Chapter 550: Hunting Wandering Stars, The First Holy Swordsman, The Turning Point of Olympus and the Fairy Kingdom

【The scene changed, and in the vast universe, a tear-shaped observation device consisting of an unknown core and multiple composite starships was seen traveling through the universe at superluminal speed.】

【This is the predator planet – Wilpa, also known as the Tears of the Star】

【An observation device from an advanced unknown civilization that patrols the Milky Way every 14,000 years to search for civilizations within it.】

【Any civilization discovered by a prey planet will be destroyed and devoured until the civilization is completely extinct.】

【In countless 14,000-year cycles, the predatory planets devoured countless civilizations in the Milky Way and collected countless resources.】

【Until another cycle, the predator appeared again and passed through the galaxy called the solar system.】

【Looking at the state of the stars in this galaxy, the Predator Planet sent out three starships carrying the Planetary Scouts to search for civilizations in the solar system. 】

Shi Qiang:”Damn… Big Water Drop?”

Guilliman:”Superluminal travel? What civilization did this? The observation device has superluminal speed?”

Jing Yuan:”Predator Planet… Planet… Isn’t this the Planetary Scout that destroyed civilization and was defeated by the Mecha God Zeus?”

Holy Kesha:”Patrols in a cycle of 14,000 years just to destroy civilization?! The same behavior as the Singer civilization, could it be that this universe itself is similar to the Dark Forest Universe?”

Sophon:”Completely different. Everyone is hiding in the Dark Forest Universe, and advanced civilizations don’t bother to destroy civilizations everywhere. According to speculation, there are not many advanced civilizations in this universe.”

Grand Duke of Hellfire:”Destruction!!! Good! I like it very much Good wandering civilization! Bring great destruction to the universe!”

Drasion:”Such wanton destruction of civilization and even hunting of civilization”593″ seriously violates the justice of the universe, is there no one to stop it?”

Gorfa:”All the crimes that can be committed in the Galactic Justice Law have been committed by this predator wandering star! If no one stops it, it is very likely that… there will be few people who can stop the existence of wandering star civilization. Even if they can, there is no need.”

Nick Fury:”Fuck! The solar system has been plagued by so many disasters, why are all kinds of things flocking to the solar system?!”

Romani Achiman:”The wandering star vanguard is just a thug under the command of the predator wandering star?! Fortunately, the predator wandering star itself will not come, otherwise it will never be defeated!”

【The scene changes, and three spaceships move separately, one of which is heading straight for the earth.】

【Soon, the starship that discovered the existence of intelligent life on the surface of the earth sent a wandering star scout to the earth, the white giant – Cefalu】

【The white giant washed the earth with blood, slaughtered intelligent life forms, and absorbed spirit particles deeper than blood to grow.】

【At this time, it was still 12,000 BC, and sentient life forms called humans had just appeared on the earth.】

【Civilization is still in the tribal period, still relying on prayer and hunting to obtain resources for survival】

【Faced with the massacre and disasters brought by the White Giant, humans can only flee or hide.】

【However, as the white giant continued to grow, the mountains were crushed, the sea was stirred, and not only humans, but also sentient beings such as animals and elves were slaughtered and devoured. 】

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Sentient life forms… don’t they only slaughter humans?”

Uzui Tengen:”It is the enemy of civilization! If the Wandering Star Vanguard appears in our world, Muzan Kibutsuji, don’t even think about running away!”

Lufa:”It doesn’t feel right… What is the purpose of the Wandering Star Vanguard to destroy civilization? Is it just to prevent civilization from developing to the point where it can threaten the Wandering Star civilization?”

Hikari:”That’s a problem. Let’s talk about power. I feel that the Wandering Star is not as good as Chaos at all, but Chaos only collects resources. What do the Wandering Stars collect spirit particles for?”

Guyue Fangyuan:”Hehehe… Maybe they harvest the spirit particles of all the lives of civilization to achieve their own Ascension.”

Black Emperor:”wdnmd what dark turmoil?”

Gudako:”That is, pan-human history had not yet developed in 12,000 BC! Everyone in the Heroic Spirits is a talent. If the Wandering Star Vanguard dares to come, she will definitely have a harder time than him!”

Ueshirazawa Huiyin:”Am I the only one who noticed? The Wandering Star Vanguard of Earth looks a lot like Attila, and the Wandering Star Vanguard who died on Earth will also be gathered by history and become Heroic Spirits.”

Laast:”Wow~ The Wandering Star Vanguard is a seed! It harvests civilization to grow, and when the civilization is destroyed, it will be the time when it is fully mature!”

Otsutsuki Momoshiki:”It’s a bit similar to the style of our Otsutsuki clan.”

