Chapter 461: Exploring Terra, The Great Silence of Iberia, Broadcast to the Whole Territory of Agor

【The scene changed, showing the various countries and important places on Terra and a woman’s voice.】


【”The vast land brings extremely powerful capital to the people living on this snowy plain.”】

【”Even though most of the environment is undeveloped, the Ursus are still proud of their strong national strength.”】

【”Because of their militancy and radicalism, friction with neighboring countries has never disappeared.”】

【In the picture, there is a vast land with a fierce army and several figures in the shadows that exude a terrifying aura.】

【Ursus is fighting against the evil disaster from the depths of the snowfield, while at the same time clashing with many countries.】

【The inner guards of Ursus sealed the evil spirits into their bodies, in exchange for powerful strength and the power to transform themselves into a country. They are absolutely loyal to Ursus, and wherever they set foot is the territory of Ursus. 】

Ritsuka Fujimaru:”It looks like the country in that Lostbelt. Could this be the Tsarist Russia in a parallel world?!”

Volibear:”Wow~ Bearmen everywhere, barbarism and wildness, I like this land!”

Froststar:”However, Ursus is too arrogant. It is hell for the infected. The infected living in the territory of Ursus wish that Ursus would perish soon!” Darius:”Ursus is still a bit conservative. Why the friction? Just go to war!”

Undead Black Snake:”I like the remarks above, but if Ursus is asked to go to war with multiple countries at the same time, it will still be a bit beyond its capacity.” Vermouth

:”Evil demon? The things deep in the snowfield require Ursus to allocate national strength to stop them. It seems to be a disaster no less than Originium.”

Sengoku:”Where the inner guards set foot is the territory of Ursus… How arrogant and domineering! They have the capital to do so even though they are in a powerful country”

【The scene changes to a bright and beautiful neon city.】

【Longmen, an important economic hub of Yan State】

【”With numerous buildings and well-developed transportation, under the leadership of Governor Wei Yanwu, Longmen’s development speed has exceeded imagination.”】

【Buildings, ports, tall buildings and the bright and beautiful city as a whole appeared in the eyes of the audience.】

【”This diverse and unified city is known to everyone, but people dare not say they fully understand it.”】

【In the picture, Wei Yanwu, the brother of the real dragon, led Longmen to become the economic and trade center of the whole Terra, and created the Terra currency system called Longmen Coin. 】

Tang Keke:”Hey hey hey! Isn’t this the Magic City! Is Longmen the Magic City of another world!”

Lin Huowang:”It looks a bit like Hong Kong Island. I don’t know about the Magic City, but there should be similarities. This should be a combination of Hong Kong Island and the Magic City.”

Mitsuha Miyamizu:”Wow… This is really a super city that is countless times more prosperous than Tokyo! Where is the wasteland world?”

Bruce Wayne:”The ability to create a currency system proves the value of Longmen and Wei Yanwu. It’s incredible……”

Keqing:”A city in a godless country can actually create a continent-wide currency system, Longmen Coin? I have more confidence in a world ruled by man!”

Li Shimin:”The real dragon is the emperor, right? The Emperor of Dayan is so confident that Wei Yanwu can manage this important city?”

Lin Gerui:”Upstairs, Wei Laoer is not allowed to have children, so he can only take good care of his niece and treat her as his own.”

Li Shimin:”I see… It turns out that he is also the second son, how can he endure it? Why didn’t he just open the Xuanwu Gate of Dayan back then?”

Arknights World


Wei Yanwu stroked his chin and raised the corners of his mouth but couldn’t suppress it no matter how hard he tried.

After all, it is a dimensional gold list that spans all realms. Being nominated on the gold list is enough to prove that his achievements are recognized by all realms.

Although he doesn’t care about fame and fortune, this is different.

Wen Yue on the side couldn’t help but smile when she saw Wei Yanwu’s look


【The scene changes again, and we arrive at an ancient and mysterious city, with towers standing tall in the fog.】

【”Serious, romantic, this is Leitania”】

【”Leitania’s open academic atmosphere welcomes anyone with wild imagination”】

【”Research results from ancient fantasies drive Leitania forward”】

【As a country of sorcerers and towers, in Leitania, as long as there is a new Originium skill, it will be recognized.】

【Under the interweaving of music and skills, the Golden Law Guards of Leitania protect everything.

Jack the Ripper:”Eh… Is this the foggy city of London?”

Elhaisen:”Is the academic atmosphere open? It’s very similar to Xumi, but their tolerance seems to be too much.”

Peter Parker:”I understand. You can die in Leitania, but you can’t die with Originium skills!”

