Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1240: Underground Area (III) New January Monthly Pass

"I really don't know anything, sir ..."

The grey dwarf was still innocent and immaculate, but Founder just glanced at him slightly.

"You have to think clearly. You are still one hour and fifteen minutes. If you haven't answered my question by then, you don't need to answer any more questions."


The grey dwarf bowed his head sweating again, for a while, not knowing what to say. Of course, he understood the meaning of Founder. It only takes one hour and fifteen minutes to reach the city of the dark elves from here. This means that if he does not meet the young man's requirements when he reaches the city of the dark elf I'm dead!

"I, I really don't know what's going on with the Dark Elves, sir."

The grey dwarf swallowed a spit and whispered.

"I only know what important actions the Dark Elves have recently taken, and they generally do not allow others to enter the city easily. Even our businessmen have spent a lot of time entering the city."

"What important actions have they taken?"

"How do I know that, sir."

Having said that, the grey dwarf can be regarded as letting go.

"Since it's all here, then I'll confess to you. As you can see, I'm just a regular vendor. I did make some deals with the dark elves, but I can deal with those dark Skinny has no curiosity. The secrets of the dark elves are deadly poisons. If I really knew what their secrets were, how could they go back alive! "

"Then I'll ask you another question. Did you see the surface elves in that city?"


Hearing here, the grey dwarf frowned again, but this time the Founder didn't say anything, but flung his hand and saw a brilliant gem on the grey dwarf's head the next moment. And after taking this beautiful gem, the grey dwarf stared in surprise, staring carefully, and then rubbed it vigorously-then he smiled suddenly.

"This, I think about it ...... Yes, yes, yes, in fact, we have seen a lot of elves, they have been arrested and brought to the residence of the first family, and we are also curious What do black skinny men do. But ... we dare not ask about these, after all, this is all about the dark elves. There are rumors that the first family will collect these elves for rituals ... I really only know these ! "


When the grey dwarf answered, Founder shrugged.

"Then it's all you need to know."

As he said, Founder took out a bag and threw it.

"This is for you, you can leave now."

"Really, really?"

Hearing the Founder's words, the gray dwarf suddenly became excited.

"Of course, you can take away a beast, and I'll buy the rest."

Founder said that as a paladin, he could not take the people one stitch and one thread, and even if he wanted to, he would have to give money!

"Okay, sir, no problem, I'll go now, this will go !!!"

At this moment the grey dwarf had no concern about his loss, and the gem just given by the founder was enough to make up for these losses. Although the beast is relatively difficult to obtain, as long as he can successfully return to Graystone, he can obtain a higher status by relying on this large amount of money. At that time, he will not need to be in the dark area like now. Here is risky!

Although instinctively told the gray dwarf, if he chooses to continue here, maybe he can get more generous returns. But for the inhabitants of the dark areas, wealth is never a problem. The important thing is that you have to take it and spend it!

He doesn't know who these strange surface adventurers are, but to be sure, these people are definitely not ordinary tourists!

Thinking of this, the grey dwarf also hurriedly and respectfully made a salute to Fang Zheng, and then strove to jump on the shortest leg and jumped to the last beast, and then turned around and left. It looked as if they were afraid to be stopped by them, so that the girls had not yet responded, and the grey dwarf disappeared into the tunnel far away, riding the beast.

"He's gone now?"

Looking at the gray dwarf who turned around and ran, the girls did not respond for a while. After a while, Walnut scratched his head and asked in doubt.

"The courage of the inhabitants of the ground is not so big. We made it clear that we were going to make trouble, and of course he would not follow it."

As he said, Founder took out the Obituary, and began to investigate the situation of the dark elves. The guardian of order, because of the divine power barrier of the goddess of order, so he could not use the omniscient angel to investigate. The elven side should ...


"What's wrong? Brother Founder?"

Looking at Fang Zheng's sullen look, Walnut looked at him curiously.

"It's nothing, I just think ...... it doesn't look good from either side."

Founder combined the obituary in his hand, and could not help but sigh.

The reason why Founder yelled was because just now, when he used the Obituary to investigate the situation of the Dark Elves, he found a problem.

That's the main messenger behind The Obituary.

With the power of the obituary, the information that cannot be captured by it is only the gods. There is only one **** behind the dark elves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

That **** female spider? What is she trying to do?

Staring at the incomplete information in the obituary banner in his hand, Founder frowned.

He remembered it right. The goddess of order had previously told him that the existence of all **** levels in the world, or gods worshipped by various races, such as the **** of dwarves, the **** of elves, and the devil in hell, etc., in fact All the local races on the planets brought by the goddess of order to escape from the waves of chaos.

And these deities are actually the power of these races to transcend ordinaryness and reach the level of "Guide".

Not only that, the goddess of order also tried to use the seal of order on these gods, but all failed without exception. That's why she pinned her last hope on this world, the human being who lives with chaos.

Although the goddess of order did not say too clearly at that time, Founder could be sure that other people about the truth about the goddess of order, let alone, the "god" of each race must know the inside story.

That being the case, why would the dark elves destroy the guardian of the goddess of order?

The dark elves are not a chaotic race. According to the records Fang Zhengbai has seen, although the society of dark elves is extremely evil in accordance with human civilization values, it is also an out-of-order civilization. Why would you want to be right? The guardian of the goddess of order?

But anyway, since things involve the gods, it is not so easy to solve.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng could not help frowning.

It seems that this time I have to choose a better solution to solve this problem.

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