Chapter 534: Decisive Battle with the Prophet Civilization! Humanity’s Lookdown You Are the Challenger!

【The scene changes, and the Dangerous Wanderer, which is itself a large nuclear bomb, and the Eureka Raider carrying the nuclear bomb are dropped into the trench where the space rift is located.】

【Two mechas turned on searchlights and walked on the dim seabed, with visibility less than half a kilometer.】

【According to the information from Broken Dome, two level 4 monsters, Abomination and Thunder Beast, are roaming the seabed.】

【The four people present also noticed that the fastest monster so far was hovering around the mecha but had not yet launched an attack.】

【Just when the Danger Rangers and Eureka Raiders were about to enter the space crack 400 meters away, Herman and Newton arrived in time to grab Tiantong’s microphone and inform him of the loophole in Stek’s plan.】

【After learning of the revised plan, Stek immediately stopped the action of the mecha, and the fluctuations of the third monster were also detected by the Broken Dome.】

【Level 5 Monster – Poison Woman!】

Jagula:”The combat environment is very unfavorable. The mecha itself is not as flexible as the monster, and it has to withstand the sea pressure at the bottom of the sea.”

Ultraman Aguru:”Humph! You can only bully mechas in another world. Come to my ocean and I will make sure it has no way back!”

Daigu:”But… why don’t the monsters attack the mechas? Instead, let the mechas approach the space cracks?”

Ultraman Leo:”The monsters themselves know that the mechas cannot enter the space cracks. If they enter directly, they can destroy the last line of defense of mankind without bloodshed.”

Dr. Serizawa:” The first level 5 monster appeared! It turns out that it is the last resort. If the mecha chooses to fight, it will face three monsters!”

Ding Yi:”Mathematics is like this, it will not lie. Herman’s calculations are always correct!”

Rimuru:”But how can Danger Rangers and Eureka Raiders defeat these three monsters? The fighting conditions are unfavorable, and I guess the poison woman may be stronger than the thunder beast and the abomination combined!”

Heavenly Commander Hell:”Humph! What are you talking about? If these dogs want to fight, then let them fight! Can a mere alien alien threaten humans?”

【A giant monster larger than the mecha, with thorns on its back and a thick tail, emerged from the trench of the space crack!】

【Eureka Raider and Dangerous Wanderer immediately drew their swords! Dangerous Wanderer and Abomination took the lead in fighting!】

【Dangerous Wanderer Iron Head kept headbutting Abomination, then turned over and locked Abomination’s neck with his left arm and pressed it to the seabed, then raised the chain sword in his right arm.】

【At this moment! The eel-shaped thunder beast rushed out from behind the dangerous wanderer at an extremely fast speed, and the impact force and bite force it carried directly bit the dangerous wanderer’s right arm into pieces!】

【There was no time to deal with the Thunder Beast. After seeing the Thunder Beast rushing far away, the Dangerous Wanderer seized the opportunity to press the Abomination with his knees, and then the chain sword in his left arm directly pierced the Abomination’s head!】

【Blue blood continued to gush out from the wound. The Abomination wanted to struggle, but Dangerous Wanderer moved his head into the fire erupting from the seabed and burned it. 】

Asuka:”The fifth-generation mecha is still strong! And this time, Mori Mako is more adept at operating it, and can easily suppress the Abomination on the seabed!”

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck! A sneak attack! I feel that if there is no sneak attack, Dangerous Wanderer can easily beat these two level 4 monsters at one against two!”

Wesker:”These two monsters are specially designed for the seabed environment, but they have the advantage of mobility on the seabed. Their hard power is not as good as that of the ridged turtle and the tailed rat.”

Sakura Manshu:”Hiss! The phantom pain has begun! The last time Dangerous Wanderer broke his right arm , this time his left arm is broken!”

Bai Ci Nan:”Who says a broken arm doesn’t make him strong? Huh? Even with only one arm, he can still kill these dogs!”

