Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1193: Got you!

After learning from Sakura Kyoko about the world's magical girl, even the stupidest people will notice that there is a problem inside. So next, their goals changed again.

"Now our main goal is to find QB."

Founder issued a decisive order.

"But you have to pay attention, this time we change direction, Ilia, Xiaohei, Sakura, the three of you are responsible for finding out. You all have their own unique skills to avoid investigation. Not difficult. "

"Yes, teacher."

"I see, big brother."

"Understand, MASTER."

Upon hearing Founder's order, Sakura, Ilya and Xiao Hei nodded.

"This time your goal is very simple. Since they are magical girls, then I think they should be like you, mostly students, so our main goal will be in the school. So, tomorrow morning, the three of you will take this Turn around several schools in the urban area to see if you can find a magical girl. After all, generally, the QB is either beside a magical girl or who should be looking for to be a magical girl ... "

Having said that, Founder paused.

"But you have to be careful, I suspect this QB may be very problematic, so after discovering the QB, don't rush forward to contact it, but immediately inform others ...... Nye, Fett!"


"Tomorrow you will be on standby at the highest point in the city and set off as soon as you receive a signal for help.


"Well, now you can go to rest."

After determining the combat strategy for tomorrow, Founder clapped his hands, and the little girls spread out to rest. As for Founder, he walked to the gate of the old factory and glanced outside. Soon, in his eyes, a dark figure flashed through the alley next to him, and then disappeared into the darkness quickly.

Although he didn't see his face, Founder was sure that the figure was the first magical girl he had come into contact with when he came to this world.

Looking at her, it seems that she has some kind of extra attention to herself and others ...

Looking at the distant night and the flashing lights, Founder was silent for a moment, then closed the door.

Anyway, when it's time to meet, you will still meet.

That night, everything was fine.

When the crowd woke up from their sleep again, there was no situation like last night, so after washing their faces and brushing their teeth for breakfast, the girls immediately set off and followed the Founder's instructions towards their respective goals.

"Here is Ebara Middle School."

Hiding in the bushes not far away, Eliya also looked out carefully. This time, she also learned to be clever. Ilya knows that even if she has a uniform, she will also be caught by the uncle of the police. survey. After all, in a place like Japan, what school wears what uniform is fixed. At present, there are so many people wearing the same uniform who are wearing different uniforms, it will definitely be conspicuous.

But Ilia has her own way.

She quietly took out her staff, then pulled the "ASSASSIN" card from under the skirt, tapped gently, and whispered.

"ASSASSIN, fantasy call!"

Along with Ilya's whispering call, the next moment of pink magical light shrouded the girl's body, followed by the "pop" breaking away. Immediately afterwards, the original pink magical girl clothes became completely different clothes.

I saw on the side of Ilya ’s head, a skull-shaped mask like a mask purchased at a temple fair, and her entire body was wrapped in a dark, tattered cloak. Not only that, in Ilya Behind him, he was carrying a large sword that was taller than herself.

"Woo ...... this doesn't look like ASSASSIN."

Looking at her black armor and the big sword behind her, Ilya couldn't help but utter a word.

Fortunately, ASSASSIN's breath masking skills are still available. Therefore, after turning into ASSASSIN, Yilia Tucao also turned three times and jumped quickly towards the campus.

With the ringing of the bell, the originally lively teaching building suddenly became much quieter.

"really interesting………"

Walking in the empty corridor, Ilya looked at the classroom over here for a while, and looked at the classroom over there. There was a sense of relaxation and freedom in herding sheep. You must know that she is a really good student, and she is one who does not arrive late or leave early, and rarely asks for leave. This kind of class is still free and swaying outside, and Ilia has never done it.

But now, not only can she do it, but she's not afraid to be found ...... it's so cool.


However, just as Ilya jumped upstairs happily, a dark figure suddenly appeared beside her. Scared Ilya screamed, but when she looked intently, she found A young girl with a long black straight hair is carrying a schoolbag, and if no one turns around the corner, she walks towards the class not far away.

Is this late?

But then again, how do I feel like this girl has been seen somewhere?

Out of curiosity, Eliya followed the black long straight girl behind and walked forward. Then I saw the black long straight girl stopped at the door of a class like this. After a while, a voice came from inside.

"Classmate Xiaomei, please come in."

After hearing the teacher's words, the black and straight girl in front of her walked straight into the classroom. She stood in front of her expressionlessly, and then whispered to introduce herself.

"My name is Xiao Meiyan, and please give me some advice."

I don't know if it was because her aura was too cold, or for some other reason. After a while in the classroom, awkward applause sounded.

"It turned out that her name was Xiao Mei Yan ...... it was a very interesting name, and it sounded very handsome."

Hearing this, Eliya couldn't help but sigh. And just then, she suddenly realized that she didn't know why, the young girl named Xiao Meiyan suddenly set her gaze in the direction she was in.

Hey? Wait, it shouldn't be discovered, but my breath is covered by A!

Frightened by Xiao Meiyan's eyes, Ilya also hurriedly flinched, hiding subconsciously, and then she looked up curiously again, only to see the girl's eyes only glanced at the door twice, and then Recovered again.

"Huh ... it scared me, it doesn't seem to be found ..."

Watching the black long straight girl walk to the seat, Eliya also patted her chest, then cheered up again.

"Keep going, the mission is not complete yet!"

That's it, a day has passed.

Until sunset Xishan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ilia still found no clue. Don't talk about strange animals, even the magical girl, she hasn't seen it.

"Woo ... it doesn't seem to be here ..."

Standing on the empty roof of the school building and looking at the square below, Ilya sighed.

"It's better to contact and see others ..."

"Titer !!"

However, at this time, suddenly, the contact sound of the personal terminal sounded, and then Xiao Hei's voice appeared in Yilia's ear.

"Here is Xiaohei, I have found that weird animal! Come and meet, the place is the abandoned underpass in the shopping street! That stuff is being chased! It looks like it is about to kill it!"


Hearing this, Ilya was also surprised.

"I'll be right there!"

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