Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1136: Welcome to the future (IV)

It looks good.

Looking at the crowded booths not far away, Founder was very satisfied. I have to admit that although the little girl named Noroka was not very old, the blueprint she designed at the time did take into account all aspects of everyone-communication is a necessity of life, information technology is a helper for many employees It is a favorite of young people. The entire booth covered all the needs of the three generations of old, middle and young, from high-level aristocrats to the lowest civilians.

But some people are not very happy.

"Mr. Founder, when will our world be able to play this duel card!"

Looking at the duel on the booth, Ying Lili's envious saliva was flowing out.

"Can our world not work?"

"Not right now, Ying Lili, you have to wait for a while."

Facing Yingli's inquiry, Founder shrugged helplessly. If mobile phones and computers can be regarded as Founder's alienation of science and technology in the modern information society, then duel cards can only be created by the magical civilization of the alien world. For example, these dueling cards are actually the result of Founder's built-in magic circle.

I have to admit that although the main world as a whole seems to have just entered the period of the industrial revolution, their magic can indeed do many things that current technology cannot do. Take the special effect when the short mage summoned the Dragon King Emperor just now, when the dragon appeared, people could hear its sound, and you could feel the hurricane and blast of the violent hurricane, and even spit in the dragon breath They can all feel a similar impact.

These are the effects of magic of illusion, but in so many worlds that Founder traverses, from the aura to the quality world, to the mecha world, even the civilization that can create Dyson **** can not produce such clear and realistic simulation illusions. .

Of course, in terms of use, the pioneer's "hard light" technology is certainly more versatile than magic magic, but it can't do the same degree of magic that can produce so many effects at the same time.

If I have to say it, I am afraid that only the Knaps often mentioned in the little angel of Nimfu have the ability to compare with the magic of the main world.

More importantly, although the main world is backward, because of this, people here accept a lot of things. For example, if the duel card is to be taken to the game world, then the people there will certainly try to figure out what the principle is, but in the main world, as long as it is a magic effect, basically everyone can easily do it. Accepted.

This is why Founder promotes the duel card in the main world first. After all, compared with other worlds, the acceptance of the main world is still a little higher.

As for the game world ... ... then we have to wait for Founder to climb the AR technology tree and then come up with 3D virtual images.

Of course, the reason why Founder chose the duel card as the main force in this world promotion is ... this can make players save money!

That ’s right, the gold card package is not a product of the era of electronic money. I think when the game king and magic cards were all the rage, the mobile phones were still numeric keys. Is n’t everyone happy about gold? For Founder, a game that can save gold is a good game!

What's wrong with online transactions without electronic money? I'll go directly to the physical card package and see if you can't help it!

A card game like Hearthstone that requires a round of rounds has no soul. A real man will draw the first two rounds to call the blue-eyed and white dragon spike!

Founder also plans to wait for Yu-Gi-Oh to become popular, and then move Magic cards over again ... After all, compared to Yu-Gi-Oh-Just, Magic can still sell an extra land bag.

Double happiness ...

"But master, why don't you just give them the finished phone?"

Standing at the other side of the Founder at this moment, looking at the crowded booth in the distance, Nimfu asked, puzzled. As a designer of mobile phones, Nimf knows very well. The mobile phones currently standing in the booth are divided into three categories: high, middle and low. The high-end phone is VIP Platinum, and there are no restrictions on all functions.

The mid-range mobile phones were obtained by Ogrand when they entered the field. They can experience some of the functions of the mobile phones, but they cannot be enjoyed.

As for the lowest-end mobile phones, they are all digital keypads. They are the cheapest and can be used by civilians. However, they have very few functions, only SMS and communication.

But Nimf knows very well that even the founder's current call for "high-end customized platinum VIP" is actually a semi-finished product. In fact, Nimfu has already manufactured the function of changing the mobile phone card, dual card dual standby, and can also project the screen according to the Founder's requirements. It can even store the duel card directly in the crystal chip and insert the phone to play the game.

However, what puzzled Nimfu was that Founder displayed these finished products instead of selling them, but took out the semi-finished products that were originally designed ...

"You don't understand then, Nimfu."

However, in the face of Nimfu's inquiry, Founder shook his head proudly.

"This sale is just the same as making a game. If you make a game too perfect and take into account all the functions, then when you want to make the second generation, those players who have been cultivated by the previous taste only It will be more picky for you, and if you don't reach their acceptance, then word of mouth will collapse. "

"and so?"

"So we have to catch their appetite a bit, indeed, these mobile phones now have various problems compared to the latter, but you have to know that this is the first time people in this world have contacted a mobile phone. Before, they have never used similar things. So they do n’t know much about what the mobile phone can do and what is not perfect. If you give them the finished mobile phone, then They will just feel that mobile phones should have these features, which is taken for granted! "

Speaking of this, Founder clenched his fists and waved suddenly.

"So, we have to come a little bit. When mobile phones become popular in this world and people gradually become familiar with and adapt to life with mobile phones, they will definitely have various requirements. Yes, at that time, we Then you can sell each model of mobile phone in batches. "

As he said, Founder pointed to the booth with a smile.

"For example, now we are showing the oldest, number-bound mobile phones. Now these people will definitely not feel anything wrong, but slowly, they will definitely have similar requirements. For example, you say that the mobile phone is lost Or broken, what should I do at this time? When there are more such requirements, then we can launch mobile phones that can use mobile phone cards. After that, when these users use more, they I will definitely start thinking, if I can use two numbers to communicate at the same time ...... by then, we will be able to launch the third generation of dual card dual standby. "

As he said, Founder patted Nimfu on the shoulder.

"In this case, we can make the money we earned once and earn three times! Not only can we sell mobile phones, but also mobile phone cards! In this way, we will not only be cursed by buyers, we will even be grateful to them, thinking that we are people-oriented An excellent company! This is a business that earns money without losing money, do you understand? "

"Wow ..."

Nimfu didn't speak, but the black line on Ying Lili's face after listening.

"Mr. Fangzheng, you are a treacherous trader ..."

"The old saying goes, there is no trade without rape, no trade without trade. Monopolizing such a good trade can make more money, and naturally try to make more money."

While talking, the Founder also sighed long.

To be honest, if he was not a cult when he was born again into this world, I'm afraid that Founder would have tried to create these things in this world.

After all, he is still a game designer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not suitable for him to fight and kill what he sees, watching the players' happy gold, and then thinking about how to let them willingly take out their own Isn't your money bag better?

Only peace can bring wealth.

To save money.

After all, no one wants to play games during the war.

So is it necessary for the Founder to drink the northwest wind?

As a game designer, Fang absolutely does not allow this to happen.

Fortunately, as a Paladin, it is the founder's responsibility to maintain peace.

"Well, now it looks like everything is going well."

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the booth, Founder quickly looked back and looked at the girls around him.

"Let's go to other booths too."

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