Uchiha Sasuke:”That’s right! Even if Dangerous Wanderer has a broken arm, has to carry the Thunder Beast on his back, and suppress the Abomination with his hand, he is still invincible!”

Wolverine:”Fuck, his vitality is so tenacious? He didn’t die even after his brain was pierced? Fortunately, the underground fire erupted to burn him.”

Duanmu Yan:”This is the power of nature… The earth itself has no consciousness, but it can be used as the power of fire to kill the enemy!”

【Feeling the severe pain, the Abomination struggled with its whole body to break free from the Dangerous Wanderer’s suppression and create some distance between itself and the Dangerous Wanderer. At the twelve o’clock position, the Thunder Beast rushed towards the Dangerous Wanderer at the maximum speed!】

【Taking a cue from the Broken Dome, the Dangerous Wanderer secured his lower body, gripped the seabed with steel nails, and then thrust forward with his only remaining left arm!】

【Because the Thunder Beast’s impact speed made it impossible to turn, the chain sword pierced directly into the Thunder Beast’s mouth, and then the Dangerous Wanderer raised his arm and pierced the Thunder Beast!】

【Taking advantage of the kinetic energy of the thunder beast rushing over, the chain sword cut the thunder beast in half like cutting tofu!】

【When the Thunder Beast rushed past the Dangerous Wanderer, it was completely cut in half from the middle and fell to the seabed without any movement.】

【On the other side, the poisonous woman’s tentacle-like tail began to rotate and contract, and then pulled out violently!】

【This blow directly knocked the Eureka Raider away, shattered the external impact, shattered most of its functions, and almost destroyed half of the Eureka Raider’s functions! 】

Quicksilver:”Abomination: Don’t send Thunderbeast off.”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”Thunderbeast is really showing off. If Abomination was sane, he would have started arguing with Thunderbeast.”

Fu Lu Xiao Jin Gang:”So neat! This is really a one-shot cut, like the Ruyi Divine Sword.”

Ashina Isshin:”How ironic… Monsters that can’t be easily killed by hot weapons can be killed by cold weapons in one blow. In the distant future, have times changed back?”

Yukihira Soma:”This cutting technique is like splitting a lamprey in half vertically and horizontally! By the way, with Lao Zhou’s confirmation, monster meat can actually be eaten, right?”

Manaka Kengo:”What?! Both are fifth-generation mechas, but Eureka Raider was directly destroyed in half by one blow?!”

Dr. Serizawa:”The estimate was wrong. Level 5 monsters may not be cloned, but artificially modified! The power is far greater than that of level 4 monsters!” Ultraman Zaias

:”The power of the poisonous woman is ten or even nine times stronger than that of Thunderbeast and Abomination!”

【With half of the control systems scrapped, the evil woman rushed over, hugged the Eureka Raider, smashed a seabed reef, and then fiercely hit the Eureka Raider with her claws!】

【At the critical moment, Stek twisted his body with micro-manipulation, and stabbed the poisonous woman with a sharp blade with his backhand, almost spinning off her head!】

【While the Poison Woman subconsciously leaned back because of the sword to prevent further damage, the Eureka Raider knocked the Poison Woman away and stabbed the sharp blades in both hands into her arm joints!】

【Blue blood continued to pour out, and the poisonous woman’s arms were almost disabled, but even if they were not disabled, she could not use much strength.】

【At this moment, the Poison Woman opened her huge mouth and screamed, and the Abomination sensed the Poison Woman’s intention and rushed towards the Eureka Raiders to form a double-sided trap.】

【Danger Ranger dragged the broken body to support, but was stopped by Stek】

【”Dangerous wanderers, get away from here, the farther the better! You are responsible for sending the nuclear bomb into that world, this is your mission!”】

【”Mako, I believe you can accomplish the task. You can always find me through synaesthesia”】

Great White Shark Tiandao:”Hmm? Stark has a strong sense of battle! His realm is too high!”

