Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1180: Magic girl and chocolate

Time passes day by day.

In general, Founder's work is quite leisurely, attending classes, after school, and training them for magic in Naha. Occasionally, they will see Sakura collect Kuro cards. Of course, Founder did not forget to investigate the shadow monster .

However, to be honest, at this stage, the investigation of the shadow monster has almost reached an impasse.

According to the results of Prescia's investigation, these shadow monsters are something that leaked out of the existence of another world, because it contaminated and absorbed the magic of this world to form a existence. Moreover, after the number of these shadow monsters is enough, they will form the existence of a type of humanoid BOSS, and at the same time create a different space channel, engulfing the magical girls to another world.

If Founder didn't guess wrong, want to end this matter, but ultimately fall in another world.

Just now, for the sake of insurance, Founder still intends to wait a bit, at least wait for Sakura to solve everything, then consider taking everyone to the world to see what is going on.

But when Founder arrived at school today, he found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

How do you say ...... the whole school was full of joy, a bit like a holiday.

Pass the festival?

But shouldn't it be a holiday?

Fang Zhengzheng also turned around a bit with his head --- As a time dragon, a transcendence of time, he can be said to be the least sensitive to the passage of time.


Not long after Fang Zheng walked into the teaching building, he was stopped by two little girls in the corridor.

"Hmm? What's the matter?"

I watched the two little girls hurriedly running, and Fang Zheng stopped and looked at them. The two founders are no strangers. They are students in the class that Founder teaches. They are also Naiye's friends, Eliza Barnes and Tsukimura Suzuka. Founder was also a bit impressed by the supporting roles in the two original works, but he did not have too much contact with the two because of this.

"That ... this ..."

Looking at Fangzheng, Yue Village Suzuka lowered her head slightly, then she hesitated for a while, then took out a brown rectangular box from her arms and handed it over.

"Please accept it!"

"what is this?"

Fang Zhengzheng took a curious look at the box handed by Suzuka.


"Yes, that ... Teacher, you have been answering our homework problems, so ... that ..."

I said here, Suzuka blushed and lowered her head.

所以 "So this is a little thank you ..."

"And mine."

At this moment, Eliza squeezed over from the side, and then passed the cake box in her hands with a sullen expression.

"This is the chocolate cake I made myself! You ...... try it! And that ...... Nana has been taking care of you, thank you teacher ...... Let ’s go, Suzuka!"

After saying this, Alyssa stuffed the cake box directly into Founder, then blushed and pulled Suzuka's hand and turned away. And Founder was holding two boxes, somehow watching the back of the two disappeared, then shrugged his shoulders, turned and continued to walk towards the office.

But what Founder did not expect is that this is just the beginning.

Along the way, Founder encountered students giving gifts to him at every turn. The reasons were also varied and varied. What helped him write his homework, what helped him improve his grades, and what was gentle ... Some are students in the Founder's class, and some are in other grades, and ... they are basically girls.

By the time Fang arrived at the door of the office, the gifts in his hands were almost piled up into a mountain.

"Ah, Teacher Founder, good morning ..."

I watched Fang Zheng come in, and the male teacher sitting at the table next to him also hurried to say hello, and then helped Fang Zheng to receive the almost crumbling gift mountain.

"this is………?"

"Gifts from students on the way to the office."

Fang Zhengshun put the gift on the table, and then simply sorted it out, and found that most of it was chocolate, and the rest were related to chocolate. What chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate biscuits ... chocolate?

这么 "So much? Teacher Founder is really popular."

"is it?"

Hearing the answer from the male teacher, Fang Zheng looked towards the other side, and at this moment, suddenly, the office door was knocked, and then a girl with a short hair and a calm look came in.

"Mr. Terada ..."

"Ah, it's Sasaki."

Looking at the girl who came in, Mr. Terada embarrassedly scratched her head, then went forward.

"Is there a problem?"

"............ this, please accept it!"

Looking at Mr. Terada in front of her, the girl named Sasaki was silent for a moment, then took out a bear and a box of chocolates from the bag in her arms and passed it.

"Teacher ...... this is for you ..."

"Ah, Sasaki, thank you ..."

In the face of this sudden gift, Mr. Terada was obviously a little embarrassed. He also smiled a bit shyly, and then took the gift from Sasaki. After seeing Mr. Terada accept the gift, Sasaki also showed a happy smile on her face. Then she gave a good gift to Terada and Founder, and then hurriedly turned away from the staff room.

"It seems you are very welcome, Mr. Terada."

Looking at this scene, Founder could not help but joke, while Teacher Terada smiled and did not speak, so he sat back in his seat.

In fact, not only Terada, Founder also noticed that many teachers received more or less gifts from students. Of course, in terms of quantity, Founder is naturally an overwhelming majority. People are somewhat envious of this, but they are just joking.

Since every teacher has it, then Founder no longer thinks about these strange things, maybe today is Teacher's Day? After all, in Founder's memory, he also gives gifts to teachers on Teacher's Day when he goes to school. Of course, generally, it is the people in the class together to buy something together, instead of giving each person separately like this ... ... and why is it all chocolate?

Speaking of which, is there a Teacher's Day in Japan?

If you change people, you can't finish so much chocolate. Fortunately, Fang is the time dragon, which is nothing to the appetite of the dragon. So Fangzheng treats it as a snack, and eating it while touching it can be considered a pleasure.

He only found that during the lunch break, when Founder went to the club's activity room, he encountered something that made him feel quite surprised.

"What is this?"

Looking at the huge box in front of him, Founder could not help but touch his chin with curiosity. On the surface ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This looks like an enlarged gift box with the words "Teacher's Enlightenment" written on it, but what exactly is this?

Thinking of this, Founder is also curious to reach out, pull open the ribbon, and then open the box.

Then, Founder was stunned.

I saw it in the box, and Feder, who wasn't in the fluff, curled up like this, sitting inside like a big doll. She tied a bow with a ribbon all over her, covering her chest, and at this moment, Fett was so blushed and looked embarrassed towards the Founder.

"That ... teacher ..."

呃 "Uh ... Fett? What do you mean ...?"

Looking at Fred in front of him, Founder's brain couldn't turn.

What kind of whole player game is this?

因 "Because, because today is Valentine's Day ......... So, I want to give my teacher a gift ..."

菲 Fett was also embarrassed to look down at this moment.


"Yes, Sister Hei said ... ... you will be more happy with this teacher ..."

I said here, and Fett looked at the Founder again uneasily.

"Are you upset, teacher?"


I looked at this scene, Founder was completely speechless.

怎么 How do I answer this?

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