【The scene changes to Olympus】

【The gods worshipped and believed by humans are determined to fight against the white giant god in order to protect the world.】

【However, the god underestimated the power of the white giant god and failed to awaken his own machine body, and did not have time to merge the twelve main gods into one.】

【Seeing that the gods they believed in were no match for the disaster, humans began to pray for the world and for life.】

【The wishes of mankind were transmitted to the inner sea of ​​the star. The planet’s restraining force Gaia used the wishes of mankind as raw materials and fantasy as the framework, and forged the Holy Sword of the Star through the hands of six fairies.】

【The Holy Sword of the Star passed through the inner world and was found by a human, thus the first Holy Sword Master was born.】

【Facing the white giant gods from other civilizations in the universe, the Holy Sword of the Stars that blocked the enemies outside the two planets instantly released its greatest power!】

【The white giant god Cephalu was killed by the holy sword user, and the world’s disaster was quelled. 】

Mechanic God Zeus:”This is the difference between pan-human history and the Lostbelt. I haven’t awakened to pan-human history yet.”

Jupiter Star God Zeus:”Why am I so fussy about this? Just combine with the Super Mechanic God to defeat the Wandering Star Vanguard!”

Simon:”Super Planetary Mechanic God Raul!”

Samira:”The gods of this world are much better than those ascenders who claim to be gods. It’s a pity that their power is weak.”

Liang Bing:”Prayers as raw materials, fantasies as skeletons… My CPU burned! What is this! This mystery is pure nonsense!”

Romani Achiman:”The reason why mystery is mystery is that it runs counter to science. Your worldview has been fixed, so you naturally cannot understand mystery.”

Okabe Rintaro:”I know the turning point of fate! The six fairies forged the Holy Sword of the Star, combined with the words in the prophecy poem. It seems that the fairy country is because there is no The Holy Sword of the Stars was born after forging it!”

Gagula:”What is the purpose of the Wandering Star Vanguard? Destroy all intelligent creatures and build a fairy kingdom? Control with puppets?”

Horus:”If the Wandering Star civilization wants to colonize, then the method above is really useless.”

Walter Yang:”Now that I know the foundation of the Wandering Stars, I understand how powerful the Holy Sword of the Stars is. The alien civilization that the gods could not defeat was defeated by the Holy Sword of the Stars!”

Altria Pendragon:”So… that person is my predecessor and the first Holy Sword user.”

Lufa:”This is the real treasure of civilization! While it is powerful, it is not afraid of being destroyed by villains.”

Jianzi Xianji:”It is worthy of being a star that has bred countless great beings. It is outrageous that weapons forged from the stars themselves can eliminate disasters that are enough to destroy the stars themselves.”

【After this battle, the planet suffered heavy damage.】

【The original planet’s surface was rich in earth and ether, and many fantasy species were bred in nature, and the mystery was also extremely prosperous.】

【However, the White Giant destroyed the earth, and the forging of the Holy Sword of the Star consumed too much of the planet’s power, causing the ether concentration in the surface world to drop sharply!】

【The mystery begins to dissipate, and the Phantasma can also feel that the surface world is no longer suitable for them to survive. The end of the Age of Gods is approaching.】

【At the same time, the defeat of the gods in the White Giant Disaster caused the faith of the gods in the hearts of humans to waver, and a gap between humans and gods appeared.】

【As a result, more and more fantasy species and even gods chose to abandon their bodies in the surface world and enter the inner world to survive in the inner sea of ​​stars. 】

Kenneth:”So this is the reason why the Age of Gods faded? I see. Damn the Wandering Star Soldier! If it weren’t for her, the Age of Gods might not have continued until now!”

Lu Mingfei:”Is this probably the era of spiritual energy dissipation in online novels? Will there be a spiritual energy revival later?”

Jewel:”There will be a land of steel.” Hanabi

:”Tsk tsk tsk, then if we build a few more holy swords of the stars, will we enter the land of steel in advance?”

Inhibition Gaia:”The people above are eager for me to die.” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dr. Serizawa:”The inner sea of ​​stars feels a lot like the hollow space of the earth Theory! Perhaps the monsters were once fantasy species, and they built a glorious civilization in the hollow of the earth!”

Merlin:”No, no, no, the inner sea of ​​the star is where the soul of the planet exists, and it is a paradise of innocence. Since it is a paradise, there is no such thing as civilization.” Volibear

:”The humans in this world don’t worship the ancient ways anymore… but I can’t blame them. Since the gods were defeated first, it’s not a sin to no longer believe in them.”

Doctor Strange:”Why do you have to give up your body to enter the inner sea of ​​the star?”

