Chapter 595: The birth of the human union and giant enterprises, the establishment of the Star Sea Community, and the pain of flesh and blood!

【The scene changes, and the three colony ships lose contact soon after entering the wormhole. No matter how hard the United Nations tries to contact them, they are ultimately deemed to have lost contact.】

【The plan for mankind’s first contact with the stars was shattered, but the sadness did not slow down the progress of civilization】

【At the other end of the wormhole, three colony ships appeared in different places.】

【The colony ship where Hawke was located luckily found an uninhabited habitable planet】

【After destroying the natives, humans wandering the sea of ​​stars took root on this planet and built civilization.】

【During this period, technology continued to rise. Without the intervention of doves, militarism began to sweep this new human civilization.】

【As nearly a hundred years passed, the Human Federation was established! And because of its technological explosion and tough style, it became a powerful civilization in the Milky Way.】

【Extreme xenophobia and racial cleanliness, coupled with the iteration of hawkish thinking, make the United States look down on those soft eggs who advocate peace and diversity.】

【In the end, the Human Alliance decided to take back the mother planet Earth. 】

Ye Wenjie:”I think the signal of human technology at that time could not go beyond a very long range. No one knows how many light years thick the wormhole is from the solar system.”

Yi Jue:”Yes, it is not even certain whether the world behind the wormhole is another isolated space. It can only be said that this action is too risky.”

Luo Ji:”Think darker. If the star field is too far away, why don’t you return? Is it possible that you have encountered an attack from an alien civilization?”

Rocket Raccoon:”Oh my friend, you don’t think that all wormholes are bidirectional, right? There are also unidirectional wormholes.”

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck, aren’t the humans in this world so smooth? A colony ship that lost contact is composed of civilization has become a powerful civilization in the Milky Way?”

Zhang Beihai:”These children are too suitable for entering the universe. Their tough style and decisive choices are simply born to explore the universe.”

Guilliman:”I like this human federation. Humans are the supreme race. How can aliens compare with humans?”

Sanguinius:”18 But with the replacement of humans, the thoughts of the Human Federation and the Earth Federation are in conflict. Doesn’t this mean that humans are divided?”

Swain:”Only hardliners can lead humans to survive in the universe. Indecision will only hinder the progress of mankind!”

Liu Chuang:”As I said…Human Federation men, Earth Federation softies!”

【On the other hand, the dovish colony ship Hyacinth lost contact in deep space, encountered no other civilizations, had no resources, and eventually 250,000 people died in the universe due to lack of resources.】

【The colony ship carrying the capitalists also found a habitable planet and began to develop, and its geographical location happened to be an interstellar route.】

【Business thinking began to make these people cautiously approach other civilizations, and they began to trade with small bets for big gains, gradually developing】

【Finally, the Universal Enterprise, also known as the Mega Enterprise, was established】

【Due to the constant exchanges and contacts with interstellar civilizations, the technological level of giant enterprises has gradually improved, and they have begun to actively build trade networks.】

【The expeditionary forces formed by the giant companies using powerful technology, starting from the weak planetary civilization, gradually opened up trade routes in the name of free trade.】

【As for those civilizations that do not comply and oppose, free trade comes to their doorsteps, and giant companies use force to persuade them personally. 】

Dio:”Without resources and food, why not eat minced meat?”

Jonathan Joestar:”Minced meat? Wait! Dio……”

Chu Yan:”Still not decisive enough… 250,000, what rich resources? At least it can last for quite some time.”

Cardo:”These merchants are quite smart. They know how to trade with people from other worlds.”

Yun Tianming:”In fact, they are quite lucky. At least the civilizations they encounter are friendly or neutral, not the kind that attack on sight.”

Dongfang Qixing:”Okay, okay, you’re the Universal Corporation, right? But without the pricing power and monetary system of the universe, you can’t call it the Universal Corporation.”

Silver Wolf:”No, buddy… Isn’t this Universal Corporation a bit wrong? Isn’t this free trade a bit… too free?”

Five-star entrepreneur MacArthur:”When I saw the free trade of the Universal Corporation, I knew that the freedom of a familiar country appeared in the universe.”

Xier:”This, this, this… isn’t this right? The Interstellar Peace Company is at least doing surface work, but this giant company doesn’t even pretend to trade directly with force?!”

Deadpool:”Open the door! Free trade!”

