Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1207: Madoka Magica (V)

Fang Zheng's main goal in this world is to 怼 QB, to solve the witch transformation of the magical girl, to fight against the night of the witch.

Founder has ideas for dealing with the entire alien civilization of QB's incubator, but it is not yet time to implement it. After QB was killed that time, he seems to have noticed a dangerous atmosphere. appear.

As for Witch's Night, it's not time yet, and the Founder has no other way than to wait.

Then the rest is to solve the witch of the magical girl.

This point is relatively simple for now.

Because after investigating three people, Bama Mei, Xiao Meiyan and Sakura Kyoko, Founder has found an important feature.

That is why the magical girl is a witch. Many times, it is not the magical girl who is desperate, but because they have exhausted their magic power, the soul gems are defiled and there is no seed of sorrow. In fact, it is exactly this QB Only this food chain forms part of the tragic fate of the magical girl.

The magical girl must use her own power to defeat the witch, and the witch will have a chance to "explode" the lamenting seed to supplement the magical girl. If the magical girls have been fighting but have not exploded to the seed of lamentation, then their MP will eventually come to an end sooner or later, and then turn into a witch.

In fact, this is why Founder believes that QB is a bad civilization.

On the surface, as QB said, the soul is extracted and stored in the soul gem, and the body of the magical girl is transformed into a similar prop, which can ensure that they exert extraordinary powers, endure the pain, and even do Something that ordinary people simply can't do.

Even if the body is broken, as long as the soul gem is still there, it can be reborn.

It is convenient to say, but Founder is very clear, this is simply a trap, specifically used to bully those magical girls.

Although Founder is not a necromancer, he is also a Paladin anyway. The soul system of the main world is so developed, and Founder naturally knows the relationship between the soul and the body. For the soul, the body is not a burden, but more like a filter.

For example, if a person is in an environment full of cold and evil atmosphere, then he will first feel uncomfortable, and if he does not leave, he will eventually die. But if he leaves, he will only be seriously ill, and then he will slowly recover his health.

But if you put a soul in such a place, it will become a ghost in a few days.

The soul itself has almost no resistance to external influences, so the body will act as a barrier for the soul, protect umbrellas and filters, and protect the soul from being easily affected and penetrated by the evil atmosphere of the outside world, even if it is damaged, as long as The body is still healthy and slowly recovers.

However, the soul gems created by QB are tantamount to placing the human soul in the outside world with almost no defense!

This also means that when the magic girls are fighting the witch, their souls are undefended in the evil enchantment of the witch!

This is why the magical girl cannot actively return to the blue after fighting with the witch, and the soul gem will become muddy and dirty!

Because their souls have left the body, the body cannot actively "back to the blue" to the soul through energy, and they have lost the protection of the body, and their souls have no way to resist the erosion and pollution from the witch's breath in the witch enchantment!

Once the soul is polluted, the whole person's spirit will naturally start to become distorted, extreme, and eventually collapse.

So this is simply a dead end question!

After clearing this up, Founder immediately guessed that all the black hands behind all of this are QB. Whether it is a magical girl, a witch or a curse, I am afraid it was not created by this world, but by QB. of!

This is a bad civilization!

Naturally knowing the reason, then how to solve the witchification of the magical girl next is not a problem in itself.

First, Founder sealed the soul gems with some magical props designed to protect the soul—Of course, on the surface, it was just adding a strange little prop to the soul gem, but these magical props are mainly The task is to prevent the soul gem from being affected by the outside world, and I don't worry about other problems.

Of course, this just prevents pollution. The magical girl has to fight, and the battle will consume blue. Many times, even if you are not completely polluted, once the blue sky is empty, it will also become a witch.

Xiao Meiyan vowed to confirm this.

Founder's solution to this is simpler, change equipment!

Although it is said that the magic terminal developed by Prehia itself is not mass production-and even if it is mass production, it must return to the world of Naiha and Sakura, and it can be mass-produced with the tools of Midrand Randa. . But Founder's own terminal has hard-light armor, even if there is no way to send barrage and magic cannon, but relying on ordinary hard-light armor, these magical girls exert similar power to Asuna, Yingli and Black Cat. Still no problem.

In addition, the strength of most witches and enchanters is actually not very strong. It is basically a full-fledged mechanic who can casually turn the rhythm, and does not even need any special blessings or magic weapons. Ordinary tank missiles TNT Can solve the problem.

So why does this world have to be a magical girl?

There is only one reason, that is, ordinary people can't see the witch and the witch, and it is difficult to enter the witch's enchantment. The Witch is desperate and distorted, but it is not a fool. It is impossible to say that she will open an enchantment directly to swallow an army.

By that time it would really be dead and no one would know.

