Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1106: Not a scientific world from now on

The Founder had to admit that the commander of Brittania also had two brushes.

After discovering that his subordinates couldn't stop Founder and others, Cornelia immediately changed the battle plan and dispersed all the forces to block the mech units in other places. There was no one on the Founder's side.

Although, in principle, Fang Zhengda could directly enter the command center with such a big swing, but this did not make any sense to him. The original Founder's plan was to take the lead with Asuna and the Black Cat, break through the enemy's defense, and lead the army to occupy the Governor's House, then win the entire Tokyo Concession in one fell swoop.

But the current situation is completely beyond the founder's expectations. Brittania completely gave up the three of them and turned the target to the large army behind. The founder had no choice.

It does n’t make sense to rely on the three of them to occupy the Governor ’s House. The battlefield command is made by the commander on the spot. If Founder wants to win in one fell swoop, he has to play beheading. but………


Looking at a purple mech with a white cape whistling through the air, he attacked the mech unit behind again, and Fang Zheng shrugged helplessly.

The commander himself is on the front line. What's the point of beheading? Even if he killed all the people in the Doge's Palace, he would not impede the Brittany army in the slightest.

"This is bullying, Mr. Founder."

The black cat's eyebrows were raised as he watched the Britannia mecha flying around in the sky. After so many hours of training and fighting with the reapers. On this weekdays, the young girl who is always full of middle and second breaths gradually matures.

"Shall we play big?"

"Leave it to me."

Founder glanced at the mech group in the air, and was slightly unhappy. It's as if I've been forced to your spring water, not only do you not plan to make twenty shots, you also want to disgusting me. Although I can definitely win, I always feel uncomfortable.

"Are you going to use a battleship?"

Asuna also asked with some worry, after all, after Founder brought them here, one of the requirements was that she would not easily launch a battleship until the critical moment. So for so long, although they have often fought, they have never called for warship support.


However, Founder shook his head.

"I have a better way ...... Asuna, Black Cat, you can lead the troops to retreat temporarily, prepare for air defense, and just hand it to me."


Hearing Founder's order, Asuna and Black Cat nodded, then quickly turned back and gathered back. The Founder glanced at Brittania's mech in the sky and hummed softly.

He knew that the other party was attacking his own weakness. This time, the Chinese Federation was completely attacked, so he did not mobilize the air force. In fact, there is no way to mobilize the Air Force and Navy. After all, on the surface, so far, this is just a battle in which the Japanese government in exile is trying to "regain lost ground", so the Chinese Federation cannot intervene boldly.

Strictly speaking, it is only after Zeqi Dun has occupied the Tokyo Concession that he will be able to announce the resumption of the country, and at the same time request the support of the Chinese Federation-if he cannot do so, the Chinese Federation ’s army will not So blatantly across the border.

Because it represents a full-scale war with Brittania.

Under the current trend of "unification of mankind" of the Earth Federation, wars of this level will obviously not be allowed.

Although the MS on the side of the Revival Army is also equipped with air defense weapons, the other party is obviously an elite force-not being elite. If it is not elite, one face-to-face will be directly hit, and there is still time to shine here.

Fortunately, Fang Zheng had considered this problem long ago. In fact, he was ready before he set off.

Watching the two leave, Founder opened a personal terminal and quickly contacted Belfast.

"Is something brought back?"

"Bring it back, Commander, Queen said that it was made according to your instructions."


Upon hearing Belfast's answer, Founder nodded with satisfaction. Now that there are several insects in the swarm, Milun is in charge of the overall situation of the swarm, and Lulana is responsible for enhancing the transformation. However, for the founder, this worm named Niyadra is the most suitable for him. Mind.

Mainly because ... she obedient.

That ’s right, Milune is a typical Zerg thinking. Everything is considered from the perspective of the best efficiency of the Swarm. I do n’t agree with Founder every time I want to be able to modify the Swarm genes or make some Zerg unit. . Often it would take the Founder to threaten her to transform the Zergling into Pikachu before she would accept.

Lulana is a typical Swarm artist. The artist ’s thinking is basically different from ordinary people. There are several times when the Swarm Units transformed by Fang Xuan orthogonally transform it, Founder ca n’t recognize what it is. They all wondered if they were wrong. In simple terms, it is okay to let Lulana play by herself, but it is not enough to give her detailed transformation requirements.

This Niyadela is very obedient, let her do whatever she wants, so Founder is a little new and tired, and plans to take her with her in the future.

Of course, it depends on how well her mission is completed.

"Okay, let it go."

"Yes, commander."

After listening to the Founder's order, Belfast, who remained suspended in the air, nodded, and then she turned her head and made a gesture. The next moment, the door to Belfast's cabin opened, and then a worm egg fell out of it and fell towards the ground.

During the fall, the worm egg began to swell, twist, and then cracked open.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow full of tens of meters long emerged from it, and the blink of an eye disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.

"Keep attacking, don't stop and stop their offensive !!!"

Conquering a wave of Renaissance mech attacks again, Conelia manipulated her mech to fly into midair, while scanning around in a vigilant manner.

As she expected, the footsteps of the Renaissance Army have been stalled. As long as their large troops cannot enter the Governor's Palace, there is no problem with the rest. However, it was not easy for Cornelia.

Thinking of this, Cornelia glanced at her left leg, where it had been severed from the knee. Unlike several others, Cornelia is best at melee. However, she did not dare to do so now, because just now, when Conelia dived and launched an attack, a young girl with a sickle suddenly appeared in front of her. If it hadn't been for Cornelia's reaction fast enough, I'm afraid she would have been defeated by now.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to be flying.

Therefore, for the time being, Cornelia had to be in the air, while sniping ground forces, while looking for opportunities to defeat the enemy. Just then, suddenly, a frightening voice appeared in the communication channel.

"His Highness Cornelia, no good, there are monsters! We were attacked by monsters!"


Conelia frowned when she heard reports from her subordinates.

"What monster, make it clear!"

But the only answer to her was a scream of clutter.

"Don't come here, monster, monster, oh-wow !!!!"

After a scream, there was no more sound in the communication channel.

"Fifth Squad, what happened? Fifth Squad, please answer !!!"

Hearing here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Cornelia suddenly became nervous. She climbed quickly and looked carefully around. Only then did Cornelia discover one thing.

Why is it dark?

She raised her head and looked up, surprised to find that she did not know when it was overcast, and lightning and thunder appeared from time to time, a scene of rain coming.

What is this ...

However, before waiting for Cornelia to understand, she suddenly saw a shadow flash in the clouds, and then a huge monster rushed out of the clouds and rushed towards herself.

It has a snake-like body, with eagle-like claws and a dragon-like head on it. The whole body exudes a golden light, and even the deer-like sharp horns can be seen on the head!

What is this? !!

Seeing this scene, Conelia was startled, but hadn't waited for her to react, and saw that this "monster" had roared, raised her paw and rushed at her!

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