and then looked at the guards around him who showed no reaction. She felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.】

【She wanted to thank Luo Ji, but she didn’t say anything because she knew】

【Humans don’t thank Luo Ji】

【When Luo Ji and Cheng Xin, the new and old swordsmen, looked at each other for a brief moment, Cheng Xin froze.】

【She only felt a sharp sword light slashing through her soul, seeing through and analyzing her thoroughly!】

【But she could not see anything in Luo Ji’s eyes, only endless depth and sharpness. 】

Yuji Itadori:”I don’t quite understand… Are the humans of the future so despicable?”

Xu Si:”No, buddy! Luo Ji’s guards should also be considered as members of the agency, right? They are like this inside the agency, I can’t say for ordinary people outside the agency.”

Liu Chuang:���Damn these bastards! Forget about fifty years. We should be grateful to Luo Ji for intimidating the Three Body. Now he has been intimidating us for fifty years and we still don’t cherish him?”

Ailishia:”……It is indeed a bit chilling… Even if it is just a trivial thank you?”

Bai Ci Nan:”Humans don’t thank Luo Ji? They don’t deserve to thank Luo Ji. No matter their nature or status, they are not worthy.”

Li Chungang:”Luo Ji’s eyes… the sword intent is deep… It has nothing to do with strength, but few people can hang the sword above two worlds.” Sarutobi Hiruzen

:”Cheng Xin is still too young. Luo Ji can see through her at a glance. How can the Three-Body World not be able to do the same? The Three-Body World is always improving, and the Earth is still developing.……”

Yuan Dagu:”Humanity today is like the people who were addicted to the Zijela flower, they have fallen into depravity…but Luo Ji has tried his best.”

【The moment he walked out of the secret room, a group of law enforcement officers stopped Luo Ji and wanted to arrest him for investigation on the grounds of world extinction.】

【It turns out that the galaxy cursed by the star may have life civilization, and Luo Ji is also suspected of the crime of exterminating the world of life.】

【However, Luo Ji ignored them and just wanted to walk out. Wherever he went, the law enforcement officers involuntarily made way for him.】

【Luo Ji may not have a positive reputation in the human world, but in the two worlds, Luo Ji’s reputation can be said to be able to stop a child from crying!】

【These effeminate humans of the new era, facing the ancient wall-facers and the sword-wielders of the Three Body, simply do not have the courage to look Luo Ji in the face.】

【After walking out of the underground secret room, the sharpness in Luo Ji’s eyes disappeared, and only calmness and relief remained. His mission was accomplished.】

【No matter how people evaluate him or view him, looking at the history of civilization of the two worlds, Luo Ji’s victory is unmatched! 】

Shiki Yingji:”Ah? What the hell? Human society… I, a monster, can’t understand it?”

Yu Ming Danxin:”Confucianism and legalism are selfless, legalism and Confucianism are ruthless, but… what are they?”

Liang Bing:”Aren’t they brothers? Are the people on Earth sure that they are not in the same group as the Trisolarans? Luo Ji and you are connected in heart, you are playing tricks on Luo Ji, right?”

Zheng Zha:”It’s not certain whether there is life in other galaxies, what does it have to do with humans? Besides, you are all busy with your own affairs, and you are still messing with Luo Ji?”

Hatake Kakashi:”Betrayal and responsibility from within… Luo Ji, what will you choose?”

Old Taoist:”Humph! These people are just talking nonsense, Luo Ji is the best in the world.”He is a man of heaven. Who dares to stop him?”

Thor:”Well, I just want to say that a group of guys who are neither male nor female want to create an ancient sword holder? Do they have the guts? Those who can speak out the whole sentence are already the elite of mankind, right?”

Otto Apokalis:”It doesn’t matter. Whether it is human or Trisolaran, it is meaningless to Luo Ji now. His mission is completed, Luo Ji, my friend~ Looking at the world, people who have achieved such achievements as mortals are nothing more than that.” The

First Emperor of the Lostbelt:”Luo Ji’s merits and demerits, no one in the world can comment on them, and a hundred generations will make their own judgments. But… can humans now develop for a hundred generations?”

【Just three minutes after Cheng Xin took over the deterrence system and entered the secret room, the deterrence early warning system issued a warning!】

【Several water droplets are rushing towards the earth at a speed of 25,000 kilometers per hour and are expected to arrive in ten minutes!】

【The mocking warning made Cheng Xin realize one thing instantly, that is, she was just a woman, not a warrior.】

【She had thought about countless things that the Three-Body Civilization would do and countless outcomes, but she was only thinking about the worst outcome, which was just a prediction!】

【In Cheng Xin’s subconscious, she didn’t think the Three-Body Civilization would ever fall out with each other!】

【At this moment, Cheng Xin’s brainstorm flashed the evolution of Earth civilization from its birth to natural life, and countless lives repeated over and over again.】

【Eventually, he turned into the baby in her arms, calling her mother softly, stimulating Cheng Xin’s maternal instinct.】

【She is a woman, a protector. Not a warrior, not a destroyer.】

【”No!!!!!¨~ !”】

【Cheng Xin screamed and threw the deterrent device away, looking at it as if it were a devil. 】

Hayakawa Akira:”Puff! Deterrence for three minutes? Is this woman here to make fun of you?!”

