Chapter 523: Everything for the Amber King!

【The scene turns to the perspective of Shajin. The power of harmony erodes Shajin and creates two sides of him: an evil and crazy gambler and an unknown boy.】

【The power of harmony will completely replace the gold dust after a dozen system hours, making the gold dust a loyal member of the family.】

【Facing the two people, Shajin’s thoughts gradually drifted away, back to the distant past.】

【Shajin was born in Tsygania, an uninhabited star region sandwiched between three star systems with a harsh environment.】

【The Ewekin clan, where Shajin belongs, is good at winning the favor of others. They are handsome and have beautiful eyes. The one who has a blood feud with the Ewekin clan is the brutal Kartika clan.】

【Because of jealousy towards the Evikins, many clans began to slander and defame the Evikins, smearing them as a notorious clan of thieves. 】

Liu Chuang:”Ah? Isn’t this Tongxie just brainwashing? This Tongxie family is really evil!”

Kuchiki Rukia:”I knew how there could be so many people who didn’t send private messages and devoted themselves to the family?���Brain!”

Salamander Hanzo:”In the middle of the three galaxies? The geographical locations of Tsyganiya and Yuyin Village are very similar… It must be an area where wars are frequent.”

Fujiwara Chika:”The Evik people are really good-looking! Especially the gold dust is really handsome!”

Boa Hancock:”Born on such a chaotic planet, the situation of the Evik people is doomed to be bad, just like a canary in a cage……”

Zhongli:”Where does this jealousy come from? Three people make a tiger, and the fate of the Evikins is doomed to be bumpy.”

Chu Liuxiang:”A clan of thieves? Do the Evikins need to steal to get to a position they can? You are so brainless when you say that.”

Bronya Rand:”It’s different. The civilization of Tsygannia is too backward. Without an advanced civilization, maybe stealing is also a means of survival.”

Yato:”But it should be okay now, right? Shajin went from being a native of a small planet to a senior executive of a giant company in the world! Above billions of people, it’s easy for him to support his people!”

【The scene changes, and a boy named Kakavasya is born in the Ewekin clan. The day he was born happens to be the day of the Ewekin people’s Xinyang Triple-Eyed Earth Mother’s Festival.】

【It rained heavily that day. On the day Kakavasya was born, his parents were killed by the Katika people, and his sister escaped with him and survived.】

【Kakavasya is the hope of the Ewekin people. Everyone tells Kakavasya that he is a child blessed by the Mother Goddess and is born with great luck.】

【As Kakavasia grew up, he never looked in the mirror or saw a clear water source.】

【In order to get back his mother’s necklace, he risked his life to make a bet with the Kartikas and won the necklace, but was rebuked by his sister.】

【The persecution of the Ewekin people by the Katikas continued, their food was taken away, their money was plundered, and even their lives were not saved.】

【Because of the hunting of Kartika, the Evikins had a feud that spanned the Amber Age. Until one day, people from the market development department of the Interstellar Peace Company came here and temporarily calmed the chaos. 】

Xueshanying:”Eh? Triple-eyed Mother Earth… Are you referring to me? My profile is also the goddess Kali.”

Aozaki Aoko:”Wow! What a cute child! Kakawasha should be gold dust! It’s so cute here~” Bruce Wayne:

“My birthday is the anniversary of my parents’ death… This is one of the greatest tragedies in life.……”

Dio:”Born with good luck? Then I, Dio, can understand how he became what he is today! He survived death again and again!”

Amiya:”How pitiful… Even worse than the Sarkaz in Kazdel… At least the Sarkaz can see me, but Kakavasa can’t even drink clean water!”……”

Jabami Yumeko:”His good fortune destined him to be a natural gambler! Only in this way can he become a superior person!”

Angel Leng:”I can’t stand it… Although this is an internal struggle among the natives of the planet, the Kartika clan is still a little too urbanized.”

Finina:”Death penalty! Death penalty for all of them!”

Kirishima Touka:”At the critical moment, it still depends on the Interstellar Peace Company… It is worthy of being a giant company that protects faith!”

Seele:”The Interstellar Peace Company has such a good heart? They will help Tsyganiya without any benefits in return?”

【The arrival of the company led to the establishment of the Tsyganian nation, and under the influence of certain people, the most controversial butchers, the Katika clan and the thieves, the Evikin clan, were exiled from civilization.】

【The Kartika clan once again sharpened their knives to attack the Evikin clan, until… the company decided to stand on the side of the Evikins and support the Evikins and Kartikas in a decisive battle.】

【With this aid, the Evikin decided to give it a go and end their war with the Katikas.】

【Before leaving, Kakavasa’s sister hugged Kakavasa in the heavy rain on Kakavasa’s birthday, which was also the Mother Goddess Festival, and said:”Kakavasa, it’s time for us to say goodbye.”】

【Kakavasya cried,”Why… the Katikas took everything from us and killed our parents… what else do they want?”】

【”The Kartikas are bloodthirsty, cruel, greedy, they want everything, so they get nothing!”】

【Kakavasya’s sister told Kakavasya everything with hatred and pleasure. Today is the day of the Mother Goddess sacrifice, and the Kartika people will definitely come and take away everything from them.】

【But they don’t know that the company has already stood on the side of the Evikins.

