Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1151: The encounter of Naiha and the blonde girl with fate

Naiha's response was also very fast. Not long after receiving the contact with Zhishi, she quickly arrived at the site of the magical explosion of the Holy Stone Seed. Fortunately, this time it seems that the fusion with the Holy Stone Seed is just an ordinary vine, and it has no special action except for the crazy skyrocketing.

If it was the former Naiha, I'm afraid I will think about what to do. However, the actual combat training these days is not dry. After knowing the situation of the target from Zhishi, Naiya fell directly and neatly in the distance, and a **** of **** broke through the entire plant directly, then quickly locked the gap from Seed of the holy stone flying out.

The whole process was done in one go, it seemed that it was very chic.

However, everyone is not concerned about this matter. On the contrary, everyone, including Fang Zheng, is staring at the screen, looking for the shadow monsters that appeared before and attacked them.

If it is right, then after this time Nai recovers the sacred stone seeds, those monsters will still appear ...

But just then, suddenly, an unexpected scene happened.

"Nana, someone is approaching quickly in your direction, fast!"

Although Zhi Zhishi was busy shooting videos, she did not forget to observe the surroundings. Almost immediately when the magic reaction broke out, she immediately captured the signal on the screen.

"The other party is heading towards the Seed of the Holy Stone, hurry up to recycle!"


When I heard the warning from Zhishi, Nana was also shocked, and then she quickly speeded up and flew towards the seed of the sacred stone in front of her.

Speaking of it later, when Naiya flew in front of the sacred stone seed and stretched out his staff to recover it, a figure suddenly burst out of the forest not far from Naiya's feet, and then Naiya Then he felt a golden light flashing across the air and chopped down at himself.

At this moment, the "devil training" with Xiaohei for several days also quickly brought into play. In the face of this sudden attack, Naha hurriedly withdrew and retreated. At the same time, she was also holding up the heart of the rising sun, blinking, pink The magic circle appeared from the side of Naiha, and three magic beams emerged from it, blocking the figure's offensive course.

The raider apparently did not expect Nai Ye to be able to detect his attack and responded so quickly. In desperation, he had no choice but to give up and retreat. Nai saw only a golden magic array in front of him. Suddenly emerged, and then the magic beam she sent hit the opponent's shield and exploded.

"Boom !!"

With the loud explosion, the smoke dispersed, and at the same time, the attacker revealed himself.

That is a girl with long golden yellow ponytail hair and looks almost the same age as Naiba. She is wearing a black magic suit and cape, holding a magical device like a sickle in her hand.

At this moment, the blonde girl stared at Naiba with such expressionless expression, looking like a lifeless doll.

"This is also a magical girl."

When I saw this scene, Sakura could not help screaming, but she was not so surprised now, after all, there were already four magical girls here, and it seemed not strange to have one more?

"From the magic circle just now, she and Naiha use the same civilized magic technique."

Of course, Fang Zhengzheng knew who this blond girl was, but of course he would not be so blind-sighted to explain at this time. So he made a guest commentary.

"Looks like ... she came for the Seed of the Holy Stone."

This idea must be thought of by Nana.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

Holding the heart of the rising sun, Naiba watched the other side with vigilance. Although the young girl was very beautiful in front of her, Nayao could not take it lightly. However, in the face of Nai's inquiries, the blonde ponytail girl silently lifted up the magic weapon in her hand.

"It doesn't make much sense to tell you ..."

Then she looked at Naiha and said softly.


Hearing this sentence, Naiya suddenly changed her face, but just when she clenched her teeth and planned to say something, suddenly the blond ponytail girl suddenly waved the magic guide in her hand and attacked Naiha again .

"Shoot !!"

Nagano quickly responded. She quickly stepped back to try to distance herself from the blond girl, and at the same time kept releasing magic guided shelling again. Of course, the purpose of Naiha is not to hit the sudden enemy in front of him, but to force the other party to stay away from the seed of the holy stone, but ...

"Kanaha is too gentle, too."

Looking at the battle picture in front of him, Xiao Hei pursed his mouth dissatisfied.

"It's time to rush up and fight, why do you want to distance yourself? Obviously, the opponent's advantage is speed. Does she think she can still avoid speed?

