Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1191: Something is not right

"So you brought her back?"

Fang Zheng sighed as she fell to the ground and was bound by the magic of bondage. Eliya and Xiao Hei were speechless.

"Well ... it's Naiha after all ...... this operation is also normal."

By the way, Ilia and Xiaohei did not find the magical girl, nor did they see the witch, they only saw the sorceress, and then they snapped it off easily. As for the other side, Fett and Sakura also succeeded in destroying the sorceress, and then returned to the warehouse with the unconscious red-haired girl with Nana.

"Woo ... whoo ..."

As everyone was talking, she saw a few hums from the coma-haired red-haired girl, and then she opened her eyes suddenly, jumping up like a nightmare.

"Wow ah ah ah ah !!!"

This sudden scream was a shock to everyone, but the red-haired girl did not immediately pay attention to the surrounding situation. Instead, she lowered her head and looked at her body.

"I'm alive? Great, I'm alive ..."

After confirming that there were no missing parts on her body, the red-haired girl was relieved, and then she raised her head and looked around. When she saw Naiha, the red-haired girl suddenly trembled and then yelled.

"I said little girl, you have to fight moderately, I thought it would be killed by you!"


Naye was surprised when she heard the red-haired girl complaining.

"It's just a burst of gods. It shouldn't hurt ..."

"How do I know what that is! At the time I thought I was going to be completely melted ..."

Facing Naiha's answer, the red-haired girl suddenly groaned, then she glanced around, and then sat on the ground suddenly.

"I didn't expect to be defeated by a little girl ... well, what are you doing to me?"

It seemed that the red-haired girl had already given her fate, but the girls were not surprised by it. Instead, they got together and started whispering.

"Sure enough, I have always wondered if Naiba ’s shelling had any brainwashing properties or something, and it was honest when you bombarded it. You see that Fett was honest when he was bombarded by Naiba Actually said everything ... "

"No, it should just be a coincidence ..."

"Two coincidences in a row? If I were to do it again, I would have to hide from her in the future!"


Looking at her own little girl, she became more and more uncomfortable, and Founder also coughed and then interrupted the whispering of everyone. Then he stepped forward and came to the red-haired girl. Seeing his appearance, the red-haired girl obviously showed a little surprised and confused expression.

"who are you?"

"My name is Founder."

Founder gave a quick answer, then he sat down hand in hand over a chair.

"So, can you tell me your name?"

"... Sakura Kyoko, my name."

"So Miss Sakura, can you talk to us about the magical girl?"

"Okay, it's not a big deal anyway ..."

In the face of Founder's inquiry, Sakura Kyoko seemed very indifferent, and soon, Sakura Kyoko told everything she knew about the magical girl.

"That is to say, after signing a contract with the guy named qb, the magical girl can obtain powerful power and soul gems, and during the battle, the soul gems will gradually become dirty, so the seed of lamentation is needed to purify and Restore magic. And the seed of lamentation will only appear after defeating the witch, is that correct? "

After listening to Sakura Kyoko's narrative, Founder narrowed his eyes, pondered carefully, and then asked, while Sakura Kyoko nodded.

"Yes, you can let me go now."

"Of course ...... Nana."

"Okay, teacher."

Upon hearing Founder's order, Naiha hurriedly raised his staff and aimed at Sakura Kyoko.

"Heart of the rising sun, untie."

With the call of Naiha, the ruby ​​on the top of the staff also began to flash lines of text.

"Allright, master."

The next moment, I saw that the magical **** of Sakura Kyoko's body disappeared instantly, and Kyoko jumped up from the ground, curiously went to look at the staff in Naiba's hand.

"It's really different from us ... are you really a magical girl from another world?"

"Ah, uh ..."

"Miss Sakura."

Just then, Founder spoke again, and Kyoko waved.

"Just call me Kyoko. What's your name, Miss Sakura? I hear goose bumps all over."

"Well, then Kyoko, I have a few more questions."

Founder looked at Kyoko and asked again.

"Do you know how the witch was formed?"

"Well ... I also asked qb about this, it said,‘ If a magical girl is born from desire, then a witch is born from a curse ’...

"No, I'm not asking such an abstract concept, Kyoko."

Founder shook his head.

"What I asked was how did the Witch come into being? Do you know? Just like you are a magical girl, you have become a magical girl because you have entered into a contract with the existence called qb. Haven't you? You're just an ordinary girl, not something strange. What about the witch? Was the witch born out of thin air? "

"It's from the demon. I told the little girl before, so that the demon will become a witch after eating five or six people."

"So how did the demon come into being? Is there a mother body that gave birth to the devil somewhere?"

"You say so ..."

Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, Kyoko frowned, thinking.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't think about this problem ..."

"Then I change another question."

Seeing Xingzi like this, Founder also knew that it was unlikely that he could get an answer from her, so he quickly changed a question.

"You said before, after the magical girl fights, the soul gem will become dirty, you need to use the seed of lamentation to absorb the dirt, and then restore the magic, right.

"That's right."

"So, do you know what it would look like if it weren't replenished?"

"Woo ...... I don't know that, but it should die."

"is it?"

After hearing Kyoko's words, Fang Zheng was silent for a moment again, then looked at Kyoko.

"Kyoko, can you show me your soul gem?"

"This ......... well."

In the face of Founder's request, Kyoko was obviously not so happy, but she took out the soul gem and handed it to Founder. Fang Zheng took the Soul Gem, looked carefully for a moment, and then his eyes were slightly frozen.

"Huh? This is ..."

While whispering to himself, Founder looked again at Kyoko ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and when he found Fang's eyes, Kyoko seemed a little uneasy.

"Hey, I said why are you looking at me like that, it's strangely uncomfortable."

"Kyoko, stand here first and don't move."

As the Founder said, he reached out his hand and gave the soul gem to Fett.

"Fett, you leave here with this soul gem."


"Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing Fett leaving with his soul gem, Kyoko became even more disturbed, while Founder shook his head.

"I'm just doing an experiment, sorry, please wait a moment."

"I said what the **** are you ..."

However, Kyoko's words were not finished, and suddenly, the next moment, she was like a puppet with a power outage, and fell down.

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