Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1113: The situation seems a little tricky

Jupiter orbit.

The reaper still hovered quietly, motionless. The same is true of those silver and white weird creatures. Gradually, they seem to have some kind of connection with each other. Gradually, those silver and white things merge with each other and become one giant after another ...

"It turns out to be this way?"

After being rewarded by the Swarm, Fang Zheng frowned suddenly, and he did not expect that this trouble could not be solved till now.

"Where's Hekty?"

"Miss Hekati tried, but ... the other's mental attack made her a little difficult ..."

According to Iona, those eccentric creatures that are silver and white will send a kind of fluctuating transmission of information to the opposite party while encountering the target, and the more powerful people will receive more information. Even Hekati couldn't handle such a large information exchange in an instant, so he eventually had to choose to retreat.

In fact, such silver-white creatures are not difficult to deal with by themselves, but the problem is that they will send a torrent of crazy information to impact and communicate. This is actually a bit similar to a DDOS network attack. To put it plainly, there is no technical content, which is to kill you with a quantity.

But you still have to be able to block and eliminate it only by choosing a hard frontal resistance.

"Let me try it with Swarm."

The network of the mental model is not enough to withstand this level of information shock, and Founder now only considers using swarms to try.

He closed his eyes, and in the blink of an eye contacted the swarm on Mars far away, then Founder quickly mobilized millions of mosquitoes, then opened the wormhole, and instantly transmitted all the mosquitoes to Outside of Jupiter's orbit, countless explosive mosquitoes immediately rushed towards the reaper in Jupiter's orbit and those silver-colored monsters, as if the flood was opened and released.

"————— !!!!"

Seeing the emergence of the swarm, the silver-white monsters also responded immediately. Soon, countless silver-white monsters quickly merged and became one giant harvester after another, and then flew to the mosquitoes in front of them.

"Woo ........."

Feeling the flood of information coming from the store, Fang Zheng frowned. As the swarm master, he controls the core of the entire swarm's spiritual network. According to the truth, the general mental attack is simply impossible for the other party to have any effect. But even when he was in contact with these monsters, even he felt a little unbearable.

This feeling is like a person standing in the middle of a noisy vegetable market. The left ear listens to the slap of "green vegetables, two and a half pounds of pork belly." The right ear is full of old lady's square dance music. The banging sound of the plane "Boom Boom" was accompanied by the explosive gunfire and grenade explosions similar to those of police bandits, and then he brought the headphones to the maximum tune.

No sound, no sound.

That is to say, it is the swarm that dominates the swarm. This is how to resist this wave of mental attacks, otherwise, if you change people, you don't know what will happen.

He also understood why Hekati couldn't carry it.


Founder had no good solution at the moment, but he could only helplessly order the swarm. Soon they saw explosive mosquitoes rushing into those alien creatures, and then a series of flashes and explosions quickly emerged, rolling up and down.

In the face of this kind of enemy that will fuse any material he comes into contact with, Founder has no good way at present. He has discovered that this monster will not only fuse everything he comes into contact with, but even analyze and imitate it. From the moment these reapers can tell.

Be aware that these silver and white weird creatures will only scramble around like a **** in the beginning, but now they will even use the beam of the reaper and reaper drone to attack!

Never give them a chance to fuse the swarm!

Fortunately, these monsters only seem to be able to fuse with the full existence, and after being smashed, they have little interest in blending. So Founder pulled a group of mosquitoes over to see the situation.

If it weren't for the venue, he would even like to throw a group of poisonous explosions to let this group of monsters understand what the Swarm Spirit is.

While the mosquito mosquito and the other party "created glory", Founder also used his swarm spiritual network to conduct a round of in-depth communication with these monsters in front of him. What frustrated Fang Zheng, however, was that the other party didn't seem to have the concept of communication at all. Whenever Fang Zheng revealed the intention of communication, the other party rushed forward as if he had seen a gap.

This reminded Founder that when he was a child when he bought a ticket, whenever the ticket opening was opened, a group of people squeezed the money regardless of the order or queue, and everyone had to buy the ticket first, but no one could buy it. ...

In the end, until the last mosquito exploded, Founder failed to establish contact with these alien creatures.

"It's a headache."

Withdrawing from the Swarm Network, Founder couldn't help but reach out and press and hold his forehead. This wouldn't work. These alien creatures didn't seem to be able to establish communication, but to fight them, relying on their own current point There weren't enough staff. I knew this. I should have brought only one Ark ... forget it, the Ark couldn't bring in.

If he could bring it, Founder would have just blown Jupiter together with these alien creatures, a hundred.

Of course, even now, Founder is not without a last resort, that is to use the initial fire directly to burn it clean. It's just that the range of the initial fire is not very well controlled. If one fire goes down, it can burn half of the solar system ... So for the Founder, this is also the last resort.

Although the mosquito explosion is effective, but it is not enough at present, should we let the swarm to produce the mosquito? Or can Levitan be transformed into a large mosquito?

While thinking about various plans, Fang Zheng returned to his room, but when Fang Zheng pushed open the door and walked into the room, the scene in front of him made him startled.

I saw in the room of the founder, a blond girl wearing a maid costume, looking 16 or 7 years old, was standing there, staring at her with a shy look, and when she saw the return of the founder, I saw the girl showing a quiet smile, and then He walked to Fang Zheng and held out his hand.

"Brother Founder, you are back ..."

"Ah, oh ..."

Looking at the maid with blond and waist-length hair in front of him, Fang Zheng nodded blankly. He stared at the maid in front of him, always feeling that her face seemed to be familiar, but Fang Zheng couldn't remember it for a while. I've seen her somewhere.

"Excuse me, Founder Brother, do you want to take a bath or eat first?"

"Then ... I'll take a shower first."

In the face of the maid's inquiry, Founder thought about it for a while, but still didn't get an answer. He was sure that the girl in front of her really knew her, after all, her voice and appearance were familiar, but Founder could not remember this for a while. Who is it.

However, he answered it first and made a choice. After all, he had been "embarrassingly chatting" with the alien creatures for so long, and Founder himself felt a headache.

"Okay, then the hot water is ready. Brother Founder, please take a shower."

"Ah, uh ..."

Nodded blankly, Fang Zheng watched the blonde girl holding her coat and turned into the room, scratching her head in confusion, then turned into the locker room. However, just as Founder took off his clothes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ into the bathroom, he was surprised to find that there was already a first comer in the bathroom.

A girl about 16 years old, with long silver and white hair and a good figure, squatted halfway. She wore only a bath towel on her body, and she could even look at the beautiful shape of her chest and her career line. Seeing Fang Zheng coming in, the silver-haired girl turned blushing and lowered her head.

"Fang, Brother Founder ... please let me give you ... rubbing my back ..."


Staring at the lovely pair of cat ears on the girl's head, Founder was silent for a moment, and then hesitated to ask. After all, in Founder's memory, I knew myself with silver hair and cat ears ... and only this little girl!


"You are ..."

Looking at the girl who was obviously much older than the actual age, Fang Zheng asked the question mark face to face.

Which one is this?

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