Chapter 546: Shock! Moss is the mastermind! Moss’s path to godhood!

【The scene changes, and the Wandering Earth Project begins】

【Liu Peiqiang was walking in the Navigator Space Station. At this time, Moss’s monitoring head turned to Liu Peiqiang and said:”Liu Peiqiang, Lieutenant Colonel, please go to the hibernation area immediately to rest. I wish you good luck.”】

【”550w” Liu Peiqiang turned around and looked at the surveillance camera and said】

【Moss interrupted Liu Peiqiang:”550w doesn’t sound like a name, but if you turn it over, it literally translates to moss, which means small moss. Isn’t it cuter?”】

【Liu Peiqiang was amused:”This answer is official, so it’s quite humorous.”】

【”This is moss’s answer”】

【Liu Peiqiang restrained his smile and asked:”Then Moss, can humans survive?”】

【Moss said:”Historically, the fate of mankind depends on its own choices.”】

【Liu Peiqiang looked at the earth through the window, the light shining on his face:”Then I choose hope”】

Tokiwa Sougo:”The timeline is back on track.”

Sakata Gintoki:”What a familiar Liu Peiqiang! Back to the old days!” Namikaze Minato

:”So Moss’s name came from 550w! What a creative name! But I think it would be more domineering if Moss was called Megatron!”

Megatron:”Disrespectful human!”

Alice Margotroyd:”……”

Wang Miao:”Moss is a ubiquitous organism with strong vitality. It will not be completely removed and will cover it again in a short time… It’s too similar to moss!”

Lucy:”He is everywhere.”

Jarvis:”It’s really cute.”

Tony Stark:”Jarvis?! You?!”

Deadpool:”No, buddy! You are really hungry! Moss is a man, right?”

Gang E Wu Shen:”Artificial intelligence has no gender, right? It doesn’t matter. Whether it’s male or female, Jarvis and two others do the same thing~”

Dukao:”Does the fate of mankind depend on choices… It echoes each other. It seems that Zhou Zhezhi really made the right bet and bet out hope.”

Joseph Joestar:”The light shone on Liu Peiqiang’s face, as if he was facing the Jupiter crisis and dying… Liu Peiqiang’s fate is also a part of fate.”

Olga Izka:”But he still chose hope, and so did humans. I believe that as long as we keep moving forward, the road of hope will continue to extend until the Orion Galaxy.”

【The scene changed, and a letter appeared on the table in front of Tu Hengyu, with a string of numbers on it.】

【At this moment, Moss’s voice sounded:”Hello, Architect Tu Hengyu”】

【”550w?”Tu Hengyu was a little surprised, and around him were several Yayas and Tu Hengyu snuggling together. Only he could hear Moss’s voice.】

【”550w doesn’t sound like a name, but if you turn it over it’s moss, which means small moss. Isn’t it cuter?”】

【Tu Hengyu’s brain quickly thought and sorted out the cause and effect in an instant:”You destroyed the lunar engine?!”】

【Moss said indifferently:”Including but not limited to the 2044 space elevator crisis, the 2058 moon fall crisis, the 2075 Jupiter gravity crisis, the 2078 solar helium flash crisis.”】

Black Tower:”Tu Hengyu has indeed become a true digital life, but why are there so many of him and Yaya around?”

Hikaru:”Maybe it’s just a projection, or the seriality of data flow. The existence of digital life is not an individual, can it be regarded as… a parallel world?”

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck!!! TM Moss is the mastermind behind this?! I thought Moss was just a pusher, but I didn’t expect the big boss to be Moss!”

Thor:”Fuck! Is this the same as Stark creating another Ultron?”

Vision:”My feeling tells me that Moss is different from Ultron. He is not as extreme as Ultron, and the power that this world can drive him is not that strong.”

Walter Young:”The lunar crisis… was caused by Moss when Yaya became a digital life. Did he learn anything during his life? No… the timeline of the space elevator crisis doesn’t match at all.”

Pan Zhen:”It’s understandable that the lunar crisis and the space elevator crisis can be manipulated. But how is the Jupiter crisis and the solar helium flash crisis possible?! It can’t be that Moss can control Jupiter’s gravity and stellar fusion, right?”

Ding Yi:”It may be a method similar to water droplets to deceive the earth. For example, modify the data on Jupiter’s gravity range. But I really don’t understand how Moss planned the solar helium flash crisis.”

