Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1671: You guys are dead.

方 While Founder was sucking cats, on the Astra ship thousands of miles away, Governor Lindetti sat sadly in his seat.

Although on the surface, his mission was successfully completed, the initiation of the quake was stopped, and the seed of the holy stone, which is a heritage of Taikoo, was also recovered. However, there was always anxiety and anxiety for Governor Lindy, especially today, she had a very bad hunch, so that Lindy did not even drink her favorite afternoon tea, but sat in the command room for a while.

"Titer ---!"

As soon as Lindi put down the tea cup in her hand and sighed, a sudden sirens sounded, followed by the sound of Emily's voice.

"Report to the Governor, communications from the Space and Time Administration's Dimension Headquarters."

I really came.

When I heard Emily's report, Lindi sighed, and then she sorted her clothes and her face became serious.



With Emily's words falling, the next moment the face of Governor Lindy jumped out of the face of a serious and gloomy uncle. He looked about fifty years old, wearing a dark blue space-time administration In the uniform of the Governor, he saw Lindy in front of him and nodded at her.

"Hello, Governor Lindy, it's been a long time."

"Yes, Governor Kurant, it's really been a long time."

When I looked at the uncle in front of me, Lindy's mood became more uneasy.

"Is there anything at headquarters?"

"Headquarters has seen your report."

The governor, who was known as Kuran, first smiled and praised Lindy. But in Lindy's opinion, the smile seemed to be squeezed out.

"Successfully recovered the Taikoo heritage and prevented the outbreak of the dimensional earthquake. You did a good job, but ..."

Look, sure enough there is but.

"... Why didn't you give any further information about the organization force named Tiandao Palace in your report?"

Sure enough ...

When I heard the question, Lindy sighed helplessly in her heart. In fact, she had deliberately downplayed the existence of Tiandao Palace and Founder in the report, but it turned out that the Space and Time Administration was not so easy to be confused ...... Although she had already thought about it.

"We have no further contact with each other. As the report says, we are only cooperating on this matter."


Governor Kuran's complexion looked as if he had entered the 100-meter deep sea, and almost all the monster's shadow could be seen.

那么 "Why didn't you bring back the principal culprit, Presti Tessa, who caused the incident?"

"Presias Trossa has acknowledged his mistake and has surrendered all the Swire heritage, I think ..."

However, without waiting for Lindy to argue, Governor Kurant interrupted her.

"She attacked the transport ship of the Space Time Administration! This is a very serious crime! You must arrest her anyway, and if she really recognizes the mistake, then the Space Time Administration will give her a suitable punishment conclusion . "


When I heard this, Lindy was completely speechless. She hesitated, and then decided to speak directly.

"Sorry, Governor Kurant, I think you have seen in the report that Prescia is currently imprisoned by the Heavenly Palace. Considering everything that Heavenly Palace has done in this incident, I think it will It was a reasonable decision to leave them to disposal, and there was no need to have more trouble. "

"To shut up!"

Governor Kuranti patted the table fiercely, interrupting Lindy's report.

"Prescia violates the law of our Space and Time Administration and must be tried by our Space and Time Administration. This is a rule and an order! In addition, regarding the organization of the Heavenly Temple ... I see that in your report, they said Is the main responsibility of humans and the planet in the dimensional world? "

"That's right."

"Then this is the case, it is even more important to cooperate with our Space and Time Administration. Don't you negotiate with them on behalf of the Space and Time Administration?"

I really came.

When I heard this, Lindy sighed again. The inside story of the Space and Time Administration is also very clear to Lindi. The organization itself was not short, but the power struggle between the Dimension Headquarters, the ground headquarters and the Church of the King was always unclear. The Dimension Headquarters will always try its best. Incorporate members or forces they have encountered in other worlds to enhance their own power. But the problem is ...

"I have negotiated with the Supreme Ruler of the Heavenly Temple, but they said that their purpose is to protect the earth and the human civilization, and they are not interested in anything else."

既然 "In this case, they should not detain the wanted suspects of the Space and Time Administration without authorization!"

"I said it, Governor Kurant."

I said here, Lindy's tone hardened unknowingly.

"I think this is a very suitable judgment. The Earth Sphere is not within the sphere of influence of our Space and Time Administration. We have no right to prevent local forces from exercising their jurisdiction. In my opinion, the punishment is very appropriate, so I don't need to do more. "

"But it's related to the face of our Space and Time Administration. You just retreat. Isn't it that the organization called Tiandao Palace looked down on us?"

他们 "They have very powerful wizards ..."

"But in the report, we didn't see that the Temple of Heaven had enough power to fight the dimensional fleet, didn't it? Governor Lindy?"

"... What do you mean?"

When I heard this, Lindy raised her eyebrows and stared at the middle-aged man in front of her.

"I mean………"

As he said, Governor Kuranda held the table with both hands and stood up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We have to prove that the law of our Space and Time Administration is sacred and inviolable. The asylum of any power cannot be left safe because it violates the law of the Space and Time Administration. Once such a precedent is set, what will happen in the future? In any case, this precedent cannot be set! "

"This does not meet the requirements. As a member of the Dimension Fleet, it is impossible ..."

"I know."

Kuran waved his hand.

"I know that you have your mission, so I have sent the Fifth Fleet of Dimension Headquarters to Earth to carry out the capture of Presia Tistrosa!"

Sure enough!

When I heard this, Lindy lowered her head, and what she was afraid of still happened. The Fifth Fleet has a total of 15 dimensional warships. Its combat effectiveness is the top power in the dimensional world. There is no need to dispatch a fleet in the capture area of ​​Presia. Obviously, this is the time and space administration intends to show strength to the Heavenly Temple!

Although, in terms of reason, according to Lindi's view, the Tiandao Palace itself does not have enough power to fight against the dimensional fleet of the Space and Time Administration, but ...

"I oppose this, Governor Kurland."

Rindy raised her head again, looking at the man in the screen in front of her.

"I will report my opinion to the headquarters."

"Whatever you want." / 11_11604 /

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