Chapter 603: The Ether Phase Engine is activated! Cleansing the universe and natural disasters ascend!

【As the United Nations on Earth struggles to resist the existential crisis, all of its internal resources have begun to hit the giant structure on the solar system star.】

【This is the ultimate means for intelligent humans to control the virtual world, and it is also the last step in ascension – the ether phase engine!】

【The purpose of the etheric engine is to tear down the barrier between the real universe and the virtual world, gather the energy of the virtual world to this star, and lead the intelligent human beings to ascend to a higher plane!】

【According to calculations by scientists from the United Nations on Earth, once the ether phase engine is completed, the endless energy of the virtual world will become readily available.】

【And when the ether phase engine is activated, the resulting subspace reaction will detonate all the stars in the galaxy and destroy all existence!】

【But this poses no threat to the intelligent humans, because by then they will have ascended to a higher plane, and death and time will lose their meaning.】

【So at this moment, the United Nations on Earth mobilized all its forces. As long as the ether phase engine can be built, all sacrifices will be meaningful! 】

Steve:”Ether phase engine? It sounds a bit like endless greed. It must be good to have the term ether.”

Romani Achiman:”Ether is the fifth fictional element, and it is also something that does not exist in this world. This kind of purely technological world has something that symbolizes ether… It’s not simple.”

Azir:”Tear the barrier between the two worlds to complete the ascension of civilization. There is no doubt that this is a great work that surpasses the solar disk and the creation of the stars!”

Sophon:”The ascension here should be dimensionality upgrade… I only know about dimensionality reduction strikes and the zero-point return of the Zeroer civilization. Dimensional upgrades are a bit………”

Black Supreme Qiyi:”Each universe is different. Some universes are overall dimensionality reduction, while others have separate dimensions.”

Liang Bing:”wdnmd! Detonate all stars when activated?! Putting aside the ascension, the ether phase engine is a pure weapon of destruction!”

Holy Kesha:”Evil! Too evil! What about leading the entire civilization forward… In the end, you still have to sacrifice everything to ascend?!”

Sakata Gintoki:”Earth United Nations, what have you done?! Start the ether phase 30 engine, how can other civilizations survive and fight other natural disasters?!”

Gu Yue Fangyuan:”It’s very simple, the intelligent humans will ascend. Use the ether phase engine to cover the galactic civilization and refine it in an instant!”

【There are only two teams in the huge human fleet observing the Boundary Breaker and the Thorin Chromatids, and all other fleets are returning to defend!】

【The Burning Heaven Soldier is larger than a planet and has various defenses such as dragon scale armor and dark energy shields. It can survive even if a planet hits it.】

【No matter how much firepower the Star Sea Military Alliance’s fleet used, it could not destroy the Burning Heaven Divine Soldiers. However, since the number of Burning Heaven Divine Soldiers was small, they did not pay much attention to it.】

【In this way, the Burning Heaven Divine Weapon destroyed stars without restraint, harvested dark matter and stored it.】

【When the collected dark matter reaches the upper limit, it will return to the solar system through the jump engine and use all the dark matter to build the ether phase engine.】

【As the Burning Heaven Divine Soldiers were withdrawn one by one to the solar system, the situation that was originally under control was no longer stable.】

【The fleet of the fully united Star Sea Military Alliance is gradually defeating the human fleet and compressing the control of the star field.】

【The advantage that the Earth United Nations originally held is also gradually tilting towards the Star Alliance.

War Machine Rhodes:”Just like the Wakanda battlefield back then, the Burning Heaven Weapon is to control the situation. Without the Burning Heaven Weapon, the Earth United Nations can no longer gain the advantage.”

Esdeath:”Something is wrong. The Earth United Nations has the strength to win even against all civilizations. How could it be defeated?”

Deus:”This premise is based on the Earth United Nations still having enough logistics to continuously build fleets, but now all resources and productivity are all used to build the Ether Phase Engine.”

Gold Dust:”This is already a desperate gamble. It’s a bet that the Star Alliance Army can successfully build the Ether Phase Engine before breaking through the solar system. Everything, or nothing.”

Tracy:”And the Galaxy exploded! Everything is bet on this moment. The moment the Ether Phase Engine is completed, it is the moment of reckoning for the Galaxy!”

