Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1210: I'm professional at talking nonsense

Madoka's speed is indeed very fast. The next day, Founder had just finished his breakfast. It was not long before he received a call from Madoka, saying that Sayaka and others wanted to meet him to talk about Kyosuke's condition in detail, and Founder naturally agreed to this.

However, when Founder drove to the coffee shop, he found that Xiao Meiyan, who was greeted by her at the door, did not look very good.

"what happened?"

Looking at Xiao Meiyan's expressionless face and a little black face, Fang Zheng could not help smiling and asked, but when he heard Fang Zheng's inquiry, Xiao Meiyan hesitated, and then frowned and whispered. Said.

"Sayaka is here, and so is Kyosuke's parents!"


Hearing this, Founder was slightly surprised, but soon recovered calmness.

"That's fine, it's more convenient to communicate directly with my relatives ... why aren't you happy?"


In the face of Founder's inquiry, Xiao Meiyan opened her mouth for a while and didn't know what to say. She always thought that this was their own thing, and Miki Sayaka actually involved the adult, and she hadn't Notice in advance, this is obviously a deliberate act!

"Well, don't worry about it so much, isn't it normal? After all, this is related to whether a person's physical injury can be recovered. You can't always ask your children to sign it. It is obviously more secure to find a guardian."

Founder can also guess a little of Xiaomei Yan's thoughts. After all, she and Mishu Sayaka are not pleasing to each other, and if they are not pleasing to the eye, they will naturally be hostile and dissatisfied with each other's actions. For example, in the Founder's opinion, this is actually normal. You must know that Madoka has not told Sayaka about magic, so after Sayaka listened to Madoka ’s narrative, she naturally instinctively thought that it was a scientific solution. This kind of thing, of course, you must inform the other's family.

"But she never said before ..."

Xiao Meiyan still ca n’t accept it. After all, she has reincarnation so many times. Every time Mishu Sayaka made a wish and healed Kyosuke's hand, she kept it secret, but this time, she told the other party directly without saying a word. Parents?

This beautiful tree Sayaka is deliberately not able to get along with herself. Did she learn from Madoka that she was the one she was looking for, and did it deliberately for the purpose of doubting herself?

"Calm down, just leave it to me. It's not a big deal."

Seeing that Xiao Meiyan was going to get into the horns of the horns, the Founder was also sighing silently. It seemed that Xiao Meiyan was miserable by Sayaka in countless reincarnations, and was born with hostile prestige, and it was impossible to regain it.


As Founder pushed open the door of the cafe, the bell rang, and at this moment it was morning, and there were not many people in the cafe. So Fang Zheng saw Xiao Yuan sitting in a seat not far away, and the blue-haired girl beside her, as well as two middle-aged people with a sad look.

No need to ask, this is definitely Kyosuke's parents.

"Ah, Mr. Founder !!!"

Seeing Founder, Madoka hurried to stand up and waved at him, meanwhile Madoka's complexion was a little nervous, apparently she didn't expect Sayaka to call Kyousuke's parents.

The Founder nodded to Xiaoyuan and walked over. Seeing him coming, the middle-aged couple also stood up and looked at him curiously.

"excuse me, you are………"

"My name is Founder. Are the two guardians of Kyojo mentioned above?"

In the face of the middle-aged couple, Fang Zheng immediately opened his aura and made a splash. In the face of Founder's inquiries, the middle-aged couple also froze, then nodded blankly.

"Yes, we are ..."

"Please sit down."

As he said, Founder reached out and motioned for the two to sit down. At the same time, he sat with Xiao Meiyan on the other side. Unconsciously, it was just a face-to-face effort, and the dominance of the entire scene immediately changed.

"Specifically, I have heard Homura say."

After sitting down, Fang Zheng glanced at Xiao Meiyan next to him, smiled at her, and then looked at the previous couple in front of him again.

"I think everyone must be very confused. Is there any way I can help Kyosuke."

"Yes, Mr. Founder."

At this moment, the last couple heard his son's name and finally came back to it. The husband said hesitantly.

"We have discussed with doctors many times. According to modern medical technology, there is no way to completely cure Kyosuke's hand, even if he can barely move, but it is impossible to play the violin like before ..."

Speaking of which, the previous couple did not hide their doubts and perplexities. After all, every doctor said to them, and they have long believed that this is the case. Although they do not believe that there is still a way, but after all, they are parents. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will try.

"indeed so."

After hearing the questions from the previous couple, Fang Zheng nodded calmly.

"The healing of hand trauma is a major global problem. Generally, even if the muscle is repaired by surgery, it is difficult to achieve the original effect. This is also the biggest pain point of hand surgery at present. Of course, as long as the surgeon's skills Good enough, if the rehabilitation is smooth after surgery, there is no problem in maintaining a normal life. But ... Linglang's situation does not seem to be the case. "

"Yes Yes!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the last couple nodded excitedly. Although Fang Zheng's words were basically the same as what the attending doctor told them, but this gave them a little confidence in the young man in front of them-at least the other person could say Understanding this, and showing that they can help them, is enough to show that this young man is prepared, not a liar with white teeth to lie!

"Can you also be a doctor? Mr. Founder?"

"I am certainly not a doctor."

Facing the previous couple's inquiry, Founder shook his head.

"I am currently working at the Institute of Medicine. This is the case, Mr. Ujo. Our institute has recently developed a latest nano-repair technology, which is mainly used to perfectly repair patients' limbs through nano-mechanics combined with bio-voltage. It can be healed faster and better in a shorter period of time. At present, the experimental results are not bad, but this is only the level of ordinary people. We have always hoped to find some patients who perform precision operations for clinical trials. ............ It so happened that I heard about you from Homura ... "

As a game planner, Founder ’s ability to talk nonsense naturally comes from his mouth. In short, they have researched a brand new treatment technology, have passed Phase I animal tests, and are preparing for Phase II clinical human trials. At present, the effect on ordinary people is not bad, but the senior management values ​​the effect that can be actually proved. Kyosuke Kyosuke is a violinist, and his hands cannot play the violin because of an accident. If Kyosuke Kyosuke can restore the ability to play the violin after this new treatment, it is enough to explain the practicality of this technique And the prospect ...

"Of course, we need to communicate with the hospital and doctors to get their permission, but the opinions of the guardian are equally important, and we also need to get the patient's consent ..."

Although Founder has not been a serious doctor, after all, he used his ability to basically read all doctoral subjects in all disciplines. At this moment, the professional terms in this circle are thrown out, and everyone feels dizzy and dizzy, only feeling various Tall is almost like a noun that only appears in science fiction movies.

However, when Founder said that the consent of the patient's hospital and the attending doctor was required, the previous couple would be at ease-if Founder is really a liar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ then he cannot make such a request.

Of course, the two obviously didn't know that the Founder had such an artifact in his hand.

Whether the hospital and the doctor in charge agree is just a matter of founder's passing.

When the final communication was completed, the previous couple had completely lost their previous worries, and were replaced with excitement and excitement.

"Everything is up to you, Mr. Founder, please save our son!"

"Rest assured that we act in accordance with the regulations. If the above Kyosuke does meet our requirements, then we will include him in the scope of clinical observation."

Founder also stood up and held the couple's hand with a smile.

Only Xiao Meiyan and Lumu stared at the scene in stunned eyes, completely unaware of what to say.

They thought it would be difficult before, but in the end they didn't expect it to be just a few words of work .........

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