Xiachuan Yaohui:”Oh! Is this the legendary ranger? He can still gain an advantage by operating even if half of the body is scrapped!” Tony Stark

:”If the lower part of the body was not paralyzed and the power was not insufficient due to the backwardness, this sword could have chopped off the head of the poisonous woman.”

Tomoe Mami:”What a pity… I didn’t seize this opportunity. This is the first time I hope that the head of a creature will fall somewhere else.” Gagara

:”After all, driving Yuri One of the Raiders is experienced and the other is young and daring, both are top pilots. If they worked together on land, the poisonous woman would have died long ago.”

Balt:”Wow~ The difference between a level 4 monster and a level 5 monster is just like that between Jetton and Jet, which can control all subordinate monsters!”

Skadi:”They are about to be sandwiched, the two monsters have formed two cheese sandwiches. Dangerous Wanderer was too late to stop it.”

Kiana Kaslana:”After all, they chose to sacrifice… Heroes who dedicated themselves to the future of human civilization”

【Mako Mori put down her hands helplessly, and Raleigh reminded her:”We are walking nuclear reactors. We can do this.””】

【Inside the Eureka Raider, Steck yells to Hansen Jr.,”We can make a way for them! Make a way for the lady!”】

【”My father once said that if we can seize the opportunity, we must seize it. Let’s go now!” Young Hansen replied, and Old Hansen in the Broken Dome closed his eyes in grief after hearing this.】

【At the last moment, Hansen said solemnly to Steck:”It is an honor to fight side by side, sir.”】

【Steck nodded, looking at little Hansen with eyes full of recognition and admiration.】

【As the two of them activated the nuclear bomb at the same time, a blue light appeared on the back of the Eureka Raider.】

【Old Hansen choked up a little, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes】

【Mako Mori opened the communication and said goodbye with gratitude and sadness:”Sir, I love you.”】

Jonathan Joestar:”The once young and frivolous little Hanson has grown into a man of integrity! He has become a true gentleman!”

Whitebeard:”Yeah!————! Little Hansen!”

William Zeppelin:”The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage! The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage! They have defeated death!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Little Hansen has no fear of death, only the honor of fighting side by side with his superiors and the pride of being a human being! TMD! He insulted death severely!”

Xiachuan Haruki:”His father will also know what a man his son is!”

Fu Hua:”What a life… Disheartened in early years and losing a son in old age. The greatest pain in life is for an old man to send off a young man.……”

Koro-sensei:”Wow… such a touching teacher-student relationship… and father-daughter relationship. It is their greatest luck to meet and accompany each other.”

White-haired man:”Those who love her and those she loves will find them in synaesthesia and accompany her. I firmly believe… this is hers.……”Endless War God””

·· ·······Request flowers0 ··

【Sensing the light, the Poison Woman and the Abomination rushed towards the Eureka Raiders from both sides!】

·· ·······Request flowers0 ··


【The moment the evil woman and the abomination approached, the nuclear bomb exploded!】

【The red-gold ball of light exploded on the seabed! Dangerous Wanderer knelt on one knee in the distance and inserted his chain sword into the seabed to resist the impact.】

【The abomination’s corpse was blown directly from the trench to the land! The seabed was also emptied of seawater, and fish fell to the ground one by one.】

【Immediately afterwards, the sea water began to flow back, and the impact caused by the huge amount of sea water backflow brought secondary trauma to the dangerous wanderers!】

【The Dangerous Wanderer dragged the corpse of the Thunder Beast and limped towards the space crack, but he didn’t expect that the Poisonous Woman would appear in front of the Dangerous Wanderer with almost no damage! 】

Teng Yang Tianxia:”Woc! Atomic! Bomb!”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”He he he fucking! Can I resist this? Absolutely impossible! It’s impossible!”

Mera:”Human weapons are really terrifying, they can even temporarily drain the seawater.”

Liu Chuang:”Woc! The Poisonous Woman is not dead yet? She even survived the nuclear explosion?!”

