Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1214: You just fear failure

When Fang Zheng woke up, it was already the next morning.


Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and touched the little milk cat in his arms. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have a dream last night, but Founder had no idea what was happening in the dream.

Forget it, it is not a big deal.

Fang Zheng took a deep breath, hugged the little milk cat and set it aside, then got up to wash. And just as Founder stepped out of the room, he saw Xiao Meiyan approaching. Seeing Xiao Meiyan, Founder also hurriedly stopped her.

"Homura, you are here."

"What's the matter? Mr. Founder?"

"Yes, you go and tell everyone in the library to prepare. I have an experiment to do."



Facing Xiao Meiyan's inquiry, Founder nodded.

"I may find a way to change the essence of the magical girl in this world, but ... it needs experiments to prove it."

"Really ?!"

When she heard this, Xiao Meiyan was instantly excited. She turned around and wanted to leave, but at this moment, Xiao Meiyan stopped suddenly. She glanced around, and after confirming that no one was around, Xiao Meiyan looked at the Founder again.

"Mr. Founder, that ... I mean, it's best if it succeeds, but what if it fails?"

"If it fails, then you have to experiment again."

Founder gave a very bland answer.

"Nothing happens overnight. There is success and there is failure. I also hope that I can succeed once, but unfortunately, there are many things that are not what we want."


Upon hearing Founder's answer, Xiao Meiyan's expression was a little confused, and she lowered her head and asked with a few questions.

"This time ... can we really defeat Witch Night?"

However, Founder didn't immediately answer Xiao Meiyan's question. Instead, he just wrapped his arms and narrowed his eyes to stare at the girl in front of her.

"What? If you don't think you can win, will you want to run away again?"

"————— !!!!"

Founder's tone was not intense, nor serious, and it could even be said to be calm, but Xiao Meiyan felt like he was being stunned by a head.

"No, I ..."

"I think I can't win and want to read the file again. I can understand this idea."

Founder shrugged his shoulders and looked at Xiao Meiyan in front of him.

"But if you just run away, then there is only weakness, so let me tell you a story."

Do not know why, suddenly found the shadow of the ancient hand pear flower in the founder's mind.

"I have been to another world before. In that world, there is a girl with the same ability as you. She also suffers. The village where she lives has a mysterious epidemic. And this girl was Legend has it that the epidemic 'mother' was secretly studied. There is a ritual called cotton flow festival in this village, and every year at this festival, a person will die in the village, and the child will be the same, she lost her parents , Living in the village with another child. Then in June of that year, she, along with her friends and the entire village, will die. "


After hearing this, Xiao Meiyan's eyes widened in surprise.

"Dead ...?"

"Yes, that girl's ability is that every time she dies, she will be resurrected. Back before that June, it is similar to your ability, but she is not the same as you. She has no ability to manipulate time. She has no other power besides resurrection after death. She is just an ordinary eleven or two-year-old little girl with no power at all. "

As he said, Founder sighed.

"She also hopes to escape this reincarnation, to live through this endless June, to live and grow up happily with her friends and the entire village, but she has worked so many times without success. She She did n’t even know who killed herself or who killed the entire village. Various false information and rumors made it impossible for the twelve-year-old to learn the facts. She tried to investigate again and again to get the answer. , But failed again and again and was killed. "

Speaking of this, Founder looked at Xiao Meiyan again.

"Can you imagine the pain?"


Xiao Meiyan can certainly imagine that if she hadn't become a magical girl, she would actually be similar to that girl.

"Finally? Did that child succeed?"

"Of course, we found the black hands behind the scenes and successfully undermined their plans. Now this child is enjoying a happy time with her friends in her own world."

Fang Zheng reached out and patted Xiao Meiyan's shoulder.

"I can understand your ideas. Without 100% certainty, any final BOSS battle may fail. But Homura, you know, there is no such thing as 100% certainty in the world. What we can do is Do everything you can to do your best, and then ... give the rest to fate. "

"Fate ...?"

"Yes, there is a saying in my hometown that things are done in people and things are done in heaven, but think about it the other way round. If you do everything you can to do what you can, then you should not get a good one. The result? "

Fang Zheng reached out and held Xiao Meiyan's body, forcing her to look at herself.

"Look up and look at me, Homura. You are very powerful, but you run away as soon as you encounter difficulties. This is your bad problem. No matter how you run away, you have to face it after all! If you Continue to maintain this mentality, even if you reincarnate a hundred times, a thousand times, 10,000 times, you wo n’t win or you wo n’t win! "


In the face of Founder's speech, Xiao Meiyan was stunned, unable to speak at all for a while.

"Right? You told me before that no one believed you, so you do n’t say, you do n’t depend on anyone anymore, you fight alone. Is n’t that just escape? Well, this time, others wo n’t believe it You, so you are so sure, in other reincarnation, they will not believe you yet? Why don't you try to prove this for them, so that they can become your friends, your companions. Why don't you put QB directly The situation told Madoka, warned her not to sign a contract, but just to guard her silently? If you reincarnate a hundred times and you try every time, wouldn't Madoka trust you once? "

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng stared at Xiao Meiyan coldly.

"Homura ... Do you really want to change your destiny? In fact, everything you do is not to perpetuate yourself in this reincarnation? Are you tired of failure, you are afraid of failure, and you want to escape Failed, but it's still here! It won't disappear with every reincarnation, open your eyes and see! How many times have you reincarnation? Witch's night is still in front of you, do you want to continue to escape Go on ?! "

"say no more………"

"You're just running away. You think it's troublesome to persuade others. Anyway, they won't believe you. Madoka won't believe you. Everyone won't believe you. So you give up. Give it to yourself, but do you really think you are a omniscient God? Have you failed so many times, haven't you seen the reality clearly? Why did you fail? Are you really unclear? "

"say no more!!"

This time, Xiao Meiyan finally couldn't bear shouting, and then she desperately broke away from the Founder and disappeared in front of him instantly.


At this moment, Fitt poked his head from the side, and looked at him with anxiety.

"Are you OK?"

"Fet, did you hear me?"


Hearing Founder's inquiry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fett nodded nicely, then she hesitated to speak.

"That ... Teacher, do you say that, would it be too strict for Sister Homura?"

"She needs someone to wake her up, otherwise she would still be indulged in that alone drunkenness."

Founder shook his head, sighed, and looked at Fett.

"To be honest, sometimes I want to let Naiha give her a shot, maybe it will calm the girl down."

"a ha ha ha………"

Hearing here, Fett also had a complicated smile on his face, and for a while I didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, I'm just kidding. By the way, you go and notify everyone and gather after breakfast and say that I have something important to say."

"Okay, teacher."

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