Chapter 625: Hou Yi Shoots Down the Sun, Xuan Yuan Sword Shocks the World! Distorts Reality, Causality Strikes!

【The scene changes to the period of the Battle of the Deer】

【Huangdi Xuanyuan defeated Chiyou, collected metals from the Nine Provinces, and created the supercomputer Yutai according to the Eight Diagrams and combined it with the technology of the Xia Dynasty.】

【After the Yutai was built, the gods retreated out of fear, and the evil gods who had been coveting the Xia Dynasty for a long time also cried out in dissatisfaction because of the appearance of the Yutai.】

【The scene changes and time passes. By the time of King Yu, the Xia Dynasty conquered the world and unified the four seas. All foreign tribes and barbarians respected the Xia Dynasty.】

【After unifying the country, some people proposed to hold sacrifices to offer treasures, cattle, sheep and even human lives to the gods.】

【King Yu said disdainfully:”Gods are eaten by dragons. Humans are descendants of dragons. So we should not be afraid.”】

【King Yu then collected metals from all over the world and built eight Yu platforms, a total of nine, to intimidate the gods!】

【Then King Yu began to plan a weapon that could kill gods, and began to perfect it.】

【Although the gods of this world were angry and dissatisfied with King Yu’s contempt and the Xia Dynasty’s rudeness, they could not do anything. No god dared to risk being injured to mess with the Xia Dynasty.

Ji Lin:”So I’m so powerful in this world? I made computers to shock the gods. Look at me… I can’t even deal with a small Honkai beast.”

Marquis Woban:”So this god is so disappointing!”

Luo Hao:”The gods in this world are too polarized. The strong ones are at the narrative level, and the weak ones can easily shock humans.”

Shen Gongbao:”Is it possible that the Human Emperor himself is so strong? In front of the protagonist of heaven and earth who is blessed with luck, all gods have to stand back.”

Holy Lord:”Hehehe… I like this King Yu , the dragon will eat the gods!”

Mostima:”That’s right,”Six Eight Three” After all, the Supreme Divine Stag is afraid of Yaldabaoth, and it is a fact that the dragon swallows the gods.”

Gilgamesh:”Hahahahahahahaha! King Yu, you said it well! How can people be afraid of those bastards of gods?” Ashina Isshin:

“Weapons that kill gods… so bold! It’s not enough to intimidate the gods, you actually want to kill them?”

The Emperor:”Intimidation is just a check and balance, using the reason of other gods devouring each other to check and balance. Humans still have to control the power that can kill gods.”

【The scene changes, the Taisui star in outer space breaks apart, and King Yu controls the floods and takes a spacecraft to the Taisui near Jupiter’s orbit to repair it.】

【At this moment, the scene directly switches to King Yu returning to the Xia Dynasty. For some reason, his temperament changes drastically, and he begins to fanatically believe in the flesh and blood body of Yaldabaoth, and no longer believes in the Broken God Macan.】

【In the Xia Dynasty, everyone practiced the Way of Dragons and Snakes. They could transform themselves into snakes through practice and gain powerful strength.】

【After returning to the Xia Dynasty, King Yu no longer had the image of a wise ruler. Instead, he degenerated into a tyrant, doing whatever he wanted on Chinese land!】

【For a time, the people of the Xia Dynasty cried out in grief, and the officials and ministers also wondered why King Yu had repaired Tai Sui and it became like this.】

【King Yu’s father Gun felt something was wrong until King Yu transformed into a thousand-meter-long dragon and realized that King Yu was polluted or distorted.】

【Gun admitted that he had to seal King Yu in an underground lake in China with the Dinghaishen Needle. 】

Sage King Mingyue:”Which star is Taisui? Why didn’t I see it when I used the Huangji Jingshi Book to predict the celestial phenomena?”

Gellert Grindelwald:”Taisui is the Jupiter in the mouths of Muggles. But… Taisui in this world feels more like a seal.”

Uzumaki Kushina:”Indeed… But the one who can use a planet as a seal portal can’t be some great evil god from outer space, right?”

Nayako:”Eh? King Yu’s temperament changed drastically. Did he see an alien god in Taisui? Was he distorted by pollution?”

Holmes:”Pollution, drastic change in temperament, belief in the flesh and blood god of Adabaoth… There is only one answer, and that is the sealed existence is Adabaoth! But who sealed Adabaoth?”

Conan:”Adabaoth was either sealed by the Broken God, or Adabaoth and the Broken God are both sealed by Conan. They are all sealed.”

Jiang Ziya:”No, the stag said that one of the two gods must return. I think it may be that the Broken God defeated Yaldabaoth and sealed him. The only doubt is that Yaldabaoth was sealed, why didn’t the Broken God come back?”

Yaoshi Dou:”Could the way of dragons and snakes be the real immortal technique?! King Yu has shed his snake skin and sublimated into a dragon! More powerful than that white snake immortal!”

Asakura Lu:”It’s a pity that it’s a normal transformation. King Yu can see that it’s not himself who has been polluted. Gun must be very sad… He sealed his own son.” Sun Wukong:

“Hey hey? How come my Ruyi Jingu Bang is used by Gun of the Xia Dynasty? This Gun is also very strong!”

