Chapter 79: Highly excited! I, Walter! On behalf of mankind, challenge you! The glory of human civilization!

【Theresa wanted to use the Oath of Judas to fight against Sirin in Sirin’s territory.】

【I never expected that Sirin only used a little trick, and Theresa, the S-class Valkyrie of destiny, was killed instantly, and her life or death is uncertain. 】

Alicia:”What a careless child~ Can you lose even with the constraint key?~”

Aqua:”This Theresa is lame! Really too lame!”

Fu Xuan:”Even if it was predicted in advance? Did Theresa really not think about Sirin’s ability?” Guanxing

:”I can’t imagine that this idiot is actually my parallel world counterpart, it’s a disgrace to my name as Wolong.”

El-Melloi II:”A strange Zhuge Kongming is born again”

【In the outside world, Walter also killed Ashbo in one move and saw through Theresa’s position.】

【Theresa was caught by Xilin and put into the imaginary space superimposed on the display space】

【As he spoke, Walter’s pupils turned red, and the power of the Herrscher was fully activated!】

【His hands seemed to be grasping something in the air, and then purple cracks slowly appeared.】

【���Walter tore it with all his strength! The space was directly torn apart by his bare hands! Walter broke into the imaginary space just like that!】

【”Come out, Second Herrscher! The game of hide-and-seek is over!”]

Dad:”This imaginary space is very similar to the mirror space… They are both another space superimposed on reality.”

Uchiha Obito:”Since Sirin also has a portable space, then I may have a guess in my mind.……”

Wu Xie:”Wow! Walter’s hand went in just like Monk! Is Walter going to tear the space apart?”

Pava:”Wow, awesome! The power of tearing the space apart with his hands can tear me apart too?!”

Liang Bing:”Really tearing it apart with his hands? Are all Herrs so awesome?! This is too outrageous!”

Ye Wenjie:”After all, it is the ultimate embodiment of the laws of physics. It is natural that it can manipulate space.”

【The war between Walter and Xilin is about to break out!】

【The surging destructive energy gathered between the two Herrschers!】

【Sirin took the lead in throwing countless sub-air spears at Walter, but they were all blocked by the red AT stand in front of him! 】

Asuka:”AT stand and spears… Walter must hold on!”

Ikari Shinji:”Is this the wall of Walter’s heart? It’s very strong!”

Gilgamesh:”Roar… Just like when I fought that fake, you can only defend blindly? Then let me see how this fake should deal with the Herrscher?”

【Walter took out the Star of Eden and activated it, applying a hundred times the gravity to Xilin, making her unable to move!】

【Walter wanted to use this opportunity to get close to Xilin and kill her in one fell swoop, but he didn’t know that all this was a trap!】

【The moment Walter was about to touch Xilin, he passed through Xilin’s body as if passing through the air, and the whole person was teleported through space!】

【And in the forest below, a white dragon-shaped Honkai beast Benares soared into the air! It swallowed the powerless Walter into its stomach in one gulp! 】

22 Niang:”Too despicable! The same method used by Bronya! Is Bronya your successor?!”

Bronya Zaycek:”22? I don’t even know you.”

Uzumaki Naruto:”The gravity space with several times the gravity made us unable to move. The Herrscher will definitely lose under the suppression of a hundred times the gravity!”

Uchiha Sasuke:”No! Something has changed! The Herrscher… The Herrscher is a hollow dog!”

Uchiha Shisui (New Year):”It’s really hard to trigger it, my mother gave birth to it.”

Sun Wukong:”How can Walter die so easily? Didn’t anyone tell the Herrscher not to swallow people into his stomach without knowing the details?”

【The scene changed, and in the dark space inside Benares’s stomach, Walter closed his eyes and recalled Joyce, clenching his fist and placing it on his chest.】

【”In memory of that great hero, I became Walter”】

【”Over the past few decades, I have kept in mind the meaning of this name.”】

【As he spoke, Walter opened his eyes, and in the red-gold pattern, the golden gears symbolizing the Ruler of Reason shone brightly!】

【”Today! Walter, will fight again to protect this world!”

Erwin:”For humanity, give your heart!!!”

Himeya Jun:”This is the power of inheritance! This is the bond of humanity! Now, the light inherited by Walter will begin to shine!”

Kujo Jotaro:”A world that protects the world… Walter, you are worthy of being a real man.”

Gudako:”TMD! It’s on fire! I wish I could blow up a Lostbelt right now!”

Angel Yan:”Protecting the world… He is so dazzling, he is a very charming male god”


【Walter tore a big hole in Benares’s stomach! Walter floated out, and Xilin looked at him in disbelief!】

【Walter pulled his hair back and said,”Second Herrscher, the first round has just begun.”】

【Countless Titans appeared behind Walter. Walter spread his hands and said seriously:】

【”Second Herrscher! Get ready – face the power of the First Herrscher Walter!”】


【Countless Thunder Titans fired missiles, and for a moment, an endless cloud of fire enveloped Xilin! 】

Kong/Bai:”Go! Let the game begin!”

Cosmic Emperor Kayn:”Oh! Countless Titans have been recreated by him! One man is an army! Millions of troops obey his orders!”

Qiangwei:”His firepower is no less than that of the South China Sea Fleet! Did he really create these weapons?!”