Natsuki Subaru:”Press it! Press the deterrent device! Aren’t the Trisolarans afraid that Luo Ji will really activate the Dark Forest deterrent!”

Aizen:”Guess why the Trisolarans will help Cheng Xin become a swordsman in various places? Guess why humans chose Cheng Xin? Everything is part of the plan.” Deadpool:”

Brainstorming at the critical moment, Yi Yan’s top needle, identified as the mother’s.”

Ashina Isshin:”Hesitation will lead to defeat.……”

Tony Stark:”Compared to Luo Ji, who has experienced a lot and is determined to destroy everything, Cheng Xin is just a woman whose emotion outweighs her rationality.”

Clark Kent:”From another perspective, if Luo Ji is the human desire for survival under adversity, then Cheng Xin is the humanity that humans can never abandon.”

Chu Xuan:”Cheng Xin has feelings for humans, and feelings are one of the biggest obstacles to survival. The Three Body is not afraid of Cheng Xin, but of Luo Ji, who has no feelings.”

Fo Jianfen said:”If this world has cause and effect, I can’t imagine how much karma the baby who is always thought about by Cheng Xin and even determines the life and death of the world to a certain extent will have to bear.”

Otsutsuki Indra:”Brother, you are still wrong… The love between human hearts cannot last long. Only exploring the truth alone can truly continue.”

【Cheng Xin stared at the deterrent device in fear and remained silent for ten minutes.】

【North American gravitational wave transmission tower destroyed!】

【Europe’s gravitational wave transmitter tower destroyed!】

【Asia’s gravitational wave transmission tower was destroyed!】

【Three gravitational wave transmitting towers built on the ground were destroyed, and then the water droplets blocked the sun again!】

【The Dark Forest Deterrence has officially ended!】

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

【To make matters worse, after the threat of the Dark Forest disappeared, the Trisolaran fleet attacked the solar system. The Trisolaran world experienced a technological explosion, and now they can travel at the speed of light!】

【In order to completely eliminate the threat, the water droplet that was chasing Blue Space with Gravity suddenly attacked.】

【As long as the Gravitational is destroyed, the Earth will truly become the second home of the Trisolarans! 】

Sinmer:”Alas… the Sword Holder for fifteen minutes. Is the choice of mankind really that unbearable?”

Pluto:”It can only be said that there is nothing wrong with longing for love and humanity. It’s just that this universe cannot stop. Human choices have never been based on the theorem that survival is the first need of civilization.”

Douma:”Ah~ No wonder Ye Wenjie sympathizes with human power and wants to save mankind~ It’s really sad. Did Ye Wenjie see the sad nature of mankind three hundred years ago?”

Optimus Prime:”There was a technological explosion in the Trisolaran world, and they designed Cheng Xin to become a wall-facer around the entire deterrence era. It seems that they had planned it long ago.……”

Jie:”It’s ridiculous that the Trisolarans have such evil ambitions, but humans are still obsessed with and even dream of living in peace with the Trisolarans and developing together.”

Bruce Wayne:”We can only pray that the Gravitational will get the news and start the Dark Forest attack… It’s too difficult to escape successfully with two water droplets accompanying us.”

Fire Keeper:”I have a feeling that the fire of hope will be rekindled on the Gravitational”

【The scene changes. A dozen days after the threat of the Dark Forest disappeared, the global migration began.】

【Sophon, on behalf of the Trisolaran world, threatened all of humanity to migrate to Australia, but humans, obsessed with fantasy, did not take action and still believed it was just a joke.】

【It was not until the water droplets destroyed three major cities that humans finally woke up from their comfortable dreams and rushed to flee to Australia!】

【Cheng Xin and her friend Ai AA also came to Australia, but discovered the most vicious behavior of the Trisolarans.】

【The Trisolarans said that before the Trisolaran fleet arrives, humans must be completely settled in Australia, which means that only 30 million people in the world can survive!】

【Resource shortages and hunger have caused humans to lose their former sophistication and begin to experience cannibalism as they experienced during the Great Depression. This battle royale is even more terrifying than the Great Depression!】

【Cheng Xin, who witnessed everything, could not accept this hell and became blind.】

【Tomoko’s words to her still ring in her ears:”Finally, humans have made their choice. You are the only innocent one among all humans.”】

Dr. Mei:”Australian migration? Why did they do this?”

Wei Yanwu:”There was a great famine, people were cannibalizing each other… They were calculating people’s hearts and making humans kill each other.”

Aozaki Orange:”Don’t the Trisolarans have any conspiracy? Killing each other again, and it’s been planned for half a century… Is it from the Yuntian Ming Cult?”

