Dimensional Codex

Chapter 975: I will fulfill my promise

After arranging the next tasks for Ye Yuezhen, Founder drove Asuna to go home. Although it is said that the AR equipment has not been fully debugged at the moment, the series of Pokemon originally does not need any plots. The biggest task of the production team is to set various types of monsters, their values ​​and appearance.

In the previous life of the Pokemon series, it seems that there were more than 800 elves, and Founder did not paint all these elves. He also wanted to see how the world ’s aesthetics look, so Founder just set a few attribute races. I wrote a detailed record of the three elves who started, and their fighting methods and how to capture them. The rest ... let Ye Yuezhen find someone to do it.

"Then, come back and contact again."

After sending Asuna to the door of the house, Founder also waved at her and planned to leave, but Asuna had hesitated before whispering.

"That ... Mr. Founder? Would you like to come and sit in our house? Your mother must also want to meet you ..."

"Next time, I have something to do."

Hearing Asuna's invitation, Founder shook his head and chose to decline. Hearing Founder's answer, Asuna was a little disappointed, but she did not go too far.

"Okay, I wish you all the best, Mr. Founder."

"See you later."

After saying goodbye to Asuna, Founder kicked the accelerator again, and drove away from Yuki. However, this time, he did not immediately go to the target location. Instead, Founder first went to a flower shop to buy a bouquet of flowers, and then drove to a hospital located in the deep mountain of Tsuzuki, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture.

In fact, it was Fang Zheng who originally wanted to be the first person to visit, but he didn't expect to make a mess. Before meeting her, she had met Yuna and Asuna herself.

But now, it is finally back on track.

Because the journey was a bit long, when Founder arrived at the hospital, it was already early evening. According to reason, it had already passed the visiting time, but after the Founder explained to the nurse at the front desk, he was put in soon. After that, according to Miss Nurse's instructions, Founder took the elevator to the medical ward on the fourth floor. After waiting for a while at the reception, Founder saw a doctor in a white coat and short stature coming in.

"Is that your application for a visit?"


Facing the doctor's inquiry, Founder nodded, and then he stood up.

"You are Yuki's chief doctor?"

"Yuji ... Ah, you mean Kapok Jijun."

Hearing the Founder's inquiry, the doctor was surprised, but nodded quickly.

"Yes, I'm her doctor, Kurahashi. May I ask ..."


Upon hearing Founder's answer, Dr. Kurahashi's complexion changed slightly, and then he curiously looked at the Founder in front of him.

"It turns out you are the Founder ..."

"Looks like you seem to know about me?"

"Of course, after coming out of that game, Kapok Jijun told me a lot about you. Ah, Kapok Jijun is Yuki, her real name is Takino Kimaki ... I think you should Already known. So, you came here to visit her? "

While talking, Dr. Cangqiao looked curiously at the bouquet in the Founder's hand.

"You should know that this time is not a visit time."

"That's why I came."

Founder was not surprised by this.

"In fact, I don't want her to know that I've been here, and I want you to keep it confidential, doctor."

"Of course there is no problem."

Having said that, Dr. Kurahashi was silent for a moment, then sighed softly.

"Come with me."

Having said this, Dr. Cangqiao turned around and took Founder to a ward at the end of the corridor. Then he opened the door and took Founder in.

This is an observation room. There is a dark glass in front of him. Doctor Kurahashi operated it on the computer a few times. Soon, the dark glass gradually faded, revealing the scene inside.

"The opposite is a sterile room. No one is allowed in, so you can only watch here."

There was a doctor Dr. Cangqiao's speech in his ear, but Founder didn't care, he just looked at the other side of the glass, the little figure on the blue bed in the sterile room.


The energetic little guy in the game world is always full of energy. She is lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her body looks abnormally thin, and even reminds Founder of the starving skinny skin in Africa. Children. And her originally lovely face was extremely pale due to lack of nutrition, and the whole person looked like a skinny skeleton.

There are various pipes in her throat and arms. At present, these pipelines are the only guarantee to maintain Yuuki's life.

"How is Yuuki?"

"very bad."

Dr. Kurahashi did not hide it.

"Her condition is getting worse. The problem is not just about AIDS. Her primary lymphedema is also getting worse. To be honest, we are helpless."

"How much time is left?"

"It's hard to say, even if it is considered in the most optimistic way, I am afraid that there are only less than half a month left. If you are unlucky, I am afraid that you can only persist for another week.

"A week ......... is enough."

Hearing Dr. Cangqiao's answer, Founder thought for a moment, then nodded. Then he turned his head and looked at Dr. Kurahashi next to him.

"So Dr. Kurahashi, I have something I want to ask you to ..."


After listening to Founder's request ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dr. Cangqiao frowned.

"But that doesn't meet the requirements, and, in her case ..."

"I know her situation, but I think she also hopes to realize her wish."

Founder interrupted Dr. Cangqiao's words and looked at Yuki lying on the bed again.

"I can pay all the costs for the next Yuuki's treatment, and all I want is a little help from you ... and it's not a bad thing for Yuki itself, is it?"

"......... Please let me think again."

Hearing this, Dr. Cangqiao apparently moved, but in the end he did not immediately agree. It's not surprising that the Founder is here. Obviously, Dr. Cangqiao is a very reliable doctor and is very responsible for his patients.

But he had to do it.

Because this is the agreement between Founder and Yuuki.

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