Chapter 499: Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji, I am your Wall-Breaking Man! The Wall-Facing Man’s Plans and Wall-Breaking

【Taylor looked pale and told Luo Ji about a terrifying and desperate experience.】

【A servant in his house suddenly broke into Taylor’s room and said with a ferocious look on his face:”Wall-Facing Taylor, I am your Wall-Breaker!”】

【After that, the Wallbreaker revealed Taylor’s true intentions.】

【Taylor originally wanted to use ball lightning as the core to create quantum weapons and form a death squad to fight against the Trisolaran civilization.】.

【In fact, his real purpose is to use this quantum weapon to attack the Earth Space Fleet and create an immortal quantum ghost fleet.】

【The wallbreaker looked at the pale Taylor sarcastically and said the words that broke the camel’s back.:】

【”Even if all your plans come true, what does it matter? The Lord doesn’t care.”】


【Taylor left in a hurry after talking to Luo Ji, and shot himself by the lake the next day. 】

Dadong:”Fuck! It’s so scary! This wall-breaking action is almost as good as the door-breaking in the Shining dungeon!”

Heita:”Quantum ghost fleet? Taylor has some ideas. But again, what he can think of is outdated by advanced civilizations.”

Ant-Man:”Indeed, the quantized undead army is only based on the immortality of the Earth’s cognition, and the Three-Body Civilization has a way to crack it.”

Xier Fule:”Quantization is actually not that powerful, it just adds a condition of immortality… If the Earth fleet’s attack can’t hurt the Three-Body fleet, immortality is useless……”

Captain America:”And Taylor’s plan is too unstable. Why would the suicide squad that was betrayed and turned into quantum ghosts help the Earth instead of counterattacking or escaping like the Trisolarians?”

Fu Xuan:”Yes, Taylor’s plan is full of loopholes and unstable. The Trisolarians really don’t care.”

Ichigo Kurosaki:”So there’s no wallfacer? The enemy is dark and I am bright, too passive.”

【Because Taylor’s wall was broken, the Planetary Defense Council held an emergency meeting of the wall people】

【Diaz and Hines chose to go into hibernation and wait until computer technology matures enough to meet their requirements before waking up.】

【Zhuang Yan and her child were also forced to hibernate.】

【The Planetary Defense Council found out that all the assassinations against Luo Ji came from ETO, which is enough to show that the Trisolarans are afraid of Luo Ji.】

【However, Luo Ji was too arrogant and did nothing in the past five years, so the top leaders hoped that Luo Ji would put aside his love for his wife and children and use his uniqueness and wisdom to save mankind.】

【This almost coercive behavior and the separation from his wife and children made Luo Ji angry and anxious. He thought about his plan day and night, but there was no progress.】

【Until an old man’s face and cosmic sociology came into mind. Tony

Stark:”Hibernation technology? The technological level of this Earth is not bad.”

Bruce Wayne:”I can’t think of any hibernation technology on Earth in the same era?”

Uchiha Itachi:”Is Luo Ji coerced… He has a weakness, so he is no longer an indestructible wallfacer.”

Da Vinci:”Although it is inhumane for a wallfacer to be coerced to do things, Luo Ji is really too arrogant. He should do something.” Ningguang:”It

‘s just a conflict of abilities. Because of the fear of the Trisolarians, Luo Ji is the wallfacer that everyone is looking forward to, and Luo Ji himself doesn’t know why he can become a wallfacer.” Wei Yanwu:”It’s really too hasty.

Let Luo Ji, a university professor of astronomy, think about a plan to save the world? What can he think about?” Zhan Guo:”

The person who breaks the deadlock is here, Ye Wenjie! Ye Wenjie’s words are indeed the reason why the Trisolarians are wary of Luo Ji.”

Fire Keeper:”The amazing wisdom of the one who ignited the First Flame is not something that ordinary people can popularize.”

【Luo Ji, who had figured it out, walked on the frozen lake. The ice beneath his feet was unstable. It was pitch black all around him. All he could see were the stars in the sky.】

【He paced on the ice, thinking about the conversation he had with Ye Wenjie in front of Yang Dong’s tomb.】

【Two Axioms and Chains of Suspicion in Cosmic Sociology and Technological Explosion】

【When two civilizations meet, they will fall into an endless chain of suspicion because they cannot communicate and understand good and evil.】

【In the process of development, there is a chance that a leap-level technological breakthrough will occur. A weak civilization can surpass a stronger civilization at any time because of a technological explosion.】

【Luo Ji thought about and combined the universal axioms with these two rules, but he still lacked a little inspiration and could not see the truth of the universe behind the veil.】

【Suddenly! The ice beneath his feet broke, and Luo Ji fell into the cold lake. In this dead silence and coldness, Luo Ji seemed to see the universe and the dark truth of the universe!】

【Luo Ji, who had tried his best to climb up to the surface of the lake, panted and murmured:”Luo Ji, the wall-facing man, I am your wall-breaking man.”】

Captain Marvel:”How is it possible? There is definitely technology in the universe to translate languages. There is no suspicion as long as there is communication!”

