Chapter 622 SCP-2317 Devourer of Worlds Frustration and Conversation in Montauk

【The scene changes, and the Foundation enters the hotel at the end of the world of SCP-3150 through investigation.】

【This is a hotel in Turkmenistan. The Foundation entered it through special means.】

【There are countless people from different timelines in the hotel at the end of the world. This is an independent dimension with abnormal time laws.】

【Among them are members of an unknown organization, such as those called Light Seekers, etc.……】

【The Foundation researcher communicated with a person who claimed to be a military officer of the Islamic Item Recycling Empire, and combined with the relevant information of the Crimson King, he obtained some truth about SCP-3150.】

【The Islamic Artifact Recycling Empire has formed alliances with other anomalous organizations in other timelines, including the SCP Foundation.】

【The Inn at the End of the World was once a battlefield, a battlefield where the Broken Alliance and the Crimson King fought on that timeline.】

【And in that timeline, the war gradually began to fail. 】

Silver Wolf:”I thought that the containment was at most living things or objects, but I didn’t expect that a building or area could also be considered a containment?”

Madoka:”The inn at the end of this world reminds me of a house with many Homura Akemi.”

Leng Fan:”Hey, this place is a bit suitable for the Time Management Bureau. It can gather so many people from other timelines… No, it’s not suitable if it’s not a different world.” Loki:

“It’s quite suitable for the Time Mutation Management Bureau. The time laws of this dimension are very similar to those of the dimension where the Time Mutation Management Bureau is located.”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! I thought the SCP Foundation was It is an organization of human civilization with hundreds of years of history, and it can actually fight against the Crimson King?! It’s outrageous!”

Kadoya Shi:”SCP Foundation… The title of the Golden List begins with the SCP Foundation. I don’t believe that the SCP Foundation has no means to counter those powerful beings.”

Kamiyama Touma:”It’s a pity that the battlefield was not shown. I am looking forward to the scene where all organizations are united to protect the world against the Crimson King.”

Barry Allen:”The SCP Foundation is considered the protagonist, and the Crimson King is incomprehensibly strong. Will the SCP Foundation also have the means to restart at the flashpoint if it loses?”

【After leaving the hotel at the end of the world in SCP-3150, the Foundation followed the clues found and came to the nomads of the four-dimensional grassland in SCP-3838.

【This land is an independent dimension, and seven tribes with the ability to travel through time occupy this land at different points in time.】

【Here, Foundation researchers learned that there were internal conflicts among the seven tribes, and the seventh tribe had been destroyed.】

【All other tribes believed that it was done by the most aggressive and invasive Fourth Tribe, but the survivors of the Seventh Tribe claimed that it was done by the mysterious Eighth Tribe.】

【After the Foundation intervened and negotiated, the Fourth Tribe seemed to have found some hope and stopped invading other tribes.】

【The fourth tribe said sadly:”The other six tribes have forgotten what they imprisoned.”】

【This news attracted the attention of the foundation, and it reached a cooperation agreement with the Fourth Tribe.】

【The Foundation will protect them from the forces of darkness and track down SCP-3838-8, the mysterious eighth tribe. 】

Guan Yifan:”Four-dimensional grassland?! Hey! Is this grassland also a fragment of four-dimensional space!”

Swartz:”Nomads with the ability to travel through time, are these people the royal family of time! How can it be so common!”

Akemi Homura:”Time travelers can coexist in different time points in one place. And this piece of land that takes turns to occupy a time period is a bit like guarding something.”

Zhang Qiling:”It’s better to say it’s surveillance than guarding. It feels like these seven tribes are just like the Zhang family, guarding something… and it’s related to seven, so it must be related to the Crimson King.”

Uncle Long:”But there is also a mysterious eighth tribe! Not seven tribes Or if one tribe disappears, others will take its place~’?”

Kirisame Marisa:”It’s normal for the seven tribes to have an eighth one! Just like the four heavenly kings have a fifth one!” Gagara

:”It’s usurpation! The seventh tribe was destroyed, and the eighth tribe obviously has intentions, even wanting to get their hands on what the tribes are guarding.” Kal’tsit:

“The answer is clear, these seven tribes should be guarding against the Crimson King as a form of interference, but as time goes by, only the fourth tribe remembers its mission, and the eighth tribe is an outsider who wants to release what they are guarding.”

