Chapter 599: Incarnation of a natural disaster! Virtual Realm Human Union Spiritual Energy Ascension Neutron Killing Strike

【The scene changes, and the Cui Colonization Civilization and the Earth United Nations begin a diplomatic dispute over the Star Community.】

【Other civilizations are watching, not daring to offend the United Nations, but also not daring to stand on the side of the United Nations.】

【Just as the war desire of the Earth United Nations became stronger, the Human Federation sent a message to Earth, a message that proved that they were not inferior to the choice of the Earth United Nations.】

【Superpowers began to appear in the Human Federation. A magical energy rapidly expanded and was born in the bodies of all non-intelligent humans.】

【The Human Federation calls it psychic power. Now some powerful psychics in the Human Federation have begun to show powers such as telepathy and telekinesis.】

【There are even psychics who can slightly foresee the future, allowing the entire human federation civilization to begin the path of ascension.】

【Because of the emergence of psychic energy, the Human Federation, which did not join the Star Community, also declared neutrality and did not participate in any conflicts between civilizations. 】

White-haired man:”This group of diplomats is just like those chattering clown politicians in the Kingdom of Heaven, which makes people irritated.”

Huo Linfei:”Tsk, Cui Zhiwenke has been fooled this time! The Earthlings are unique in pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. Other civilizations are not clear about the strength of the Earth, only Cui Zhi civilization is stubborn.”

Virgil:”This is Pawa! If it were a hundred years ago, the United Nations on Earth would have to look at the face of the Star Community to do things.”

Emperor:”Huh? Psychics? Does this world also have psychic energy? Then… are there evil gods?”

Liang Bing:”It should be. Our pan-tech universe basically has affiliated universes, such as the void here and the subspace upstairs. There should be some here too.”

Professor X:”Aren’t these mutants? No… Could it be that all the worlds call mutants psychics, and we are actually psychics too?”

Homelander:”I have a good plan for the Human Federation, which is to form a group of seven superheroes and become the superstars of the universe!”

Shen Gongbao:”It is obvious that luck has come to mankind, so why doesn’t the Human Federation fight for it? Instead, it declares neutrality? This kind of great struggle should be fought for in order to rise!”

Guan Yuetong:”Maybe a psychic who can predict the future saw something unforgettable… and that kind of future destruction forced the Human Federation to hide”

【On the other hand, the state of war and public sentiment on Earth had reached their peak, and everyone from top to bottom had a clear understanding that the Star Ocean Community was useless.】

【It can neither bring benefits to the United Nations on Earth nor maintain the order of the universe. It will only hinder the development of the United Nations on Earth by not helping those who should be helped and blindly helping those who should not be helped.】

【The rise of the United Nations on Earth proves that they are the only chosen ones, and all great works require sacrifice. Other civilized creatures in the galaxy may not understand, but they will obey!】

【After intense discussions within the internal government, the United Nations of Earth unanimously decided on the fate of civilization – to turn it into a natural disaster!】

【The natural disasters are learned from the database of the remnants of advanced civilizations. They have enough power to destroy everything and make all civilizations tremble.】

【The thinking of the top leaders of the Earth United Nations began to sublimate, believing that only the Earth United Nations has the qualifications, ability, and morality to lead all civilizations in the galaxy forward!】

【In the future, intelligent humans will lead all civilizations to ascend, whether they are willing or not.】

Jakula:”Indeed, this Star Sea Community is really useless. It can’t protect weak civilizations, and it has no binding force on strong civilizations.”

Nayako:”This Star Sea Community is that silver. It’s not strong enough to go up, and it can’t cover weak civilizations. It’s stuck here, unable to go up or down, like a late-stage cancer.”

Lan Meng:”A useless organization that hinders development! The so-called Star Sea Community, if you don’t compromise at this time, do you really think that the Star Sea Community is of one mind?”

Mysterious Heroine X:”Hey hey hey! It’s on fire! This Earth United Nations is so crazy! Want to lead all civilizations in the galaxy?!”

Emperor of the Universe Kayn:”That’s right. As far as the development of civilization in this universe is concerned, the United Nations on Earth is the chosen one and the only one!”

Emperor:”That’s right! Only humans are supreme, leading and dominating all civilizations!”

Liu Chuang:”I don’t understand but must obey… This is so fucking infuriating! It makes me so relieved! This is how humans should be!”

Kafka:”That’s the point, turning into a natural disaster… Is this the natural disaster that I understand as the one that destroys other civilizations? However, if the intelligent humans want to lead the entire galaxy, they shouldn’t destroy other civilizations, right?……”

Gu Yue Fang Yuan:”Becoming the nourishment that supports one’s own ascension is also a kind of common progress, isn’t it?”