【The scene changes, and the tendrils of the etheric engine have already penetrated into the depths of the virtual world. The exploration of the virtual world by the intelligent machine humans has been further expanded.】

【Ether Phase Engine Construction Progress 25%】

【In the virtual world, some unknown and powerful beings felt the interference from the real universe, but did not intervene or make any statement.】

【The United Nations of Earth decided to forcibly open a more stable channel and loop between the two worlds, and invest all the dark matter collected by the Burning Heaven Divine Soldier!】

【The huge ether phase engine was created at an extremely fast speed, and the energy of the virtual world gradually began to spread.】

【Until the construction of the ether phase engine reached 50%, some virtual creatures and virtual planets began to appear in the universe, and even caused the universe itself to mutate.】

【The Star Sea Military Alliance realized the horror of the Ether Engine and started a more frenzied and fierce attack, heading straight for the solar system!】

【On the front line, the famous commander of the United Nations on Earth led the fleet in a desperate fight. Fleet after fleet was wiped out by the Star Alliance Army, and the corpses of intelligent humans were scattered all over the starry sky! 】

Shimura Danzo:”The virtual beings underestimated the enemy. They don’t understand the potential of intelligent humans at all. You will regret it.” Sarutobi

Hiruzen:”What’s your name, Danzo? You are not a virtual being, they are the virtual beings!”

Death God Carl:”It seems that the virtual beings are different from the void creatures. They have thoughts and don’t care about the real universe at all.”

Tokiwa Sougo:”The space-time reaction produced by the 50% construction of the ether phase engine… is very similar to the time and space fusion! The virtual world is already being infiltrated!”

Lorgar:”It’s crazy… I can’t imagine what kind of doomsday it will be if the barrier between the subspace and the real universe disappears.”

Pluto:”The fear brought by the unknown has aroused the beast nature of the Star Alliance Army, but it’s too late.”

Dainsleb:”The sacrifice of these warriors moved me… All great sacrifices will be engraved on human principles. From outside the universe, humans have gained the power to deny the universe!”

Gilgamesh:”This is human beings. Even if they are no longer born in flesh and blood, they are still real humans! Go and open up the dawn of mankind!!!”

【The frontline battlefield was constantly compressed. When the Star Alliance Army approached the solar system, the Ether Phase Engine was almost completed.】

【Ether Phase Engine Construction Progress 75%!】

【The ether phase engine opened a huge hole in the membrane of the virtual world. Although the hole cannot cover and subvert the entire universe, the power emitted by the virtual world has begun to change the intelligent humans!】

【The United Nations fleet on Earth, which was gradually changed, became more difficult to destroy, and even some intelligent humans began to ascend.】

【Supernatural powers beyond psychic powers and indestructible bodies allow some individual intelligent humans to destroy an entire fleet by themselves!】

【The beings in the virtual world finally realized the threat of the intelligent humans, because their power was being drained and gradually weakened!】

【And because the tendrils of the etheric engine have been firmly embedded in the virtual world itself, they can no longer sever the connection between the etheric engine and the virtual world!】

【The omnic humans are very close, very close to the virtual world, nothing can stop them! 】

Rimuru:”It’s broken! They are about to hit the solar system! In normal operation, the progress of a project will be slower and slower as time goes by. Are humans really dead?” Hikari

:”No! The progress of the ether phase engine will have a real-time impact on the omnic humans! 75% of the progress… the individual has ascended?!”

Rhaast:”Since you have ascended, what are you afraid of! The Star Alliance? You are mediocre and lost in the crowd!”

Azir:”Witness the power of the ascenders!”

Artanis:”The sacred virtual world connects the Earth United Nations Fleet and everyone. Go on, you have been strengthened!”

Liang Bing:”No… Is this virtual world so metaphysical? Direct individuals are comparable to the third generation of divine bodies? What about the conservation of energy? This is not scientific!”

Orochimaru:”This is very scientific. Wouldn’t the missing energy be supplemented by the endless energy of the virtual world?”

Professor X:”At least the strength of a level 5 mutant! And the power is similar to the psychic power of the Human Federation… Eh? Where is the Human Federation?”

Yakumo Yukari:”Maybe the Human Federation has disappeared.” Shimura Danzo:

“I’ll tell you, the existence of the virtual world will regret it, and now humans will abolish everything they have.”

Emperor:”This ether phase engine may be a subspace pump, draining the virtual world and then ascending to a higher dimension than the virtual world.”

Melina:”Indeed, the connection between the two worlds can no longer be cut off, and victory or defeat depends on this move.”

【The scene changes, and the Ether Phase Engine construction progress is 100%! The beginning and the end have begun!】

【Human beings have stood at the forefront of divinity, with endless virtual energy at their fingertips!】

【However, the results of the ether phase engine are always theoretical calculations. There is a 30% probability of successfully leading civilization to ascend, and a 70% probability of failure, resulting in eternal torture at all times!】

【”Destiny awaits, should we start the engines?”Scientists ask the leader】

【”Just do it”】

【With the activation of the etheric engine, all the resources of the entire galaxy are transformed into fuel to propel the ascension of intelligent humans!】

【I saw Jinbang sync the feeling of the intelligent humans at this time to the audience in the world.】

【That is the consciousness separating from the material world, gradually sublimating and transforming. Everything in the material world can be changed and controlled according to their will.】

【And this is just the most superficial change, even the feeling of controlling everything and being omniscient and omnipotent is emerging. 】

Mefilas:”The ether phase engine is 100%, it’s too late for the galactic life civilization.”

