Chapter 557: Altria Custer, Merlin and Laozi’s Magic

【The scene turns to the Queen’s calendar year 2001】

【Since Morgan gave up the mission of Paradise and turned to maintaining Britain, the inner sea of ​​stars once again gave birth to a fairy of Paradise.】

【A girl who looks almost like a young Ash but has some differences, Altria Caster, drifted to the territory of the Mirror Clan.】

【The Mirror Clan leader Ainsel recognized the identity of the fairy from Altria’s paradise and did not keep her in the clan. Instead, he sent her on a small boat with some treasures to drift across the sea.】

【The patriarch of this generation of Mirror Clan is the same kind of person as the patriarch of Rain Clan back then. He also wants to adopt Altria.】

【But he saw a short-lived future, a future in which the Mirror Clan would be destroyed, and he could not leave Artoria to perish with the Mirror Clan.】

【Looking at Altria’s receding figure, Ainsel murmured:”The savior of Britain has been born, and the true king who defeated the false king has appeared.”】

【Young Altria was stranded in a small village, and was accepted into the village by the villagers because of the treasures she carried.】

Shirou Emiya:”Saber?! No, not Saber. It’s… Caster?”

Gawain:”Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!! This is the first time I’ve seen such a young and innocent king! So pure!”

Tristan:”This king definitely understands people’s hearts.” Bedivere

:”The king has become a fairy in paradise, how could I have such a dream? But since he is the savior, I believe the king is definitely qualified!”

Mordred:”Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!! A father who understands people’s hearts! A lovely father! If the queen mother can be with this father… bliss!” Kengo

Manaka:”The luck of the fairies in paradise is at the beginning. They are all good. Ash met the chief of the Rain Clan, and Altria met the chief of the Mirror Clan.”

Uchiha Fugaku:”The Mirror Clan will be exterminated in the future? Impossible… Now it is the Queen’s calendar controlled by Morgan, who dares to mess around? Who has the ability to mess around?”

Angel Yan:”Why do the fairies of this generation say that Morgan is a false king? Isn’t it the fairies themselves who did it?”

George Joestar:”I think… only the fairies of Paradise who bear the name of Avalon are the true kings, right? Ash abandoned the mission of Paradise and is a false king.”

Mikasa:”The fairies of Paradise are all very kind and good people. Don’t let the fairies of Paradise confront each other.……”

【The scene changes, and the moment the fairies in the village see Altria, they realize that she is a fairy from Paradise and split into two groups.】

【One faction is the Son of Prophecy faction, which fears Morgan and hopes that the Son of Prophecy can grow up and overthrow Morgan.】

【One faction is the Queen’s faction. They hate the Paradise Fairies but are afraid that Morgan will find out that the village is hiding the Paradise Fairies. They also want to use the Paradise Fairies to find Morgan to claim the reward.】

【So the whole village decided to raise Altria until she was 16 years old. If Altria was unable to overthrow Morgan at the age of 16, they would sell her to Morgan for a fortune.】

【Because the fairies thought that the fairies in Paradise would look down on them, they hated Altria and made her live in the stable.】

【Because Artoria has poor talent and very little magic power, the fairies sent by the Son of Prophecy squeeze all of Artoria’s time, including her sleeping time, to train her.】

【All fairies are using Altria as a tool, using the excuse that it’s all for your own good.】

Natsuki Subaru:”I’m relieved. Fairies are still despicable.”

Emilia:”I don’t want to watch it anymore… If Altria was in the Mirror Clan, her childhood would definitely be as warm as Ash’s. Unfortunately………”

White-haired man:”These dogs only think about the present. They want to overthrow Morgan because of his tyranny, and when they return to the chaotic times, they will think that someone can save them.”

Gawain:”The king has fallen into the wolf’s den! The king is still so young… Damn it! If I were by the king’s side, the sun’s fire would definitely burn these fairies to ashes!”

Mordred:”Dare to let the king live in a stable?! Damn unruly people! Where’s my evil sword? I’m going to Avalon to blast fairies! Damn, are you worthy of living in the inner sea of ​​​​the stars?’!”

Rudolph symbol:”A stable in another world… Poor child living in such a place. If you were born in our world, I’m sure the three goddesses would love and protect you……”

Huo Linfei:”That’s too much… If I were Artoria and was treated like this, the first thing I would do after becoming stronger would be to shoot these fairies!”

