Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1111: You are not from this world, are you?


He was busy until late at night, and Fang Zheng was finally relieved. He twisted his neck from side to side, then left the office of the Governor's Office, and walked towards the bedroom.

With regard to the proposal of the second prince of the Britannia Empire, Founder just heard it. Even if he has traveled through so many worlds, Founder has his own experience in seeing people. At first glance, he knew that the second prince was a very tricky guy. The reason he proposed this condition was not for a friendly marriage. On the contrary, it meant to delay time.

I just don't know what he wants to do if he delays his time, but for those who do n’t blink his eyes, and even his own sister can sell for his own purpose, Founder has no good feelings, and he wants to keep a distance from such people.

But just as Founder was planning to return to the room to rest, he suddenly saw a figure standing on the balcony at the end of the corridor.

"Yo, isn't this green hair?"

Looking not far away, Fang Zheng raised his hand and greeted her, but gave him an unhappy glance.

"Can't you call me that?"

"Yes, you should tell me your name and I should call it."

"I didn't say it, my name is ..."

"This is a pseudonym."

The founder's rebuttal scoffed.

"Anyway, the pseudonym is a code name. I think Green Hair is better than that, which doesn't sound like calling someone, but more like artificial intelligence."

Facing Founder's answer, she was completely speechless, so she coughed slightly, and then changed the topic.

"I have something important to talk to you."

"What? You've decided your death date?"

"......... Can we not mention this?"

Shows that he is really tired ... Why does this person ask himself every time he sees himself if he intends to die, he knew that he should not have signed a contract with him. But say this now ...... hey, unfortunately there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Then come in and talk."

The Founder didn't particularly care, and opened the door, motioning to follow him into the room.

The founder used the rooms of the Governor's House instead of the Governor's rooms, where it was Cornelia and Clovis who lived. He was not very good at living in other people's rooms. There was always a feeling of invading the site. Moreover, things are owned by others, and you will not feel at ease when using them. On the contrary, the rooms give you a feeling of staying in a hotel, which is not so bad.

"Say, what's the matter."

Fang Zheng took off his jacket, then sat on the chair, watching as he walked in with a full-length doll. Having said that, during this period of time, Founder also heard some from Kuangsan. This young girl was very obedient and did not play any moths. However, to the surprise of the Founder, the best relationship is actually Tina.

And the intersection of the two is also a bit ridiculous to say, that is, pizza.

Pizza addiction is life-threatening. It belongs to the type of withdrawal reaction if she does not eat pizza one day. She also eats pizza from death all day long due to her immortality. Anyway, according to her statement, her body age is always qualitative There will be no change in how you eat, so it ’s better to eat to your death.

As for Tina ... her problem is that Tina only makes pizza.

Tina's pizza is very good, but she only makes pizza. It is a sorrow. Everyone occasionally changes the taste to eat Tina's pizza. If you eat three meals a day for a month, it will really die.

However, the two came together, but sparks came from friction.

Three times a day without pizza will die, one will only make pizza one day and night, these two can be regarded as a match made to some extent.

Sitting on the sofa next to the doll, she looked at the Founder carefully, and after a moment, she blurted out a word.

"You ... are not the people of this world."


Upon hearing the inquiry, Founder frowned.

"Why do you ask?"

"I can see it."

Now that she's exported, she simply shuns it.

"I have also lived in this world for a long time. I have experienced all kinds of things, but I never knew that there were people like you, and the dragon that appeared before, and you ... ...... Even after the time and space earthquake, people from other worlds do not have the power you have, so ... I don't think you belong to this world. "

"Well, well said, so what?"

Founder nodded and motioned her to continue, but faced with the indifferent attitude of Founder, she was a little dazed.

"that's it?"

"Otherwise what do you think I would say?"

In the face of no nutritional inquiries, Founder rolled his eyes.

"You're coming to me, you definitely won't want to play a detective game. There is something to say, I will take a bath and sleep in a while."


Faced with the Founder's reaction to not playing cards according to common sense, she was speechless. She hesitated before she decided to continue.

"Do you know the real reason the Britannia Empire attacked Japan?"

"Not for Sakuraishi?"

"It's just superficial."

Shook his head.

"The real reason is that in Japan, there is a relic needed by the emperor of the Britannia Empire."


"Yes, that ruin can let human self-awareness enter the world of C through the elevator of thinking ..."

"What is the world of C?"

"C's world is a collection of human subconsciousness, and in fact, the emperor of the Britannia Empire discovered it, and intended to use one of the devices called the Akashian Sword ..."

After a brief explanation, Founder immediately understood.

"So the world of C is actually equal to Alaya, and the emperor of Brittany intends to carry out a human make-up plan?"

As he said it, Founder shook his head while holding his head.

"I originally thought that there was no EVA in this world, but how could there be a group of people doing such boring things in any ghost place?"

"......... Do you understand what I mean?"

Originally, the other party was going to explain in detail, but he did not expect that the other party had a "how this kind of shit" expression, but surprised her.

"Of course, in simple terms, some people think that the tragedies in this world are because they cannot understand each other, so they want to use that" world of C "to reconcile humanity and bring everyone's awareness together, Right to destroy the nuclear level in the human world. "

"......... Have you seen anything similar?"

"Of course I have seen a lot."

Facing the inquiry, Founder sniffed.

"I've also seen anyone who plans to make world peace immortal for all. What do you think?"


Hearing this, she shivered, she knew better than anyone what kind of **** it was.

"Did they ... succeed?"

"Failed, I cleaned it up myself, and now it looks like I'll do it again in this world."

"Are you going to stop him?"

In the face of Founder, she almost didn't hesitate to answer. She couldn't help but think that Founder would at least ask the other party why he wanted to do this, but he did not expect that he made such a decision.

"Of course, mutual understanding can lead to world peace? I also said to a young lady with a similar fantasy that this is simply wishful thinking. Whether human beings can understand each other and human beings can live together peacefully has nothing to do with it. Beauty, you like handsome guys, everyone can understand the reason, but who can accept it? "

Speaking here, Founder hummed quietly.

"Such a wish is meaningless, but the worst thing for me is ... why?"



Founder nodded.

"What makes me uncomfortable is that these people who carry out such a plan, if they die, will represent themselves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or their family, their organization, their power, their nation, but also That's it, then? Why do they think they can make a decision for all humanity? When are they qualified? Have they held a referendum or a General Assembly speech? If everyone has made This choice, then they do nothing wrong. But the problem is that most people do n’t know anything about it, and you want to say something like “for the peace of humanity” or “no more tragedy”, you want Determine their future and destiny without permission? "

Founder showed a disdainful expression.

"The most disgusting guy in my life who is intoxicated by self-sacrifice and trying to destroy the world under the banner of" for the sake of all mankind "... well, thank you for your reminder, and I will clear him up when I find some time tomorrow Drop it ... "


Facing the Founder's answer, he was speechless for a while.

When she was sent out of the room by the Founder, she suddenly remembered it.

By the way, he hasn't said it yet, how did he decide?

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