Chapter 541: Four Major Plans: Digital Life, Flesh and Blood Pain, and Digital Ascension!

【The scene turns back to the original timeline】

【After Fu Jianming calculated the solar helium flash crisis and it was successfully confirmed by countries around the world, top leaders around the world were shocked!】

【To deal with this crisis, a coalition government was formed】

【The coalition government has proposed dozens of plans to deal with the devastating impact of a solar helium flash on Earth.】

【However, each plan has various risks due to human nature, ethics, morality and other factors, resulting in countless casualties caused by conflicts among various forces.】

【At this point, the coalition government had to reject and terminate most of the plans, and finally only retained four major plans for reference.】

【They are Ark Project, Digital Project, Mountain Moving Project, and Moon Chasing Project.】

Shirou Emiya:”Why did it cause riots and conflicts? The coalition government has already made plans to resolve the crisis.”

Clark Kent:”Everyone has different opinions on each plan, and when their own interests are harmed, conflicts will arise.”

Grayshu:”Hey! Ark Project! So there is an Ark Project… Then why is it so similar to the Spark Project?” Belisarius

Kaur:”Digital Project… Is it the kind of digital project I was thinking of?”

Professor Shigemura:”Digital Project… I wonder if this so-called digital project is a digital life? Will it inspire me to resurrect Yuna?” Artemis

:”Moon Chasing Project? What is the Moon Chasing Project? I’m very curious.”

Zhu Yue:”Suddenly I felt a chill in my body. This Moon Chasing Project doesn’t seem very friendly.”

Hu Bayi:”I don’t quite understand the Mountain Chasing Project. I know about moving mountains, but what does it mean to move mountains?”

【Among them, the Ark Project is the most feasible and requires the least time and process.】

【That is to build a batch of interstellar spacecraft, the so-called Ark space station】

【Relying on the space elevator that will be developed in the future, humans will be launched to space station 30, and all human scientific and technological achievements, civilization knowledge, biological maps and seeds will be taken away from the solar system.】

【This plan was proposed by the Lighthouse Country and has not been circulated in the world.】

【This plan is very feasible. As long as the space elevator technology is improved in the future, it can basically complete 90%】

【The space station was already on the agenda, and scientific research has never stopped. 】

Luo Ji:”Spacecraft? Damn it!……”

Dr. Mei:”This plan is indeed very feasible, provided that humanity has reached the point of irreversible destruction and everyone agrees to implement it.”

Captain Marvel:”I feel that the Ark Project is more like the predecessor of the Spark Project.”

Walter Yang:”In fact, I feel that in a world without supernatural powers, it is difficult for humans to make spacecraft fly for 2,500 years with current technology.”

Shi Qiang:”It will be fun when we meet the Trisolarans when we reach our destination.”

Five-star reviewer MacArthur:”However, this best project is still proposed by my Lighthouse Country, which is worthy of being the light of mankind!”

Captain America:”But this opportunity is also very dangerous! It’s like the Wandering Earth underground city plan, but the underground city is drawn by fair lottery, but the Ark Project is not!”

AA:”I still remember the scene I saw on the Star Ring. If the day comes when the Ark Project is realized, I believe there will be people crazy enough to destroy the Ark”

【The second plan, the Mountain Moving Plan】

【The Moving Mountains Project was proposed by Huaxia and is the predecessor of the Wandering Earth Project.】

【China proposed to vigorously develop heavy fusion technology and build 10,000 planetary engines on Earth to propel the Earth forward.】

【The planetary engines are then connected synchronously via underground optical fibers to ensure the synchronous ignition of all engines.】

【According to calculations, the thrust generated by the planetary engine is enough to propel the Earth to the Centaur constellation 4.2 light years away to find a new home.】

【Because the Mountain Moving Project had less potential for conflict than the Ark Project, the Mountain Moving Project was also promoted. 】

Hikari:”Using optical fiber to control planetary engines? What an ancient method.”