Mi Yu:”Hey hey hey! Seal the big monster in our underground lake in the Netherlands? Brother, it won’t work……”

【The scene changes, the Xia Dynasty returns to peace, and it is the time of King Shao Kang】

【The Nine Yu Platforms are not only used to intimidate the gods, but also contain weapons that can kill gods.】

【Shaokang named his god-killing weapon Xuanyuan Sword after his great ancestor!】

【During the reign of King Jie, 49 Yutai were built and there were ten Xuanyuan swords, which frightened the gods so much that they dared not have any disloyal thoughts!】

【Although the gods had no other intentions, a sect called the Sons of the Torch appeared in China during the reign of King Kongjia.】

【They claimed to be the descendants of Emperor Jun and Xihe, believed in the Golden Crow, and began to preach.】

【Some foreign barbarian merchants began to secretly believe in the Golden Crow and pray to it to gain magic and other powers.】

【King Kongjia ordered the expulsion of the Torch Sons, and executed all those who believed in the Golden Crow. Only some merchants barely survived by believing in the Golden Crow.

Ji Lin:”Huh? Xuanyuan Sword? So the Xuanyuan Sword is so powerful… I didn’t use it well.”

Wei Erwei:”Don’t tell me, the same thing about the Xuanyuan Sword, the Key of Domination here, and the Xuanyuan Sword of the God-killing Martial Arts in this world is that they are both technology!”

Hei Huang:”Is the Xuanyuan Sword made of technology reliable? I always feel that it is not as good as the innate divine weapon.”

Zhu Yuanzhang:”We still don’t understand how the Xia Dynasty was destroyed, and then other useless dynasties took over.”

Suirenshi:”Treason! How did the witches and liches slaughter our human race during the Great Tribulation? As a human, why do you believe in the Golden Crow of the demon emperor Jun? So disappointing!……”

Wu Chen:”Jinwu, the true god of Yang. The appearance of Jinwu must mean disaster.”

Tsuchimikado Kurumi:”Why should believers in Jinwu be slaughtered? Jinwu is not an evil god.” Constantine

:”Little girl, beliefs cannot tolerate each other. You went to the territory of Dragon and Snake to spread Jinwu. You will definitely be hostile and even besieged.” Zhang Chulan:

“Xia Dynasty, Jinwu, sun… Shit! Are we going to see the famous mythological scene of Houyi shooting down the sun?”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

【The scene changes. As the era of many kings passes, merchants who believe in the Golden Crow are besieged and killed many times, but they are still alive and well. There are still some remnants.】

【The people of the Xia Dynasty also looked down on these people, thinking that they were pariahs because they did not believe in the way of dragons and snakes but believed in the Golden Crow.】

【The scene changed and a man named Jun appeared. He was originally from Xia, but he abandoned his parents, his clan, and his faith and joined the Jinwu clan.】

【Jun used a ritual of fire and sacrifice to summon the Golden Crow to descend upon the sky of China!】

【The Nine Golden Crows are like ten suns in the sky, releasing gamma rays and plasma thermal energy continuously. Will there be another super gamma-ray burst?】

【The Kingdom of the Apes took the lead in the battle, but due to the conspiracy and infiltration of the Torch Child, the biological weapons went out of control and eventually the country was destroyed.】

【Only one in ten of the people of the Ape Kingdom survived. The gods were afraid of the Golden Crow and hid in the abyss. Only the Xia Dynasty survived.

Nick Fury:”Fuck! This Torch Son gives me a feeling of a hydra! A naturally evil Golden Crow kid!” (To read a violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Aphelios:”The Xinyang Sun Sect is like this. It’s like a sticky dog ​​shit that’s smelly, hard and can’t be shaken off.” Exia:

“The Torch Son is indeed a bit sick. Why would he go to the Xia Dynasty to preach when he has nothing to do? He must have ulterior motives!”

Suirenshi:”The Ten Suns in the Sky in this world were designed by a traitor? A traitor of the human race! Jundang was nailed to the human race’s pillar of shame!”

Zhunti:”I wonder if the little Golden Crow in this world will survive?”

Bruce Banner:”The earth and humans in this world are not simple either! Ten suns burst gamma rays, but there is no instant extinction of species on the surface of the earth?!

Houyi:”One that shines is enough!”

Gilgamesh:”Jun is a bastard, a treacherous bastard! As a human being, he caused such a disaster… It can’t atone for his sins even if he dies tens of millions of times!”

Dilena:”Is this the mythical creature Jinwu? It is much more powerful than the God of Technology… Even if it is in the sky, it can beat the Solar Light Project!”

Captain America:”And the actions of the Torch Sons have been confirmed. They are not missionaries, but they are organized and premeditated to summon the Jinwu!”

