Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 324 Collecting the Book of Darkness (Revision)

Chapter 324 Collecting the Book of Darkness

Yagami Hayate's house, living room.

The giant blue wolf lay on the floor and waggled its tail. Xignam and Shamar sat silently on the sofa. Vita stood in front of the wind at a loss.

"So, it's the curse brought by the Book of Darkness that makes you unable to walk with your legs."

Ye You told everything about the Book of Darkness, and Hayate just sat in a wheelchair and listened quietly.

"But if collecting the Book of Darkness will cause trouble to many people, as it is now, I will be very happy."

When he heard that 300 magicians were willing to provide telekinesis cores, not only Hayate was shocked, but the guardian knights were also shocked.

Although Hayate doesn't quite understand the concept of magicians, there are probably 300 of them. Having to trouble 300 people because of his own affairs made Hayate a little panicked.

Of course, Ye You also understood the little girl's heart, but it was precisely because he understood it that he spoke out.

"It's not because of you," Ye You raised a finger: "It's because of the Book of Darkness."

"In the past, there have been incidents where magicians coveted the powerful power of the Book of Darkness, resulting in constant tragedies. Therefore, the resolution of the Book of Darkness incident is imperative for the Dimensional Administration."

Just like Admiral Graeme, even if he feels guilty and intolerable, at the final moment, he will freeze the Book of Darkness and its owner into the cracks of the dimension and seal it permanently.

But so what?

Even without considering it from the perspective of human nature, is this approach foolproof?

The seal will always be broken one day. As long as someone seeks the power of the Book of Darkness, no matter how it is sealed, it will be broken.

The most perfect way is to complete the reincarnation and forced collection to solve the Book of Darkness.

This is also the most important reason why Admiral Graeme and Lindy are willing to assist Ye You. They can't find a way to solve the Book of Darkness, but Ye You provides a solution.

"So, you are not wrong, don't worry, and there is no need to blame yourself for this." Ye You said.

Hayate lowered her head, her thin arms wrapped around the ancient book in her arms, holding the cursed book that had been with her since birth, and hugged it tightly, making her whole body seem to have shrunk.


Vita went up and leaned down, squeezing Hayate's hand hard: "As long as the collection of the Book of Darkness is completed, not only will Hayate's legs be healed, but he will also gain powerful strength!"

Gale's silence made Vita mistakenly think that he was resisting.

But this is actually just the little girl who is a little overwhelmed.

"Ah, I'm sorry for making you worry about me all this time." Hayate put the Book of Darkness on his lap and stroked Vita's head with his hand.

"Well, I understand. Thank you everyone, thank you brother Ye You."

Fifteen days are coming in a blink of an eye.

Patchouli's magic circle has been set up. In her words, 'After the structure is completed, it feels like even the knowledge of magic has improved to a higher level. ’

After all, this is a composite magic circle that combines completely different systems from two worlds. It would be impossible to complete without a lot of research and design, as well as a vast amount of magic knowledge.

The Asra ship is parked in the sky above Haiming City in the far east of the earth. Ordinary humans cannot observe it. Even if it is detected by radar, people will not 'notice' it. Added to the outer layer of the entire dimensional ship is magic similar to concept elimination.

It has nothing to do with observation, it means "this thing does not exist" in human cognition.

More than 300 magicians gathered are now waiting in the lobby of the cabin.

After reading the instructions for this mission, most of them chatted with each other.

"After providing the telekinesis core this time, I can apply for a three-day vacation. I can go back to visit my parents. What about you? Where do you plan to go?" A young-looking girl asked her companion sitting next to her.

She has been serving on the Asra ship for a year. Even if she has a vacation during this period, her time is very tight and there is not enough time to go home. I originally planned to save up my annual leave and take it all at once at the end of the year. It seems that my plan to return home can be brought forward.

"Me? Of course I'm working hard on the ship." This young man looks very energetic, always with a confident smile on his face, which is fascinating. He was also one of the first twelve people to ask the admiral for help.

"Eh? Really. But you must be holding on to the benefits of work. You don't need to apply for vacation, and there are many other benefits. What do you plan to do? Get a new magic weapon, or go to further training?"

The young man shook his head and smiled: "How could such a good thing happen?"

The girl moved her lips and was about to say something more when an announcement sounded inside the ship.

"Every magician participating in this operation is requested to be prepared and proceed to the transfer room in an orderly manner under the guidance of relevant personnel."

There is no physical entrance to the ship. Logging in and leaving are all done through a magic circle.

Hearing the sound of the broadcast, the hall that was originally filled with all kinds of noisy discussions suddenly became quiet.


Different from the magic circle arranged by Patchouli, this is a large dark green nodule. The damage caused in the barrier is not reflected in reality, so it doesn't matter even if it causes a lot of damage. But if the energy is too great and you attack the barrier, it will be destroyed.

The seaside kept lighting up, and groups of people were teleported out, lining up to fight side by side.

It was only then that Ye You truly realized that these were not just magicians, but well-trained soldiers.

Even if you just organize ordinary people in a disciplined manner, it will be an extremely huge force. And if the magicians were concentrated like this, their energy would be unimaginable.

When everyone was gathered, Admiral Lindy stood in front of everyone, while Crono and Amy stood on both sides slightly behind her.

"Thank you all so much for being here. So, let's get started."

A magic book appeared in mid-air. The thick cover was opened, revealing yellowing blank pages.

The first was Admiral Lindy. A blue luminous ball emerged from her chest, and then the light flowed towards the magic book like a stream. The blank pages seemed to show magical writing, and soon two pages were filled. Full.

Although there was still enough room left, he did not continue.

The second one is Crono, then Amy...

Seeing the magicians being collected in an orderly manner by the Book of Darkness, Signum still felt like he was in a dream. His face said ‘Is this okay? ’

"They all have to be collected anyway. It's better to do it voluntarily than by force. Moreover, it's more efficient and there are no hidden dangers." Ye You said with a smile.

Signum looked at the Book of Darkness, which was constantly turning pages because it was filled with magic characters, and nodded in sympathy.

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