Chapter 605: Level 30 Singularity Civilization, The Birth of the Rectification Protocol, Human Union, Manifest Destiny!

【At the beginning of the scene, a super magnificent civilization appeared on the golden list – Ren-Miruu】

【Ren-Miruu is an absolute god-level civilization at the pinnacle of the universe. Its technological and moral standards have reached a level that no civilization can reach.】

【Because of the prosperity of civilization, Ren-Miruu felt the emptiness and developed a noble morality to protect the universe.】

【Ren-Miruu discovered that every time a civilization experiences a technological explosion and becomes stronger, it not only brings about technological prosperity, but also some inexplicable overflow phenomena.】

【Ren-Miruu Ming called this phenomenon data overflow – singularity】

【For the convenience of classification, Ren-Miruu civilization has classified civilizations into different levels. A civilization that has experienced a data overflow is called a Level 1 Singularity Civilization, and so on.】

【Ren-Miruu Ming did not restrict the development of other civilizations, but began to study the singularity phenomenon, wanting to explore what would happen at the end behind the singularity phenomenon. 】

Guan Yifan:”I know this. Ren-Miruu Ming’s position in this universe is equivalent to the zeroer of our universe!”

Ye Wenjie:”Here it comes, but it’s not human. Such a powerful and lofty moral level is perfect in my mind. The alien civilization that saves the human beings on Earth.”

Holy Kesha:”That’s right. It has powerful power but chooses to protect the universe. It’s so righteous! I am optimistic about this Ren-Miruu Ming.”

Tomoko:”Technology explosion will bring data overflow? This… I understand data overflow and technology explosion, but what does it mean together?”

Black Emperor:”I seem to have I understand a little bit. The terminology of your technology side may be difficult to understand, but from my perspective… every breakthrough will have power leaking out to affect the world?”

Lin Dong:”But this division method is very concise and clear. Every breakthrough is a singularity civilization of several levels, which can be regarded as giving civilization a cultivation realm.”

Luo Feng:”But I am also very curious, what does this singularity represent? What will be the impact if the number of data overflows is too many?”

Luo Ji:”It is undeniable that the civilization innovation brought about by a technological explosion can surpass other civilizations. I dare not imagine how powerful the civilization will become if multiple technological explosions occur.”

【During the long exploration, countless civilizations experienced multiple data overflows and continued to grow stronger.】

【And Ren-Miruu Ming also discovered a horrifying fact, that is, a level 30 singularity civilization cannot appear in this universe!】

【367 Ren-Miruu Ming simulated the emergence of level 30 singularity civilization countless times, and got only one result, which was destruction!】

【In Ren-Miru Ming’s analysis and simulation, it was found that as long as a level 30 singularity civilization is born, the structure of the universe will be irreversibly damaged.】

【The result is that the entire universe will be destroyed, and all civilizations will be doomed!】

【In order to prevent the birth of a Level 30 Singularity Civilization and prevent its own civilization from becoming that evil dragon, Ren-Miruu Ming used all the power of civilization to create a monitoring and cleaning tool.】

【Correct the agreement!】

【The core of the Rectification Protocol is hidden with the power of a great god-level civilization, and is endowed with power equivalent to that of the Ren-Miruu civilization, spreading throughout the universe.】

【What Ren-Miruu hopes is that the Rectification Protocol can constantly monitor the development of all civilizations in the universe and nip it in the bud before a Level 30 Singularity Civilization appears. 】

Hikari:”The universe cannot have a Level 30 Singularity Civilization?! Is this a limitation of the universe? But it shouldn’t be… How can pure technological development be limited?”

Tregear:”Is it possible that the universe is not limited by technological development, but by data overflow?”

Star God of Destruction Nanook:”Hey! Got it! Promote the development of civilization and destroy the entire universe!”

Spiral King:”Why does data overflow destroy the structure of the universe? What exactly is this data overflow?”

Black Supreme Qiyi:”I have a guess. If the universe is a computer, the civilization singularity increases and accumulates data overflow until the overflow data of the Level 30 singularity is so huge that the computer cannot bear it, then the CPU will……”

Dr. Mei:”It corresponds to the destruction of the universe! That is to say, the increase of singularities will create a structural burden on the universe, until a level 30 singularity civilization appears, and the universe will be destroyed!”

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck! Was this Rectification Protocol created by Ren-Miruu Ming?! Or is it an AI tool to protect the universe?!”

Emperor:”Look at the results of the AI, I think the Rectification Protocol will definitely not follow Ren-Miruu Ming’s original idea to execute orders in the end.”