Sheriff Black:”The Torch Sons and the Sons of the Crimson King are organizations of the same concept. I just realized that the names of these two organizations are very similar”

【King Jie was shocked when he found ten suns flying in the sky. After getting the news, he ordered the official Yi to go to Yutai and take control of the Xuanyuan Sword!】

【Yi transformed into a dragon and snake, holding the Xuanyuan Sword, and looked at the ten suns in the sky, ready to fight……..】

【Jin Bang then introduced the Xia Dynasty’s god-killing weapon, the Xuanyuan Sword】

【The Xuanyuan Sword is made of beryllium bronze alloy, and its internal structure is complex and precise, with extremely complex circuits engraved on it.】

【Once activated, it will trigger a super reality distortion, which will produce a causal strike and completely erase the existence of the attacked object from reality!】

【The principle of Xuan-Yuan Sword is not to destroy, but to erase the object’s form, mind, history/process from beginning to end, cause and effect/cause and influence, so that it no longer exists.】

【As the base of Xuanyuan Sword, Yutai can ensure that the sword holder of Xuanyuan Sword will not die even if he is seriously injured.】

【Even when Xuanyuan Sword is placed on the Yutai, the force field emitted by the sword combined with the power of the Yutai can ensure that the sword holder is immune to the influence of the erasure of the law of causality! 】

Chang’e:”It’s Yi! Yi is indeed in this world. I knew it when I saw the ten suns flying in the sky.……”

Huang Zhong:”I’ve also heard of the myth of Hou Yi shooting down the sun. Although he is old, his arrows are still sharp! I want to see Jiulian, destroying the heavens and the earth!”

Jing Yuan:”There was also a myth of shooting down the sun in the ancient Xianzhou country. Today I can finally see the scene of the myth.”

Chou Jiang:”It’s really eye-opening! It’s really eye-opening!”

Wei Erwei:”Wait a minute! You told me that this Xuanyuan Sword was produced in the Xia Dynasty? You told me that a feudal dynasty could create a causal strike weapon that distorts reality?!”

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck! This was made in the Xia Dynasty?! I can accept super distorted reality, but the causal strike is outrageous!”

Romani Aqiman:”Impossible! How can such a weapon be made with just circuits and alloys?! It’s not just a simple Simply reversing cause and effect is directly equivalent to… erasing the target of attack from the quantum record, completely returning it to nothingness!”

Scarlet Witch Wanda:”Modifying reality to erase a target’s traces and origin cause and effect in all timelines of the multiverse… Chaos magic can’t do it!”

Guilliman:”Even this Yutai is not simple… It is similar to the Emperor’s stasis field, and you can even move inside it.”

Artoria Pendragon:”The Yutai that can’t kill people is combined with the causal strikes that can cause distorted reality and the Xuanyuan Sword that is immune to causal strikes… This is a miracle that surpasses Avalon!” Cao Cao:

“Go and explore the Xia Dynasty for me! If you dig out a little bit of the Xia Dynasty’s treasures, I can soar into the sky and conquer the sea of ​​​​stars!”

【Because they were worried that the power of Xuanyuan Sword might cause ripples, and they wanted to keep one to shock the gods, they didn’t use all of Xuanyuan Sword.】

【The nine Xuan-Yuan Swords came out at the same time, causing nine golden crows to fall to the ground!】

【Just when the tenth Golden Crow was about to be killed, the power of the nine swords caused the heaven and earth to be violently disturbed!】

【The extremely huge causal attack exploded, and Xia Chao was not spared. He was burned by the power of the nine swords.】

【Because of this, the tenth Golden Crow escaped, and Xia Chao’s action failed, and was wiped out by the law of causality of the Xuanyuan Sword.】

【The entire Xia Dynasty was completely wiped out from its complete city-state form, writing technology, culture, and even history! The common sense of other refugees in China was also corrected, and they completely forgot the existence of the Xia Dynasty.】

【Only Yi survived this causal blow because of the power of Xuanyuan Sword, and was not wiped out by this super-large-scale reality distortion causal blow.】

【The seriously injured Yi fell on the Yutai, relying on the life-sustaining power of the Yutai to hang on to his life, and was submerged in time and history. 】

Lu Ya Taoist:”Gua! Brother,——!”

Demon Master Bai Ze:”Damn Hou Yi, you dare to shoot my king? I’ll kill you once! It’s not enough!” Ancestor

Wu Gonggong:”You can’t do it upstairs. Yi stood on Yu Taishang holding the Xuanyuan Sword. He didn’t even know how he died, and he can’t even think about reincarnation.”

Fu Xuan:”Wait! Xuanyuan Sword will not always be a deterrent after it is created. It has never been used in actual combat!” Ultraman Taro

:”Injure the enemy 800 times and lose 1,000 of your own… Xia Dynasty, Xia Dynasty, it’s too dramatic.”

Taoist Hongjun:”This world is too abnormal and too against the will of heaven. The Xia Dynasty will not continue, and it cannot be allowed to continue to exist.”

Shangbai Ze Huiyin:”Too horrible… All the history of the Xia Dynasty has been erased!” Boruto Otsutsuki

:”There are traces of divine arts. The power of Xuanyuan Sword is really terrifying… Only Houyi can remember that the Xia Dynasty once existed.……”


The next chapter will be Broken Anthem.

I won’t write one chapter a day. Sometimes there will be a time difference, so I might write one chapter during the day and another chapter at night.

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