Chapter 497: Survival is the first need of civilization. The truth of the universe is revealed.

【The scene changes, and the three-body organization ETO splits】

【Because of everyone’s understanding of the three bodies and their own nature, ETO is divided into three parts.】.

【The salvation faction headed by Ye Wenjie wants the Three-Body Civilization to transform humanity with noble morals】

【The Adventists, led by Evans, want the Trisolarians to come and destroy human civilization.】

【And the survivors who know everything and don’t care about anything, just want to survive at all costs】

【Because of the persecution and trauma she experienced in the past, Ye Wenjie turned her hatred for the human race into love, grieving their misfortune and hating their lack of struggle.】

【The extreme paranoia in Ye Wenjie’s heart made her think that civilizations with technological levels far superior to those on Earth also had the same moral level.】

【However, not long after, with the internal division, Ye Wenjie, the supreme commander, was in name only and could no longer contact the Trisolaran civilization.】

【After witnessing everything, Ye Wenjie said calmly and compassionately:”I lit the fire, but I couldn’t control it.”】

Atania:”Relatively speaking, the moral level of advanced civilizations is indeed very high. Unfortunately, the Trisolaran civilization is facing a survival crisis.……”

Ultrafather:”Yes… From the perspective of survival, both the Trisolarian Civilization and the Earth Civilization need the help of the Kingdom of Light. It’s a pity that when they meet, there will definitely be disputes.”

Duanmu Yan:”Evans is a bit too extreme. Human beings are the leaders of all spirits. Are they going to be destroyed because of natural problems? He is simply Oxer!”

Gaia (Earth of Steel):”This earth will die one day. If Evans can kill bacteria, it will be worth it for humans to develop another kind of inhibitory force in me.”

Kal’tsit:”Ye Wenjie’s original intention may be good, but she is too naive. She overestimated the morality of civilization and the diversity of human nature.”

Viego:”The curse of ruin is woven by love. Ye Wenjie’s extreme love has led to the disaster that has plunged the whole world into ruin.”

Fire Keeper:”She is right… She ignited the first fire that revolutionized civilization, but she could not control and predict how the first fire would spread and what would burn.”

Laast:”Qualified will, hehe… Everyone will be reduced to ashes! She is the destroyer!”

【The scene changes, and Ye Wenjie’s daughter Yang Dong dies】

【Recently, a world-shaking event has occurred in the world. Countless scientists have committed suicide in despair at home in various ways.】

【And they all left the same words: there is no hope, only despair and destruction:】

【”Physics no longer exists”】

【The scene changes, because ETO’s various actions reveal clues, the United Nations finally confirms ETO’s existence, launches Operation Guzheng, successfully kills Evans, and seizes a large amount of information about the Three Body Civilization】

【In the intelligence, the United Nations learned for the first time about the existence of the Trisolarian civilization, and Ye Wenjie herself told all of her deeds. 】

Hikaru:”Massive scientists commit suicide… Science is the only truth, how could scientists commit suicide for no reason?”

Tony Stark:”Physics no longer exists? Ah? Could it be that some century-old problem has stumped everyone and led to suicide?”

Bruce Wayne:”There is something fishy. Newton believed in theology. If it was just a phenomenon that could not be explained by physics, it would not make scientists commit suicide.”

Chubby:”Yes, observation can interfere, and interference can control is the only creed of scientists. If it is an incredible phenomenon, they should have more inquiring minds.”

Heita:”It’s ridiculous. The possibility of physics not existing is lower than that I am a star god. Physics is the cornerstone of the universe. Unless it is an idealistic universe, everything must follow physical logic.¨々 ”

Merlin:”In my world, the only way to make physics fail is to pull out the star anchor and uncover the surface world, making everything return to mystery. Is there any supernatural power in this world?”

Angel Jiuxin:”It’s very likely. After all, it’s Earth. It can be said to be the most supreme planet in the Golden List.”