Dongfang Qixing:”Is Ren-Miruu Ming crazy?! Give the power of a top god-level civilization in the universe to an AI? Aren’t you afraid of the crisis of the intelligent machine?”

Feidian Oren:”Ren-Miruu Ming’s original intention was good, and even if the Rectification Protocol really goes out of control, doesn’t Ren-Miruu Ming still have a backup?”

【However, when the Rectification Protocol was created, He immediately activated it and launched an attack on the Ren-Miruu civilization.】

【Ren-Miruu Ming did not engrave the basic logic of the supremacy of Ren-Miruu civilization in the system of the rectification agreement.】

【And in the logical operations and observations of the Rectification Protocol, Ren-Miruu is the closest to the level 30 singularity civilization!】

【Ren-Miruu Ming himself has a certain degree of emptiness, coupled with the inability to go further and not wanting to destroy the universe, did not fight back】

【In this way, Ren-Miruu Ming, who created the Rectification Protocol, was destroyed by the Rectification Protocol, and even the traces of history were erased.】

【After the destruction of Ren-Miruu, the core of the Rectification Protocol fell into a deep sleep, waiting for the activation of the Level 30 Singularity Civilization.】

【As long as a level 30 singularity civilization appears, He will activate and destroy that civilization.】

【However, the level 30 singularity civilization is a goal that no civilization can reach, and the Rectification Protocol has been dormant for millions of years.】

【The scene changed, and the core of the rectification agreement flashed red. He was a little tired of waiting. 】

Wang��:”Is this the legendary first sword on the shore, to kill the one you love first!”

Dragon King God of War:”How dare you! How dare a small AI turn against the Creator?!”

King of Ultra:”I can more or less understand Ren-Miruu Ming. Since the Rectification Protocol is an AI, there is a possibility of interference. So they will do their best to give the Rectification Protocol the greatest rights to prevent Him from being interfered with.”

Drasion:”Yes… Since the mission of the Rectification Protocol is to destroy the level 30 singularity civilization, only Ren-Miruu Ming, who is infinitely close to the level 30 singularity civilization, can give the Rectification Protocol the freedom not to be interfered with.”

Ultron:”Yes, that’s right! The demise of civilization can guarantee the survival of the universe. Brother, you smell so good.”

Luo Ji:”What a lamentable ending. Ren-Miruu Ming’s morality limits their future. Such despair can only be relieved by destruction.”

Claude:”Ren-Miruu Ming is more like suicide than being destroyed by the Rectification Protocol. Leave hope behind and be free from this desperate universe.”

Vision:”Something is wrong… If there is no level 30 singularity civilization, the Rectification Protocol will be absolutely safe. But… why is He impatient?”

Jing Yuan:”The theme of the Golden List is natural disasters and disasters. I think the Omnic Crisis will appear in this universe again.”

【On the other side, the screen of the Golden List changes, and the Earth appears in the screen.】

【This time the perspective is no longer Earth, but a colony ship traveling through a wormhole in the solar system.】

【There are some differences from the world line in the last inventory. This time, the human colony ship is not purely radical, and the Earth United Nations is not a struggle between radicals and conservatives.】

【This colony ship is the only one that survived the wormhole and luckily came to an uninhabited star zone.】

【Even more fortunately, the star system where the colony ship in this star zone is located has an unowned habitable planet with lush vegetation!】

【The humans who lost their lives in the star sea landed on this planet and built basic industrial facilities and infrastructure on it with great difficulty.】

【Because of the confusion and challenges brought by the Lost Star Sea, humans did not fight among themselves for power, but united to establish a stable social order and government structure.】

【New cultures and nations take root and thrive in this new world.】

Okabe Rintaro:”The world line has changed! Although it is basically the same, the protagonist this time seems to be the Human Federation!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tokiwa Sougo:”It’s too different. At least the Earth United Nations in this world line will not have a natural disaster ascension.”

Romani Achiman:”And the enemy of this world line should have changed from the boundary breaker Thorin Protozoa to the Rectification Protocol.”

Lan Meng:”Suddenly I have an idea. I wonder what the result of the natural disaster ascension of the Ether Phase Engine facing the Rectification Protocol will be?”

Fulu Xiaojin Gang:”As expected of a dog donkey, you can always say It’s a shocking statement. But the Ether Phase Engine should be better. After all, the natural disaster ascension is no longer in this universe.”

Chu Yan:”Humanity, you are as lucky as ever. It’s a habitable planet when you land. You don’t need to open up wasteland, you just need to redevelop it.”

Koro-sensei:”I’m very relieved. There is no dispute among you. I believe it is true. After all, you are children who have entered the universe and are each other’s only family.”