Peter Parker:”It’s not a big problem with the Foundation guarding it. It feels like the Foundation has never failed.”

【The scene changes, and the Foundation continues to investigate SCP-3838-8 using Seven as a clue and the objects in containment as an expansion.】

【It wasn’t until the Foundation discovered the lyrics of a song in the collection of a 19th century Foundation agent that they determined the true identity of SCP-3838-8.】

【This is what the Foundation agent heard before his death, most likely from SCP-3838-8, and the lyrics made the Foundation serious.】

【They and the world’s death have forgotten the sacred text】

【May they and the recalcitrant people have the same fate as me.】

【They forgot the howling chains that bound me securely】

【Countless ancient Chanyu were forgotten in this way.】

【They forgot the steel that pierced me】

【They won’t forget until I burn my crown】

【They will forget the seven brides who await my return】

【Such beauty is lost on the son of the jar】

【They will forget the seal that I put down】

【Only one memory remains, but it won’t yield to my will】

【Seven seals, seven tribes, six have been recaptured, and the remaining one will be mine!】

【Before all your days end, the Crimson Khan will ride. 】

Merlin:”Ahaha… It sounds a bit like a prophetic poem.”

Old Taoist:”The lyrics are more like satire, the Crimson King satirizing those who interfere with Him for forgetting their mission.”

Ancient One:”That is to say, in ancient times, there were many powerful sages and great gods in the main dimension who restricted the Crimson King, blocked the Crimson King’s interference in the main dimension, and left behind the duties and means of protection.”

Ryze:”Unfortunately, as time passed, some means were forgotten, and the mission was also forgotten. The development of the times means the forgetting of the ancient ways.”

Li Xin:”This is the best of times, and the worst of times. With the SCP Foundation guarding The world that protects humans, but the great outer gods of the past have also begun to reach deep into this world.”

Conan:”The last two sentences are associated with the fact that there is only one SCP-231 left, one Ancient Spear left, and only one tribe left who still remembers the mission… It is estimated that the SCP Foundation will become a thorn in the eyes of the dark forces.”

Death Star Rhaast:”Hahaha! Scream! For your life and the world, call out your name when the Crimson King tears everything apart!”

Guan Yuetong:”If it is a prophecy, then one thing can be confirmed. Before this infinite multiverse falls into the end, the Crimson King will definitely descend to the main dimension”

【After recording these lyrics and returning to the Foundation, Dr. Montauk suddenly remembered SCP-2317 The Devourer of Worlds.】

【Dr. Montauk only had a slight impression of the Devourer of Worlds, and then he retrieved his detailed files and confirmed the connection between the Devourer of Worlds and the Scarlet King.】

【SCP-2317 was originally discovered to be a threshold and wooden door, through which one could enter another parallel reality.】

【This parallel reality is full of mysterious and incomprehensible marble carvings. Through exploration, the Foundation discovered that there is a huge space with a diameter of 100km underground.】

【According to the instrument detection, there is a fat humanoid creature in the underground space, with a triangular head, scales all over the body and no jaw.】

【There are seven hooks locked on His back, connected to seven stone pillars on the ground above.】

【According to the archives, when the Foundation first discovered Him, four chains had already broken.

Nobi Nobita:”Hey! Anywhere Gate!” Iwato Suzuya

:”This gate is similar to the Way Gate… but the world behind the gate feels more terrifying than the afterlife.”

Morax:”Are the seven pillars suppressing something? Is this also an interference of the Crimson King in the main world?”

Eren Yeager:”Giant?! When curled up, it almost fills up a space with a diameter of 100km, and when standing up, it must be 200km! It is countless times larger than the Colossal Titan!”

Raleigh:”Does such a creature really exist?! Level 5 monsters and dangerous wanderers are as small as bugs in front of him!

Dad:”Oh! Something is wrong! What was discovered in the past was only the interference of the Crimson King, but this guy, Dad feels that He should be a projection of one side of the Crimson King in the main dimension!”

Ye Hei:”It feels like the water in the main dimension is getting deeper and deeper. The existence that can create an independent dimension and seal and suppress the Crimson King from the side should not be much weaker than the Crimson King.”