Gabriel:”It’s the most realistic battle royale game… Billions of people can only survive less than 1%……”

Tsugikoku Yuichi:”So many people?! What have they done with their lives?” Remus

Luthor:”The Trisolarans don’t care how heavy the casualties are. Australia can allow humans to survive, perhaps Yun Tianming has made another effort.”

Viego:”This Zhizi’s words reveal the flavor of the human world everywhere. In addition, with Luo Ji’s previous experience, he still didn’t kill the Sword Wielder. Maybe Yun Tianming is still watching Cheng Xin through Zhizi.” Feiyangyang:

“Wow… Yun Tianming is really, I’m crying! I would like to call him the best licker in the universe!”

【The scene changes, and the Gravitational encounters a special situation in space, that is, the space cutting phenomenon and some high-dimensional perspectives.】

【As soon as scientist Guan Yifan understood and became familiar with this phenomenon, the sword holder took over and the water droplets also attacked the Gravitational.】

【However, using this phenomenon, the water droplet passed by Gravitation, and was then captured and destroyed by Gravitation!】

【Only then did Guan Yifan realize that this phenomenon was a fragment of the four-dimensional world. It was easy to observe and interfere with the three-dimensional world in the four-dimensional world.】

【Things in three-dimensional space observed in four-dimensional space are like spread-out drawings. Destroying a drop of water in three-dimensional space is as easy as tearing up a piece of paper in three-dimensional space.】

【No matter how hard the water droplets are, the blow from the four-dimensional space is a high-dimensional blow! It is something that the three-dimensional world cannot resist! 】

Gojo Satoru:”` ~ Space cutting? Is this a cosmic space slash?”

Walter Yang:”This phenomenon is more like entering a certain space, or a warp.” Tony Stark

:”Fuck! Four-dimensional space?! Damn it! Is this four-dimensional space a fragment? Otherwise, how can a three-dimensional creature enter the four-dimensional space?”

Peter Parker:”Just like the movie Interstellar! It’s easy for the higher-dimensional world to defeat the water droplets!”

Black Tower:”Dimension… This is the first time I’ve seen the inside of the four-dimensional space… It’s amazing! Everything is carefully disassembled, and everything in the three-dimensional space can be manipulated like building blocks in the four-dimensional space!”

Angel Hexi:”High-dimensional space… Although this concept is very basic and appeared a long time ago, it has never been put into practice. I didn’t expect… that the high-dimensional space would hit the low-dimensional space so hard?”

Hikari:”Remember the inventory of Tianyuan Toppa? Unless the attack from the higher-dimensional world is that kind of idealistic spiral force, basically no one can deal with the attack from the higher-dimensional world.

Heimerdinger:”No matter how hard the water droplets are, they are just technology, the pinnacle of basic technology. Facing this kind of non-physical attack that is like magic, it is a sure kill!””

【The scene changes, as the Earth falls, the fire of hope is ignited on the Gravity】

【Blue Space occupied Gravitation. Under the gaze of everyone on the two warships, Blue Space Captain Chu Yan played the footage of the gravitational wave transmission tower being destroyed.】

【This time, everyone knew what happened on Earth and the disappearance of the threat of the Dark Forest.】

(Wang Li’s) [Three hundred and fifteen years after Ye Wenjie sent out an unknown call to the universe, on a lonely boat drifting on the sea of ​​stars】

【A group of homeless children born on Earth passed a unanimous vote and issued a death sentence to their home planet.】

【With dozens of overlapping hands pressing down on the launch device, the gravitational wave launch tower was officially started!】

【The declaration of death to the Three-Body World and the Earth spread throughout the universe at the speed of light!】

【The scene changed, the starry sky disappeared, and a flash of fire appeared in a dark forest without any light. Sparks were still flying outside. Hunters turned their heads and quietly approached the light source.】

【Dark Forest Strike is about to begin!】

Uzumaki Boruto:”TMD, it’s on fire!”

Extinction Lord Illusion:”Is it coming? The most grand and extensive destruction of civilization from another universe!”

The First Ultraman:”At the critical moment, there are still normal humans to save us… It’s a pity that we don’t co-exist, but co-destroy.”

Rimuru:”The three-body people are numb, right? The victory was ruined by bad luck.”

Gaia:”You…you…you TMD…no…no…no! Absolutely not!”

Jingyuan:”As lonely and helpless boats drifting in the starry sea, they can only save themselves. If they can’t prosper together, then they will perish together.” Speedwagen:

“Three hundred years ago, the fate of the three-body world and the human world has been closely linked and cannot be separated.……”

Gilgamesh:”Joint destruction is the last dignity a civilization can maintain. The last humanity of the starship humans has done their best for the Earth.”

The old man in the mountain:”The destiny has come, and the death knell of civilization has already sounded.”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! I got goosebumps! All the people in the universe who can find coordinates are staring at the solar system and the Centauri constellation?!”

Alex:”Gah! I don’t want to see a dentist! This… Death is coming!”


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