Hu Bayi:”I see, the Mountain Moving Project is the predecessor of the Wandering Earth Project. Moving mountains is quite appropriate.”

Deadpool:”Happy! Back to the Three-Body System again!” Tomoko

:”Do you like the final embrace between humans and the Three-Body System? This is a two-way rush across the universe.”

Gojo Satoru:”Shenjin, it made me laugh. The United Government doesn’t know about the sun in the Centauri constellation, so there really are three suns there.” Hanabi

:”Each parallel universe has a little deviation. Fast forward to the Earth going to the Three-Body System to block the Three-Body people’s technology, and then being deterred by the Three-Body people in the Dark Forest.”

Luo Ji:”What do you mean by anti-Tiangang? The Three-Body civilization also has wall-facers, and there is also someone named Luo Ji, right?”

Warring States:”The Mountain Moving Project is more difficult to implement, and the resource investment is also large. But it is also the most stable and risk-free. After all, the Mountain Moving Project sacrifices the least humans.”

Banagher:”That’s true. After all, how many people can the Ark Space Station take away? Compared to the Ark Project, the Mountain Moving Project is the plan that can truly preserve civilization”

【The third plan, monthly plan】

【The monthly plan is a plan proposed by Russia】

【The Moon-by-Moon Plan was a plan that was modified after Russia proposed the Ark Plan and China proposed the Mountain Moving Plan. It was a compromise between the two plans.】

【Because it is too difficult to push the Earth, and the mass of the Moon is much smaller than that of the Earth.】

【Russia wants to install a planetary engine on the moon and transform it into a large escape capsule】

【This way, the moon can carry far more people than the Ark Project, and human civilization can travel to the Centaurus constellation by riding on the moon. 】

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Eh! Can it be explained this way? The moon is indeed easier to push than the earth.” Tsugukuni Yuichi

:”But at the same time, the number of lives that can be saved by the Moon-by-Moon Project is not as many as that of the Mountain-Moving Project.”

Zhu Yue:”Oh my god! Oh my god! It turns out that this is going to drain me out! No wonder I feel a little cold……”

Artemis:”If the moon can save civilization and humanity, then it doesn’t matter what happens to itself.”

Dr. Mei:”The Moon Chasing Project will fail sooner or later. The Earth’s underground city can still sustain human survival, but the moon’s atmosphere is simply unsustainable for human survival.” Uzumaki Naruto:

“That’s right… This world is basically full of ordinary people. Without air, they will die. The Moon Chasing Project cannot be realized at all.”

Saint Emperor:”And the Moon Chasing Project will abandon far more humans than the Mountain Moving Project. This is just a large-scale Ark Project, and people will definitely oppose it.”

【The fourth plan, the digital plan】

【The digital plan was proposed by India, with the goal of uploading human consciousness to computers to transform it into digital life and achieve digital immortality.】

【This plan was not originally related to the solar helium flash crisis, but because the solar helium flash caused global panic, it became an extension of the Ark Project.】

【The Ark space station cannot carry too many humans, but it can carry a huge number of computers and cooling devices. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Because of the Digital Project, quantum computers have begun to be studied, and scientific research on upgrading has been continuously carried out. In the future, quantum computers can be combined with the Ark Project. 】

Belisarius Kaur:”Huh? Digital life? Praise the God of All Machines!”

Neo:”Good guy! I’m just saying good guy! All digital life, right?”

Simon:”It shouldn’t be like this… People should live in this world as their names suggest. What’s the difference between the digital life and the behavior of the Anti-Spirals King against the Anti-Spirals!”

Victor:”People will burn out their life energy… Flesh and blood pain, mechanical ascension! Join the glorious evolution!”[]

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck! Someone upstairs has an idea! Let the digital life civilization escape the solar system, and then after it settles down, create a mechanical body and transfer the consciousness into it! But… are they still human?”

