Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1231: I can finally open the door.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

He returned to his room, and Fang Zheng rolled his head around the bed, rolling around. The little fire dragon and the little milk cat stared at him curiously, not knowing what happened.

However, for Founder, he is dying.

I'm terrible! !!

This time, Founder successfully completed the trial and became a **** ... well, although it is not a complete god, strictly speaking, it is only a quasi-god, but he does have divine power.

And after defeating Witch's Night, as expected, the magical girl world also became a free world. Founder then brought the others back to the Temple of Heaven. He did not bring Sakura and Naiha. After all, they have family and friends in their own world, so Founder just brought Fett, Xiao Mei Yan and Some magical girls in Madoka World are back.

As far as the results go, everything is going well, but there is nothing to care about.

However ...


Qi Fangzheng sighed, then stood up and turned on the system again.

Soon, his information material appeared again in front of him.

【Quasi-god: Founder】

[Dimensional points: 951500]

[Crystal Energy: 9543200]

【Mainland Duration: 21 minutes】

[Equipment Soul Stone: Ritual Serpent]

[Number of activations: 2 (+)]

佩戴 [wearing title: Holy Guardian, King Shiloh, God of Magical Girl]

[Power: B ++ (the mortal is just a ray of dust in front of you)]

[Agile: A + (No one can master your existence at any time, in any space)]

[Physique: A ++ (In the face of time, death is just an unconfirmed, non-verifiable definition)]

[Perception: A + (Nothing in this world can escape your gaze)]

魅力 [Charm: A + (No mortal can resist the majesty and charm of the god)]

固有 [Inherent Skill: Heart of the Swarm (EX), Dimensional Channel (EX), Life and Death Gap (EX)]

装备 [Equipment Skill: Royal Cross Sword Art (EX) Soul Stone (Reward)]

[Skills Expertise: Weapon Specialization]

[Talent ability-perfect body]

[Talent Ability — Ability Predatory (EX)]

[Talent ability-time manipulation (B)]

[Talent Ability ——— Specification of dependents (Time Dragon)]

[God Realm-Quasi-God (Open Trait)]

[Wisdom (LV1): Increase all Wisdom Gods to + 10% of all stats and gain +1 randomly (belief conversion rate 1%)]

胜利 [Victory (LV1): Increase all victory gods to + 10% of all stats and gain +1 randomly (belief conversion rate 1%)]

美丽 [Beautiful (LV1): Increase all beautiful gods to + 10% of all attributes, randomly gain +1 (belief conversion rate 1%)]

【Family of God: 1 person】

After the trial of the God Realm, Founder's system was revised again, and the [God Realm] part appeared. He also studied this system and got some information.

In short, the three traits currently in the Founder's Divine Realm correspond to the traits deep inside the magical girl who was reborn in his Divine Realm. This also means that if they encounter girls with the same characteristics in the future, they will be more likely to get in touch with Founder.

好像 It is as if someone has the "wisdom" character. Then if she encounters any danger, or prays, or prays, she will be heard by Founder, and then Founder can choose to solve her problem or give her strength. After the two sides have established contact, those "magic girls" who have accepted the Founder's power will automatically become Founder's followers.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Founding a contract with these magical girls, Founder also found one thing.

That's my own divine problem.

According to the settings on many networks found by Founder, gods need believers, because believers need to believe in gods, so gods have divine power.

But Founder found himself not like this.

Those magical girls do n’t believe in themselves, and did n’t say they would kneel down to see themselves or pray a few times a day, or pray to themselves every day. What should they still do? The power is weakly supplemented.

Of course, quite weak.

However, there is a speculation on this side, that is, the real deities may not need any specific statue or existence. Instead, they will draw strength from "traits".

好像 It's like these magical girls, as long as they still maintain their heart and maintain their "traits" and beliefs, then Founder can draw the power of faith from these qualities. But conversely, if they lose their heart and their characteristics change, then even if they pray to the Founder's Scriptures all day long, the Founder will not get the slightest strength.

Maybe this is how the goddess of order exists?

After discovering this, Founder immediately thought of the temple. You should know that this is the case in the temple and the country of the religion. Their belief is order, and the goddess of order is respected and worshiped because they are "representatives of order." Similarly, on the other hand, if a person departs from order, then he will lose the blessing and strength of order, just like some bad knight captain ... well, not to mention it.

From one perspective, Founder's responsibilities are broad, but from another perspective, his "working range" is very narrow.

About the detailed explanation of the word [Magic Girl] in [Magic Girl God], Founder has also checked it, and the explanation given by the system is [The existence of a girl form with extraordinary power].

If you follow this standard ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ then, from Founder's men, from the cursed son to the elven, from the Red World to the mental model, almost no one can escape ... wait, that ’s not the reason, That's why this random title is given out randomly!

Thinking of this, Founder is about to cry.

Imagine if he becomes a **** in the future, go and introduce himself.

"I am the goddess of order."

"I am the **** of fire."

"I am the goddess of the magical girl ..."

This whole style of painting is not right. !!

Not only that, but Fang Zheng was also depressed. As a quasi-god, he can now send incarnations to help his followers. However, Founder despaired to find that the avatars provided in the system were actually ...

Red Horsetail!

Although it is said that Red Horsetail is also controlled by Founder in essence, it is as if it is an RPG that can switch between the first person and the third person, but it is the Red Horsetail!

Why is it red horsetail? System you want to play to death, right?


还 What else can Founder say?

He can only say nothing.

Founder now expects only one thing.

I can only be regarded as a **** after all my hard work, the door of the goddess of order to guard against death should be opened to me!

Recommend the new book of the old city god:

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