Holy Kesha:”It is normal for the universe to have wars, but the chain of suspicion is too… no communication at all?”

Lufa:”So the current situation of this universe is only war? That’s too chaotic, there is no open order.”

Ji Zi:”This is a universe without star gods… The Akiviri that was opened up back then connected all the realms, and there was no chain of suspicion at all.”

Ge Xiaolun:”I can conclude that this world is a purely technological universe. There are no star gods, no infinite gems, and no void.”

Tony Stark:”The technological explosion is a bit… In reality, there will always be a genius who is ahead of the times in every era, and that is me!”

Hikari:”Indeed, the creation of the Plasma Spark Tower by the Kingdom of Light can be regarded as a technological explosion.”

Guilliman:”I understand. There are only wars between civilizations in this universe. Strong civilizations will block the technology of the weak because they are afraid of technological explosions. In general, the strong are respected.”

Otto Apokalis:”It is not dark just that the jungle law that high-level civilizations always override low-level civilizations? On the contrary, it is very reasonable. What is the truth of the universe that Luo Ji discovered?”

Aozaki Orange:”I have goose bumps. Luo Ji is really… already unbreakable. He is his own wall breaker!”

:”Today I know who I am… Luo Ji also understands what his real plan and purpose are.”

【The next day, Luo Ji left the paradise and came to a well-defended underground bunker, where he announced his plan to the Planetary Defense Council.】

【Stellar Curse】

【Using the power of the sun to amplify the power, he sent a spell to a star system outside the solar system. Then Luo Ji felt uneasy and adjusted the distance a little further.】

【Although I don’t understand Luo Ji’s plan, the orders of the wall-facer are always so absurd and reasonable.】

【Just after Luo Ji arranged everything, ETO used a genetic virus to assassinate Luo Ji, forcing Luo Ji to enter the hibernation cabin and go to the future.】

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

【On the other side, Ding Yi and Zhang Beihai launched an assassination attempt on the inside】

【Ding Yi and Zhang Beihai both believed that space battleships needed nuclear power, but the old aviation people insisted on using traditional rocket propulsion.】

【For the sake of justice and the future, Zhang Beihai assassinated all the old aviation forces, successfully became the person in charge of the technical discourse of the space army, and entered hibernation.

Doctor Strange:”Spell? Curse? After talking so much about science fiction, can you give me some magic shock?”

Gellert Grindelwald:”The magic that destroys the star, I can’t imagine who else can do it except the Black Supreme Strange.”

Kal’tsit:”It’s a bit hard to understand… What does Ye Wenjie’s words and the truth that Luo Ji realized have to do with cursing the star?”

The Fourth Calamity:”Did Luo Ji awaken the control console? How about some neutron annihilation?”

Uchiha Sasuke:”Tsk, Zhang Beihai did a great job, these pedantic old things should have been shot long ago.”

Wei Wei:”Using rocket propulsion to fight interstellar wars? Where did you dig out these antiques? If these old aviation forces don’t die, how can the aerospace industry develop?”

Tushan Rongrong:”So this is the sadness and hatefulness of mankind… Aren’t those who persecuted Ye Wenjie’s father and these old aviation forces the same kind of people?”

【The scene changes to eight years later, when Hines and Diaz wake up and announce their plans.】

【Hines’ plan has been remarkably successful, combining the human brain with a computer to engrave an absolute mind.】

【Thought Stamp】

【If you stamp a person with the message that water is poisonous, then even if all the truth points to the fact that water is harmless, that person will still think that water is poisonous.】

【This technology has received great vigilance. Under the supervision of the United Nations, a large number of space forces have been engraved with the idea that mankind must win.】

【After their plan succeeded, the Hines entered the hibernation chamber with satisfaction, planning to head to a future where humans win.

Uchiha Shisui:”Is this… an artificial Kotoamatsukami?! Or is it an absolute machine that can be reused and can distort will in batches!”

Jing Yuan:”The technology of thought stamping is too dangerous. If it goes wrong, it will become a tool for power struggle.”

Deadpool:”But… the water is really poisonous. Anyone who drank it died.”