【The person who told Ye Wenjie not to answer was an elderly Three-Body correspondent. As long as Ye Wenjie did not reply again, the Three-Body civilization would not be able to lock the detailed coordinates of the Earth, only a general direction.】

【However, when Ye Wenjie replied again, the Trisolarian civilization had locked onto the Earth’s coordinates, captured the old correspondent, and burned to death more than 6,000 Trisolarians affected by the incident.】

【It would take a long time for the Trisolarian fleet to reach Earth. In order to prevent Earth from surpassing them during this period, the Trisolarian civilization began to plot】

【Through the development and application of dimensional technology in the microscopic world, they unfolded the protons in the nucleus in two dimensions and carved them into intelligent computers.】

【In addition to reaching the Earth as quickly as possible to monitor humans, the purpose of protons is to interfere with particle collision experiments, distort experimental conclusions, and lock the basic physics technology tree of mankind. 】

Hashirama Senju:”There are also people who advocate peace in the Trisolaran civilization, but unfortunately, this is a betrayal to the Trisolaran civilization.”

Bounty Hunter Ishtar:”The universe is vast and boundless. If we only look for civilization in one direction, how long will it take to find the Earth?”

General Zod:”The Trisolaran civilization should be grateful to the Earth. That disaster and persecution has created a guiding lighthouse.”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! Dimensional technology?! And the research of the microscopic world! TMD, a civilization with such a technology tree will be destroyed more than 200 times because of three stars?”

Heita:”Incredible… A civilization that can create a two-dimensional unfolding computer and a civilization that can interfere with dimensions can’t create a big insect bridge? There is a problem with the space of their universe. Problem?”

Death Karl:”The Three-Body Civilization, which is called a god-level civilization in our universe, is on the verge of extinction because of an extremely simple stellar problem… There must be something wrong with their cosmic structure.”

Guilliman:”Although I don’t really want to say it, they overestimate humans. Without the Emperor, how could humans surpass the Three-Body Civilization in a few hundred years?”

Dukao:”Too cruel… The interstellar invasion war in this universe is too cruel! Forcibly locking the technology tree and basic physics, no wonder they say that physics no longer exists!”

Optimus Prime:”Basic physics has been locked. No matter how many years the Earth has developed, it is like a lamb to be slaughtered. Its weapons and technology will shatter at the slightest touch. The Three-Body Civilization is too cruel.……”

Tony Stark:”Fuck… Is this the correct way to start an interstellar war? It directly cuts off the growth path of civilization!”

【At a meeting held by the United Nations to discuss the Trisolaran civilization, the proton appeared in front of everyone for the first time. The words on it showed the attitude of the Trisolarans towards the humans on Earth.】

【”Poor earthlings, you are bugs”】

【Because the news of the Three-Body Civilization caused social unrest in the world, Wang Miao, the man who investigated Eto and the scientist’s suicide, and Ding Yi, the scientist, were called out by their good friend Dashi when they were drinking to drown their sorrows.】

【Arriving at the rice fields and seeing the locusts eating the crops, Wang Miao and Ding Yi realized what Dashi wanted to say.】

【Humans are bugs, but bugs have never been truly defeated. 】

Emperor:”Humans… are bugs? The Three-Body Civilization seems to be a bit urbanized.”

Simon:”Humans are not bugs! Our human will is a drill that breaks through the sky!”

Kamijou Touma:”Humans are humans, we have never been bugs.”

Jing Yuan:”When you call humans bugs, you should think about your position among the stars.”

Galaxy Power Ge Xiaolun:”Each universe has its own technology tree bias. I think no matter how powerful the technology is, it can’t resist the anti-void, right? This is what you call a bug!”

The Fourth Calamity:”Bugs? The Burning Heaven Divine Weapon is ready.”

Earth God Kiana Kaslana:”We are bugs, but have bugs been defeated in the true sense?”

Hero Malcador:”The golden age of human civilization is the glory that the Three-Body Civilization cannot reach in its lifetime. How dare the aliens who go up the mountain laugh at the gods who are climbing?”

Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanzhen:”The words of the Three-Body senior really blew up many big guys who were watching the movie in hiding.”

