Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1086: The good thing is still behind

Night fell.

The Governor's Mansion in the 11th district is no longer the noise and noise of the day, and those protesters have dispersed early. Only fully armed soldiers are guarding outside to prevent accidents.

Just then, a man in a black coat, hat and scarf sneaked up from the back to the Governor's House.


Although he worked hard to conceal his figure, when he walked to the back door of the Governor's Mansion, he was immediately spotted by the patrolled soldiers. He soon saw several soldiers quickly raised their guns and aimed at the figure.

"Raise your hands, don't move, who?"

"I'm the free-spirited Tamara Ichiro! I have something very important to report to Governor Clovis!"

Facing the questioning of the soldiers, the man also hurriedly raised his hand and said with a low voice.

"This has something to do with tomorrow's signing. Some people want to be bad for the Governor!"


Hearing the words of Yucheng Zhenyilang, several soldiers looked at each other, then nodded.

"Let down your hand and follow us. Don't play tricks!"

"Okay, okay ..."

Seeing that the other party lowered his gun, Yu Cheng was relieved, and then he quickly entered the Governor's Mansion with several soldiers. It didn't take long for Clovis and several of his close friends to appear in front of Yucheng.

"You said ...... someone wants to be against me?"

"Yes, Lord Governor."

Yucheng nodded.

"who are you?

"I'm Mr. Fan Yao's subordinate, Yucheng Shinichiro."

"Oh ......... Citizens in District 11 ..."

Clovis's eyes flashed cold when he heard the name "Fan Yao".

"So let's hear, what is going on?"

"That's it ......... Just yesterday, the people of the Japanese Liberation Front found Mr. Fan and said that they wanted to join Mr. Fan's negotiating delegation. They planned to abruptly attack while signing the contract and kidnap the Governor!"

"Oh? Is this happening ?!"

Hearing here, Cloviston sat upright, and several people behind him immediately became serious.

"Is this true? What did they want to do when they kidnapped me?"

"I'm not very clear about this, but the people of the Japanese Liberation Front seem to intend to use you as a hostage to negotiate with the Britannia Empire ..."

"really interesting………"

Clovis sneered at Yu Cheng's words.

"So tell me this, and why?"

"Mr. Fan believes that the movement of the Liberation Front is very stupid. We just want to live a peaceful life and do not want to have disputes with Brittania again. However, the approach of the Liberation Front will put us in a very passive situation Therefore, Mr. Fan sent me to convey this news to the Governor. I hope you can be careful. This also represents our sincerity in negotiation. "

"Well ...... you are really sincere."

Clovis nodded when he heard this, then he whispered a few words with the people around him, and then spoke.

"So let's go. The signing ceremony for tomorrow will be held as usual. Mr. Fan will take the first car. As for those of you who are called the Liberation Front, let them ride in the second car. Everything works, no problem. "

"Yes, no problem, thank you Governor."

"Oh, well, you can go."

In the face of Yucheng's answer, Clovis grinned, and then motioned for him to leave.

After that, Yu Cheng also left the Governor's Mansion under the cover of several soldiers. After he was sure that no one was around, he immediately picked up the mobile phone, and soon, a fan's voice came from the mobile phone.

"How? Yucheng?"

"Admiral Clovis said that the signing would continue as usual, and by then we would just ..."

While lowering his voice, Yucheng repeated the words of Clovis to the fan.

"………That's it."

"………I know."

After listening to Yu Cheng's report, Fan wanted to be silent for a moment, and then answered.

"But Mr. Fan, do we really want to do this? Betraying the Liberation Front companions ..."

"We are not betraying them, we are for our future! We are just ordinary people, not soldiers!"

However, before Yu Cheng's words were finished, he was interrupted by the fan.

"We just want to live in peace, and we won't be insulted by the Britanians until we fight. Now, victory is in sight, and these soldiers have to come to trouble, and I definitely don't allow them to disrupt the situation! Without being able to protect us from Britannia's iron hooves, what a fight is now! It is simply stupid! I will never allow them to disrupt our peace process, this is the only opportunity we can win! "

"......... Yes, Mr. Fan."

Hearing here, Yu Cheng's expression also became serious.

"I know what to do."

At this moment, in the hotel, the little girls were staring at the picture in front of them, speechless for a while.

I'm afraid that Fan Yao didn't expect that everything they did was "live broadcasted" by the Founder and showed everyone a clear and intelligible picture.

"He ... did he actually send someone to tell?"

Yuuki was stunned looking at the picture in front of her, and couldn't figure out why.

"But why is this? Doesn't he want to fight the Brittany Empire?"

"This is what I mean by the petty-bourgeois compromise."

Fang Zheng reached out and reached the flat glasses he was wearing. Then he took out his pointer and clicked on the screen.

"Well, today I think you all took a very impressive lesson, then I think you must have doubts, why it was clear that their previous goal was to overthrow Briania, but now they are willing to deal with them At the cost of sacrificing life, an opponent who is overthrown?

Hearing this, the girls sitting in chairs watching the live broadcast nodded.

"It's simple, because overthrowing Britannia's rule is only a means to them, not an end."

Founder snapped his fingers, then the picture changed, and the picture from the previous Shinjuku concentration camp appeared again.

"You have all seen that since Brittania occupied this land, the residents of District 11 have been subjected to inhumane crackdowns and atrocities. In this case, they cannot get even the most basic guarantee of life, so there will be people. Come out and resist. For them, Britania will not negotiate with them, so only by expelling Britania and regaining control of this land can they protect their lives and interests. But now, there are situations It ’s different ... ”

While talking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Founder is pointing to the screen again.

"... You see, their interests have been fulfilled, or are about to be fulfilled, at least they see hope. In this case, they will no longer choose to fight. For them, deport Britta Niya, regaining the country is just a slogan, just a slogan fighting for a better standard of living, and once their personal interests are met, they will immediately abandon the slogan because this is only their means, not their purpose. In other words ... as long as they can achieve their goals, they don't care about means, and they don't care who is ruled. "

Having said that, Founder looked again at the girls.

"So, you have to figure out the situation, carry out investigations, studies, judgments, and finally make a decision. Do n’t make a wrong choice because of a moment of excitement ... well, then it is time for me to ask questions Do you think the signing of tomorrow will go well? "

"Maybe ..."

Asuna blinked, and then hesitated to speak.

"After all, the people in the 11th district have shown their sincerity, so Britannia should sign a contract with them .... And they have all told?"

"I don't think it will be that simple ..."

However, Yinglili shook her head.

"You didn't see Asuna. There is no friendly exchange between the two sides. Maybe Brittania will not sign a contract tomorrow."

"I think………"

Looking at the two parties who started the argument, Fang Zheng smiled slightly.

Good thing, it's still behind.

In fact, he has seen the end.

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