Uchiha Sasuke:”We’re both fairies from Paradise, so why is Artoria so weak and has no talent? She’s far worse than Ash.”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”Upstairs, Big Morgan sent Ash a large archive and strategy guide… Beryl can’t summon another King Arthur to send an account to Artoria, right?”


Merlin:”That won’t work… With the king’s brain, she can’t even understand such a delicate job as analyzing the spirit particle transfer technology.”

【On the other hand, Ainsel made a life-threatening decision.】

【He, who believed in prophecy, made a prophecy that shook Britain:”16 years from now, the savior will appear.”】

【”Under the guidance of the Chosen Staff, the True King will finally be crowned”】

【”When the six bells ring, the false queen will be defeated.”】

【”Lead the fairies and humans to end the hypocritical history”】

【It was because of this prophecy of Ainsel that the Mirror Clan was exterminated by the Dragonborn who was once saved by Aurora and now named Fairy Knight Lancelot by Morgan.】

【His prophecy spread throughout Britain. Because of Morgan’s tyranny, such as taxes, countless fairies were looking for the son of prophecy.】

【Because of this, Artoria is highly expected by the Children of Prophecy.

Sengoku:”Is he crazy?! What’s the difference between saying this kind of prophecy in the Fairy Kingdom and saying that the Celestial Dragons will be overthrown in Marinford?” Doflamingo

:”I think I know the reason why the Mirror Clan was exterminated. Just look at his remarks, wow.”

Zhu Yuanzhang:”He’s worthy of being a fairy! He implicated the Nine Clans so smoothly!”

Natsu:”Eh… Morgan is not such a cruel person, right? She is not such a stingy person, right? She can defeat the Lostbelt alone, who has the ability to overthrow her?”

Lancelot:”Fairy Knight… Lancelot?! Wait, this is not right! This is me in the Lostbelt?

This is ridiculous!” Rimuru:”Ahem! This is just a name, a title. But Fairy Knight Lancelot is quite subtle.”

Mash Kyrielight:”Almost had both parents. But it’s strange to have such a young mother, right?”

Angers:”This Fairy Knight Lancelot is definitely a powerful hybrid… He may even be the Dragon King! The power is strong and powerful, very powerful!”

【The scene changes. Because of learning the prosperity of humans, the offspring of fairies also begin to lose their mystery and even lose their fairy eyes.】

【Altria, who has fairy eyes, can hear the voices of fairies. She knew from the beginning that fairies are not worth saving.】

【She was very unfortunate. She didn’t have a happy childhood like Ash, nor did she have relatives who cared for her like the Rain Clan leader did. She couldn’t even guarantee food, clothing, and sleep.】

【All she had were the villagers who mocked her and hated her. Her adoptive mother treated her as a tool, and her”relatives” who abused her.”】

【Altria has no memory of spring, and is given the mission of saving fairies, but is abused by them.】

【Because Altria began to doubt Paradise’s mission, but what could she do?】

【She had no strength or courage, and could only silently endure the consequences, suffering physically and mentally.】

【As long as she waits until she is 16, she can leave the village, which is also the only hope and sustenance of Artoria. 】

Emiya Kiritsugu:”Because she is not addicted to fairy tales, she is unusually sober… Her future deeds are no less than King Arthur in pan-human history.”

Kurosaki Ichigo:”If she didn’t have the fairy eyes, she could still deceive herself, but it’s a pity… It’s really killing people.”

Gilgamesh:”How do you treat the treasure that my king values? You bastards!” Kiana Kaslana:

“If the driving force of the Paradise Fairies is all the beauty in the world, then Artoria really doesn’t experience any beauty at all.……”

Itsuki Shido:”I feel so bad… I really want to save her! She will be completely hopeless if she goes on like this!” Orion

:”Can’t the people above see? She has become numb. Just like Artemis, she won’t even despair or call for help… Fujimaru Ritsuka, I believe you will save her.” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Red A:”I have to say that Gaia is an even more evil boss than Alaya. At least Alaya can give some characteristics and power, but Gaia really doesn’t give anything and it all depends on the Paradise Fairies to settle down on their own.”

Itadori Yuji:”The Paradise Fairies are not gym students. It took Ash a thousand years of settling down to solo Britain. I dare not even think about how long it will take Altria to settle down.”

Tracy:”Paradise mission? Screw his Paradise mission! Why not just study technology and send signals into space to attract predators and blow up the entire planet!”