Bai Jingtian:”The physical defense of this Poisonous Woman must be more than 100,000 horsepower of the magnetic field rotation.”

Iruma Megumi:”It’s bad… I really can’t imagine how the damaged Dangerous Wanderer will face a fully formed level 5 monster.”

【”Mako, listen to me count down and turn on the back thrusters to maximum power! Three! Two! One!”】

【The Dangerous Wanderer used its maximum engine to propel the Poison Woman into the trench where the space crack was located. The link pierced into the Poison Woman’s body to prevent it from escaping.】

【The tentacles under the poisonous woman frantically destroyed the back armor and external armor of the dangerous wanderer.】

0…….. 0

0…….. 0

【At this moment, the Danger Ranger engine core changed color.”Hold on, Mako! I’m going to burn this bastard to death!”】

【All the fuel gathered in the core of the engine, and super-dense heat and energy erupted, chest to chest, starting to burn the poisonous woman!】

【After struggling for a few seconds, the poisonous woman was completely melted through the heart by the energy eruption of the engine core, and lost her voice.】

【The dangerous wanderer carried the corpse of the poisonous woman through the space cracks like petals.】

【Seeing Mako almost fainting due to lack of oxygen, Raleigh opened the escape pod and sent Mako away first. 】

Mebius:”Can you still do this! What a great Raleigh! What a great wisdom!”

Zheng Zha:”Indeed! At the critical moment, he can come up with such a trick to kill two birds with one stone by pulling the poisonous woman! He is worthy of being a man whose name is homophonic with my wife!” Hawkeye:”Well done, Wanderer! Burn this sour radish and don’t eat it!”

Tesla:”Oh! The wisdom of the poisonous woman seems to know what the dangerous wanderer is going to do! It’s anxious! Poisonous woman, how do you feel now? How do you feel?”

Agatsuma Zenitsu:”Concentrate on one point to reach the pinnacle! Gather the huge power into one point, even if the defense is strong, it will be penetrated by one blow!”

Hyperzetton:”Weak! Please, you are weak! You died after just a few seconds? That’s too bad!”

Steel Jaw Martial God:”Huh? This space crack… I think I can do it!”

Ito Makoto:”Amazing! A toothpick stirring a water tank, right?”

【As the dangerous wanderer passed through the space crack, he fell into a dark red wasteland world!】

【The sky was dark, with only broken ruins and strange buildings. A dying sunset with a blood-red pupil hung in the sky.】

【After setting up the 60-second countdown for the nuclear bomb detonation, Raleigh adjusted the balance wing of the Dangerous Ranger.】

【At this moment! The alien race called Prophet and the huge Hunter Mech are facing each other, and humans are defying the invaders who are invading them with their monsters!】

【As Raleigh’s escape pod popped out through the space crack above, the nuclear bomb countdown also returned to zero.】


【In the special environment of the alien planet, the detonated nuclear bomb turned into a blue expanding sphere that swept everything!】

【The space tunnel was destroyed! Countless prophets and monster embryos were completely annihilated by the nuclear bomb! 】

Amiya:”So this is the world that the prophets live in… It’s so desolate. It’s even more desperate than the environment in Kazdel.”

Nishijo Nagi:”That’s what they asked for. Remember Newton’s first synaesthesia? They didn’t like the great environment in the Jurassic period, they just liked the polluted environment.”

Pan Zhen:”This prophet civilization is obviously exploiting stellar energy and has space technology that spans star regions, but as long as the means are biotechnology, it’s still so bad… What a deformed technology tree?”

Heita:”I can only say that the prophet civilization is a phoenix chick. The technology tree has a little bit of everything but is not strong. Even the purpose of the civilization invasion is unknown.”

Joseph Joestar:”TMD is on fire! At this moment, humans are looking down on prophets, and prophets are looking up to humans! Are you afraid of our monsters?”

Gojo Satoru:”Prophet, you are the challenger!”

Deidara:”Wuhu! Let the prophet see the art that belongs to humans… Art is explosion!”


The screen ends here.

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