Nick Fury:”Fuck! The company’s tactics seem familiar… The heart of this Universal Corporation is not so pure~”

Yuji Itadori:”Huh? Didn’t the other clans of Tsygannia exclude the Evikins and the Kartikas? The company is pretty good, standing on the side of the weak and peaceful.” Captain Marvel

:”After all, it is the Interstellar Peace Company, and it will definitely not help the butcher clan like the Kartika.”

White Mask Obito:”The Universal Corporation is a dimensionality reduction attack on the natives of the planet, so… give it a try! Don’t worry too much!”

Star-Lord:”Fuck, these Kartikas are worse than Thanos! Thanos still has half of them left!”

Ultraman Seven:”Kartikas! I cnm! I won’t admit that such creatures with bestiality and ferocity over rationality are human!”

Tam Kench:”I like Kartikas very much. Their greed and cruelty are even better than those of the people in Bilgewater! They will be delicious food~”

Sun Quan:”Avoid their sharp edge and be tolerant for the time being. When the time comes, start the army today! The end of the Kartikas is coming!”

【The elder sister wiped Kakavasa’s tears and told him that all this was brought by Kakavasa’s good luck and was a gift from the Mother Goddess.】

【”Kakavasya, the Mother Goddess gave you good luck so that you can live. As long as you are alive, the blood of the Evikin people will not be shed!”】

【”So, run, Kakavasa! Don’t look back, the rain will always be with you and bless you”】

【”And we will meet again under the next aurora of Kakawa……”The sister comforted her and put her palm on Kakavasa’s palm.】

【”May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times… May your blood be always beating… May your journey always be safe… May your trick never be exposed… Goodbye… Kakawashia”】

【The elder sister held back her tears and sobbed as she blessed Kakavasa, then she made up her mind to leave without looking back.

Rick:”Kakavasa is a child blessed by an entire race… He is in the Evikin clan.”

Aqua:”I think the goddess will definitely bless this child! He is hopeful!”

Lu Mingfei:”Kakavasa’s elder sister is obviously setting a flag! I have a bad feeling.……”

Fandel:”Actually, I don’t think we can trust the company completely. Why do we have to fight? It would be great if we can preserve the status quo peacefully.……”

Silko:”Vander, don’t hesitate when it’s time to fight! The company will leave sooner or later, and they can’t rely on the company all their lives!”

Tatsumi:”What kind of life can combine bloodline continuation, luck and trickery… It’s really too difficult for the Evikin people to survive.……”

Xue Shanying:”I and the me in another world will bless your Kakawashia… May your blood always flow, your journey always be smooth, and your tricks never be exposed.……”

Kong:”I hope they will meet again eventually, even if not here or now, but I still hope so.”

Liu Qi:”Don’t be so pessimistic! Tsyganiya is just a planet with underdeveloped technology! The company is a giant in the world! I estimate that with the help of the company, the Evikins may not suffer any casualties!”

【The scene changes, and the bloodline of the Evikin and Kartika people is almost cut off.】

【The Company deceived the Ewekins and stood by while the Katikas killed the Ewekins.】

【When the time is right, we will purge the Kartika clan in the name of suppressing unrest, and eliminate these two clans that may cause losses to the company without losing their reputation.】

【In a cosmic broadcast, the Interstellar Peace Corporation expressed its sympathy and condemnation for this humanitarian disaster and pledged that the company would protect all life, regardless of race or clan.】

【Kakawasha was captured, branded as a slave, and passed around as a commodity until he killed a master and was brought to the Stoneheart Ten Emeralds of the Interstellar Peace Company.】

【This was the result of Kakavasia’s repeated gambles. This time he bet thirty copper coins, half of his own worth, that he could climb higher than Emerald.】

【There are also disputes within Interstellar Peace Company. The Strategic Investment Department led by Diamond and the Market Development Department are sworn enemies.】

【Diamond and Emerald had a keen eye for talent and helped Kakavasia, and so… the Stone Heart Ten and Sand Gold became famous all over the world. 】

Tony Stark:”It’s just right!”

Maenna:”It’s really right, but I didn’t expect the company to be more ruthless than the Business Federation! It’s worthy of being a world giant!”

Seele:”I knew it… inciting the Evikins to fight a decisive battle and then standing by and watching, and finally standing on the moral high ground to clean up the Katikas, gaining both fame and fortune, is this the company that is being protected?”

Lion God Hao:”What a hypocritical company… Every one of the company should be hung on the street lamp.……”

Zhongli:”Promising to protect but breaking the contract, judging from the small, the company has already abandoned the path of”protection”.”