Gilgamesh:”Wow~ The United Nations of Earth has chosen the path of all great power belonging to itself. Since it is everything, it naturally includes other civilizations. If I am not mistaken, then the United Nations of Earth and the intelligent humans are truly natural disasters.”

Ye Wenjie:”I never thought that… the hopeless humans on Earth could become a high-moral civilization that surpasses other civilizations and leads the galaxy to progress together in other worlds”

【As the United Nations of Earth chose to become a natural disaster, it began to continue its scientific research while preparing for the war against the Pisok civilization.】

【Until a piece of news came out that shocked the United Nations scientific community】

【Scientists from the United Nations on Earth accidentally discovered a hidden plane parallel to the universe while conducting physics experiments. It is connected to the universe they live in through thinking patterns and neural activity.】

【Scientists named this plane the Virtual Realm, and through experiments found that the thoughts and mental fluctuations of intelligent humans can affect the Virtual Realm, which indirectly proves that intelligent humans have the potential to obtain energy from the Virtual Realm.】

【Scientists from the United Nations on Earth have discovered that there is an extremely huge amount of energy in the virtual world, and it is magical and can affect the ownerless huge energy of the material universe.】

【If intelligent humans can control the energy of the virtual world for their own use, then all other civilizations will bow down to them!】

【Regarding the research on the Void, the United Nations on Earth has implemented the highest level of intelligence blockade. 】

Ryze:”Huh? Is it the Void?”

Holy Kai’Sa:”The Void World?……”

Death Karl:”As expected, since there are psychics, there must be a corresponding subspace.”

Dark Lugiel:”The universe is a material existence, so there must be a non-material opposite, just like light and darkness.”

Lord of Change Tzeentch:”Oh? So… there are gods in this world too? And gods exist in the void?”

Emperor:”It’s too similar to the subspace. Emotions and thoughts can affect the void, just like my emotions and thoughts here can cause fluctuations in the subspace.”

Hikari:”It’s better not to interfere with the study of the void. Remember the void in the Runeland universe? There is Todash space. It is because the material universe senses the energy universe that countless disasters have occurred.”

Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanzhen:”The Taoist friend upstairs is obsessed. Do you remember the introduction of the Golden List? Control the virtual realm and embrace the void. Humans can definitely control the virtual realm.”

Wuchen:”The energy of the virtual realm is enormous. Controlling the virtual realm is equivalent to controlling a huge law comparable to their existing world. This is equivalent to a dimensionality reduction attack on other civilizations that are still studying technology.”

Lu Mingfei:”It seems that only the United Nations on Earth has discovered the virtual realm. If they develop in a wretched way, other civilizations will really be in vain!”

【The scene changes. After the events in the virtual world come to an end, the United Nations on Earth finds a trumped-up charge and declares a full-scale war on the Pisok civilization in the Star Ocean Community.】

【The Dominant battleship, as well as a series of Colossi and other warships, crushed the main fleet of the Pisoko civilization and completely destroyed the civilization’s defense force!】

【At this time, civilizations called Tasharus and Pochi intervened in the war and helped the Pisoko civilization as allies to fight against the United Nations on Earth!】

【The Tasharus and Pochi civilizations fully understand the ambitions of the Earth United Nations and know that if they do not help, they will be the next to be attacked.】

【The opponent of the Earth United Nations changed from one to one to three. However, the Strategic Department made an urgent move and destroyed the administrative system of Pisokor in less than three months by means of a blitzkrieg, capturing all the senior officials.】

【This massive cosmic war also overturned the cognition of the entire civilization of the Star Ocean Community. In the past, cosmic wars took at least several years, but the United Nations on Earth destroyed one in just three months?!】

【The powerful military strength and the first appearance of the war engine in the vision of the Star Ocean Community have caused fear and dread in countless civilizations.

Star-Lord:”The Pisoko Civilization: Damn it!”

Sakata Gintoki:”Although it is cruel, I still couldn’t help laughing. Isn’t this just looking for trouble?”

Bruce Wayne:”Making up some trivial things to cause a full-scale war between the two civilizations… The Earth United Nations is still too extreme.”

Lex Luthor:”Extreme? No no no no no, not at all! Since the first conflict between the Pisoko civilization and the Earth, it has already had a way to die. After all… the Star Ocean Community is not great, only humans are great!”

Xiao Yan:”This is really a case of 30 years in the east, 30 years in the west. Don’t bully the young and poor. The first time we fought with the Earth United Nations, it was still a miserable victory for the Earth United Nations. Now They were directly beaten up!”

Mingyue Saint King:”How come there are two more unknown civilizations joining the battlefield? Isn’t this expanding the scale of the war and causing more casualties?”

Goto Ichiri:”Hey hey hey hey!!! I’m fighting the Earth United Nations? Really?”

Yamada Ryo:”Will you win? Pochi, you are the challenger~”

Shining Maru Yamacai:”Guaranteed to die!”