Ye Wenjie:”The people above seem to be a bit extreme”

【The scene changes, and a few years later,”Merlin” finally can’t stand it anymore】[]

【”Merlin had been observing Artoria, and finally he could no longer stand the actions of those fairies, and he hated Artoria who obeyed those beasts.】

【He hadn’t intended to have anything to do with this matter, but he couldn’t help it, so he had to do this.】

【”Merlin said to Altria through the Staff of Selection:”Listen carefully! I am Merlin, the Flower Magician Merlin.”】

【”I will teach you how to make your life easier. Is there anything you would be happy to get now? Tell me about it.”】

【Hearing the good news brought by”Merlin”, Artoria smiled foolishly and asked:”Merlin, is there any magic to keep warm? In this case… I would be very happy if the night could be warmer.”】

【”My home is very cold and freezes in winter. Last year, I lost two toes due to freezing.”】

【After saying that, Altria scratched her face in embarrassment.:”.Hehe…Because this matter is very embarrassing, I am still hiding it from everyone.”】

Arthur Pendragon:”Here comes the hero! All this time Merlin has been made of heroes, and now you’ve finally made yourself!”

Homelander:”And you, Merlin, my friend, you are the real hero!”

Conan:”Isn’t that right? Wasn’t Merlin discovered by Morgan that he could only stay in Avalon? And Merlin’s habit is different from what we saw before!!!”

Romani Achiman:”Suit man?!”

Merlin:”Am I a stand-in? I’ve been wearing the skin all this time, why am I being suited up today?!”

Li Yunlong:”Old man? Hahahaha! Merlin, you really are from Dalian! No wonder people always say there’s an Avalon in Dalian. For your heroic act, I, Li, must bring two pounds of sweet potatoes to Avalon one day and have a drink with you!”

Chihaya Aine:”Huh?! Your toes were frozen off in the winter? Woohoo… Altria is so miserable.……”

Yao Lao:”It is said that when God gives a man a great responsibility, he must first make him work hard… But that being said, I can’t stand it anymore… You can’t even guarantee basic food and clothing?”

Kratos:”At this age, you should be the daughter of a family and should be loved. Why are you grinning when your toes are frozen off? Why don’t you cry? Why aren’t you sad?”

Thor:”This world cannot allow fairies to exist. If she were in Asgard, she would never be bullied like this!” Jifu Taro

:”If she was born into a noble family, she would be a daughter. Ordinary people wouldn’t be so miserable… They don’t even have a brother to protect them. Altria, you are like a combination of me and Mei.……”

Mordred:”Gah! I, I, I, I, I… I’m fucking going to explode!!!””

【”Merlin was so sad that he didn’t know what to say, so he could only change the subject and teach Altria magic.】

【A year has passed quickly. This is probably the earliest time since Altria was born.)】

【Accompanied by a gentle”Merlin” who calls himself his father, he teaches her strange magic tricks, including unlocking, sneaking, knocking heads, making bombs, etc.……】

【Although this”Merlin” taught me magic on the spot, he also cursed the fairies on Altria’s side from time to time for being disgusting.】

【Until one day, Altria was spotted smiling in the fields by a fairy girl, who reported her to the village chief.】

【In the name of Altria, the Rod of Selection was confiscated by the villagers and will not be returned to her until she is 16 years old.】

【Artoria’s world became dark again, returning to that bleak world.

Arthur Pendragon:”Merlin, step down!”

Merlin:”Who in the family understands? You are not good at learning, but you are trying to trick me and mislead the students? How disgusting! Get down!” Oberon

:”Hey,————! Why are some people barking when looking at the gold list? So disgusting! Where is their quality?”

Ron Weasley:”Yeah… Does the great wizard Merlin need to teach magic on the spot?”

Hermione Granger:”Maybe Merlin is just customizing magic for Altria. Ron, you are not Merlin, how can you understand Merlin?”

Tony Stark:”But this unlocking, sneaking in, knocking on the head, making bombs, etc. is too outrageous, right?! Is this a magic claw?” Harry Potter:

“Unlocking is Alaho, it’s reasonable.”

Gandalf:”Knocking on the head… It’s reasonable for a wizard to learn some melee self-defense.”

Philen:”As a wizard, it’s reasonable to hide in a hidden position and learn to sneak in and hide.”

Singed:”I, an ordinary person, can configure alchemical gas bombs, it’s normal for a wizard to know some alchemical bombs.”

Altria Pendragon:”That person is definitely not Merlin anyway. Merlin will not sympathize with what happened, but those who pretend to be Merlin will”


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