La Lune:”The place where the soul of the planet exists should also be the spiritual plane, and entities should not be able to enter the inner sea of ​​the star……….”

【The scene changed, and the golden list returned to the scene where the white giant god Sefalu was wreaking havoc on the earth.】

【This time, there are different options】

【When humans prayed to the White Giant God, the God chose to respond.】

【The great god Zeus, with his absolute authority and power, ignored the opposition of other gods and forcibly combined the twelve mechas!】

【Zeus, who has restored the Olympus starship to its peak strength, single-handedly defeated the white giant god Cefalu!】[]

【The Age of Gods has not ended, and the gods and men have not said goodbye, and the ancient ways are still maintained.】

【Then came the Anomaly Scissor, the arrival of the Fantasy Tree, the Storm Wall surrounding Greece, and Zeus creating the Interstellar Mountain City, and the Greek Lostbelt was born. 】

Natsukawa Haruki:”Zeus! My Superman!”

Shimura Danzo:”Is that how tough you should be? If you are as indecisive as the other Mecha Gods and Sarutobi, destruction will be your end!”

Walter���:”This Olympus starship is really powerful and good-looking!”

Jason:”Tsk! Whose ancestors didn’t have riches? The great god Zeus is the Olympus starship that came across the universe! The ancestor Chaos on it is even more heavyweight, how can a small wandering star touch it?”

Ultraman Zero:”Indeed, after all, Zeus and his men came across the universe, and they can only travel faster than the speed of light by preying on wandering stars.”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! This combined Zeus is really fierce! Why didn’t he use the combined form at the beginning?”

Conan:”From this point of view, the wandering star vanguard is really the key. The historical turning points of the two Lostbelts are the wandering star vanguard incidents.” Justice:

“It’s a pity that such a civilization has cut off the future, and the Lostbelt will also come, which is unfair to Zeus.”

Xu Tingfei:”I’m so angry! Zeus was wrongly killed! You said you don’t want to fight? It’s you who died, and it also harmed the people. Fight? The world that I worked so hard to protect was cut off! It’s really annoying!”

Camille:”It’s wrong to do it, and it’s also wrong not to do it. Even so, he still insisted on protecting his people. This is why Zeus is believed to be a god.”

【The Golden List scene once again returns to the time when the white giant god Sefalu was wreaking havoc on the earth.】

【As in the original timeline, sentient life was slaughtered, humans prayed to the gods and the gods were defeated】

【Humanity prays for the world, and the planetary restraining force Gaia asks six fairies to forge the Holy Sword of the Star】

【However, at this moment, the six fairies who were supposed to forge the Holy Sword of the Star disappeared and went to play somewhere else, completely ignoring the mission given to them by the planet’s restraining force.】

【Humanity lost the power to fight against the giant white god Cefalu, all sentient life was slaughtered, and the surface of the earth was burned into a scorched earth that could not nurture life.】

【After killing all 5.3 sentient life, the Wandering Star Soldier lost its nutrition due to lack of spirit particles to devour, and began to self-destruct.】

【The self-destructive explosion of the Wandering Star Soldier destroyed all the land, and the planet was left with only the boundless ocean. 】

Qingque:”Good, good, good! What fish can this goblin catch! Six goblins can’t even make up two tables of Emperor Yuan Qiongyu!”

Zhang Chulan:”But six people can play Three Kingdoms Kill.”

Lu Mingfei:”Good, good, good! I’ll give Three Kingdoms Kill a good review now!” Dainsleb

:”The prophecy poem says that we are the descendants of free goblins. Now it seems really ironic.”

Wendy:”The six goblins seem to be a little too free. At least they should know what is important!”

Jizi:”Suddenly I feel that goblins are a bit like the Masked Fool. They just love to play or like to enjoy themselves regardless of everything.”

Kal’tsit:”This land is devastated. It turns out that the source of the disaster is caused by goblins.”

Shiki Yingji:”I understand the last sentence of the introduction of Top 13 of the Golden List,”Forgive! Forgive!” What do you mean. Can this be forgiven? Death penalty!!!”

Funina:”Making a world more miserable than the ending predicted by Fontaine is no longer punishable by death! I suggest killing all nine clans!”

Gagra:”The Wandering Planet Vanguard blew up in the end?! Harvesting the spirit particles of civilization just to turn yourself into a bomb and then destroy the surface that gave birth to civilization? It’s totally self-defeating!”

Deadpool:”The Earth becomes Mercury (sad)”

Triangle:”A planet full of water? (ecstasy) I think this is also pretty good”


At the latest, I will resume updating twice a day on the 10th, and then it will remain the same.

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