The head of the Three-Body:”…………”

【The scene changes to show Ye Wenjie walking in the cemetery, intending to visit her daughter, but she finds a young man standing in front of Yang Dong’s tomb.】

【Ye Wenjie had some impression of him. He seemed to be Yang Dong’s high school classmate. Luo Ji】

【Seeing Ye Wenjie, Luo Ji said respectfully:”Teacher Ye, you are here? I am Luo Ji, Yang Dong’s high school classmate.”】


【During the brief conversation, Luo Ji comforted Ye Wenjie and told her to mourn. Ye Wenjie also learned that Luo Ji was a student of astronomy, and was currently studying sociology and was a professor at a university.】

【Code words crawling on the tombstone, Ye Wenjie recommended Luo Ji to study cosmic sociology】

【The so-called cosmic sociology is a term coined by Ye Wenjie herself. It studies the composition and form of this super society among the stars.】

【Luo Ji was puzzled. Without a formula or theory, this knowledge would not stand up to scrutiny.】

【Ye Wenjie said that as long as a few self-evident axioms are set up, the entire theoretical system can be derived based on them.】

【”¨~ This is… so interesting! Then, Mr. Ye, what are the axioms of cosmic sociology?”】

【Ye Wenjie said calmly:”First, survival is the first need of civilization; second, civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged.”】

【”In order to infer the basic picture of cosmic sociology from these two axioms, there are two important concepts: technological explosion and chain of suspicion.”】

【Luo Ji’s interest was piqued, but Ye Wenjie didn’t elaborate. She just chatted for a while, and that was all she could say.】

【But in her eyes, Luo Ji is a very smart kid, and she believes that Luo Ji will figure it out. 】

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Dangdangdang! The protagonist is here! This is Luo Ji, he looks like an ordinary person.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”How can a savior be recognized as a savior at a glance?”

Holy Kesha:”The subject of cosmic sociology is quite interesting, exploring the relationship and ecology between star civilizations?……”

Hanabi:”Tsk, tsk, tsk, it’s too difficult to explore the laws of the universe and society on a planet where we can’t even leave?”

Ruan Mei:”These two axioms are easy to see through, and they are also facts. But what does Ye Wenjie want to show by saying this? The law of the jungle?”

Captain Marvel:”The universe itself is the law of the jungle, and the strong civilizations rule the weak civilizations. This is an axiom. It’s not difficult for Ye Wenjie to find out.”

Silver Wolf:”The technological explosion and the chain of suspicion are interesting… What is a technological explosion?”

Visitor:”I guess the technological explosion should be like us, creating weapons that cannot be controlled and bring destruction, so it is called a technological explosion.”

Aizen:”The chain of suspicion is also very simple. The language and culture of civilizations are not synchronized. How can there be trust without communication?”

W:”Ye Wenjie is also a heavyweight riddle solver.”

【(The scene changes. In the message left by Evans, the United Nations learns that the Trisolarans communicate with each other using telepathic radio waves. Their minds are transparent and they do not lie.】

【This is why Evans is no longer trusted by the Trisolarans and was successfully eliminated by the Guzheng Project.】

【When the Trisolarians learned that humans could deceive, they panicked and no longer trusted Evans.】

【At this point, mankind officially entered a new era, the Age of Crisis.】

【Luo Ji encountered many murder cases after meeting Ye Wenjie and talking with her.】

【Dashi secretly brought Luo Ji to the United Nations and told him that the assassins were the remnants of an anti-human organization called ETO.】

【However, Eto’s intention to assassinate Luo Ji is not clear at all, but the Trisolarans’ targeting of an ordinary university professor still attracted the attention of the United Nations. 】

Qubi:”Hey – the Trisolarans are just like us. They are all races that don’t lie.”

Miki Sayaka:”《”Can’t Lie”

Professor X:”The thinking of the Trisolarans is not ordinary transparent. I suspect that all their communication can be captured and deciphered.”

Senju Tobirama:”If they can’t lie, there will be too much room for maneuver. Our human wisdom of thousands of years is enough to play these people in the palm of our hands.”

Merlin:”It’s hard to say. The dark side of mankind has been completely exposed to the Trisolarans.”

Nick Fury:”Why did the Trisolarans want to assassinate Luo Ji? Is there something wrong with what Ye Wenjie said?”

Conan:”To be able to cause Eto’s crazy assassination, Ye Wenjie’s cosmic sociology must have caused great turmoil in this universe.”


I want to ask if Stellaris has no main storyline, and is all events and DLC?

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