Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1146: Magical Girl and the New Society

"Huh ..."

Sakura yawned for a long time, then shook her head and cheered up. Looking at Sakura's sleepy look, Zhishi quietly came over and asked.

"Are you okay? Sakura?"

"Ah, Zhishi ...... okay ..."

Sakura replied with a bitter smile when she heard the inquiry from Zhishi.

"Just ...... a little lack of sleep."

"What happened last night is truly memorable."

After hearing Sakura's answer, Zhishi nodded. In fact, it took her a long time to fall asleep even after she returned. After all, what happened last night was so exciting that not only strange monsters appeared, but also other magical girls, and these magical girls were fighting. The means are also different ...

How do you say ...... in Zhishi's eyes, it seems to be the door to a new world.

This made her a little bit tossed, and because of this, Zhishi didn't sleep well today. Fortunately, she was able to control herself, instead of dozing off like Sakura.

"Don't worry, it's noon right now, isn't it?"

Seeing that Sakura couldn't wait, Zhishi also couldn't help calming the road. Before they left last night, Founder had told everyone what was going on, and they would come to the third activity room to discuss it at noon the next day at noon. Right now it's lunch break, so Sakura is also looking forward to it.

In fact, even Zhishi himself is quite curious.

Not only them, but also in another classroom. It's just that unlike Sakura, Naha can easily concentrate on the class for a simple reason ... ... because it is Fang Zheng who is responsible for teaching them this class.

"Okay, that's it. I have assigned the homework and remember to finish it."

After saying this, it seemed as if he was nodding, the bell of the class came from outside, and the founder smiled and nodded at the students in front of him.

"So, take a good rest."

After saying this, Founder turned and left the classroom. After he left, the students sitting in the classroom were relieved, and then began to make a loud noise.

"Nana, let's go for lunch."

At the same time, Naiba's two friends came to her and invited her to lunch. If it is normal, then Naha should accept the invitation of two friends at this time, go to the garden of the atrium while chatting and eating bento, and then take a break to prepare for class in the afternoon, but today ...

"Sorry, Suzuka, Eliza, I have something to do. You don't have to wait for me."

While talking, Naiha smiled apologetically at the two, and then she picked up the lunch box and left the classroom in a hurry.


Looking at the back of Naha hurriedly away, Suzuka and Elisa looked at each other curiously.

"what's going on?"

"You ask me, I don't know ..."

After leaving the classroom, Naiba, holding a bento, trot all the way to the activity room next to the school building, and began to find one by one.

"Third Activity Room, Third Activity Room ...... Ah, here it is!"

Looking at the room with the third activity room sign in front of her eyes, Naiha could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, then she came to the door and knocked carefully, and soon, there was a sound of Founder.

"Come in."

"Excuse me."

As he said, Naiha opened the door and went into the activity room. In the activity room, Founder was sitting behind the table, while Ilya and Xiao Hei were sitting on the sofa not far away, and said happily As for what they saw, they also hurriedly raised their hands to say hello to Naiha, and Naiha hurriedly returned the gift.

Then I saw the little boy holding the bento box in this way and sat in a slightly different position.

This is also normal. Although both sides met yesterday, for Naiha, the only person she knows here is Founder.


Not long after Naiha sat down, the knock on the door rang again, and then Sakura and Chise came in.

"All right."

Seeing everyone coming together, Founder clapped his hands.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started ...... well, first of all, I think we should introduce ourselves to each other first. From my beginning, my name is Founder, and I am currently teaching in this school. Dimension Master ... okay, next, Ilya. "

"Ah, yes!"

Hearing Founder's name, Ilya hurriedly stood up.

"Me, my name is Elias Phil ..."

With Founder and Ilya beginning, Naiha also met other people. Including the girl with brown skin Chloe (referred to as Xiao Hei), Sakura Kinomoto and her good friend Dadao Temple ...

Of course, they also introduced each other how they became magical girls.

But for Founder, these are not the focus.

"Well, now I think we already know each other, so let's go straight to the topic."

After Fang was confirming that the current atmosphere was not as restrictive at the beginning, he quickly entered the topic.

"About the kind of monster you met last night ... have you encountered it before?"

"This one……………"

After hearing Founder's inquiry, Sakura frowned for a moment, then shook her head.

"I haven't seen it, teacher."

"Me too ...... Yunuojun said that it might be a native monster on earth ...... isn't it?"

"How could there be such a thing on earth."

Founder's speculation about the ferret was completely unconcerned, and he was joking. He could run these animations backwards. Founder was sure that he had never seen such strange enemies appear in large numbers in front of the two protagonists!

But at this moment, Founder saw what Zhishi seemed to be remembering, and she was silent for a moment, then raised her hand slowly.

"Teacher, I may ... have seen those monsters."


After hearing Zhishi's words, Xiao Ying suddenly stared at her with astonished eyes.

"Did you meet?"

"It was when Sakura regained the jump card ten days ago. When I finished shooting the video, I accidentally saw a dark, human-like shadow hiding in the distance and looking at us, and its eyes seemed to be Glowing red.

"But you said nothing at that time?"

"Because I thought I was looking at the blindfold, after all, I just glanced at it, and ..."

Speaking of this, Zhi Shi looked a little embarrassed towards Sakura.

"After all, I also know that Sakura is more afraid of things in this area ..."


When she heard this, Sakura stopped talking for a while, and it seemed that she knew very well that this fear of ghosts could not be changed.


"Ten days ago ..."

It has been less than a week since Fang Zheng and others came to this world, so it can be confirmed that these monsters did not appear because of the appearance of Fang Zheng and others. On the contrary, this seems to further prove Founder's speculation that it is very likely that this world encountered danger before they were summoned to this world.

And those weird shadow monsters are probably the key.

"Sakura, Nanoha."

Thinking of this, Founder also looked at the two again.

"What are you going to do next?"


"I think through yesterday's battle, you should have discovered that a group of very dangerous monsters are staring at you secretly. Maybe they will appear next time you regain the Kulor or Holy Seed. Then What are you going to do? You know, these monsters are currently unable to communicate, and they are quite dangerous, maybe even life-threatening. What are you going to do? "


This time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Faced with Fang Zheng's inquiry, Sakura and Naiha both remained silent for a while, and finally, Sakura answered first.

"I still decided to help Xiao Ke collect all of the Kuro cards. After all, I lost those Kuro cards, and I will get them all back."

"Me, me too!"

Naiha followed quickly.

"I will also help Yunuojun recycle all the holy stones."


Upon hearing this, Founder nodded with satisfaction, then he smiled and looked at the two.

"So, do you want to participate in community activities?"


In the face of Founder's inquiries, Sakura and Naiha could not help but choke.

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