【The scene changes and we return to Earth.】

【In a short period of time, the Earth developed a superluminal engine for the first time, as well as countless powerful space cruisers, forming the fleet of the United Nations of Earth.】

【More than one hundred years after the birth of the United Nations on Earth, mankind truly entered the stage of the universe for the first time!】

【The exploration ship and colony ship equipped with superluminal engines entered the hyperspace channel, then expanded outward from the solar system at superluminal speed and successfully found a habitable colony planet.】

【It is not only human civilization that discovered this planet, but also another civilization in the Milky Way.】

【The negotiations of the Earth United Nations were ineffective in the face of a civilization with a tough and extreme attitude, and finally the war broke out.】

【With overwhelming force, the Earth United Nations fleet successfully destroyed the enemy civilization fleet and seized ownership of the habitable planet.】

【After tasting the sweetness, the Earth United Nations began to increase its efforts to explore and colonize the outer solar system. 】

Sophon:”Superluminal engine? Less than 200 years?”

Prime Minister Malcador:”The humans in this world seem to be surprisingly strong. They have developed superluminal engines in less than 3,000 years of primitive times?”

Shi Qiang:”So everyone is a technological explosion, and we are C4 or nuclear explosion?”

Evans:”Shouldn’t the moral level of extroverted civilizations be higher? How… How come the moral level of the Earth United Nations is high, and they won the first encounter with alien civilization?”

Dukao:”This human civilization is too strong! Isn’t it the correct answer to the strength of civilization to not develop genetic engineering and instead carry out explosive military operations?……?”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Do those people upstairs need to be so afraid of alien civilizations? Can’t they be more confident in human civilization? Do you think that human civilization is facing a challenge from alien civilizations? No, they are the challengers!”

Nick Fury:”Alien civilizations are like this. Human civilization only needs to blow them up, but alien civilizations have to consider a lot more. How to pay compensation, how to cede star regions, and how to preserve the fire of civilization.……”

King of Conquerors:”Did you get a taste of success? Hahahaha! Humanity is about to start conquering the starry sea!”

【As human civilization expands and grows, it comes into contact with more and more other civilizations.】

【If we encounter a tough and extreme civilization, the United Nations of Earth is confident that we can fight and defeat it.】

【When encountering friendly civilizations seeking common development, the Earth United Nations will play its usual conservative style of common progress and establish alliances and trade.】

【As contacts and diplomatic relations with interstellar civilizations gradually increased, each civilization also learned about other civilizations in the galaxy.】

【The landscape of the galaxy became more vibrant. In order to avoid tragic misunderstandings among civilizations due to cultural factors, diplomats from various civilizations began to call for the formation of an alliance.】

【Amid the promotion of my diplomatic life and the appeal to various civilized nations, leaders of multiple civilizations gathered in a hall, and aliens of different appearances, skin colors and forms gathered together.】

【Under the live broadcast of several civilized media, in a harmonious atmosphere, people from different cultures and races held hands and smiled from the bottom of their hearts.】

【The pan-galactic organization connecting several civilizations in the Milky Way – the Star Ocean Community has been established! 】

Alicia:”Oh~ What a harmonious universe! This is probably the most harmonious universe ecology I have ever seen~” (To read a super exciting novel, go to Faloo Novels!)

Holy Kesha:”I have to say, what is ruling by inaction, what is a disordered universe or an ordered universe, or my righteous order, are not as good as the picture of this universe.”

Sophon:”So harmonious… so beautiful and warm… Is this the universe without a dark forest, under the sun?……”

Ultra Father:”Perhaps the meaning of the existence of us Ultra Warriors and the Kingdom of Light is to make the universe become warm, harmonious and progressive like this.”

Mephilas:”It’s so terrifying… Putting aside the alliance formed by prejudices and differences, the future of this Galaxy Community has the potential to be comparable to the Cosmic Alliance.”

Clark Kent:”Such a universe is indeed beautiful, but not every civilization should be like this, right? There will always be thorns, right?”

Musashi II:”Ha! I’m in heaven! The formation of the Galaxy Community is an inevitable trend. Civilizations that don’t want to join can only leave the galaxy or be destroyed.”

Himeko:”This scene is really a historic moment. Different countries, different civilizations, different races, and different cultures form a true interstellar peace.” Justice

:”Such an organization is very consistent with the justice of the universe. They have the potential to dominate the universe. Perhaps the universe can only make comprehensive progress under the leadership of the Galaxy Community.”