Shinomiya Kaguya:”Hey! The company caused Kakavasa’s family to be destroyed and became a slave, why did Kakavasa want to join the company?”

Joseph Joestar:”The company is not a monolithic entity… Joining the Strategic Investment Department is actually the most likely option for Gold Sand to take revenge.”

Tendou Souji:”Alas… The company destroyed a child named Kakavasa, but raised Gold Sand, the Ten Stone Hearts.”

Kamijou Touma:”Too inspiring… From half of a net worth of 30 red copper coins to a company executive above hundreds of millions of people. Even if he shows the mark of a slave, who dares to look down on him?”

【Shajin believes that his luck is based on the death of all the people he loves. He is afraid that his luck will kill more people around him.】

【His life was not meant for peace, but fate required him to live, and his luck killed every one of his loved ones】

【As a crazy gambler, Sha Jin would bet everything he had, even his life, on every big bet, hoping to be freed.】

【But his sister’s words and the request to continue the bloodline of the Evijin people made him try his best to win the game at the critical moment of the gamble.】

【Sha Jin loves his family more than himself. His protective tendency to protect his family’s blessings and memories and his destructive tendency to get rid of them are transformed into an innocent boy and a crazy gambler under the power of harmony.】

【In the labyrinth of harmony, Sha Jin faced his own heart, for a death wish, for the greatest benefit, for the grandest death! Sha Jin reconciled with his heart and looked directly at himself.】

【The destructive side pays the highest respect to the gold dust, while the harmonious side wishes the gold dust a bright future. The influence of the harmonious side temporarily fades away.】

【After clasping hands with the past Kakavasa and chanting the Mother Goddess’ blessing, Shajin walked to the stage curtain.:】

【”This show is dedicated to you, I hope it will leave unforgettable memories… Kakahuaxia”】

Sunday:”It’s true… He loves his family more than himself.”

Whitebeard:”Poor child… I also want to give him a home. Even if he is successful, I hope he can be protected by his family and elders like a child.”

Jabami Yumeko:”What a crazy gambler. His self-destructive tendency makes him bet everything including his life, and his love for his family makes him try his best! Is this the wisdom of Soha?”

Peter Parker:”I cried… He has no choice in life, only to gamble everything… Can’t live or die? This is the mental state of Shajin, right?”

Albus Dumbledore:”I finally understand why he is a protector. Because of the love and memories of his family, and the instructions given by his family before leaving, he must live. What he protects is himself.……”

Gellert Grindelwald:”I’ve finally made peace with myself. I’ve always been optimistic about this kid. Everything is for the greater good!”

Jhin:”I’m looking forward to Kakavasa’s grand death! Kakavasa, you will perform on stage! You will be full of poetry! You will work hard for it!”

【The scene changes, Huangquan and the Xingkong train group meet up, Walter discovers the conspiracy of Shajin, and decides to meet and confront Shajin face to face.】

【Huang Quan, because of Walter’s subjective unconditional trust, promised to stand on the side of the Star Train and provide insignificant help at the critical moment.】

【After Shajin made a city-wide broadcast, Huangquanxing and his group came to the Clark Film and Television Park.】

【The scene changed, and the big screen in the theater lit up, and Gold Dust appeared in it. Xing vigilantly summoned the Flame Gun.】

【”The inferior stone of the city builders? Hahahahaha! Worthless!” Shajin laughed and threw three dice. Coincidentally, all of them were spades.】

【”I bet…I gamble…I win!”】

【Gold Dust, covered in golden light, descended from the sky, projecting onto the big screen. Xing watched Gold Dust vigilantly as he tightened his grip on the Flame Spear.】

【”I let fate spin the roulette wheel, and I’m desperate! I’ve experienced death and rebirth!”】

【The broken aventurine in Shajin’s hand was clenched tightly, and the golden power surged into his body. He bowed lightly and opened his arms with enthusiasm and madness.:】

【”All dedicated to————Amber King!!”】

Alina Rand:”Bad stone of the city builder? People from the Interstellar Peace Company really dare to say that!”

Jade:”Oh? Aventurine holds the holy body of the Amber King, so of course she is qualified to say that.”

Toppa:”Emmmm, let’s not talk about it. That flaming gun was watched by the Amber King. According to Xianzhou, it was consecrated by the Amber King!”

Snake Yumeko:”Bet, gamble, win…traverse the dead and then live again! Aventurine, aventurine! You are so charming……”

Kinji Hyō:”It’s on fire! The territory is spreading! Kill the fighters sitting still! Go all in for the gold dust!”

Abe Haruaki:”Everything for the Amber King… This belief is too pure! Only those who truly have faith in the Amber King will believe in it so much.”

Emerald:”Everything for – the Amber King!!!”

Topaz:”Everything for – the Amber King!!!”

Diamond:”Nice show, gold dust. Everything for – the Amber King!!!”

Kamiyama Touma:”Pinocone’s difficult steps and scheming, what kind of ending would be worthy of his life of wandering?”


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