El-Melloi II:”Is the Earth United Nations using the blitzkrieg tactics from history… Combined with the jump engine, it really subverts the perception of interstellar warfare.”

Bai Xiaofei:”It’s really strong! The war lasted for several years before, and now the Pisok civilization is directly killed. The Pochi civilization and the Tasharus civilization are really clowns!”

【This battle alone has caused the Star Ocean Community to explode】

【Diplomats from the Pochi and Tasharus civilizations accused the United Nations of atrocities in the Star Ocean Community, hoping to exert diplomatic pressure on the United Nations.】

【However, the United Nations on Earth is no longer the civilization that was oppressed and diplomatically targeted in the Star Community a hundred years ago.】

【The Earth United Nations diplomats ignored the responsibilities and pressures of other civilizations in the Star Ocean Community and said that they would fight if they wanted to, and that the Earth United Nations was not afraid of any war.】

【The stupidity of the Galaxy Community has once again strengthened the determination of the United Nations on Earth. Only they are qualified to lead all civilizations in the Galaxy.】

【On the other hand, scientists have also made some breakthroughs in their research on the virtual world. They found that there is a connection point between the virtual world and the real universe, and it is very strong!】

【At the same time, scientists have also explored the formula that makes the energy of the virtual world fluctuate, proving that intelligent humans can use the energy of the virtual world to accomplish various extraordinary achievements! 】

Wang Fugui:”That Star Sea Community! The past is the past, and the present is the present. If you really regard the human beings in the past as the present, why don’t you compare it with the time when the United Nations of Earth was not yet established?”

Beerus:”What a bunch of clowns who are whimpering and barking. They are not as powerful as the United Nations of Earth, so they can only condemn. Condemn? What’s the use?”

Ding Yi:”Destroying you has nothing to do with you… I really can’t imagine that I will see the human beings on Earth say this to alien civilizations in a condescending manner in my lifetime.”

Duanmu Yan:”Good! In one word, domineering! In the face of these incomprehensible civilizations, just use force to oppress them! There is no need to reason with them, they don’t deserve to listen!”

Black Tower:”The formula for the virtual realm is out now? It seems that all the ascension plans in this universe are related to the virtual realm. Then the destination of ascension is the virtual realm?”

Twilight Star Spirit Zoe:”No! Hmm~ I guess the virtual realm is a transit station?! I don’t think I will be wrong! After all, there is no one in the virtual realm, what’s the point of ascending there?”

【The scene changes. As the battle line lengthens, the United Nations of Earth penetrates deep into the Pisoko-controlled star field in an attempt to occupy it. However, because it is too deep, it is easy to be ambushed.】

【In response to this, the Earth’s United Nations Fleet used neutron killing for the first time under the eyes and vision of the entire universe!】

【The scene changes, and the neutron killing beam directly penetrates the planet. The intelligent life on the planet feels the coming of death in fear.】

【Social order collapsed, and the children knelt on the ground, crying and opening their mouths, too frightened to make a sound.】

【As the light grew brighter and brighter, it shone onto the planet, without any pain or feeling, and when the light faded away, only a habitable colony planet remained without any intelligent life.】

【The neutron annihilation of the Earth United Nations has caused condemnation and fear from almost all civilizations in the Star Ocean Community.】

【However, condemnation is just condemnation. No one dares to declare war on the Earth United Nations. The Earth United Nations diplomats also expressed their willingness to destroy it. What does it have to do with you?】

【The United Nations of Earth only conducts friendly exchanges with civilizations of the same level. Other weaker civilizations can only surrender, or become enemies of the United Nations of Earth, and then perish! 】

Du Qiangwei:”It’s hard to look at it directly… The Pisok civilization may be guilty, but the colonized galaxies and those children are not guilty.……”

Pluto:”This is war… There is no right or wrong, only death.”

Tendou Souji:”Perhaps in the Golden List, we are used to seeing humans as the weaker side. It is rare that the Earth is strong this time, and the means are too cruel… It is hard not to sympathize with those children.”

Kevin:”Sympathy? Cruelty? The painless extinction of neutron killing is the greatest kindness of the United Nations on Earth.”

Ignis:”Even if I know that the actions of the United Nations on Earth are cruel… But compared to the tortured extinct civilization and leaving me to bear the hatred, this absolute extinction without a trace of pain is the greatest respect.”

Senju Tobirama:”The United Nations on Earth is a little inflated now… If this continues, it will be attacked by other civilizations.……”

Rimuru:”I do have this concern… Although the United Nations on Earth is strong, the Star Ocean Community is also strong!”

Heavenly Commander Hell:”Don’t worry, the desire for power, the thirst for profit, the suspicion between each other, the selfishness of wanting to keep the trump card of civilization… all of these will divide the civilization of the Star Ocean Community and prevent them from uniting wholeheartedly.”


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