【The scene changes, and the establishment of the Star Ocean Community makes human civilization flourish. Various civilizations exchange technology, conduct research and discussion with each other, and make common progress.】

【The ownership of star regions is clearly divided and controlled, eliminating the possibility of friction caused by vague boundaries.】

【However, at this time, an extreme war civilization called Dais Purification Country invaded the star field of the United Nations on Earth.】

【The Dais Purification Nation is a civilization that refuses to join the Star Sea Community, and arrogantly despises all civilizations in the Star Sea Community, issuing a declaration of war on the entire Star Sea Community!】

【The Xinghai Community held an emergency remote meeting and unanimously decided to cancel the existence of the Dais Purification Nation and completely eliminate the Dais Purification Nation from a physical level.】

【The scene changed, and the civilizations in various star regions of the Milky Way mobilized their military forces and fleets to enter the hyperspace channel and cleared the territory of the Dais Purification Kingdom at the fastest speed!】

【Soon, all the military and defense forces of the Dais Purification Nation were completely destroyed by the Star Community’s joint fleet.】[]

【The mother planet was quickly occupied after being bombed from high altitude by the Star Community’s joint fleet, and eventually the resources and technology were divided up by all civilizations. 】

Death Karl:”This scene reminds me of the time when I was in Shenhe College. The whole galaxy is doing this, and the progress of civilization will be greatly enhanced.”

Holy Kesha:”Copy homework, copy homework, while I still have the ability, try to imitate a Star Community?”

Snow Queen:”I like this kind of universe, I like the Star Community.”

Pluto:”Everything will turn into its opposite when it reaches its extreme. I don’t believe that a civilization has no greed and selfishness. The purity of the Star Community will become a shackle for civilization.”

Star:”Wait! This Des Purification Country… I thought of Lao Gong.”

Lao Gong:”Children, this is not funny. I crave the destruction of Sheng��, and this Des Purification Country is just a clown who doesn’t know what it is.”

Dark Night Proxima:”The leader of this Des Purification Country is a drunkard. How much did you drink?”

Jarvan IV:”A country that is even more ignorant than Noxus since 617! Who gave it the courage to fight against the Galaxy Community on its own?”

Star-Lord:”Happy! Has it been ordered to be exterminated? Although the Galaxy Community is kind and tolerant, it is not a soft persimmon.”

Kal’tsit:”Unless the civilizations that oppose the Galaxy Community form an alliance, the Galaxy Community is the absolute uncrowned king in the galaxy. Declaring war on a civilization is equivalent to declaring war on the entire Galaxy Community.”

Sakata Gintoki:”No, buddy… Why declare war when you are so weak? You really went to heaven!”

Lufa:”Even if I put on the Shura Armor, I can’t figure out how the Des Purification Country dared to do that. Are they really fearless? Or are they really ignorant?”

【The scene changes, and as time goes by, the United Nations on Earth enters a stage of rapid development in the universe.】

【However, because the technology is all physical technology, without biological technology, the weak human body is incompatible with the interstellar age.】

【In order to fully unleash their potential, the United Nations of Earth announced a comprehensive transformation activity called Flesh and Blood Pain.】

【Implanting prosthetics for mechanical transformation can enhance one’s abilities and lifespan, and stimulate potential】

【In this era, all human wisdom is enlightened, and the activities of blood and flesh are unanimously agreed by all citizens of the United Nations of the Earth.】

【The human body and limbs have been transformed into mechanical prostheses, discarding decaying organs and developing artificial intelligence.】

【After several years of the cyborg revolution, humans changed their name to the human sublimation species and began to discuss whether artificial intelligence should be granted citizenship.

Morgan Blackhand:”Groove’s cyborg, has the Earth United Nations entered the cyborg era?”

Adam Heavy Hammer:”Hehehe… the cyborg transformation in this world is more like mine, replacing many, many bodies.”

Mann:”Aren’t you afraid of cyberpsychosis after implanting cyborgs like this?”

Lucy:”How could it be? This is the Earth of interstellar civilization, and the cyborg technology is many times stronger than our world!”

Victor:”Flesh and blood pain… My idea is indeed correct. Even such a powerful civilization has chosen flesh and blood pain! What is the next step? It’s time for the machines to ascend and join the glorious evolution!”

Dio:”I told you, the human body is too weak and should have been abandoned long ago!”

Topal:”Huh? Artificial intelligence? No, buddy, there’s something wrong with your universe! You want to give citizenship to artificial intelligence? Aren’t you afraid of the Omnic Crisis?”

Emperor:”That’s ridiculous, what did I see? Giving citizenship to Iron Man? That will never be passed.”

Xin Zhao, Spear of Shenhe:”That’s weird! Now that we have the foundation for the Omnic Crisis, will there be something like the Void and the Zerg later? Then all the elements are complete!”


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