Xu Sheng:”To describe this man in one word, it is creating something out of nothing!”

Void Wanzang:”Good fight! Let him see how the Sequence One Herrscher teaches this Sequence Two Herrscher a lesson!”

Ron Weasley:”Is this a Muggle weapon… Too shocking!”

【Xilin hid outside the space barrier and looked at Walter with disdain,”As a Herrscher, you actually borrowed the power of humans, how shameless!”】

【”The attack of human weapons has no effect on the shield of the Herrscher.……”】

【Crack! A crack appeared in Xilin’s space barrier! 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【”How could human weapons……!”】

【Xilin Luyan was furious! Countless transparent arms broke through the space and broke the Titan mechas!】

【”I want you to know that no matter how many weapons you have, they are all useless in front of the Apostle of God!”]

Jotaro Kujo:”Hey… Sirin, you said useless, right? Then you are doomed to fail in this war!”

Rikka Takarada:”Borrowing external forces may be shameless, but it would be stupid not to use them if you can.”

Reid:”What? Sirin’s space barrier is not very thick!”

Captain Olga:”If the Titans are destroyed, all of Walter’s efforts so far will be useless!”

【Huh – Buzz——!!!】

【Walter took a deep breath, and countless crystallizations of human civilization began to recreate!】

【Patriot missiles, intercontinental missiles, fighter jets, aircraft carriers…all the war weapons of human civilization were displayed in front of Xilin!】

【Walter roared excitedly:”This is the weapon created by humans! This is the civilization created by humans!”】

【All weapons are ready, pointing at the Ruler of the Sky, Sirin, in the sky!】

【Walter stood in front of the war machine with his arms outstretched, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and looked at Xilin firmly.】

【”I, Walter, challenge you on behalf of mankind!”】

【God, come and test whether humans are qualified to live!】

【”All teams… open fire!!!”】

【The deafening explosion sounded! The entire mountain range on the edge of Siberia was covered by clouds of fire! The war machines of human civilization ruthlessly ravaged the earth! 】

The world was in shock, and countless non-Earth worlds were shocked to see the war machine behind Walter!

This is the crystallization of human civilization over the past five thousand years! It is the most powerful killer in human history so far!

Nick Fury:”So many top weapons! Walter can conquer a big country alone! Damn, fuck!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Did you see that, Herrscher! This is the awakening of mankind!!!”

U Olga Marie:”Good! Very spirited! In the name of the President of the Earth, I recognize your actions on behalf of all mankind!”

March Seven:”Uncle Yang is so handsome!!! Uncle Yang! You are my God!”

Ji Zi:”Haha… Yang’s side is so arrogant and confident, it’s really surprising, but Yang like this is very charming.” Tracys:

“Is this the technological power of ancient humans… This power, like a man-made natural disaster, is enough to crush all the countries of Terra!”

【Xilin wanted to escape, but her dignity as an apostle of God prevented her from running away, nor could she lose!】

【She used space transfer to divert Walter’s attack and destroy human war creations】

【Walter stood in the ruins filled with smoke and muttered,”Is he finally using all his strength… God’s power is indeed extremely strong.”】

【”But it’s not over yet!”Walter clenched his fists! Countless war machines reappeared!】

【”Fall down, then stand up, this is how human beings move forward step by step!”】

【”Come on, Second Herrscher! Our war has just begun!”]

Liang Bing:”This ability to use space… I really want to get Xilin… She is so charming…”

Du Qiangwei:”???”

Gilgamesh (the wise king):”I have to say that compared to those filthy beings in later generations, Walter is the real human being, the one who truly understands the golden spirit of mankind!”

Luo Ji:”Well said! Even if humans fail countless times, they will never be truly destroyed!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Get up from where you fell and keep moving forward. The resilience of humans has contributed to the current glory!”

Alicia:”Being able to have such a Herrscher who makes me feel touched… I can say that I have no regrets in my death, right~? It’s really dazzling……~”

【On the other side of the mountain, Einstein looked at the explosion and said with a gloomy look:”It has finally started. Contact Tesla to prepare the silver bullet.”】

【On the other side of the communication, Tesla complained with tears in his eyes,”Why do we have to learn even this from him… Is it fun to commit suicide?! You big fool!”】

【”Damn Second Ruler, let Dr. Tesla teach you what the true power of mankind is!”】

【The scene changed, and a huge silver bullet stood in the snowfield base. Everyone in the world who had seen it knew what a silver bullet was.】

【This is the greatest killer in human history – the atomic bomb! 】

Tushan Susu:”Tesla sister is so miserable… She lost her friend and then her adopted husband.”

Tesla:”Hey! What the hell is a adopted husband? And why did Walter want to learn from Joyce to commit suicide!”

Zhao Xin:”The determination to break into the battle is to die. He may not have planned to come back alive from the beginning, or maybe he was sure of his immortality.”

Raikage Lao Da:”There is always a legend about Walter in the resurrection match. He is the first person to be resurrected! The God of the resurrection match!”

Wakako:”Fuck! Atomic bomb!!!” Dilena

:”Although the Herrscher is very strong and abnormal, his physical strength seems to be no different from that of a normal person. Facing the attack of nuclear weapons, the Herrscher will definitely die!”


It’s my birthday~

Please give me some free flowers as my birthday gift meow~

Thank you meow~!.

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