·· ····Request flowers··· ···

Furniture:”Why don’t you say that everyone who breathed the air is dead?!”

Uzumaki Boruto:”The effect of this thought stamp is almost exactly the same as that magic! The rewritten thoughts cannot be distorted even if there is evidence.”

Uchiha Sasuke:”Do you understand the value of Uchiha? Naruto is not here, so I’ll be a little rebellious for a while.”

Lufa:”Hehehe… If absolute strength cannot fight against the Three Body Civilization, then this human will to win is just deceiving oneself!” Akainu

:”I think it’s good, it can strengthen morale to prevent some cowards from doing things that shake the morale of the army!”

【Meanwhile, Rey Diaz tested the first star-shaped nuclear bomb and successfully detonated it on the surface of Mercury.】

【The powerful force blasted out a ring of rubble surrounding Mercury, and this power shocked the world!】

【Countries around the world invite Rey Diaz to share technology and then mass produce it to deal with the Trisolar Fleet.】

【At this moment, a doctor appeared in front of Diaz and said:”Diaz, the wall-facer, I am your wall-breaker.”】

【He exposed the true face of Diaz’s plan in public, which was to build a million star-shaped nuclear bombs to blow up Mercury.】

【Mercury, which has been decelerated and deviated from its orbit, will fall into the sun. At that time, the nuclear bomb dust and the oil film material ejected by Mercury when it enters the sun will be swept out!】

【The entire solar system will turn into a purgatory that is even more terrifying than the Trisolarian system, and Rey Diaz wants to use this to deter the Trisolarians from invading the Earth.】

…………… 0

Roman:”Hiss! This stellar nuclear bomb is quite powerful! If the quantity is increased, it might really pose a threat to the Trisolarans!”

Heita:”It’s obvious that the person above is not a professional. Guess why the Trisolarans have locked on to basic physics? Because the improvement of basic physics represents the improvement of material quality and micro-technology.”

He Xi:”Miss Heita is right. No matter how powerful a stellar nuclear bomb is, it is only a nuclear bomb. From the dimensional technology, we can infer that the basic physical materials of the Trisolaran civilization can no longer be destroyed by pure explosions.”

Velvet:”Wait! Is Rey Diaz really a genius?! Turning the solar system into a purgatory to create a deterrent, what a great method!”

Thanos:”The idea is good, but the direction is wrong, and the means are not enough to achieve it. A million nuclear bombs can never make a planet deviate from its orbit.”

Yakumo Yukari:”For being able to make such a choice and idea, Rey Diaz can be regarded as a great hero. It’s a pity… the times can’t keep up with his plan, and secondly, his thinking is wrong.” Dukao

:”Too bold… He personally used the mother planet and the stellar system as a deterrent. He is indeed a warmongerer!”

【The Wall-Facing Man said with a smile that Mercury would not deviate and slow down because of the stellar nuclear bomb, and the resources on Earth could not produce millions of stellar nuclear bombs.】

【”God doesn’t care about your plans.”】

【Diaz’s face flushed red, and he angrily grabbed the wallbreaker’s neck, but he was soon captured by the United Nations.】

【At the Planetary Defense Council, Wallfacer Diaz was brought to a military tribunal for crimes against humanity.】

【At this moment, Diaz raised his hand to reveal a bracelet, which was a cradle system connected to his vital signs.】

【If he died, a nuclear bomb hidden in New York would kill nearly three million people.】

【With the threat, Rey Diaz successfully escaped and returned to his hometown, but what greeted him was a stone.】

【Because Diaz’s actions were unanimously opposed by all mankind, he was stoned to death by the people he was protecting. Liu

Peiqiang:”I feel that the Earth can actually produce a million stellar-class nuclear bombs, but… what good can it do even if it is produced? Mercury will not shift.”

Tetu:”Human technology has not yet developed to the point where it can shake the celestial bodies.” Kevin

:”Crimes against humanity? How ridiculous. It’s obviously just a deterrent, they are too sensitive.”

Tony Stark:”Rey Diaz is smart enough to know how to use deterrence to save his life. He knows deterrence too well.”

The Joker:”Hahaha~ Why doesn’t Batman arrest such a criminal? Let the people of New York die together then~”

Five-star critic MacArthur:”I’m a bull demon!”

Aizen:”How sad… The person he wanted to protect killed him with his own hands. Facts have proved that Ye Wenjie was not wrong.”

Merlin:”Ye Wenjie and Rey Diaz both prove the badness and tragedy of human nature. Human stupidity will sooner or later push itself into the abyss.”

Cheng Xin:”It won’t be like this! I’m not human, you don’t understand. We humans will make the best choice!”


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