Chapter 42: Ariana’s Sin Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

【The scene unfolds, and the first-person narrative starting from Albus Dumbledore’s perspective is presented to the eyes of the audience in all realms.】

【Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was born into the wizarding world】

【He was accompanied by his brother Aberforth Dumbledore and sister Ariana Dumbledore】

【The three Dumbledore siblings lived in the Muggle world with their father Percival and mother Kendra】

【At this time, the gold list marked the meaning of Muggle, which means people who can’t do magic. 】

Wang Haoran (Dala Bangba…):”What a long name!”

Kenneth:”So it’s similar to the magic world here, the mystical side and the technological side are separated from each other.”

Wang:”But the way they address ordinary people is a bit… impolite, isn’t it?”

Draco Malfoy:”Not calling them mudbloods is already very respectful!”

Tallulah:”Serious class stratification and discrimination…Les Miserables”

【The scene then turns to when Ariana was six years old.】

【Ariana was playing in the backyard at this time. Because of the restlessness of magic power, Ariana accidentally used magic!】

【This scene happened to be seen by three naughty kids.】

【They surrounded her, and with pure malice, they forced Ariana to use magic again and demonstrate her skills.】

【However, Ariana, who was only six years old, didn’t know anything about magic, nor could she control it. It was only the restlessness of magic that caused the magical phenomenon.】

【Because Ariana failed to cast the magic, the three naughty kids bullied Ariana angrily, leaving an indelible trauma on her young heart. 】

Aatrox:”Ah! ↗Naughty↗Child↘↗You deserve to die!↑”

Saint Emperor:”Although they are wrong, they are still children.……”

Tosaka Tokiomi:”Children? Every gifted child is a treasure, and these ordinary people are just rubbish.”

Old Taoist:”Human nature is evil.……”

Nishimiya Whistle:”Bullying… I hate it.……”

【After this, Ariana became more and more introverted. She rejected magic and resisted it.】

【But the magic she was born with could not be shaken off, and it entered Ariana’s heart, driving her mad.】

【When Ariana is not aware of or can’t control it, magic will happen to Ariana.】

【A born wizard hates the magic in his body, and if he intentionally suppresses it, dark and uncontrollable magic will be born.

Natasha:”Poor child……”

Jarvan IV:”Magic is innate to her, but it harms her. This is the result of being infected with magic!”

Jean Grey:”Resisting the power you have will give birth to the dark side, just like me.……”

Charles:”Little Ariana is so similar to mutants… the inability to control power leads to tragedy……”

Young man:”This naughty kid deserves to die!”

【The scene changes, and after knowing all this, the father Percival angrily finds the three boys and kills them with magic to avenge his daughter.】

【After killing them, Percival moved to Godric’s Hollow with his wife, daughter and children.】

【Percival was sentenced to life imprisonment in the wizard prison Azkaban for using evil spells without authorization and killing magic in the Muggle world.】

【This incident was a scandal in the magic world at the time.】

Siegfried Kaslana:”Good job! Percival, you are such a qualified father!”

Whitebeard:”Ariana will be happy with such a father, those three kids deserve to die!” Lanis

:”Well… the verdict is just as I expected, the same morality as the Political and Legal Department, I guess the Ministry of Magic is also like-minded with the Magic Association.” Tony Stark

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

:”Whether it is the technology side or the magic side, as long as it is a politician and a senior official, they will be like this.”

Reinhard:”It’s a pity for Percival, there is no doubt that he is a real man, a good father”

【Because Ariana became an Obscurus, once exposed, she would be taken to St. Mungo’s Wizarding Hospital for life imprisonment】

【Therefore, Kendra announced that her daughter was ill and needed to recuperate, and began to live in seclusion in Godric’s Hollow.】

【Albus Dumbledore also began his magical journey and received an admission notice to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the age of 11. 】

El-Melloi II:”It’s numb, like looking in a mirror. Are all official magic institutions in the world like this?……”

Rimuru:”Poor little Ariana, she has to stay in Godric’s Hollow forever without experiencing a colorful life.”

Akko:”Wow! A magic school in another world! It’s so cool!”

Kanzaki Kaori:”There are schools that recruit children to learn magic… It seems like a very peaceful world.”

【Jin Bang suddenly stopped the video and started introducing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and the wizarding world.】

【The magic world has strict class divisions and discrimination based on bloodline. At the top of the magic world are pure-blood families, followed by half-bloods, and finally the Muggles who are lucky enough to become wizards.】

【Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded by four powerful wizards in ancient times to protect young wizards during the magic war.】

【Hogwarts has four colleges to classify students.】

【They are Gryffindor, which symbolizes courage; Ravenlock, which symbolizes knowledge; Slytherin, which symbolizes pure blood; and Hufflepuff, which symbolizes loyalty. 】

Webber:”Every mysterious side is like this! I want to overthrow this conservative magic world!” Albus Potter

:”What era is it now? Are you still talking about pure blood? Aunt Hermione, a Muggle, has become the Minister of Magic.”

Hermione Granger:”What?!”

Abigail Williams:”It was created during the witch hunt era… I envy them for having people to protect them back then……”

Barthelmero Lorelei:”Very interesting sorting, dividing social groups, but it’s easy to cause conflicts, right?”

Deadpool:”Criticizing Gryffindor and Slytherin by name.”

Harry Potter World.

Hermione has become the focus of everyone, and she was also stunned by this big surprise.

Everyone looked at Hermione in shock, and Slytherin’s eyes were about to burst into anger!

How can a mudblood become the Minister of Magic in the future?!

Gryffindor was completely revelry after a brief stagnation! Everyone shouted in unison:

“We have a Minister of Magic!”


【The scene returns to Albus’s perspective. At the Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony, Albus Dumbledore was sorted into Gryffindor House.】

【Because his father was imprisoned in Azkaban, he was ostracized by the Gryffindor wizards.】

【Because he was a pure blood but in Gryffindor, he was looked down upon by Slytherin.】

【But Albus Dumbledore seemed to be born for magic. He had a smooth journey on the road of magic and showed unparalleled talent.】

【During his seven years of study, he received various medals and honors.】

Nayuki Ang:”This is a perfect template for the protagonist!”

Kenneth:”Our genius prodigy is like this.”

Tony Stark:”They are all geniuses, so it is inevitable that they will be the center of attention.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Gold will always shine. Albus’s personality reminds me of Minato, both are so genius… so sunny.……”

Amiya:”So… why is Mr. Dumbledore called the Demon King?”

【Just when he was about to go on a trip with his friends after graduation, the bad news came. 】

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