Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1189: Communication is meaningless

After all, it was just a dream. In fact, after the girls had finished their breakfast, most of them had left the weird dream behind.

Dreaming is basically like this, you may be able to remember some specific plots when you just get up, but when you wash your face and brush your teeth and eat, you plan to tell your friends what you dreamed of, but you will remember them most of the time Not up.

So after eating breakfast, the girls put away their minds and started to pay more attention to their main tasks.

However, Founder also gave a suggestion for this.

Since there are magical girls in this world, then there must be something to fight with magical girls, so as long as we find these things, it is only a matter of time to find the magical girls ... Following this idea, five magical girls are sent by Founder Go out in the city and look for places that look weird.

As for what do you say looks strange?

That must be the only magical girl to know.

Although it is a magical girl from a different world, at least it is also a magical girl. Is n’t the percentage of magical girls encountering monsters higher?

It's a pity that ... their plan was just started and they were forced to suspend.

As for the reason, it's very simple.

Although this world is a parallel world, it is indeed the earth, and it is still Japan.

More importantly, it's still school time.

So the first problem encountered by the magical girls who went to the streets in search of the enemy was the police.

That's right, don't you doubt that you are watching a group of teenage girls wandering aimlessly instead of in the classroom during class hours on non-rest days?

Not to mention that these children haven't even wore school uniforms?

So the girls were quickly stopped by the police sister and police uncle and began to question.

"What's your name?"

"Why not go to school?"

"Where is your home?"

"What happened? Need help?"

............ So the magical girls had to scramble and escape to the base to take refuge.

How else? They can never burst into starlight to civil servants in these countries.

In the end, the girls had no choice but to go out and search after afternoon school time in this world. Other times they would be better to stay in the base, otherwise the police would find that they would be sent to Guan Xiaoheiwu .

Fortunately, although the girls stayed in the warehouse for a day, nothing abnormal happened. But if you think about it, most of the magic girls are students, and they definitely have to go to class. If you have an attack every day during the day and night, then the magic girls will have a ghost class, so the repetition of the class is all right.

However, as night fell, Founder and Zhishi also quickly discovered the unknown wave targets they were looking for on the screen.

But these two fluctuations, one on the east and one on the west ...

"Elia and Xiao Hei go east, Naiha, Fett and Sakura go west."

Founder quickly made a decision, and the magical girls who had been struggling for a day also flexed their muscles and quickly attacked-this time with the cover of the night, they did not need to run on the street, turned directly and then flew to their destination. The land is faster than anything.

The first to arrive at the destination was the Naha trio.

"right here!"

When they landed on the ground, the three looked inquisitively. This is an old abandoned factory, and there were no people nearby. But I don't know why, it always gives them a bad feeling.

"I think it's weird ... there's a very uncomfortable atmosphere."

"me too………"

Naha and Sakura watched the surroundings carefully, and walked carefully towards the factory. However, at this time, Fett seemed as if she suddenly noticed something, and one flashed over her side, then raised her right hand. Soon, a golden barrier emerged from Fit's hands.


At the same time, a red spear sprinted out, hitting Fett's magic barrier, and then bounced back quickly.

"Who is it? Come out!"

Clenching the Thunder Tomahawk in his hand, Fett stared at the dark shadow in the distance and said coldly. Then, a somewhat lazy voice sounded.

"Hey, I didn't expect anyone to come before me."

With the voice, I saw a young girl with a single red ponytail and holding a sea bream burnt out of the shadow, while holding a spear in her other hand.

"Still a kid ..."

Looking at the three in front of her, the red-haired single-tailed girl with a frown frowned and ate the bream roast in her hand.

"I thought that guy wouldn't be so disgusting ...... but forget it, hey, I mean, it doesn't make much sense for you to come here? Because here is only a sorceress, not a witch, you need to wait for it After four or five people, you will become a witch. "

"eat human?!"

Hearing the girl's words, Naiha, Fett and Sakura were all surprised.

"Does the monster here eat people?"

"Of course, isn't this obvious? Don't you know? I can't imagine how you became a magical girl ..."

"Since it's a cannibalizing monster, you can't ignore it!"

With that in mind, Naiha made up his mind.

"Fett, Sakura, let's destroy that monster called the messenger!"


Hearing Naiba's words, Fett and Sakura nodded, and then quickly turned and ran towards the abandoned factory.

"Uh ---!"

However, at this moment, suddenly, the spear flew out again, and a "bang" blocked in front of Naiyo et al. Then the next moment, I saw the girl with the red-haired single horsetail appearing again.

"Hey, didn't I say that? There's no good in killing that guy. If you want to kill, at least you have to wait for it to become a witch!"

"But, according to you, that monster called a demon would hurt someone, wouldn't it?"

Sakura asked a little uneasily.

"Should we not protect others?"

"Protect others?"

Upon hearing Sakura's words, the red-haired girl with a ponytail sneered.

"Little girl is little girl, really naive, do you know the food chain? Should have been taught in school, weak meat and strong food is the truth of this world, witches eat people, and we magic girls eat witches ... ... this is correct If you do n’t become a witch, you wo n’t get the seed of lamentation. How can you kill the chicken before the chicken lays an egg? ”


Hearing here, Naiha, Fett and Sakura were stunned. They never expected that they would hear such cold words from the mouth of a magical girl!

"So you mean, do we have to sit back and watch the demons harm humans?"

"This is what they deserve, because they are weak, so they deserve to be eaten. This is the truth of this world."

The red-haired girl with a ponytail smiled and waved.

"Let's take this as your big sister. I'll give you some advice, so let's close it before it's too late."


When they heard this, the three looked at each other, then Naiba stepped forward, and stared bravely at the red-haired single ponytail girl.

"To be honest, older sister, I don't quite understand what you mean. I don't know what kind of sorrow or what makes a demon, but I know, if I can, I want to protect others from harm ... I want to know why you do n’t do this, older sister. Is that thing called lamentation important to you? Does n’t it matter that you do n’t hesitate to watch innocent people get hurt? ”


When she heard Nana ’s inquiries, the red-haired single-tailed ponytail girl became much colder. She swallowed the remaining sea bream and then turned the spear suddenly. The next moment, the sharp gun tip topped on Nai. Leaf in front of throat.


Seeing this scene, Sakura and Fett couldn't help screaming. And Naiha didn't look back, but just raised the heart of the rising sun silently ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I will stop her, Sakura, Naiha, the enchanter in the factory will take care of you! "


Hearing Naiha's words, Fett and Sakura nodded, and then hurriedly turned and rushed into the old factory. Seeing this scene, the red-haired girl and ponytail girl showed a touch of anger.

"Do you still want to play the game of Justice Partner? It's stupid. The magical girl is not so naive!"

"That's why I want to know what your magical girl looks like, sister."

Raising the heart of the sun, Naha looked at each other.

"Can't we talk?"

"There is nothing to talk about with you little ghosts, it seems that I want to calm down your head!"

Along with the red-haired single horsetail girl's speech, the next moment, the sharp spear carried a cold mang, and stabbed towards Naiba!

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