The result was not the same. As Xiao Hei guessed, while Naiha tried to distance herself from the blond girl, the blond girl rushed up immediately. She avoided Naiha's bombardment and quickly approached Naiha.

Nana leaves now seems to be panicking, just launching attacks around, without any accuracy at all. So that the blonde girl still needed to evade at first, but opened the magic shield directly at the back, and rushed without hiding.

However, at this time, Naiha became more like a master of human strokes. The whole process is the same as making a movie. I saw that the various pink magic bullets of BIUBIUBIU were turned into gunfire and the blonde **** the opposite side was straight. Rushed forward without rubbing it.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei couldn't help but get up.

"What is Xiao Naye doing? Seeing beautiful girls won't fight?"

"I don't think it has anything to do with being pretty."

When I heard this, Ilya could not help but refute a sentence, but while talking, she looked back again and looked at the blonde girl in the screen.

"Although she is quite beautiful ..."

Different from arguing whether the blond girl is beautiful, Ilia and Xiaohei, Sakura is obviously more worried about Naiha. I saw her holding the key to the seal, looking uneasily towards the Founder.

"Teacher ... Should we help?"

"not needed for now."

In the face of Xiao Ying's inquiry, Founder smiled slightly at her.

"It's not until you come out, you have to believe Naiha, she can solve it. After all, Naihaha has not asked us for help, and now her situation is not so bad ..."

He said, Fang Zheng sighed involuntarily.

Auntie, women are born actors, and Nai Ye is no exception.

如果 If he did not know in advance what Naiha wanted to do, he would be fooled by her now.

与 此 At the same time, the blonde girl has rushed to the front of Naiha, and then she once again waved the sickle in her hand and chopped it vigorously against Naiha. And Naiha held up the rising heart in his hand, blocking the opponent's forceful blow.


He then heard only a scream, and the next moment Naiye flew out of the air and fell towards the ground. The blonde girl rushed to Naiha again, seemingly intending to completely solve this enemy.

At this moment, Naiha once again raised the rising heart in his hands and aimed at the blonde girl.

"Heaven is broken!"

The pink magic beam erupted in an instant, howling towards the blonde girl. However, the blonde girl reacted faster. The crowd only felt a flower in front of her. The next moment, the blonde girl who was originally on the track of Naiba's bombardment suddenly flashed by as if it had been teleported, avoiding Naiha's attack. Then the blonde girl lifted up the magic guide and waved vigorously at Naiha!


While the blond girl waved the magic weapon, a rotating golden light blade suddenly flew out and shot an arc toward Naiba.

not good!

Seeing this, Naiha was also shocked. She hurriedly stopped the shelling and barely raised her right hand to display the magic shield, but even so, the light blade released by the blonde girl hit Naiha's body, followed immediately by With a low scream, Naiba rolled down on the grass in a spin and stopped several times.

At the same time, the blonde girl also landed on a branch not far away, and continued to watch Naiba quietly and silently. Nana also stood up in a hurry, raised her staff again and aimed at the blond girl.

After a moment, the blonde girl said lightly.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know what you are going to do? What is your purpose?"

Facing the blond girl in front of her, Naiya stared at her without hesitation, and then asked. When I heard Nai's inquiries, the blonde girl was silent for a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then she answered.

"I must collect the fragments of the Archaeological Heritage-Seeds of Holy Stone. If your purpose is the same as mine, then we are the enemy."

"Can't we use conversation to solve the problem? In order to avoid this, can we not talk to each other?"

When I heard the answer from the blond girl, Nana could not help but ask again, and the blond girl shook her head silently.

"You can't change anything by talking."

Then she suddenly held up the magic weapon in her hand.

"We cannot understand each other!"

"But ...!"

I heard here, and Naiya instinctively wanted to say something, but at this moment, suddenly, a low, familiar, roar like a beast sounded again.


声音 What is this sound?

Upon hearing this voice, the blonde girl suddenly looked to the sides in surprise, while Naiha's complexion instantly became concentrated, and at the same time, in the dark shadows of the woods, bright red lights one by one Point, once again emerged!

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this scene, Fang's front face was faint.

"let's go!"

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