Now Ulquiorra has become extremely ugly, but his strength has become stronger than before.

The terrifying aura spread, causing cracks to crack in the surrounding ground.

Eyes of Death!

Spear of the Evil God!

Ulquiorra roared angrily, and then shot out a flaming spear and an extremely black pointed spear with an endless aura of destruction from left to right. These two weapons rushed into the square almost instantly. In front of Fang Ye's body, he wanted to penetrate Fang Ye's body.

Fang Ye immediately activated his own energy, causing the energy in front of him to quickly condense into a huge barrier, trying to block the two weapons.

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises were heard continuously, and the energy barrier in front of Fang Ye quickly broke apart.

Fang Ye hurriedly took a few steps back, then quickly used his armed domineering energy, and then used protective shields to block the attack.

But Ulquiorra was now completely driven into madness.

Endless power quickly gathered in his hands, and then formed a black spear that was two meters long and two meters thick. Then he threw the black spear in his hand and stabbed Fang Ye's chest.

This time Ulquiorra used all his strength, so his move was even more powerful!

Whoosh whoosh!

These spears were spinning rapidly in Ulquiorra's hands. Each spear contained huge power, and they could also distort space at will, making it difficult for the enemy to judge the trajectory of these spears.

Under the control of Ulquiorra, these spears kept changing positions, making it difficult for Fang Ye to predict the angle at which these spears would fall.

Damn it! I can't escape at all! no! Must resist! Otherwise, you will definitely fail!

Then I have no choice but to resort to the ultimate attack!

Fang Ye thought silently in his heart, and two red rays of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then the energy in Fang Ye's body suddenly started to move crazily.

"The world is completely ashes!"

He stretched out his hand and pressed down, and saw that the fire power instantly simulated a long knife, and he slashed forward suddenly.

At this time, after he communicated with Yuanliuzhai, Yuanliuzhai specifically taught him the moves. Yuanliuzhai once As he said, what he used was not the limit of this move. The stronger the ability, the more powerful the move can be.

Fang Ye is the strongest person he has ever seen. He can unleash the true power of this move. Come out.

A destructive sword light instantly slashed towards the spear.


The sword light slashed towards the black spear.

The black spear was directly broken under the strike of the sword light.

What happened?!

Ulquiorra's eyes showed a look of shock, He felt an incomparable force tearing at his soul and body, making his will become unstable and his combat effectiveness constantly weakening.

How could this be?

How could this be possible?!

Ulquiorra's His heart was filled with disbelief, and he kept roaring, not believing that Fang Ye could withstand this move.

But the power of destruction filled Ulquiorra's body, and his life force was rapidly draining away.

I can't Lose, you must not lose!

Ulquiorra yelled crazily. He was still trying to use his moves, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, his entire arm was turned into ashes.

His time was up.

He used his lifespan in exchange for endless strength, but can only hold on for five minutes


Ulquiorra suddenly calmed down and raised his head to look at Fang Ye

"It turns out you are so powerful, even though I tried my best, I still can't catch up with you......"

Fang Ye remained silent in response

"Haha, what a desperate guy"

"I don't have much time, so I'll tell you what I heard. They are planning to use Kurosaki Ichigo's body to resurrect an evil god....."

"If you go quickly, you might be able to save him in time...."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ulquiorra completely turned into ashes.

Fang Ye looked at the place where Ulquiorra disappeared and sighed deeply.

Then he looked at Xuye Palace on the steps and flew over quickly again.

Now he must race against time to enter the Xuye Palace and rescue Kurosaki Ichigo from Aizen Sosuke and the god's agent Red Bishop.

There were countless Daxu blocking them along the way, but Fang Ye showed no mercy and killed them all with one strike.

Finally Fang Ye came to the throne of Xuye Palace.

He saw Aizen sitting on the throne in the hall, holding his chin on his hand and tilting his head, waiting for Fang Ye.

There was a person standing next to him, and that person was Urahara Kisuke whom Fang Ye had seen in Karakura Town.

He has now taken off his mask, revealing a very pale face, but there is a hole in his heart, and there is a broken jade inside.

In front of them was the unconscious Kurosaki Ichigo.

However, the God’s agent, Red Bishop, and Xiaoyu and Jinta, who were the first to enter Hueco Mundo, were nowhere to be seen.

"You're late, Fang Ye."

Aizen showed a proud smile.

"Although you killed so many of my men, it's a pity that Kurosaki Ichigo still fell into my hands!"

Fang Ye frowned. He looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, but found nothing unusual.

Could it be that the deity ceremony hasn't started yet?

Maybe it's over, but the evil god hasn't come out yet?

Fang Ye was a little confused, so he looked up He looked at Aizen and Urahara Kisuke, and finally asked:"Where are Xiaoyu and Jinta?"

"You said they two were naturally killed by me."

Kisuke Urahara who was on the side chuckled.


Fang Ye frowned and then shook his head.

"No! You have lived with them for so long and have long regarded them as your own children. Do you have the heart to kill them?"


Urahara Kisuke burst out laughing. He looked at Fang Ye playfully:"I am no longer the person I used to be. For me now, they are just obstacles."

"I have obtained the power of evil gods. Killing them will make my state of mind more perfect.More in line with the power of the evil god!"

"I still don't believe it!"

Fang Ye shook his head.

He couldn't believe that Urahara Kisuke could do such a thing. He knew that Urahara Kisuke had lived with those two children for many years.

"Haha, do you know what those two people said before they died? They cried and shouted the same thing as you, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it"

"But I, who have become an evil god, have long lost human emotions. On the contrary, their painful and desperate expressions made me really enjoy it. Finally I swallowed them and turned them into my nourishment."

Urahara Kisuke slowly walked over. His figure gradually changed, and two horns grew out of his forehead.

Many fine scales appeared on his face, and his body slowly expanded. It wasn't until he turned into a half-human, half-snake monster that he stopped changing.

Now, do you still believe that I won't kill them?

Urahara Kisuke sneered, exuding a strong aura of the evil god.

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