Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1142: Founder and the magical girl and mutation

It's not difficult to get familiar with the Muzhiben family. After all, that family is a very nice person. In addition, Eliya and Xiaohei are also lively and lovely children. The two are similar in age, so within a few days, they become A good friend.

At the same time, Founder also took two young girls into the private elementary school of Shengxiang University. Founder was responsible for the three-year class teacher, while Ilya and Xiao Hei were students. And in the class that Founder was in, he also saw the existence of the legend he had long admired --- Takamachi Naha.

By the way, Takamachi Nana is in the third grade, and Kinomoto Sakura is in the fourth grade. As for Eliya and Kouro, they are in the fifth grade ... well, actually, when you see these names, it goes without saying that Founder knows this. What a world is it.

This is obviously the world of magical girls.

But what makes Founder somewhat puzzled is, what is the relationship between the magical girl and the soul? Didn't he not see the animations of the two magical girls' representatives, there is nothing about the soul? And to be honest, from the perspective of Founder, although the magical girl's world power level is not low, but because it is "children's direction", the plot is actually super simple.

For example, what Kinomoto Sakura did was to collect the lost Kuro cards, and in the second season, they were converted to Sakura cards. Takamachi Naha collected the seeds of the holy stone, and in the second season, she fought against the book of the night sky.

Frankly speaking, the plot lines of these two films are very clear, that is, the orthodox royal girl magic girl flow, and any conspiracy and dark history are completely out of reach. Wait until Naiha has a part of the brain-burning plot in the third part, but ... that is more than a decade later!

Can't I stay in this world for more than ten years?

After taking office, Founder also secretly investigated the two, and found that the current plot of the two is just at the "unfolding" stage. For example, Sakura should only have collected 7 Kuro cards so far. The "progress" was even slower. Just before the Founder and the others crossed, she had just adopted the shameless ferret, and had only collected two holy stones.

So why did you come to this world yourself?

After clearing up the situation, Founder was really a little confused about the second monk. After all, you can see that these two magical girls are both representatives of the magical girl department, and the "plots" they encountered are also orthodox. Of course, if you want to say, these two are in a world that is a bit unintelligible, but they are not unacceptable.

But other than that ... there doesn't seem to be anything worth shooting by yourself.

Regardless of whether it is Naiha or Sakura, the enemies they currently face are obviously normal?

Or is there any hidden problem in this world?

Although there was some doubt in his heart, Founder was not in a hurry, because he believed that it would not be long before the truth was revealed.

"Booming ------ !!!"

A thunderous thunder rang through the sky, and Fang Zheng was sitting at the window, watching the dark night outside.

"MASTER, what are you calling us?"

At this moment, Ilya and Xiaohei also came down from the second floor and came to the living room, looking curiously at Fangzheng, but facing Yilia's inquiry, Fangzheng smiled slightly.

"Come here, I'll show you something good."

As he said, Founder slammed his fingers, and soon his personal terminal quickly started, projecting an image. Looking at the influence in front of her, Iriya and Xiao Hei both shouted.



What surprised them was that what they saw on the screen at the moment was their neighbors and friends Kinomoto Sakura who came to this world. At this moment, I saw she was sneaking out of the house, and then hurried toward Ran outside.

"It's so late, where is she going?"

Looking at the action of Sakura on the screen, Ilya couldn't help worrying.

"MASTER, shall we go and see?"

"Don't worry, keep looking down, and it's not just her?"

On the one side, Founder turned on another screen, and this time it appeared on the screen was a third-year girl in a home dress and a brown hair braid ...

"Who is this kid ...?"

"Her name is Takamachi Nana. She is a student in my class."

Speaking of which, Founder couldn't help but be sighed. I didn't expect that fate was so interesting. It was really interesting that Sakura recovered Kuro and Naiha to seal the seed of the Holy Stone.

It is a pity that the two sides will not meet because Sakura's target is the grove near the nearby square, and Naiba is obviously going to school. The two sides are separated by half an urban area, and it is impossible to meet together.

This may be the reason why the two have not fought each other before?

"It's so late, they sneak out?"

Seeing this, Xiao Hei can't help but spit up.

"I didn't expect Sakura to be such a naughty child."

"me too………"

"Okay, keep looking down."

Sitting in a chair, Founder took a tea cup and sipped tea while leisurely, then continued to enjoy the picture in front of him.

Because Naiyo was closer, she arrived at school first. Later, Founder saw Naiya looking for a place where no one was, then raised the red magic weapon in his hand, shouted, and then ...

No transformation! !!

No! !!

Appearing in front of Founder's eyes, there was only a pink ball, which wrapped all the leaves of Nana! Founder can't see anything outside! !!

Looking at the ball on the screen in front of him, Fang Zheng's smile could not help but freeze.

Say good bangs transform?

I'm all ready to record. As a result, you change me a ball?

Are you meowing me? !!

By the way, where is Sakura?

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng hurriedly looked at another screen, and then he saw Sakura and Zhishi together, the two sides talked a few words, and then Zhishi pushed Xiaoying onto the sidecar ...

Founder: "........."

Reality is so cruel! !!

Obviously magic girls are synonymous with dreams, but why is there no dream at all in reality? !!

"Ah, hey? MASTER ?! Are they all magical girls ?!"

However, Ilya and Xiaohei apparently didn't notice Fang Zheng's loss at this moment, but called out in surprise. For the doubts of the two, Fang Zheng nodded as if they had lost strength all over their bodies.

"Yes, they are magic girls like you, so now you should understand why only you will appear in this world."

"So it is!"

Hearing here, Xiao Hei's eyes lit up, and then she grabbed the little white cats in a circle beside her.

"Magic girl and mascot! I see. That's it! No wonder this time it will be us! But ..." Speaking here, Xiao Hei smiled at the Founder. "Why is the elder brother also sent to this world, isn't the elder brother also a magical girl?"


Facing Xiaohei's joke ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Zheng opened his mouth, then he silently glanced at the bracelet in his inventory.

Don't say, I really ...

Of course, Fang wouldn't tell Xiao Hei when he was killed. Otherwise, he didn't know what she would do. After all, Xiao Hei was not as obedient as Eliya.

The next battle on the screen was normal. Sakura and Naiha successfully completed their mission. Although there were some stumblings, as magic girls, of course, they would not be blocked by these difficulties, so it didn't take long. , Both people got their work done at the same time. At the same time, Eliya and Xiao Hei, who were sitting in front of the screen watching the live broadcast, applauded and applauded them.

"I really don't see how well these two guys are doing."

"This is the magical girl I imagine ..."

Ilya looked at the two people on the screen with a complex expression. I don't know why, she always felt that her path of magical girl seemed to be off.

However, at this time, suddenly, the mutation happened.

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