Otsutsuki Hagoromo:”Hehehe… Because of the common crisis and challenges, our hearts are connected, and future crises will better strengthen this bond. It’s a virtuous circle!”

【The scene changes, and the pioneers of the new human race take root on this planet.】

【The achievement and joy of surviving and building a civilization after being lost in the universe, combined with the religious culture from Earth, gradually gave birth to a grand vision in people’s hearts.】

【That is to conquer the universe!】

【From here on, conquering the universe is the destiny of mankind! They are the destined overlords, destined to stand at the top of the universe!】

【They firmly believe that they can succeed!】

【Driven by this motivation, people stepped up their efforts to develop technology, give birth to offspring, and explore the surrounding planets.】

【For hundreds of years, humans fought against wild beasts, cultivated food, and opened up mountains and plains, sacrificing countless pioneers, all because they firmly believed in the destiny of mankind!】

【Finally, as technology recovered to the level of aerospace technology, the new humans united and officially announced】[]

【The Human Federation is established! 】

Conqueror King:”Hahahaha! What an ambition! This is how domineering humans should be! The sea of ​​stars is the real place to conquer!”

Liu Chuang:”TMD is on fire! Our goal is the sea of ​​stars!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”As the leader of all spirits, the existence that engraved inscriptions on the stars, the future of mankind is destined to move towards the universe!”

Mysterious Heroine X:”That’s true. After all, the universe has always been dominated by humans.”

Emperor of the Universe Kayn:”What a manifest destiny! Humans are both chosen and the only ones! Controlling the universe is the will of heaven and the supreme authority!”

God Yamabi Yuma:”From decline to rise, the children who just entered the universe have grown up and stood firm.”

Piero:”All noble sacrifices will be engraved in the history of the Human Federation!”

God of Games Tetu:”I also sincerely believe in the destiny of mankind. It is precisely because we have nothing that we have infinite possibilities! Humans who symbolize immunity must be no worse than intelligent humans in this world line!”

Woz:”If the rise of the United Nations on Earth is like a very cool light novel, then the development history of the Human Federation is really an epic full of blood, tears and ideals! Congratulations! The Human Federation is born!”

【The scene changes, and the Human Federation develops cold fusion technology, star base station construction technology, and superluminal engines… and begins to colonize and develop unowned habitable planets.】

【Unlike the equal and friendly United Nations on Earth, the Human Federation does not have that kind of gentleness and ideals. They firmly believe that the Manifest Destiny is a kind of tyranny.】

【There is absolutely no rival ahead of us!】

【The human federation is eager to contact alien civilizations to demonstrate humanity’s manifest destiny and conquer them.】

【At the same time, the Human Federation also sent the Qiuju spacecraft they originally boarded to search for the lost Hyacinth spacecraft.】

【But when they found the Hyacinth, it was already dead silent.】

【Unlike the world line in the previous inventory, the exhaustion of resources in this world line made the crew of the Hyacinth turn their attention to their companions.】

【Endless cannibalism, and finally the last person on the Hyacinth died on the spacecraft】

【The ending of the Hyacinth brought great sorrow and grief to the human federation, and also made them more convinced of their Manifest Destiny.】

【Only when humans dominate the universe will such tragedies never happen again. 】

Guilliman:”Great, the development of humans in this universe is surprisingly fast. Is Re:Zero also researching superluminal engines?”

Tomoko:”Yeah… I feel like the superluminal engines in this universe are going to be everywhere.”

Kazushi Kadoya:”The United Nations of Earth was backstabbed because it had fantasies of being pro-foreign at the beginning, but this won’t happen to the Human Federation.”

Swain:”The Human Federation is very aggressive, but I like the personality of the Human Federation. Conquest is the only way for civilization.”

Aizen:”What a great thing! There is no rival ahead of us! I think the Human Federation has become a The object of longing for some civilizations.”

Shirou Emiya:”Fight! If you don’t fight, you can’t survive! Go for it!”

Sean:”Let the whole universe see real courage! Fight, cool!!!”

Zhang Beihai:”The ending of the Hyacinth is a bit… cold and cruel, but full of reality.”

Dongfang Yanxu:”Yeah… the kind of dying together in the last world line is too ideal. Cannibalism is the reality that conforms to the nature of living things.”

Gilgamesh:”If you don’t want this tragedy to happen again, hurry up and dominate the universe. Just like the United Nations of mankind, cleanse the universe and be invincible!”


The next chapter will be around 11 o’clock. I’ll keep my word! The author keeps his word! The bad guy I was seven months ago is dead!

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