【The archives also record that a folk society called the Golden Arrow Society somehow got in here and tried various methods to repair the chain.】

【However, all the measures failed and the association finally disbanded.】

【After containing SCP-2317, the Foundation also tried various methods to repair the chains, but to no avail. Instead, the fifth chain broke!】

【The breaking of the fifth chain caused a series of events that resulted in a large number of casualties and were suppressed by the Foundation and the United Nations.】

【When the sixth chain broke, the incident caused the death of at least 2 million people worldwide even with the emergency handling of the SCP Foundation!】

【Based on the disaster level calculation, the SCP Foundation has determined that when the seventh chain breaks, it will trigger an XK-level doomsday scenario!】

【However, when SCP-231 gave birth, the seventh chain of SCP-2317 moved, causing the Foundation to enter a high alert.】

【Fortunately, SCP-231-7 was controlled, and there was no problem with the seventh chain of SCP-2317, which made Dr. Montauk feel relieved.:”.~Can’t the SCP Foundation repair it? If it can’t be repaired, can’t it be reinforced?”

Kuroba Hirotaka:”This is a chain forged by a great existence at least at the multiverse level. It cannot be repaired by the means found on Earth. Reinforcement is basically useless and may disturb the Devourer of Worlds.” Arthur Pendragon:”The disaster caused by the breakage of each chain is exponentially increasing. The seventh chain feels like it will not only destroy the world, but it is likely to be a disaster that affects the universe!”

Darkness:”Exponential? Isn’t it the same increase as a magnitude 50 earthquake?”

Takamachi Nanoha:”It seems that SCP-231 and SCP-2317 are both unsealed and related to each other. And the seven tribes are the guardians.”

Itsuka Kotori:”This world is getting more and more dangerous. Those containments that guide the arrival of the Crimson King seem to be linked to each other. A single move can affect the entire body. Besides, it is still unknown how many hidden things in this world can summon the Crimson King.”

【The scene changes to show Dr. Montauk and PoI-3172 talking. Dr. Montauk sounds a little frustrated.】

【”Oh, fuck it, I’m tired of it! I’ve spent more than 20 years on SCP-001 and have been leading this project for 9 years.”】

【”I’m really tired. I see the Crimson King everywhere, but nothing about Him is ever explained.”】

【”Some kind of giant horned demon? Mystical blood god? All so small, so bland. The Foundation has changed in the last ten years, you have to understand.”】

【”We have faced conceptual demons, literary tenants, sevenfold destroyers, all of which are far worse than any human (with good money) offering sacrifices to the ancient gods.”】

【”But this, behind everything, I saw a smile in the fire. That horror, the old horror, lingered.”】

【Although I have seen all kinds of far simpler and far more subtle horrors tearing the world apart every day, I just want to understand, maybe it’s like this”】

【Dr. Montauk was tired and exhausted. He had seen countless terrifying beings in the Foundation and was no longer afraid of them.】

【But as for the Crimson King, he had not touched the Crimson King for more than twenty years. He had no idea what He was and was still afraid of Him.

Yotsuya Miko:”Hey hey hey! Dr. Montauk can see the Crimson King? Isn’t he a normal human being too?!” Theresa

:”Stupid, Dr. Montauk means that he can see things related to the Crimson King everywhere, but he can’t figure out what the Crimson King is.” Deadpool

:”Oh~ poor Montauk, that’s because he hasn’t seen the Dimension Gold List!”

Crazy Qingyang:”Is what you saw on the Dimension Gold List necessarily true? Don’t be fooled by the superficial phenomena of things.”

Rune King Thor:”This is an existence above the infinite multiverse. His origin and essence are different in each infinite multiverse. It will also change at any time.”

Vayne:”Demon of concepts, sevenfold destroyers…what are these? Is the Foundation so powerful?”

Makaku Daiko:”It sounds like an incredible thing. Has it been contained by the P Foundation? But this can also highlight that the Crimson King is probably an existence that even high-level people like Montauk have never seen.” Tom:”

Poor old Montauk, he was played around by the Crimson King but couldn’t figure out what he was doing.”


The next chapter will be over with the Crimson King, and it will be time to move on to the Pattern Screamers or the Cosmic Starfish or something. I will probably only write about three or four of the Supreme Gods, not too many.

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