Dimension: Sign In To Leilu Core at the Beginning

Chapter 207 Western European Specialties



Ling Xuan sat on the bed and stretched a lot.

"System check-in."


Is he unemployed?

"Ding! Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Black Flame Prison"

"Huh? This skill is fine."

Ling Xuan's eyes moved slightly.

Open the introduction.

[Black Flame Prison: When used, it will open an enchantment to lock the enemy, and release a pitch-black flame to burn the opponent to death! ]

"I remember this skill seems to belong to Meng Wang, right?"

"Ding! Yes."

"Very good, this skill is not bad."

After speaking, Ling Xuan got up from the bed.


"Brother, brother, look, I'm awakened!"

Xiao Qiong hurriedly ran to Ling Xuan.

She stretched out her soft little hand.

A golden clock gear is quietly floating in the palm of his hand.

"Oh? Could it be?"

"Ding! The ultimate power, it seems to be reset."

"Does it work?"

"It's a one-on-one time skill that can block the opponent's actions and trap them in an eternal time cycle."

Ling Xuan: "???"

"Isn't this awesome?"

"Ding! Yes."

"Brother, is Xiao Qiong good? Isn't he super good?"

The innocent voice of the girl pulled Ling Xuan back.

He smiled and patted her head: "Well, my Xiaoqiong is the best, but I have to promise my brother not to use this ability if nothing happens."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because Xiaoqiong, your ability is very rare. If others find out, maybe someone will want your ability to force you to separate from me."


"No, I don't need it, Xiaoqiong doesn't want to be separated from my brother." Xiaoqiong was startled and said hastily.

"It's really good, but this ability can't be used, then brother will give you another thing."

Ling Xuan smiled and stretched out his hand.

It was a scarlet gem.

Star Rock Gem.


Do not know why

After seeing the gem in Ling Xuan's hand, she had an urge to swallow it.

"Take it and eat it."

Seeing the other party's patience, Ling Xuan patted her on the head amusedly.

"Thank you brother!"

After taking a sip of Ling Xuan's cheek, Xiao Qiong picked up the gemstone and swallowed it directly.


A burgundy light glowed on Xiao Qiong's body.

But it only lasted for five seconds before disappearing.

"Brother, this ability is amazing!"

Xiaoqiong who got the feedback said in surprise.

"As long as you like it, use this ability normally."


He hugged Xiaoqiong into his arms.

Sitting on the sofa, the siblings began to scan the video screen.

"Calculating the time, it's almost time for Draig to come back."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Qiong, who couldn't hear clearly, raised his head, looked at Ling Xuan's chin and asked.

"Well, Xiaoqiong, do you like riding dragons?"

Ling Xuan lowered his head.

Touching Xiaoqiong's cheeks, the cold touch made Ling Xuan feel much smoother.

"Dragon Dragon? Is it the kind of Dialga and Palkia?"

"They're a hammer dragon."

"Well, if there is, Xiaoqiong wants it!"

"Well, when Ddraig comes back, let it be your mount."

Xiao Qiong showed an innocent smile: "Okay."

If the water sword is hovering in the void, sit quietly.

Kiraqi sat on Elsa's shoulder and hummed a little tune.

The family looks so harmonious and warm.

at the same time

dark forest

A red dragon is stepping on a golden shadow.

She has long ears.

Long golden hair, dark gray eyes, and a slender body.

It is indeed an elf.

And judging from her priest's attire, she is still of a high status.

"Miss Elf, don't be afraid, I have no malice towards you."

Draig leans down

Smile at the elf.

The ferocious dragon teeth are exposed, ready to swallow the opponent in one gulp at any time.

"what you up to?"

The elf looked determined.

"Hey, Miss Elf, I'm not a bad dragon, I just hope you can do me a favor."

The elf looked at the dragon's feet that stepped on her.


No matter how you look at it, it is an evil dragon.

"Just say what you have to say!"

"Miss Elf is proud, then, I hope you will be my master's confinement."

Elf: "???"


"Then I can only go to the Fairy Forest. I heard that it is like spring all the year round, and it is very beautiful. I just don't know if I can survive under the dragon flame."

"Oh, by the way, your parents should be there too, right?"

The elf's complexion changed drastically: "You, you are despicable!"

"Ah? What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

Draig clicked his ears, as if I didn't hear.

Silver teeth clenched.

The elf girl stared at Ddraig.

"What is your master's name?"

"That's right, I'm not a dragon, can't any problem be solved through good communication?"

Drago laughed.

Elf girl: "..."

You have the guts to say so!


take advantage of the good weather

Ling Xuan took Xiao Qiong out to play on the swing.

It is worth mentioning that Alicia has already gone back.

After finishing the plot of "The Last Lesson", I went back the next day

Even the farewell was told in the group chat.

As Ling Xuan who knew Alicia's personality, he naturally knew the purpose of Alicia's departure.

Most likely because he was stimulated and wanted to save Jizi in advance.

"Master, are you there?"


A deep voice sounded in Ling Xuan's mind.

"No, next one."

"Master, stop making trouble, it's me, your dragon is back."

"Master, can you come to the forest outside? I'll bring you special products back."

Saying that, Draig laughed.


Ling Xuan let out a light snort.

Still can't suppress curiosity.

Glancing at Xiaoqiong on the swing, he just took this opportunity to let Xiaoqiong meet Draig.

The sound transmission said: "Stay there and don't move."


"Xiao Qiong, do you want to ride a dragon with your brother?"

"Riding a dragon? Yes, brother hug me."

Ling Xuan hugged Xiao Qiong into his arms.

imaginary number space open

When it reappeared, it had already come to Afterglow Forest.


A crimson giant dragon was crawling on the open ground, and beside it was a fair-haired elf girl.

"Master, you are here!"

Seeing Ling Xuan, Draig raised his head excitedly.

The elf girl looked at Ling Xuan.

The pupils moved slightly.

'Is he the master of this dragon? very young! '

' And...and the baby. '

Thinking of what she wanted to do next, the elf girl pursed her lips.

"What's the matter with her?"

"Master, this is a gift from me."

The corner of Ling Xuan's mouth twitched: "Is this the 'special product' you mentioned?"

"Master, are you satisfied?"

Draig wagged his tail and said expectantly.

The majestic Chiryuutei gradually became Erha.

"Spirit, the same ears as Alicia's sister."

Xiao Qiong in Ling Xuan's arms said in surprise.

"Master, don't worry, all her magic power has been sealed by me, you can look at it as you like."


"So? What's your reason for bringing this elf?" Ling Xuan looked at Draig.

"I still can't hide it from your eyes, master. I hope to ask for another three days off."

Draig scratched his head and smiled.

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