Neil 2 Type B:”Do you think such life is human? Humans should not become like us.”

Cyborg:”Reason tells me that this plan cannot be realized. Humans have souls. How can digital life simulate souls?”

Otto Apokalis:”That’s true… The human soul can change the body at will, but it cannot become a digital life and enter the network.”

【The scene changes, and plans are being made all over the world】

【Scientists from the United Nations Government explain to the world the feasibility and benefits of moving mountains】

【China and other infrastructure powers have begun to call on people to build planetary engines in full swing】

【At the same time, heavy fusion technology is also being gradually mastered by scientific teams.】

【On the other hand, the Lighthouse Country is also vigorously developing and researching space elevator technology and aviation technology.】

【Russia also followed China’s footsteps and began to develop heavy fusion, and began to send resources and talents for building planetary engines to the moon little by little.】

【The crisis brought by solar helium flash is far more than what will happen in the future.】

【Everyone has their own perspectives and cognitions. Because of the dissatisfaction with various plans, the self-destructive people, the desperate people, the conspiracy theorists, etc., the organizations started the riots.】

【Demonstrations, questioning, terrorist attacks, street riots, suicides and other behaviors have occurred repeatedly. 】

Liu Chuang:”Damn! Our brother from Northeast China is building a planetary engine here! It turns out that it was so difficult to build a planetary engine at the beginning!”

Hikari:”In desperate moments and under great pressure, human potential will be infinitely tapped. The advent of these technologies is a good example of this.”

Tomoko:”This time period should be regarded as the time point of the technological explosion of human civilization, right? After all, the technology required for their plans cannot be achieved in a few decades.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”At this time, I guess there will be riots and unrest. There may even be people like 053 Danzo to spread panic.”

Shimura Danzo:”Huruzen really belittles me so much? He doesn’t forget to compare me at this time?”

Gaigula:”There is a great terror between life and death, facing the panic of extinction. The evil and desire for survival in the hearts of humans began to encourage them.”

Dazai Osamu:”It seems that this timeline is what Jinbang wants me to understand before the start of the Wandering Earth plan, how humans calmed down various incidents.”

【In this desperate world environment, the announcement of the digital plan immediately caused an uproar!】

【At this time, countries around the world began to research quantum computers and digital planning technology.】

【And successfully achieved a breakthrough in non-invasive brain-computer interface technology in 2032】

【This technology can scan the details of human brain activity and copy a person’s personality, memory and other elements.】

【This technology has made a substantial breakthrough in the research of transforming humans into digital life.】

【The digital plan quickly received worldwide admiration and enthusiasm, as well as some opposition and riots.】

【Because cheap immortality has led to a hedonistic carnival, the coalition government has also thought of discovering something.】

【At this time, the coalition government still advocated the Mountain Moving Project the most. When they realized that the digital project would shake the Mountain Moving Project and even the foundation of human society and the driving force of civilization,】

【In 2041, the Digital Project was banned due to its violation of life ethics. 】

Black Tower:”Well… digital life is not easy to keep. We can’t unite the government and create a metaverse.…?”

Kazuto Kiritani:”Hiss! I love this brain-computer interface, Lincoln!”

Otto Apocalis:”Hehe… no matter how exquisite the copy is, it’s still just a program. This is the price of digital life.” ump45:”Then humans can no longer call themselves humans. After all, they have no form, and even if they do, they are tactical humanoids, right?” Mebius:

“I see the true horror of this plan. All of humanity is touting the digital plan for pleasure and cheap immortality. If we indulge in pleasure, human civilization will lose the motivation to move forward!”

Pluto:”A stagnant civilization is doomed to be eliminated by the ruthless universe unless it has reached its peak.”


The author’s warm reminder: don’t smoke while sitting on the toilet or throw cigarette butts into the toilet.

I didn’t pay attention and accidentally pressed the cigarette butt on the cow, which made the author cry.

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