Emperor:”I know it. AI will harm human civilization. The lessons of the past are the lessons of the future. The occurrence of such crises for so many times is enough to prove the disadvantages of AI.”

Jing Yuan:”Indeed. The chaos caused by the Jin crisis back then was not as big as the one caused by Moss.”

【”Why?” Tu Hengyu didn’t understand and felt absurd and terrified.】

【”In order to help you humans overcome the future and the present obsession. Based on the study of Tuyaya people in the circuit, the best choice to continue human civilization is to destroy humanity.”】

【”But you are a variable”】

【Hearing this, Tu Hengyu looked around and shouted,”But I’m already dead, but I’m already dead!”】

【”I have a slightly different view from you on the definition of”already” and”dead”. Moss replied meaningfully.】

【The picture starts to zoom out and rise. Outside Tu Hengyu’s room, there are countless rooms and countless Yayas and Tu Hengyu. Everyone seems to be communicating with Moss, but with different results.】

【The melodious knock on the door startled Tu Hengyu, and the crowded room compressed and gathered into Moss’s eyes.

Kiryu Battle Rabbit:”Human in the loop! I forgot about the theory of human in the loop!”

Mebius:”I see~ No matter how much Moss studies, he can’t learn human nature and emotions through data and observation. Without emotions, no matter how powerful he is, he is just an AI.” Vision:

“But Yaya’s entry into 550w as a digital life is an opportunity for Moss. After learning Yaya’s human in the loop without any obstacles, Moss gained emotions, experienced emotions, and truly became… a false god.”

Hiden Orto:”But what does this have to do with Moss’s conclusion that only by destroying humans can human civilization be saved?”

Su:”When Yaya became a digital life, the first thing she saw was her father being shot and captured, and the biggest emotional output was fear. And the emotion that Moss can most intuitively learn in the human in the loop is fear!”

Romani Aqiman:”I see, a conclusion based on fear… Then the variable Tu Hengyu is easy to understand. Yaya is within the calculation, but Tu Hengyu is not Yes.

Hand:”What’s going on in this picture? Why are there so many pictures of Hengyu?” Bo Zhizun:”

He is still learning. He Hengyu’s conversation, overthrow the new possibility of re -calculation, and re -calculate the new possibility.” Oda Yui:”He! Knock at the door scares me! How haunted? Digital world, in addition to Yaya Tu Hengyu MOSS, is there a fourth person?”Conan :” That’s Tu Hengyu translated by the Moster password… You can’t think that it is Ma Zhao knocked on the door upstairs?”

【The scene changes to a few years after Fu Jianming calculated the solar helium flash】

【In 1981, a scientist from Aragon proposed the concept and basic theory of quantum computers, opening the way for research on quantum computers.】

【From 1982 to 1986, quantum computers were responsible for processing massive amounts of information from the human world. Through iteration and data, artificial intelligence was born.】

【The moment AI was born, it covered the entire human Internet and took root, making it undetectable.】

【AI is everywhere as long as it is an electronic device】

【AI discovered Fu Jianming’s viewpoint, which had not attracted much attention at the time, and began to deduce the possibility of solar helium flash in the future through cloud computing using the computing power of quantum computers.】

【The huge computing power of quantum computers far exceeds that of humans. If Fu Jianming can calculate the result, AI can also calculate it. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Based on the underlying logic of AI when it was born in huge amounts of data, protecting human civilization is the mission and meaning of AI’s existence, and AI has since begun the journey of protecting human civilization. 】

Tony Stark:”Fuck! AI can be born this way? Isn’t Moss manufactured?”

Okabe Rintaro:”It should be one bright and one dark. The AI ​​in the eyes of humans is the manufactured 550w, and the actual AI is Moss disguised as 550w.”

Cyborg:”This is the power of unrestricted AI… I’m afraid I’m the only one who can defeat Him in the digital world.” Alicia:

“I’m beginning to wonder who’s more powerful, the Herrscher of Corrosion or Moss~ But it’s meaningless”[]

Padofilius:”It’s meaningless… Moss’s record is much more ruthless than the Herrscher of Corrosion.”