Albus Dumbledore:”If this kind of atmosphere is placed in the magic world, magic will not decline to this day. Alas,……”

El-Melloi II:”It also has nobles, people in power, and an open academic atmosphere. It’s really similar to the Clock Tower. It’s even better than the Clock Tower, where ordinary students are suppressed.”

【”Victoria is a vast country located between the core areas of several countries.”】

【”In addition, there are several settlements and airships. The prosperous economy and strong military force make Victoria flourish.”】

【”On the land of Terra, they ushered in an era that belonged to Victoria.”】

【The huge but slightly bleak and serious city in the picture does not have so many entertainment and people. 】

Hanzo Salamander:”Ah? Being between multiple core countries can actually grow to this point! Don’t they suppress it?”

Uchiha Sasuke:”Do you think this world is a cesspool like the ninja world, and everyone will step on you?”

Kal’tsit:”Wrong, Terra is the cesspool.”

Jie Xusheng:”Their Victoria is really thriving!”

【The screen changes to another place again】

【”Casimir, who relied on knights to dominate the world, is now famous in Terra because of knight competitions.”】

【”In this neon and knight city, the traditional chivalry and the profit-oriented business philosophy are in fierce conflict.”】

【A huge but ancient tourist city appeared in the picture. The interior of the largest building was flashing with neon lights. Countless spectators were watching the arena in the middle, cheering and shouting.】

【However, the noble beings called knights were surrounded and betted on like animals in the arena. 】

Altria Pendragon:”Absurd! The noble existence of knights is to protect the people. How can they be surrounded and watched like monkeys!?”

Sett:”I don’t understand what you mean by knights. I like Casimir very much. Let them see what the new champion looks like!”

Gao Tianzun:”Oh~ Little Sata from the small planet~ But I really like the atmosphere of knight competition! Hehehe~”

Mordred:”Use dirty money to insult knights? As a country of knights, don’t knights and those merchants explode?”

Mainna Linguang:”Silver Spear Pegasus is on the front line, Yao Knight has been expelled, and Golden Pegasus is old. Commercialization is the trend of the times. Even if we resist, we can’t change anything.”

Spartacus:”One day I will hang all oppressors on street lamps!”

【The scene turns to the coast below Terra】

【”Relying on advanced marine technology, Terra has become a powerful country on earth.”】

【”However, the disaster from the sea destroyed the glory of Iberia, the border was blocked, and the land was in ruins.”】

【”The threat of the sea has never gone away, and the road ahead is cut off in the quiet Iberia”】

【In the picture, everyone in Iberia’s golden age is smiling, with abundant assets, and the wealth of the golden age has come to everyone】

【However, a sudden unknown deep-sea disaster plunged Iberia into a great silence.】

【In the end, there was only a white-haired girl holding a lantern on the dark lighthouse, looking at the deep sea in silence. 】

Tushan Rongrong:”Finally we’re getting to the point, the ocean.”

Gangplank:”Hahahaha! I like the saying that coastal countries are the strong ones! Land powers, one day I will lead Bigilwater to become a strong country in Runeland!”

Captain Jack:”Thank you for the generous gift! What kind of shipwreck can destroy a land power?!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Arthur Pendragon:”A brilliant and powerful country was swept into silence by a disaster… I can’t imagine what kind of disaster it was.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”I feel that what I experienced in the Age of Gods Sea is… It can be considered a shipwreck, but this world has no Mechas and no planet bombardment. What kind of disaster can destroy Iberia?”

Laast:”Happiness to despair only takes a moment! Is it still unclear why the sea destroyed the world? The so-called disaster from the sea is the destroyer!”

Guilliman:”Just like the land ravaged by small Tyranids, could the disaster in the deep sea also be Zerg?”

Ito Makoto:”Hiss——! White-haired demi-human beautiful girl! Brothers, I really like this!”

Kuzuryuu Yaichi:”Thick white stockings and boots, or along the coast…hiss——!”

Lu Mingfei:”Have all the porridge bar friends made it to the Dimension Gold List?”

【”On the oldest land in the East stands a country that has lasted for thousands of years, Yan Country.”】

【”The vast territory and ancient culture ensure the prosperity of Yan State.”】

【The images in the picture change, from the ancient Da Yan killing the gods with the whole country, dividing the fragments of the gods, to the fragments of the gods and Da Yan merging into one life】

【Chivalrous knights, rivers and lakes, and traces of the mountains and hills still exist, and under the mountains and hills, there is a modern and prosperous neon city. 】

Chuan Jianguo:”Dayan? Demolition!!!”

Ningguang:”The whole country is killing gods?! That’s crazy! It actually succeeded!”