So Founder directly changed the equipment of magical girls such as Bama Mei and Sakura Kyoko to hard light armor. In this way, even if they are fighting, these girls do not need to consume blue, but directly use the hard light armor in the personal terminal to fight. Okay.

Of course, this method is to cure the symptoms but not the root causes, but at least the symptoms are solved!

After that, the magic girls started a new round of action under the leadership of Founder.

That's ......... the witch's hunt-and reverse! !!

Fierce fighting continues in the pure white space.

"Didu ------ Didu--"

The cold, harsh electric waves echoed in the pure white witch enchantment, and several figures rushed through them, fighting the witch in the middle!


After wielding the spear in his hand and whistling the shackles in front of him to make the magic fly, Kyoko also shouted. Hearing Kyoko's call, Bama Mei on the other side also hurriedly raised the rifle in her hand and pulled the trigger at the target in front of her. Soon, behind Mami, a musket appeared instantly, quickly turning the sorcerer in front of him into a sieve.

But at this moment, I saw that the witch suspended in the pure white space suddenly moved. It was a weird witch composed of ribs and an electrocardiograph, waving desperately like a restraint The arm screamed harshly.

An invisible sound wave erupted all around, mixed with a huge current to form a nearly unbreakable barrier.

"Little sister!"

Seeing this scene, Bama Mei also quickly retreated, and then shouted again. And this time I heard Bama ’s call, a girl with long silver-white hair, wearing a cape cape and pumpkin pants, rushed out like this, holding a dark thing in her hands that looked like a toy horn, right The witch in front of her eyes blows hard!


Bubbles shot out of the horn, hitting the electromagnetic barrier, and suddenly burst a large hole. Because of this, the current that was wantonly erupted gradually became weak and dissipated.

"Come out!"

Just as the electromagnetic barrier was broken, another magical girl jumped out. She was wearing a purple jacket and short skirt with long blond hair. She was holding a hammer larger than her own. I saw the girl just hitting the witch in the moment while the barrier was broken. With the scream, the witch who was suspended in the sky was hit like a golf ball. He flew out, and then slammed into the corner of the side, collapsed to the ground.

"Home run!"

Seeing this scene, the girl in purple dress excitedly waved the hammer in her hand.

"At least I have to say a hole!"

At the same time as the crowd was noisy, a figure appeared quickly.

"Good job, leave it to me!"

Looking at the petite figure with a burning red horsetail in front of them, the magical girls also retreated immediately, and then they saw the red horsetail reaching out and scratching the witch who had fallen to the ground in the void.

Soon, the magic circle formed by the burning flame condense the witch firmly, and then began to spin at a rapid speed. After a short time, the original weird electrocardiograph witch quickly disappeared and turned into a light-colored shoulder-length hair. , A girl wearing a white robe similar to the White Magister.

"Get it."

Founder slammed his fingers, then changed back to his original form.

"The recycling will be left to you."

"Just give it to us, boss!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the magical girl holding a hammer standing not far from him also patted his chest with a smile, and replied loudly.


"This is the fifth one, big brother."

At this moment, Xiao Hei came over to make fun.

"It seems we are going well."

"Of course, for now."

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Fang Zheng nodded. After transforming Bai Jiangyu from a witch into a magical girl ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fangzheng's other important work is to reverse all the witches who can currently meet in Ebara and its surroundings back to the form of a magical girl.

It came to save these girls.

Secondly, it is to increase sufficient fighting power and teamwork. After all, can the Founder ’s Magical Girl Management Office in Tiandao Palace hang an empty sign!

At present, the magical girl rescued by the founder's reversal, in addition to Bai Jiangyu, there are three others, one of which is the former magical girl Deep Moon Felicia wielding a big hammer, and Kaga see Maya, Takino Ewha, Natsume Yoshiko. Counting this girl in front of me, I've almost got a team.

Anyway, as far as Founder is concerned, the more people, the better.

"Didi Didi ........."

At this time, Founder's personal terminal sounded a call again, and Founder signaled to Xiao Hei not to speak, and then started communication.


"Mr. Founder? It's me."

On the other side, Xiao Meiyan's nervous voice came out.

"What's wrong? Homura?"

Founder did not let Xiao Meiyan participate in the witch hunting and reversing battles because her ability was purely auxiliary—in other words, if Xiao Meiyan did not use her own magical battle, then she The combat effectiveness can be regarded as the lowest among these magical girls. Therefore, Founder let Xiao Meiyan always follow Lu Muyuan, observe the situation, and at the same time be alert to the reappearance of QB.

Could it be that QB has appeared again?

"Is such that………"

Speaking of this, Xiao Meiyan was a little hesitant, but she continued to speak.

"Just two days ago, I learned from Madoka that Mishu Sayaka's young plum bamboo horse was hospitalized."

. m.

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