Scathach:”I actually felt the divinity… This is not the pure ascension of the essence of life, but also the conceptual sense of… God!”

Gold Dust:”I thought the intelligent humans were only betting on the survival of human civilization, but I didn’t expect it to be the survival of the entire universe. It’s crazier than I thought.”

Cosmic Rin:”Mourning for this universe, it’s been messed up too badly.”

Walter Yang:”Now that things have come to this, let’s do it. As a human being, I offer my blessings to you. The future of mankind should be explored by mankind itself.”

Guan Yifan:”Hiss! This feeling! It’s just like the four-dimensional space fragments of the past today! It’s even more thorough, and the realm of thinking is even more fantastic!”

Goetia:”This feeling Is this how Solomon felt when he was granted the title of God’s Agent… Everything in the world is everything!”

Steve:”What the hell, I turned on the creative mode? I can’t imagine how a group of administrators of a civilization that survives at the limit can turn on the creative mode.”

Tian Xiaoban:”I feel like the creator, like God, I can edit and change this world at will!”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”This, this, this… this is the power I want! The sun is an ant! TMD, why is this just a feeling! Why!”

Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge:”Hiss – I can really do anything in this realm! Kevin and Honkai are not worth mentioning! This is the complete Chi Yuan, the complete Fu Hua, the complete… me!!!”

Virgil:”This is the real Po Wa!!”


Countless audiences in countless worlds of the Ten Thousand Worlds have been floating.

The feeling of synchronization with the Golden List has allowed most of the audience to experience this power that does not belong to them.

In the Fengyun World,

Xiongba feels that he is the strongest person who is above Emperor Shitian and other mythical beasts! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the Haihu World,

Lan Meng felt the amazing wisdom beyond the celestial phenomena for the first time! And because it was just a feeling and not real power, he was powerless and furious. In the Naruto World

, Jiraiya only felt that the details and feelings of the past became thorough under this feeling. Although it was only the synchronization of the feeling of the Golden List, Jiraiya had temporarily evolved.

Information Jiraiya, report!

In the Fantasy World, countless geniuses perfected themselves and comprehended the great Dao under this feeling of enlightenment that they saw as equal to that of enlightenment.

At the same time, they were yearning for intelligent humans. Against the background of practicing Taoism, a group of people began to study spiritual technology


【The scene changed, and the feeling was cut off by the Golden List, which made the audience in the world a little disappointed.】

【The galaxy at the moment when the ether phase engine was activated appeared on the gold list.】

【The subspace reaction generated at the moment of activation detonated all the stars in the entire galaxy! In an instant, all the stars were detonated and turned into black holes!】

【The white light lasted only for a moment! The Star Alliance Army and their civilization were instantly annihilated!】

【The entire Milky Way has turned into a cemetery and forbidden area for life, without a trace of resources or light!】

【Only the boundary breakers from other dimensions survived the activation of the etheric engine.】[]

【But after a flash of white light, what the Boundary Breakers saw was a wasteland starry sky without a single resource. The Boundary Breakers could only return to their world.】

【The consciousness of intelligent humans has risen to a higher dimension, and they have understood the origin and destination, the nature and end of the universe.】

【Humans are everywhere now, time has lost its meaning, in the multiverse of eternal cycle, humans will also be gods, the fourth disaster! 】

Lan Meng:”Quack! My amazing wisdom, amazing wisdom! Quack!!!”

Lu Mingfei:”Woo… It’s like I’m wilting, and suddenly I don’t seem to be a loser anymore, but it’s just a short illusion.” Holy Kesha:

“All the stars in the galaxy are shattered and exploded into black holes… What do they think of life! We need to re-evaluate the threat of humans.”

Mysterious prisoner:”It’s night, and the pain is only a moment away.……”

Asakura Riku:”The entire galaxy has become a dead place… no more civilization will be born, and no other civilization will want to enter.……!”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”The boundary breakers were all dumbfounded. A flash of white light sent the entire galaxy into space. They were beaten when they came to the galaxy.

“���Qiyi:”The human civilization of this world, I mean civilization, is probably the strongest human civilization as a whole that I have ever seen.” Thanos

:”The Fourth Calamity is so terrifying… Humans, no wonder I was defeated by them in the end.”


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