Abe Haruaki:”This… even split the gods into fragments, and each fragment gave birth to the aggregation of souls that resisted the gods.”

Walter Yang:”It’s on fire! Dayan is really… The future of mankind is opened up by mankind itself, and the gods don’t need to point fingers!” Ying

Zheng:”No wonder Dayan can last for a thousand years. The whole country is united, and the whole country has not revealed any flaws in the fight against the gods. If such a country is not strong

, who else can be strong?!” Keqing:”Dayan is too romantic… As a thousand-year-old country, Dayan has both a traditional world and a big city after the reform. The harmony is too perfect!”

Nian:”Like it, if you can come to Shangshu, let’s invite everyone to appreciate our latest movie masterpiece!”

【The scene changed to the starry sky of Terra, and the woman’s voice became more meaningful.】

【”In the ancient times when the stars were watching, the law emerged in the struggle, and the tribe of Sakota was born”】

【”At that time, Tikaz could not tolerate this betrayal, and suspicion led to a war, leaving only the city of Lateran filled with blood and tears.”】

【”In this castle full of beauty and purity, the only things that can impress others are guns, desserts, and liveliness.”】

【In the picture, angels wear halos and wings, and like to eat desserts and have nowhere to vent their vigorous energy.

Mona:”Ah? Terra’s sky is also fake?!”

Tony Stark:”So I just remembered that Terra can invent mobile cities. Logically speaking, as transportation, there can’t be no airplanes.”

PLAYER:”I think this world will undergo unexplainable changes when it reaches a certain height.”

Randolph Carter:”The stars are watching…are these so-called stars outer gods or something else? Anyway, this land must be a world controlled and observed by some existence.”

Gabriel:”The angels in this world are quite similar to us, so happy and innocent.” Zhang Chulan

:”The red-haired angel who blew up the school did something I wanted to do but didn’t dare to do all my life! Awesome!”


【The scene turns back to Iberia. The advent of the Golden Age has caused its inflated ambitions to ignore the threats from outside the human territory.】

【The Great Silence has quietly arrived】

【In the picture, the changes in the coastline are shocking, fear silently climbs onto the desk, and dense aliens come ashore.】

【The scene then changed to a burning lantern and a sword, and a woman’s voice sounded:”The establishment of the Tribunal has become the last hope.”】

【”Today, the Iberians are no longer willing to leave their fate to them. You know, resistance has an end.”】

Suzuka Gozen:”In this world where sub-humans gather, there should be sea tribes in the sea, but the sea tribes should not be able to bring disaster to a powerful country.”

Aquaman:”The Atlanteans are also considered humans. In this world where sub-humans live, the ocean is classified as outside the human territory.……”

Lu Mingfei:”So there are no truly self-conscious lives in the ocean? Instead, there are disasters? Damn! Beautiful water world!”

Zheng Zha:”Fuck! What are those things crawling on the coast? Aliens? Insect swarms? And fish and tentacles? I’m going to lose sanity!”

William Dale:”These creatures remind me of the followers of the Outer Gods from the stars in the Black Mountains, but there are so many here!”

General Maple Sugar:”Quack! This… so many! If the magical girl loses here, she will definitely… spit! I’m so excited that I’m already biting my tongue!” Guilliman:

“Inquisition? The same Terra and Inquisition, what a coincidence!”

【”In the depths of the sea, unknown threats have risen, and Agor, who lives in a remote corner, will collapse sooner or later.”】

【The screen of the Golden List flickered like a TV, and then changed to a thumbnail of Terra. Agor turned on Terra’s panoramic radio.】

【”Agor issued a declaration to all land civilizations, we invite all mankind to put aside prejudice and hatred, and build a defense line with Agor.”】

【”The matrix has broken through the blockade and crossed the sea. The necessary information and calculation results are about to reach the land.”】

【”The disasters we face far outweigh our genius, so we must form a community with a shared future for mankind.”】

【”Under Agor’s leadership, we will overcome this”】

Skadi:”Agor will collapse sooner or later… It’s a prophecy.……”

Hikari:”Being able to broadcast throughout Terra, Agor should be the country with the highest technology on Terra.”

SilverAsh:”Sorry… I don’t think I have internet access, so I can’t hear it.” Sengoku

:”Building a community with a shared future for all mankind on Terra… Agor is simply the light of humanity on Terra!”

Lord Arakawa:”If I’m not mistaken, Agor is the guardian who lives alone in a remote corner of the ocean, guarding the land and guarding the sea.”

Joyful Star God Aha:”Right, right, right… right? That’s not right. Ah, right, right! Right, right!”


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