Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1225: Prelude to Witch's Night

In the end, Bami Mei woke up.

But the other two magical girls have no such good luck.

Or --- determination.

Li Fangzheng reminded them, but their performance was also indifferent. It was indifferent beyond their age. They were like old men who knew the world, and intended to spend their last moments peacefully. They calmly rejected the Founder's suggestion. I chose to rest peacefully in that dream.

So Founder was only able to send them through this last journey.

The radiance of the soul gem gradually faded. With the disappearance of the light on the two girls, the soul gem that originally shone in color also became two white glass balls.

"They are gone."

He looked at the girl with her eyes closed and a serene smile, Fang Zheng sighed and whispered. And not far behind him, other magical girls were watching this scene with complex looks. For a time, the whole room was silent.

Everyone is using this method to say goodbye and silence to their companions.

Although they are not magical girls living in the same era, they are almost unknown to each other, but after all, they are both fallen from the horizon. Although they can understand their ideas, but ...

"I don't know which day we will be like this ..."

Suddenly, I wondered which magical girl spoke in a low voice, which made the atmosphere more dignified.

"What next? Teacher?"

Xiaoying uneasily pulled La Fangzheng's sleeve and asked in a low voice, while Fang Zheng often sighed.

"Exit, send funeral, and banquet."

Japan's funeral does not have this custom, but Founder does not plan to use Japanese funeral. The two girls, after all, have become magic girls, and they have helped many people get rid of the curse of the witch. If anything, they can be considered dark heroes struggling in the shadows.

Since she is a hero, of course, Founder will not let them go so obscure. Others do n’t know that their heroic deeds do n’t matter, but since Founder knows it, they must leave their own traces in the world.

The next series of procedures are very smooth, and one side is working, and there is no problem at the crematorium. He also paid for a cemetery for the two girls, cremated it and buried them. Then, the Founder did not go to the hotel like many funerals, but opened the venue directly, and opened a barbecue PARTY not far from the graves of the two girls.

Originally, Naiha and Sakura still complained. After all, Founder's approach seemed to disrespect the deceased. However, to their surprise, the magical girls in this world seemed to like Founder's approach very much. It was a banquet.

老师 "Teacher ... is this really good?"

Sakura Sakura looked at the magical girl happily running around the grave with a drink, and she felt a little unacceptable.

当然 "Of course, this is not good."

When Xun happened to be here, Kyoko ran over to take the kebab. When she heard Sakura's inquiry, she patted her shoulder with a smile.

别 "Don't cry with a face, you should be happy for them."

"feel happy?"

When I heard this answer, Naiha was stunned and had nothing to say for a while, and Kyoko nodded for granted.

"Yeah, how much they suffered before, how many crimes they suffered, and later turned into witches because of despair distortion, but now they can finally sleep. And still leave this world in their best dreams and die There are still a bunch of people celebrating for them later, isn't it great? Boss, I will do the same when I die! "

As Xunzi said, Kyoko lifted the glass in her hand, and even the juice inside was about to spill out.

However, her two little girls who listened were going to be stupid.

"If you haven't died, you can think about it later, give it, your corn!"

"YEAH! Three grams of oil!"

I took the corn, and Kyoko turned around and happily ran into the crowd again.

But Sakura and Naiya stared at the scene in stuns, not knowing what to say at all. Even Fett showed an incredible expression at the moment.

"Well, you don't need to care about these."

Looking at the appearance of several young girls around him, Fang Zheng smiled.

"They are not the same as you. They are considered dead once. It can be said that they have been resurrected from death. It is normal for you to think of death different from yours. You still follow your method and don't be taken into the ditch Now. "

Regarding Founder's appeasement, although the little girls think there is something wrong, after all, they are still young, so they will obey Founder's words and no longer ask.

在 And in the next time, all people have to face is Witch's Night.

No one except Xiao Mei Yan has any experience in dealing with Witch Night. Even many magical girls have not heard of what is called "Witch Night", so all information about Witch Night is provided by Xiaomei Yan.

Xiao Meiyan is obviously quite experienced in how to deal with Witch's Night. After all, it is her reincarnation of the big boss who will fight almost a hundred times, and she will know what tricks she will use.

But after listening to Xiao Meiyan's description, even the magical girl who has been fighting for hundreds of years is still looking grim.

According to Xiaomei Yan's description, Witch's Night appeared to have a wide range when it appeared, and when it appeared, it would show a hurricane state. Unlike other little witches, it can easily enchant the enchantment in half a city. It is also unusually large in size and can indicate almost innumerable trolls.

Compared with those witches that most magical girls deal with daily, this is basically two different things.

As for what harm Witch's Night will cause, Xiaomei Yan also does not know, because in most reincarnation, Madoka defeated Witch's Night, or Xiaomei Yan and Madoka joined forces to defeat Witch's Night. In the later period, it basically became a Madoka contract and defeated Witch Night and then turned into a witch ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In other words, this so-called ultimate BOSS is actually quite sad, and it looks infinitely powerful on the bright side, but No one knows exactly what harm it will cause.

Of course, according to QB, Witch's Night will destroy the entire world.

But now these magical girls are of course "ha ha" for this kind of rhetoric.

QB said that they would not believe even a punctuation mark.

Of course, Witch's Night is their most powerful enemy anyway, and more importantly, according to Xiao Meiyan, only Madoka has defeated her, not even Ba Mami.

At this point, Xiao Meiyan also couldn't explain why. She also told her founder about her doubts. If she used the terms in the game to describe it, it was as if Madoka was born to restrain the Witch's Night, and her flat cuts were straight. Critical. While the rest of them played Witch's Night, they seemed to be playing a boost, and their blood consumption was calculated in single digits.

晓 Anyway, Xiao Meiyan himself can't beat each other, in front of Xiao Meiyan, this BOSS is the same as no blood strip.

无论 But anyway, this battle is a battle that everyone must face.

Also, it is coming.

清楚 After understanding the situation of Witch's Night, all the magic girls began to prepare.

With the passage of time day by day, finally, the day of decisive battle has come.

:. :

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