Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1176: Show the true power

三个 Three hours have passed since the beginning of the battle.

In these three hours, Founder has thoroughly explored the old man of the Space and Time Administration through the invasion of the network and "The Obituary".

In simple terms, everything except the Aura Cannon and the space-time-driven engine of this dimensional fleet is to the Founder --- useless.

Yes, nothing.

If Mead is judged according to the classification of civilizations in the halo, after removing the space-time driving engine and rainbow light cannon and some ancient relics, the entire Space-Time Administration-or the entire Mead civilization's level is basically at Level 3.

That is, you can use the space jumping system to travel to and from various galaxies, have unguided orbital weapons, and a certain degree of artificial intelligence.

If you compare these universe world civilizations that Founder traversed together, then the Mead civilization is slightly higher than the civilization of the Gundam world, but it is far inferior to the Protoss, Swarm, Forerunner, and the major races in the mass effect. It is also a relatively advanced space civilization.

What makes Founder cry and laugh is that the so-called "space-time management bureau" does not really manage any space-time, nor is it similar to Tiandao Palace, a civilization that can freely shuttle other world planes, as Founder thought. On the contrary, for the Mead, their so-called "plane" is dead and is a galaxy!

If the phrase "the ancient relics triggered the spatiotemporal earthquake to cause the dimensional world to perish" is often translated into scientific terms by the Space and Time Administration, the essence is that an unexplained energy contraction and explosion caused a galaxy to collapse and then collapse, resulting in supermassive Black hole. Considering that this degree of destruction is indeed enough to wipe out a civilization, the Space and Time Administration said that the ancient relics caused the destruction of the dimensional world ... eh, it seems correct?

I'm right, the truth is so boring.

This really disappoints Founder.

He originally thought that the Space and Time Administration was a unit that could travel back and forth in various world planes like his own heavenly palace. However, he did not expect that it would be a cosmic military institution hanging sheep's heads and selling dog meat ...

To put it plainly, changing the name of the Space and Time Administration to Star Alliance or UNSC, they basically did not make any difference ...

This is really a POI!

At this moment, Fang Zhengzheng felt as if he had given birth to a daughter and raised him from a young age. As a result, he did a paternity test and found that he was not his own.

Nothing in an instant.

A level 3 magical civilization ...... It must be known that the Heavenly Temple is now 1.5, and the level 1 is not because the Heavenly Temple is really not a pioneer. The generation difference between these two parties is even greater than the steam and nuclear ages. Of course, I have to say that the iris cannon is indeed powerful enough. Besides, if it is only a weapon, it is enough to be with the founder. Compare them. After all, space annihilates this level of attack damage ... well, it's really a bit troublesome.

Therefore, the abnormal development of magic civilization is really a problem ......... think carefully about the main world, in fact, there are many magic effects that ca n’t even be achieved by level 1 civilization. , But it doesn't take much effort to get it out.

However, everyone has not yet broken through the atmosphere ...

Speaking of which, it seems that all grave diggers are like this. After all, it is not a technology tree developed by itself, it is exactly what is dug ...

搞 After figuring out what this so-called Space-Time Administration was, Founder immediately adjusted his thinking on the battle. He originally thought that he was facing an institution like Tiandao Palace, who could freely shuttle the world plane and master the world of thousands of planes. In the end, it turned out that the other party was actually an alien magical civilization, that is, because in this world, only the Mead world has developed inter-galactic navigation technology, so they have defined each galaxy civilization as a dimensional world according to their own culture. For management.

I said plainly, this is actually no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is called king.

After all, other civilizations in this world ca n’t even sail across galaxies ... forget it, just treat it as a normal alien civilization, similar to the Asari ...

That being the case, let me show you the true power.

Thinking of this, the corner of Founder's mouth slightly raised, then he raised his hand and made a gesture.

Soon, those dimensional warships that were still struggling to find out that the fierce artillery fire had gradually stopped, and those warships that had been pursuing them before them had also distanced them far.

what's going on?

Is the other party willing to let go?

At the same time, I saw that not far behind, a silver-white battleship suddenly jumped out of the void, and they lined up in a neat formation and advanced towards the battlefield. Seeing the emergence of these warships, the Dimension Fleet Governors who were struggling to support, immediately cheered with joy.

"It's the Golden Fleet! The Golden Fleet is here !!!"

"Great, we can leave alive!"

At this moment, many people began to cheer and jump for joy. Obviously, they may think that it was precisely because the other party noticed the emergence of the Golden Fleet, so they chose to cease fire and retreat.

But soon ... Founder broke these illusions.

“—————— !!!!”

With the flash of light, the next moment, three fearless ships and a Titan appeared in front of everyone. When they saw the huge battleship in front of them, the crowd who was cheering suddenly couldn't speak like a duck with their necks stuck. They stared at the behemoth in front of them, stunned, and didn't know what to do.

这 "What the **** is this ..."

Seeing these warships, the governors of the Golden Fleet also looked pale. Before they came here, they had also received information. However, at that time, the Founder only released destroyers and cruisers, and several warships shot black guns at the back. Therefore, for the dimensional fleet, the information and information they gave were not Especially perfect. From the Golden Fleet's point of view, there is no doubt that this mysterious force has a slightly better warship than itself, but at least ... at least there may be a battle between the two sides, right?

Jackals are like tigers and wolves. Although not a series, if the wolves are fierce enough, it is not impossible to defeat the tigers.

However, at this moment, Founder told them in the coldest and most cruel and cruel way that they were not wolves at all. This was just a battle between elephants and mice.

"Attack ... Attack! Attack! Aura Cannon recharge ready!"

Looking at the warship as if it were a huge mountain, slowly approaching himself, I am afraid that no one can bear this level of pressure. Soon, the commander of the Golden Fleet immediately shouted. There are twenty dimensional warships on my side! Don't be afraid, the other party is just big!

In front of the twenty-dimensionally arranged battleships, a large, constantly rotating magic aperture appeared in front of www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then, the white light particles gradually gathered in the center of the aperture, forming a flashing Photosphere.

"The Aura Cannon is fully charged!"


With the commander's order, dozens of pure white beams flew across the starry sky and shot at the titan giant in front of him. At the same time that it hit the Titan, the space began to twist and annihilate, turning into shards that burst into bloom. This blow was enough to completely destroy a battleship of the same size, leaving no residue.

However ...

No matter how desperately the Aurora Cannon tried to defeat the defense of the Titan, it was ultimately nothing. It was enough to destroy a battleship, tear up time and space, and the power of annihilating space was completely absorbed by Klein's stand, so that it had no effect at all. Looking from a distance, it is almost like a six-year-old child playing a game with a water spray gun, and even Titan's defense cannot be penetrated.

"How could this be………"

I looked at the scene in front of me. The commander looked iron-blue, and the other warships' captains were silent for a while. The Golden Fleet is their last reliance, and this last reliance ... can't even do a little damage in front of each other?

"That's it."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Founder shrugged his shoulders, then opened the mental model network and gave an order.

"Hood, activate doomsday weapons and send them on the road."

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