Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1198: So you are also a magical girl?

Founder found that the magical girls in this world seemed to have the habit of listening to the corners. Xiaomei Yan was that when they first came to this world, Xiaomei Yan came to listen to the corners three to five. Came back with himself and others.

Although Sakura Kyoko made an excuse to leave immediately after that, she seemed to come to the corner occasionally.

As for Bami Mei ......... if she hadn't listened to the corner just now, she wouldn't be able to answer the conversation so quickly.

I know that you are magical girls, and I do n’t know that all of them are agents.

It's not small to see Sugawara, but it's not difficult to find a witch. The group walked around and found a witch's enchantment within a few hours of effort.

"Are you sure this is a witch? Isn't it a demon?"

Looking around at the background like children's graffiti, and all kinds of weird things that looked like paper-cuts, Founder frowned, and then looked at the three people around him.

"It's a witch."

Sakura Kyoko answered first, and Xiaomei Yan nodded.

"Yes, this is the Witch's enchantment."


In contrast, only Bama Mei still said nothing. Although she was impulsive to follow Fangzheng and others, she actually flinched after entering the witch's enchantment. But now there are people everywhere, she wants to go alone ... obviously it is impossible.


At this moment, it was noticed that someone had invaded the enchantment, and the witch's angels came out one by one. This time, the angel looked like cotton candy. Of course, it looked completely harmless on the surface, Obviously, these trolls are not really harmless.

Otherwise, no one will die in the witch's enchantment.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Zheng yawned.

"Go ahead."

Immediately after the words fell, Eliya and others rushed out and plunged into the battle against the witch envoy.

Poor these magical girls who can't even fight this world, how can they be the opponents of Eliya, Naiha and Sakura. Suddenly I saw a chicken and a dog jumping, and it didn't take long for the enchanter in front of me to be swept away.

"Well, to be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really don't believe you are magic girls from a different world."

Looking at this scene, Sakura Kyoko couldn't help smashing his mouth. Then she looked curiously at the Founder.

"But what did you come to our world for? It's not for helping."

Hearing this, Xiao Meiyan and Bama Mei also concentrated and looked towards the Founder. After all, they were also curious, why did Fang Zheng and others want to come to their own world? Indeed, the fate of the magical girl in this world is quite miserable, but has nothing to do with them?

As for helping each other ...

To be honest, Xiaomei Yan and Sakura Kyoko no longer have such simple ideas.

"Of course not just to help, in fact, something is wrong with your world and it has penetrated into the world where these children live."

Founder naturally did not need to hide from them. Since the three had questions in their hearts, he would naturally answer them. So soon, Founder also opened a personal terminal, and then showed the three men their battle records in another world.

"In that world, these children were attacked by unidentified shadow monsters when they fought. Later, after investigation, we found that these monsters came from another world, and after their number increased, they formed a weird one. Monster, we just came to your world through the space vortex produced when that monster appeared. "

"Um ......... Is this also a slayer?"

Looking at the strange dark shadow monsters on the screen, Sakura Kyoko tilted her head curiously and asked. However, at this moment, Xiao Meiyan's expression suddenly changed.

"This is ... the witch of the night of the witch!"

"Night of the Witch?"

After hearing Xiaomei Yan's words, Sakura Kyoko and Bami Mei both looked curiously at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I can be sure."

Xiao Meiyan regained her calmness before and nodded silently. Seeing her reaction, Sakura Kyoko poked her lips.

"I said, although I am not qualified to say that we trust each other, but you must at least understand each other, aren't we all gathered here because of the fate of the magical girls? Shouldn't they be mutually Know more? "


However, this time, Xiao Meiyan remained silent.

"Well, now is not the time to say this."

At this moment, Fang Zheng broke the conversation between the two parties. At this moment, they had unknowingly entered the deepest part of the witch's enchantment, and the witch was also in sight.

I saw that in the room full of sweets and snacks, there was a long table with four legs, and beside the chair, there was something that looked like a puppet.

"That is the witch."

Bama Mei stared at the doll sitting in the chair and whispered, in her voice, at this moment I didn't know whether it was full of fear or sadness, and shuddered slightly.

"Teacher? What now?"


After hearing Sakura's inquiries, Fang Zheng sighed long and walked forward with a heart-like expression.

"Leave it to me this time ... but ..."


"What you see for a while is not allowed to come out and say, understand?"

Faced with Founder's solemn warning, the girls looked at each other, then nodded hesitantly. Although I don't know what Founder wants to do, but ... Since Founder has rarely given such a serious warning, they will certainly listen.

"Very well, then ..."

As he said, Founder took the "transformation bracelet" from the inventory and put it on his wrist.

Hey ... if Kuangsan is here, there is no need to do it yourself.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng sighed again silently, then he suddenly clenched his right hand and put it on his chest.

"Transform !!!!"

A bright red flame burst out, wrapping the Founder's entire body inside. Soon, the hot flames rose to the ground, and the high temperatures raged the girls around. Even the sweets and snacks spread on the ground turned into ashes in this bright red flame.

The next moment, the flames dispersed.

But when the girls opened their eyes again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, everyone looked surprised.

I saw standing in front of them was a girl with bright red ponytail long hair, wearing a tight red combat suit and armor, a petite figure and a lovely appearance. Her age seems to be almost the same as that of Xiaomei Yan and Sakura Kyoko, but those red eyes and cute and majestic temperament can not help but make people feel good.

"Wait, who are you? What about that man?"

Seeing this scene, Sakura Kyoko's eyes widened in amazement, and looked up and down the girl in front of her, inquiring. In the face of Sakura Kyoko's inquiry, Founder sighed silently.

"It's me ... now, you guys understand?"


At this moment, Sakura, Nanoha, Eliya, Little Black, Fett, Xiaomei Yan, Bami Mei and Sakura Kyoko all forgot the enemy in front of them, staring at the red ponytail girl in front of them, completely speechless. Come.

Big Brother, are you also a magical girl? !!

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