Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1168: Dark shadows reappearing

After the Time and Space Administration was dismissed, Founder stopped caring about things here. It ’s up to them to decide whether they want to die or live. If they want to survive, they urge them to stop asking for help. If they want to die—hey, what if my blue fleet is vegetarian?

However, as a matter of fact, Founder is ready. According to his guess, if the Space-Time Administration does what it wants, then they will certainly not give up. After all, this is a real world, not an innocent and cute magical girl cartoon, and the Space and Time Administration will never allow a puppet organization that doesn't know where to come out to inexplicably poke itself.

This is the same as martial arts novels. Your protagonist is a great master. Who walks on the street and knows who is your first name and who is your first name. Even small lunatics can bully you, and the leaders of the top five factions will not take you seriously.

I want to be famous, the best way is to rush to Heimu Cliff directly after going out of the mountain, in front of everyone, the undefeated East first O then X, then O then X. Make sure you are famous everywhere and swept across the Badlands and Liuhe. When you walk down the street, no one dares to confront you.

Right now, in the eyes of Founder, the Time and Space Administration is the undefeated East on the black wooden cliff, and he waits for the other to roll over and then rubs himself first and then cuts off, then takes a wooden stick from the chrysanthemum Go in and put it out of your mouth, then sprinkle the cumin and salt on the fire and broadcast the world's barbecue live to make the name of the Temple of Heaven.

Of course, it will take a while for the Space and Time Administration to respond. Now that the problem of the Holy Stone has been resolved, what Founder needs to care about is naturally Sakura ’s collection of Kuro cards.

Sakura was also quite busy during this time, mainly because she first followed the Founder to go to the space-time courtyard, and after the Precia family moved to the earth, Sakura and Zhishi also often visited Fit and Ellie. West Asia, during this time, that little coyote also quickly attacked, and collected two Kuluo cards, which made Xiao Ke animated to death, and he asked Xiao Sakura to give the little ghost a little color all day. So, this time Sakura had to attack again and went to recover the Kuro card.

As for the others ... naturally, they are still watching.

"Ah, Fit, Alicia, you are here, come here, come here!"

I watched the two people entering the room, and Xiao Hei also excitedly greeted Fett and Alicia, and then pulled them to the screen.

"Sakura is going to recover the Kuro card today, come and come, you guys see it for the first time."

"Sister Sakura is going to recover the Kuro card?"

When I heard this, Fett couldn't help but look at the screen, and she saw the key holding the seal on the screen, a cherry blossom looking like tears, and Xiao Ke beside her.

"That ... do we not need to help?"

"It's not time for us to act yet."

Xiao Xiaohe shook his head.

"This is Xiao Ying's mission, so she must leave it to her to complete it. We won't intervene ... by the way, were you the same at that time?"


I heard Xiao Hei's words, and Fett froze for a moment, and it seemed that this was what she meant.

也就是说 "That is to say ...... Nana and I were also ..."

"Well, we are basically watching here too."

"That's it ..."

Hearing this, Fett finally understood why it was the first time that they had met these girls for the first time, but they behaved very familiar with themselves. It turned out to be this way ...

But it's also ...

Thinking of this, Fett couldn't help looking at Nai, Ilya and Xiaohe who were watching the screen intently in the room at this moment. Not to mention, if these people had attacked together when she and Naiba met for the first time before, I'm afraid that it is impossible for them to win ...


However, at this moment, a scream came from the screen, which scared Fett. She looked up and saw Sakura squatting with her hands on her head while standing behind her, standing behind her. Li Xiaolang in Taoist clothes and another twin ponytail girl in the same weird costume.

"Well? Who is this girl?"

When I saw the girl, Ilya asked curiously, and Zhishi replied with a smile while zooming out of the camera.

"Her name is Li Bingling, cousin of classmate Li, who only transferred to our school in the past two days. It seems to be following classmate Li. Listen to her saying that she is still fiancee of classmate Li."


When I heard the answer from Zhishi, Sakura and Naiba couldn't help expressing their emotions. After all, the fiancee and the like ... they still saw each other for the first time!

"Speaking of it, the previous few times were the Kuro cards collected by Bruce Lee. When he collected Kuroka, did the shadow monsters appear?"

Xiao Hei is more concerned about another issue. Hearing Xiao He's inquiry, Zhishi shook his head.

"No, I've been monitoring, but nothing happened."

呜 "Woo ... big brother, what do you say?"

Facing Xiao Hei's words, Fang Zheng nodded.

"Yes, as Zhizhi said, when Li Xiaolang collected the Kuro cards, those shadow monsters did not appear. This shows that these shadow monsters are directed at the magic girls. It seems that we must give priority to them. Pay attention to this issue. If Sakura is dispatched again this time, and the shadow monsters are attacking it again, then we can prove our conjecture. At that time, we need to find out what these shadow monsters are. Where they came from and why they came. "

He said as he founder, he looked at the girls around him.

记住 "Remember, when you are dispatched, you must be quick, this time with outsiders joining, the situation may become complicated."

While everyone was talking, Sakura, Wolf and Berry Ling, who had already joined, also came to the music room. At this time, under the introduction of Zhishi, everyone also knew the whole story-it turned out that in the evening these days, singing voices would be heard in the unmanned music classroom, and Xiao Ke believed that this was the result of the Kuro brand. That's why Sakura came to investigate. As for the little wolf, of course, because of hearing this rumor, he came to explore with Berry Ling.

Then the three came to the entrance of the music classroom, and they heard the intermittent singing voice from inside, which naturally scared Sakura, and the rash Ling Bing was obviously too lazy to care so much and pulled it open. door.

Although she was shocked by her rude behavior, she also let everyone know the true identity of the card. Just regaining this card requires a little bit of skill ...

"Need me ...... go?"

Hearing the sound coming from Sakura, Zhishi was also hesitant, but Xiao Ke nodded.

"Yes, because the song card loves the song of Zhishi, so it is constantly practiced here. As long as Zhishi can sing this song perfectly, then the song card can be recovered."

"This ... teacher?"

"No problem, you go."

Fang Zhengzheng certainly understood Zhizhi's thoughts, so he nodded quickly.

"Also Naiha, Eliya, Xiaohei, you will go with them. If we are not bad, this time the shadow monsters will definitely appear again, and you will follow them to protect the world. people."

"Okay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Teacher !!"

"I understand, brother."

At this moment, however, I saw Fitt looking towards the Founder, and then hesitated to raise his hand.

"Mr. Founder, I also want to help ..."

"You're going too?"

Hearing Fett's request, Founder froze slightly, but nodded.

"No problem, then go together."

Soon, with the Founder's transmission, everyone quickly came to the side of Xiaoying and Li Xiaolang, and saw so many magical girls, Xiao Wolf and Bingling naturally look aggressive, but now everyone has no time Explaining this, after coming to the rooftop, Zhishi began to sing.

As in the animation, after Zhi Shi perfectly sang the song, the song card appeared quickly and was later recovered by Sakura.

"It's over? Really, I can do it better than singing ..."

Watching Sakura take the card happily and write her name on it, Berry Ling is still somewhat unconvinced. But at this moment ...


With the deep roar, the dark shadows began to stir.

Soon after, one by one, the oddly shaped shadow monsters appeared again.

Seeing this, Founder frowned.

Sure enough, these shadow monsters still came.

:. :

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