Akainu was covered in dust, mixed with blood, and was in a miserable state!

Even so, he is still a general, one of the three generals of the navy!

Even if he is in danger or seriously injured, his domineering spirit is still released!

Akainu stood there, straightening his torn hat.

He stood up straight and looked at the two of them with neither sadness nor joy.

At this moment, he no longer felt embarrassed about being forced into danger, and he was even full of confidence!

"General Akainu!"

"do not come!"

There were marines around who wanted to rush up, but Akainu stopped him with a voice.

One of the two people in front of him was the captain of the Whitebeard Squadron. Only people with terrifying strength can achieve this position.

The other one, although Akainu didn't know name, but he has been forced into danger several times, and his strength is definitely not inferior to that of the captains!

Akainu’s move is also to avoid unnecessary casualties.

"The navy stays away from this place!"

Akainu shouted loudly, and his whole body turned into lava!

This is his last strength, he must kill two people at the same time!


He will definitely be killed!

Fang Ye's eyes were cold and he stood a few meters away from Akainu.

He could feel that a terrifying attack was brewing in Akainu's body at this moment!

If you resist forcefully, you will most likely end up dying together!

But he is not all pirates, he just comes to the forbidden area for trial.

It's not worth dying here

"Marco, watch out for his attacks, they are scary."

Fang Ye reminded Marco, who was not far away, and looked at Akainu again.

Hearing Fang Ye's reminder, Marco nodded subconsciously and did not dare to underestimate it.

In an instant, his body ignited with azure flames, His whole body transformed into a phoenix.

This was his strongest state!

The next second, Akainu's body quickly swelled, and there seemed to be some great terror brewing inside!

"Meteor volcano!"

With a loud shout, Akainu's bulging part was transferred to his fists, and he kept punching towards the sky!

Every time he punched, Akainu's bulging fists became smaller by one point.......

Until the end, it returned to the size of an ordinary fist, with blood dripping from it.......

At the same time, he also lost all his strength and fell to the ground on his back.

"Hide quickly!"

Fang Ye shouted loudly, and his body flashed!

Taking advantage of the crisis sensing, Fang Ye kept rolling to avoid the massive meteorites falling from the sky.

He didn't have the terrifying strength of Whitebeard, so he didn't dare to resist!

An accident , it is possible to be hit by a meteorite, causing inevitable injuries.

Marco relied on his own speed to quickly circle in the sky, while escaping outside the scope of the meteor volcano.

Although Marco did not have the BUG crisis sense like Fang Ye.

But With his terrifying recovery ability and domineering power, he did not suffer any fatal injuries.

Bang -

Fang Ye continued to dodge, but the density of the meteor volcano was too terrifying, so he had to take action!

With one punch, the huge meteorite was broken into pieces , smashing to the ground!

A huge amount of meteorites fell on the ground, turning the area into a sea of ​​molten fire!

Malinfando, who was already in danger, was even worse!

Bang - bang - bang - terrifying collisions continued from all directions. came from the industry, and everyone looked here with horrified expressions

"It's really scary......"

Some people took a breath, looking at the scene of Fang Ye holding the meteorite with his fist, as if they saw some kind of monster!

"It would be great if such a monster were on our side......."

"It is because he is not a navy that the current situation is caused......"

"General Akainu, we will remember you!"

"What the hell? General Akainu is not dead yet!"

"Don't say so much, it's not certain whether you can survive!"......

The battle on Fang Ye's side lasted for a full minute!

Finally, the sky became clear, and the massive meteorites were either avoided or shattered by Fang Ye.

Fang Ye stepped forward and walked towards Akainu, who was slumped aside, his eyes cold.

"What a......Monster!"

Looking at Fang Ye who was not injured, Akainu sighed weakly.

"my justice......"

Looking at his fist, Akainu fell into thought.

It was promised that in the face of justice, the evil pirates would be crushed, so why didn't it work? still......

Is there something wrong with my own justice?

Looking at the brooding Akainu, Fang Ye's eyes were cold, ready to give him the final blow.

He doesn't want to have long nights and lots of dreams.

Suddenly, a huge uneasiness surged in Fang Ye's heart!

My scalp is numb, and my hands are even trembling slightly!

Crisis sensing!

This is the first time for such a strong sense of crisis!

Without any reason, Fang Ye kicked on the ground and flew out!


Fang Ye waved his hand towards Marco, who also wanted to give Akainu the final blow, and motioned him to run! The next second, Akainu, who was leaning on the ground, was all red!

The hat he had been wearing for a long time was instantly ignited, along with the rest of his body. The navy uniform was turned into ashes!

"He's going to blow himself up!"

Fang Ye's eyes were shocked. He couldn't believe that Akainu would do such a thing!

He saw Akainu's body bulging up instantly, like a balloon stretched to the limit!

The next second, Akainu's whole body was like a huge balloon. The bomb exploded!


Countless hot molten lava was sprayed in all directions by the impact!

The ground was melted, and the corpse of the navy pirate was instantly ignited and then burned, not even the bones were left!

Feel it Facing the terrifying temperature in front of him, Fang Ye speeded up again!

Finally, he escaped from the attack range of Akainu's self-destruction.

Fang Ye took a breath, barely suppressed the remaining reaction of the crisis sensor, and looked back.

Akainu's this The power of the move was huge!

With him as the center, a bottomless pit formed, almost burning through Marinevando! Marco stood further away, his chest rising and falling violently!

Looking at the scene in front of him , He was full of fear in his heart!

If he hadn’t believed Fang Ye just now, or if he had reacted just a little slower,......

He had already been affected by Akainu's attack!

Seeing the horrific damage caused by Akainu's self-destruction, Marco was sure that if he was even a little bit contaminated, he would definitely be seriously injured!


Marco flapped his wings a few times and stood next to Fang Ye, regaining his human form.

"Dead, completely dead."

Fang Ye had no expression on his face, looking at the disfigured battlefield destroyed by Akainu.

"It seems that he really wants to use the two of us as his backing at the risk of his life."

Marco wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and patted Fang Ye on the shoulder.

"Thank you. I'll buy you a drink when I get back to the ship......."

After saying that, Marco's eyes began to become indifferent, even a little depressed, and he said softly:

"I don’t know if I can get back to the ship alive......."


Fang Ye slapped Marco on the shoulder and looked at him seriously

"Since we don’t know if we can go back, why not kill a few more marines now? Fang

Ye pointed to the remaining navy and continued:

"If you can get back to the ship, you won't be able to escape from this drink."

"OK, haha......"

Marco just laughed twice when he felt a huge force coming from his shoulders!

He was being dragged out by Fang Ye!

"You two brats, go to hell!!!"

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