Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1233: The truth about the goddess of order

I don't know how long after that, the voice in the goddess of order gradually calmed down, while the goddess of order smiled and looked towards the Founder, like a dedicated front desk waiter.

"Okay, let's be more serious ..."

Founder also forced himself to ignore the groaning from time to time and began to talk to the goddess of order in front of him.

"In fact, I have a lot of things to understand."

"I can understand."

The goddess of order seemed very sensible, she nodded slightly.

"So, where do you plan to start? Is it from our existence? Or is it the origin of this world? Or is it all the cause and effect?"

"Uh ... let me introduce myself first."

Founder hesitated for a moment, but chose the first.

"My name is Founder, and I am still considered to be the Paladin of the Temple ..."

"Still a god."

The goddess of order took the Founder's speech quietly.

"I can sense the divine power in you. Although it is very weak, it is indeed the orthodox divine power ...... Well, let me see. This is ... the magical girl god? What is it?"

"This is not a big deal."

Founder decisively interrupted the speech of the goddess of order.

"Let's get back to the topic, you guys ..."

"As we said before, we are the will of the goddess of order. In a way, you can also think that we represent the goddess of order."

"So ... what about the original goddess of order?"


Facing the Founder's inquiry, the goddess of order was silent for a moment, then gave the answer.

"If you refer to the goddess of order in the temple scripture who came to this world and fixed order and ground breaking, she is dead."

In this way, the goddess of order in front of him faintly sent a message that was enough to make the temple quake.

Fang faced this answer with a stun.



The goddess of order nodded.

"The original goddess of order spent so much power in creating and guarding the world that she couldn't do her best in the battle against chaos. Although she did fight back chaos, she was unable to repair the loopholes. I think you have also seen that although this continent is generally calm, the power of chaos is still everywhere. "

"I know that too well, then ... what are you guys?"

Fang Zheng was keenly aware that the goddess of order in front of her was using a very alien third-person tone, as if she was talking about a person who had nothing to do with herself. This is not like the founder's reaction to the goddess of order.

"We are her reincarnation."

"Reincarnation .........?"


The goddess of order nodded again.

"The goddess of order knows that she hasn't lived long enough, so she has digitized her soul and then actively inserted it into the reincarnation system. In this way, she can be resurrected, reincarnated, and in various identities and forms at any time. Walking on this continent. Observe and adjust the battle between order and chaos. Once she dies in this life, then her personality and memory containing this life will be copied and stored in this fusion. Physically. "

"Does this have any meaning ... and how do I look at you a little schizophrenic?"

If it is reincarnation, of course, Founder understands, but what he does not understand is that he is obviously the same person, and how his personality will have such a big deviation.

"Because every time the reincarnation, the body will erase all memories, except for her identity and ability as the goddess of order, everything is blank. Because of this, each generation of the goddess of order will be because of the living environment and encounters There are differences in personality. The one who appeared before was a mercenary before she died, so her words were rude ... Who is rude, the old lady is called Zhishuang, unlike your fake grandma. Miss, on the surface, there is a man with a belly and a man stealing a belly. Whoever smashed me with a vase just now, stand up to my old lady ... ... see if I don't treat you ...... wow ...! "

"It's boring."

At this moment, the appearance of the goddess of order in front of Fang changed again. If she was just like an elegant young lady just now, this goddess of order looked full of magician's peculiar reason and her complexion changed. She was cold and indifferent, and she did not know when a pair of gold-rimmed glasses appeared on her face. I saw that she just reached out her hand, pushed and pushed the glasses, and then looked at the Founder.

"To make a long story short, the goddess of order in each life will walk about a hundred years in the world. After death, a copy of it will be included in our data ... ... can you understand me?"

"Of course, I can understand."

"Just understand."

This goddess of order looked more like a lonely scientist. Upon hearing Founder's answer, she just nodded, and then continued.

"You can find here, then it means that the world has mastered the strength of civilization into the stars, then ..."

"Uh ...... excuse me."

Watching the goddess of order continue to say that Founder could not help raising his hands, and heard the voice of Founder, the goddess of order frowned slightly, looking towards Founder.

"what happened?"

"In fact, the civilization of this world has not yet emerged from the atmosphere. The reason why I can open here is because I have my own fleet. But this is not the civilization power of this world, but another world. Said that the civilization of this world is only at the level of flying in the atmosphere. "

"I see, but it doesn't matter. Now that you find it, it's the same to tell you."

For this answer, the goddess of order does not seem to care.

"Maybe you have noticed that this world is not normal. In fact, we are currently in a strange latitude space. This planet is hidden by the earliest goddess of order ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is nothing outside, no sun, no moon, no asteroid belt, some just endless darkness. "

"......... why did she do this?"

"It's simple."

Facing the Founder's inquiry, the goddess of order gave the answer lightly.

"Because the outside world has been destroyed."


Although Founder had a similar conjecture, when he heard the goddess of order directly telling him the answer, he frowned involuntarily.

"Destroyed? What do you mean? Do you mean any terrible monster is sweeping all living creatures in the universe?"

Hearing here, the first thing that Founder thought of was the reaper in the mass world, but the goddess of order shook her head.

"This is just one aspect. Mutated monsters are not difficult to deal with, but now, the entire world outside has become a chaos."

Having said that, the goddess of order paused.

"In this world, you should see the earth eroded by chaos. In fact, it is just the tip of the iceberg that leaks chaos. The sanctuary is not always safe. The longer the time passes, the more effective it will be. The worse it will be. Moreover, the human beings in this world are a stupid and short-sighted race. They have abandoned what they once guarded for power and worthless reputation, and now everything is a foregone conclusion. "


"Do you have any other questions?"

This goddess of order looks neither warm nor hospitable, and her attitude is very bad, but Founder naturally does not care about it. He stared at the goddess of order and asked another question in his heart.

"Why did I come to this world? This system-what exactly is a dimensional code?"

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