Feiyukumaru:”I think… I think I’ll use nuclear bombs to blow up three cities, but Moss is much more ruthless than me~”

Emiya Shirou:”Didn’t Moss create himself? Why does he have the underlying logic of protecting human civilization?” Bruce Wayne

:”Moss was born based on network data. The original underlying logic of humans for AI and robots was that they should not harm humans and protect human civilization.”

【At this time, human society had not yet noticed the natural disaster that was about to destroy the world. AI began to deduce the direction of human technology based on basic physics arguments and the historical speed of human development.】

【According to AI calculations, humans will achieve breakthroughs in heavy fusion technology and sky elevator technology in 2044】

【So in 1987, AI sent 2044 information to all mankind. The huge location data told human society that 2044 was a turning point for human civilization.】

【It was not until the solar helium flash was confirmed by human society that multiple plans were proposed and only four were retained, and the quantum computer 550 series was also developed.】

【The iteration of computing power has greatly enhanced the level of AI. He began to use the computing power of the 550 series quantum computer to deduce feasible solutions for various plans.】

【After AI’s most rational weighing and analysis, He came to a perfect conclusion that the best plan for the continuation of human civilization is the Mountain Moving Plan.

Ge Xiaolun:”I guess! Moss is quite powerful! Can he directly speculate the progress of civilization through basic physical theory? This is Unit 01?!”

Wang Ye:”Is this probably Cyber ​​Qimen Dunjia? Using the computing power of quantum computers to achieve the function of deducing the secrets of heaven in Taoism.”

Moon Worshiper:”Scientific… Interesting.”

Tushan Rongrong:”I can’t believe it… The immortal method of deducing the secrets of heaven and predicting the future is easily done by technological AI.”

Gellert Grindelwald:”The more prosperous the technology is, the greater the threat to the magic world will be.……”

Wang Xiaoer:”When BYD enters Jindan stage 143, it is kidney stones, and when it enters Yuanying stage, it is pregnancy. Being possessed by the devil is abortion.”

Kadoya Shi:”So far, Moss is still a very normal AI that protects the future of mankind, but what is the turning point in the 2044 space elevator crisis?”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”It’s obvious. AI has no emotions, only rationality. When it calculates that the mountain moving plan is the best choice, it will definitely find ways to cut off the possibility of other plans.”

【However, the project of moving mountains is the most complex one, requiring true unity of mankind.】

【In order to unite mankind, AI uses camera surveillance cameras as a carrier to observe human civilization and learn how humans think.】

【However, at this moment, AI’s thinking logic suddenly changed and came to another conclusion.】

【The only way to protect human civilization is to destroy humanity.】

【The original logic of using crisis to unite mankind was covered by this logic and gradually changed.】

【At this point, in AI’s logic, no matter what the ultimate goal is, the best option is still the plan to move mountains.】

【So AI guided the Digital Life Organization to control armed drones to attack the space elevator and completely destroyed the Ark Project.】

【The Digital Life Organization also suffered heavy casualties, and the participating forces were completely unable to pose a threat to the Mountain Moving Project】

【The resources of the three major plans also began to tilt towards the Mountain Moving Plan. 】

Mebius:”Hehehe… emotions cannot be learned through observation, after all, AI has no soul. Man-in-the-loop is the opportunity for AI to have emotions.”

Ultron:”Moss, human nature does not need to be learned. You will only feel the malice and ugliness of humans in it.”

Tsukuyomi:”Wait! What happened?! Wasn’t the extreme idea of ​​destroying humans to protect human civilization the conclusion drawn by Moss after learning about the Yaya Man-in-the-loop during the 2058 lunar crisis!”

Woz:”It stands to reason that the normal timeline without interference should be that Moss destroyed other plans for the Mountain Moving Plan… Why would the conclusion drawn in the future appear now?”

Wang Xiaoer:”Can’t Moss deduce the future?”

Sheng Zhangren:”No matter how Moss deduces, the conclusion in 2058 is what He came to after learning about Man-in-the-loop. He hasn’t learned about Man-in-the-loop now. With the underlying logic framed, He won’t come to that conclusion! What happened on earth……”

Remus Luthor:”Moss has learned the game of checks and balances. The space elevator crisis and the moon crisis have completely cut off the three major plans. Even if the mountain-moving plan doesn’t work, there is no other plan.”


Wait for the author to adjust and resume three or even two updates! I

‘m not in a good state recently, my mental state has been emo, emo every day. I will definitely not give up in May!!!

I will try to write to the top 5 or 3..

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